BA Thesis


Year3. year
SemesterSpring 2024
Level of courseN/A
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
Guðmundur Sigurðsson
Kristína Benedikz
A specific B.A. thesis can replace two elective courses. The thesis shall be 15 ECTS credits and fulfil the following conditions: •Discuss legal problems or problems relating to legal issues as well as issues in other academic branches that are considered worth discussing at the time when the thesis is written. •Involve the academic use of primary sources and derived sources as applicable in relation to the subject of the thesis. •Comply with the goals that the student has set for himself/herself before commencing the work and approved by the supervisor. The objectives shall be clear in the introduction to the thesis. •The handling of the subject shall be in such a manner that it is clear that at least 300 hours have been spent working on the thesis. •The length of the thesis shall be between 12.500-18.500 words. The supervisor evaluates the thesis written by the student along with a moderator appointed by the Dean. If there is more than one supervisor they evaluate the thesis jointly along with the moderator. A grade shall be given for the thesis in the same manner as for courses at the School of Law.
Learning outcome - Objectives
No objectives found.
Course assessment
No assessment found.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
No activities found.
Language of instructionIcelandic