
Kristján Kristjánsson, forstöðumaður rannsóknarþjónustu

Deild:Skrifstofa rektors / Rannsóknarþjónusta 
Aðsetur:Venus 3. hæð 
Sími:5996372   GSM: 8256372 

Sækja ferilskrá Kristjáns Kristjánssonar

Kennsluferill í HR

2023-1X-932-GGPCHow to write a good grant proposal to a competitive research fund
2022-3X-931-ETCREthical Conduct in Research
2021-1X-931-ETCREthical Conduct in Research
2021-1X-932-GGPCHow to write a good grant proposal to a competitive research fund
2020-2X-932-GGPCHow to write a good grant proposal to a competitive research fund
2019-3X-931-ETCREthical Conduct in Research
2019-3X-930-ILHEIntroduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
2019-1X-920-ITCPInstruction and training course for PhD students at RU