
Ásrún Matthíasdóttir, Assistant Professor

School:School of Social Sciences / Department of Sport Science 


2001 Started PhD study at University of Iceland
1997-1999 MA degree in Distance and Open Education at the Open University UK
1996-97 Part time study in mathematic for teachers at the University of Iceland
1995-96 Part time study in mathematic for teachers at the University of Iceland
1994-96 School Counselling degree at the University of Iceland
1985-87 B.S. in Computer Science at the University of Iceland
1980-84 Literature study at the University of Iceland
1983 Teachers certificate at the University of Iceland
1976-77 Mathematics at Stockholm University
1976 High School degree fro Kopavogur Grammar School


2001 - Assistant professor in Department of Computer Science and Project Manager of Distance Learning at Reykjavík University,
2001 - 2003 Project Manager of Teachers retraining Program for Continuing Education at University of Iceland
2001 - 2005 Member of School Board at Flensborg College
2000 - Consultant for Ministry of Education in Iceland
2000 - 2001 Distance teacher at Reykjavík University
2000 - 2003 Project Manager of Teachers Retraining Program called Distributed Learning for Continuing Education at University of Iceland and Ministry of Education
2000 - 2002 Designing the UT-school web for Ministry of Education
2000  Part-time teacher at Icelandic Technology School
1999 - 2000 Curriclum work at Námsgagnastofnun
1999 - 2000 Reswarch project in European Schoolnet with Kennaraháskóla Íslands
1996 - 2001 Computer administration and teacher in math and computer science at Menntaskólann í Kópavogi 
1995 - 2000 Administrating courses for teachers for Endurmenntunar Háskóla Íslands og Flatar, samtaka stærðfræðikennara.
1990 - 95  Teaching computer courses in Kvöldskóla Kópavogs.
1990 - 96  Teaching math and computer scienc at Fjölbrautaskóli Garðabæjar.
1988 - 90  Headmaster at Einars J. Skúlasonar hf Computer School
1992  Teaching courses for teachers and adminstrators in Reykjavík secondary schools

1978 - 86  Teaching math and computer science at Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð
1977 - 78  Teaching at Grunnskóla Raufarhafnar.

RU teaching record

2024-3E-717-KENNTeachers Training I
2024-3E-713-NTHRLearning and development, theory, research and methods
2024-3E-836-NAGELearning Material I
2024-3E-705-RANNResearch in Sport Science
2024-3T-316-UPPLThe Information and Technology Society
2024-1E-718-KENNTeachers Training II
2024-1E-827-LAUSProblem Solving and Social Interaction
2024-1E-699-THESBSc Thesis
2024-1E-899-THESMasters Thesis
2024-1E-837-NAGELearning Material II
2024-1T-418-UPSSInformation and Communic. Technology
2023-3E-717-KENNTeachers Training I
2023-3E-716-TEACTeachers Training I
2023-3E-899-THESMasters Thesis
2023-3E-713-NTHRLearning and development, theory, research and methods
2023-3E-836-NAGELearning Material I
2023-3E-705-RANNResearch in Sport Science
2023-3T-316-UPPLThe Information and Technology Society
2023-1E-718-KENNTeachers Training II
2023-1E-827-LAUSProblem Solving and Social Interaction
2023-1E-899-THESMasters Thesis
2023-1E-837-NAGELearning Material II
2023-1T-418-UPSSInformation and Communic. Technology
2022-3E-717-KENNTeachers Training I
2022-3E-899-THESMasters Thesis
2022-3E-713-NTHRLearning and development, theory, research and methods
2022-3E-836-NAGELearning Material I
2022-3E-705-RANNResearch in Sport Science
2022-3T-316-UPPLThe Information and Technology Society
2022-2E-899-THESMasters Thesis
2022-1E-718-KENNTeachers Training II
2022-1E-827-LAUSProblem Solving and Social Interaction
2022-1E-899-THESMasters Thesis
2022-1E-837-NAGELearning Material II
2022-1T-418-UPSSInformation and Communic. Technology

Teaching outside RU

Teaching mathematics and computer science for 17 years in upper secondary schools in Iceland .
Teaching on number of courses for teachers e.g. distributed learning in 19 upper secondary schools.
Teaching computer science in evening classes in Kvöldskóla Kópavogs for number of years.

Headmaster for two years in a private computer school, EJS.

One year of teaching in elementary school.


Since 2005
ICT in upper secondary school
Distance education in Iceland and ICT in Icelandic school system 
Learning Management System in University Environment
What students find difficult in learning programming 
How to Teach Programming Languages to Novice Students? Lecturing or not?
Usefulness of Learning Objects in Computer Science Learning. The Codewitz project
Partner for Reykjavik University in the European project: European Network for Quality Assurance in VET ( Leonardo project
Partner for Reykjavik University in the European project: Healthy together, Leonardo project.
Partner for Reykjavik University in the European project Socrates: Doctoral Education in Computing (DEC). NT Erasmus project
Partner for Reykjavik University in the European project: Healthy together, Leonardo project.
Partner for Reykjavik University in the European project: Codewitz, international project for better programming skills, Minerva project.
Partner for Reykjavik University in the European project Socrates: Doctoral Education in Computing (DEC). NT Erasmus project
Partner for Reykjavik University in the European project: SLIDE, eLearning et Développement: Initiatives Locales Solides
Partner for Reykjavik University in the European project: European Network for Quality Assurance in VET ( Leonardo project
Tutoring for Reykjavik University in the European project Gagnsemi Hamfarakerfa sem strykt var af Nýsköpunarjóð námsmanna, námsmaður Ólafur Hrafnsson
Tutoring with Málfríði Þórarinsdóttur the project: Hvernig vegnar iðnlærðum með frumgreinapróf í námi í tækni- og verkfræði við Háskólann í Reykjavík? Námsmaður Þórdís Ása Þórisdóttir.
Mentor in the project; Can blind people use blog? Student Sigrún Þöll Þorsteinsdóttir, funded by the The Icelandic Student Innovation Fund.
Mentor in the project: Students attitude towards books and e-material in their study. Student Þóra Halldórsdóttir, funded by the The Icelandic Student Innovation Fund.
Mentor in the project: Childrens usability test. Student Óskar Vatnsdal Guðjónsson,funded by the The Icelandic Student Innovation Fund.
Partner for Reykjavik University in the European project; ESTIA-NET Opening up Electrical Engineering, Computer Technologies and Applied Sciences to Successful Women Careers SOCRATES ERASMUS 3 THEMATIC NETWORK.
Partner for Reykjavik University in the European project: European Computing Education and Training (ECET). Leonardo project.
Mentor in a research: Rannsókn á notagildi og skilvirkni gagnvirks hugbúnaðar til fjarvinnu funded by Nýsköpunarsjóði námsmanna. Report María Arinbjarnar and Anna M: Sigurðardóttir
Úttekt á fjarkennslu við Fjölbrautaskólann við Ármúla 2001-2003: Ministry of education in Iceland
Úttekt á fjarkennslu við Verkmenntaskólann á Akureyri 2001-2003: Ministry of education in Iceland
Grant from Rannís – The Icelandic Centre for Research Áhrif fjarnám og dreifnáms á námsvenjur nemenda
Partner for Reykjavik University in NámUST, a research project, grant form Rannís – The Icelandic Centre for Research, see 
Reserch Viðhorf nemenda til hópvinnu í stærðfræðikennslu á háskólastigi..
Mentor with Mörtu Kristínu Lárusdóttur lektor HR, in the project Úttekt á íslenskum vefsíðum, student Ragnheiður Ýr Grétarsdóttir. Funded by Nýsköpunarsjóði námsmanna
Partner for Reykjavik University in the European project: European Computing Education and Training (ECET). Leonardo project.
Partner for Icleandic Unicersity of Education in the project Learning space - Cross boundary European Scenarios on Learning.
Report Úttekt á fjarkennslu við Kennaraháskóla Íslands (KHÍ) í samvinnu við Rannsóknarstofnun KHÍ.
Grants form Rannís – The Icelandic Centre for Research viðhorfskönnunum fyrir fjarnámsnemendur.
Partner for MK collage in two development project, Distributed learning, funded by Ministry of education in Iceland.
Grants form Rannís – The Icelandic Centre for Research viðhorfskönnunum fyrir fjarnámsnemendur.
Before 2000
MA thesis; The Division of Early Childhood Education in the Icelandic University of Education, The Attitudes of Students and Teachers in Distance Education.
Grants form Rannís – The Icelandic Centre for Research, nr, 90H025 og 91H068.: Tölvukvíði, viðhorf til tölva og námsárangur í tölvufræði.
Partner for MK collage in two development project funded by Ministry of education in Icleand.
Recearch: Könnun á viðhorfum nemenda í MK til stærðfræði. Vorönn 1997.
Final project in School counselling program at University of Iceland, Könnun á viðhorfum nemenda til tölva, tölvunáms og áhugasviða er tengjast starfsvali.
Paper: Tölvukennslu í framhaldsskólum published in Nýjum Menntamálum haustið 1995. Co-authors Stefáni Árnasyni og Björgu Birgisdóttur, funded by HÍK.
Research: Tölvukvíði og viðhorf til tölva. Íslensk þýðing og prófun á þremur sálfræðikvörðum with Jóni F. Sigurðssyni sálfræðingi, published in Sálfræðiritinu, Tímariti Sálfræðingafélags Íslands, 1995.
Chapter about databases in the book Tölvuheimurinn

Honours and grants

A number of grants from the The Student Innovation Fund for projects at Reykjavik University.
pilot project grant form Rannís for the project Influence of distance education and distributed education on students study habits
Grant  for curriculum in computer science in upper secondary schools form Minister of Education
Grant for curriculum in mathematic form Minister of Education
Grant from Rannis to design a attitude scale for distance students
Grants from Vísindasjóðs, no , 90H025 and 91H068 for the project: Computer anxiety, attitude to computers and educational performance in computer science.

Subject field

e-learning, distance learning, distributed learning, blended learning.

Business relations

Board of the The Icelandic Society for Information Processing (ISIP) 2007
Chairman of ICT-wimmen in Iceland from 2005
Mentor in a development project in Menntaskólann í Kópavogi (upper secondary school), 2005-2006, Distibuted educationl?
Counseling work for the minestry of education from 2000
School board Flensborgarskóla (upper secondary school) for 4 years



Matthiasdottir, A. and Audunsson, H. (2022). Gender differences in attitudes towards engineering studies and in graduates. Proceedings of the 18th International CDIO Conference, Reykjavik University, Iceland, June 13-15.

Matthiasdottir, A. and Audunsson, H. (2022). Student’s journey in the light of gender differences in engineering. Presentation at the Fourth Conference of Nordic Network for Diversity in Physics, Reykjavik, Iceland

Matthiasdottir, A. (2022). EuroScitizen. Tölvumál, online at 


Matthiasdottir, A. (2022). Hver og hver vill og verður. Tölvumál, online at


Kristjánsdóttir, H., Matthíasdóttir, H. and Saavedra, J. M. (2021). Orientation and motivational climate in elite handball players: Multivariate modelling of Performance. Nordic Psychology.

Loftsson, H. and Matthíasdóttir, A. (2021). Moving Classes in a Large Programming Course Online: An Experience Report. 2nd International Computer Programming Education Conference – ICPEC’2021, 27th – 28th of May 2021, organized by Department of Informatics, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal online.

Fridgeirsson, T. V., Audunsson, H. and Matthiasdottir, A. (2021). Using the CDIO approach to write Reference Models for improved training of decision skills in engineering education. Accepted for the 17th CDIO International Conference, 21th – 23th June, organized by Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand online.


Matthíasdóttir, A., Arnar Gíslason, A., Guðmundsson, S., Hildardóttir, S., Pétursdóttir, M. S. and Jónsdóttir, Á. Á. Innflytjendur í háskólum á Íslandi.

(Immigrants in universities in Iceland). Presentation and abstract at Menntakvika 1-2. October 2020, University of Iceland

Matthíasdóttir, A, and Loftsson, H. (2020). Vendikennsla í tölvunarfræði (Flipped learning in compute science education). Tölvumál, 45/1, November 2020

Matthíasdóttir, A, and Loftsson, H. (2020). Improving the implementation of a first-semester programming course. Proceedings of the 16th International CDIO Conference, Chalmers Sweden, online, June, 2020

Audunsson, H., Matthíasdóttir, A.and  Fridgeirsson, T, V.(2020). Student’s journey and personal development in an engineering program. Proceedings of the 16th International CDIO Conference, Chalmers Sweden, June, 2020

Matthíasdóttir, A. (2020). Heilsa og tækni. Tölvumál online

Matthíasdóttir, A. (2020). Eftir COVID 19. Tölvumál online


Matthíasdóttir, A, and Loftsson, H. (2019). Flipped Learning in a Programming Course: Students’ Attitudes. Proceedings of the 15th International CDIO Conference, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, June 25 – 27, 2019.

Loftsson, H. and Matthíasdóttir, Á. (2019). Using Flipped Classroom and Team-Based Learning in a First-Semester Programming Course: An Experience Report. Proceedings of TALE 2019, Yogyakarta – Indonesia, 10-13 December


Matthiasdottir, A. (2018). Tölvunarfræði og staðalímyndir [Computer sience and steriotypes] (presentation). Presentation at UT-messan 2018, 2th February.

Matthiasdottir, A. (2018). Stelpur og tölvunarfærði í framhaldsskólum [Girls and computer science in upper secondary schools]. Workshop in Forrituarkeppnin 2018.

Matthiasdottir, A. (2018). Gender differences in engineering students´ choice of studies. Proceedings at 14th International CDIO Conference, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Kanazawa in Japan, June 28-02 July 2018.

Matthíasdóttir, Á., Gíslason, A., Guðmundsson, S. and Jónsdóttir, Á (2018). Uppruni, kyn og val á námsgrein í háskóla. Poster at Menntakvika, 12. October 2018


Schrey-Niemenmaa, K, Clark, R, Matthiasdottir, A, Georgsson, F, Kontion, J, Bennedsen, J. Rouvrais, S and Hemon, P. (2017). The Power of Self-Evaluation Based Cross-Sparring in Developing the Quality of Engineering Programmes. Michael E. and Kwang-Sun (Eds.) Engineering Education for a Smart Society. Springer.
Matthiasdottir, A. and Saemundsdottir, I. (2017). ICT is here to stay; how do teachers utilize it? Proceedings of the 13th International CDIO Conference, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, June 18-22, 2017
Matthíasdóttir, Á. Tökumst á við staðalímyndir [Addressing stereotypes]. Tölvumál, 1. tbl. 42. Árg
Matthíasdóttir, Á. Komin kreik [On the road again]. Tölvumál online, paper at www.
Matthíasdóttir, Á.  Ógnir dagsins í dag og lausnir til framtíðar. [Today´s threats and solutions for the future]. Tölvumál online, paper at www.

Matthíasdóttir, Á. and  Arnalds, H. (2016). e-assessment – students’ point of view. Proceedings of the CompSysTech ´16, Palermo.
Matthíasdóttir, Á, Sæmundsdóttir, I., Auðunsson, H. and Grímsdótti, H.(2016) Focusing on Creativity: Faculty Motivation in Teaching Brain-storming and
Creativity in an Introductory Course. Proceedings of 12th International CDIO Conference - Turku - Finland

Matthíasdóttir, Á. (2015). After they turn on the screen: Use of information and communication technology in an upper secondary school in Iceland. PhD thesis at University of Iceland. Supervisors Jónasson J. T. and Jakobsdóttir, S.

Auðunsson, H., Sæmundsdóttir , I. and Matthiasdóttir, Á. (2015). Introduction to Engineering as a two-phase course. Proceeding of the 11th international CDIO conference, on Engineering Leadership in Innovation and Design- Chengdu, China.

Kontio, J., Heikkinen, K., Georgsson, F., Bennedsen, J., Clark, R., Matthíasdóttir, Á., Hermon, P., Rouvrais, S. And Karhu, M. (2015). QA and Enhancement Marketplace for HEIs – an ERASMUS+ Project .11th international CDIO conference, on Engineering Leadership in Innovation and Design- Chengdu, China.

Clark, R., Bennedsen, J., Rouvrais, S., Kontio,  J, Heikkenen, K., Georgsson, F. Matthiasdottir, A, Saemundsdottir, I.,  Karhu, M., Schrey-Niemenmaa, S. and Hermon, P. (2015).  Developing a robust Self Evaluation Framework for Active Learning: The First Stage of an ERASMUS+ Project (QAEMarketPlace4HEI). Proceedings of the 43rd Annual SEFI Conference, June 29 - July 2, 2015, Orléans, France.

Matthíasdóttir, Á. and  Arnalds, H. (20015). Rethinking teaching and assessing in a programming course a case study. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies CompSysTech ´15, Tenerife.

Matthíasdóttir, Á. and Falgren, K. H. (2015). Hvað þarf til að auka áhuga kvenna á tölvunarfræði?, Tölvumál online,

Matthíasdóttir, Á. (2015). Evrópuverkefni tengd kennslu í tölvunarfræði. Tölvumál, 1, 40.

Conference paper: Experience of interviewing stakholders. 10th international CDIO conference, on Engineering Leadership in Innovation and Design- MIT USA. With Ingunn Sæmundsdóttir, Páll Jensson, Haraldur Auðunsson,Jónas Þór Snæbjörnsson, Þórður Víkingur Friðgeirsson.
Conference paper: Online students in 2014. International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’14. Bulgaria.
Paper: Samskitpi, hvað með þau? (What about communication?). Online paper at www.
Paper: Konur og tölvunarfræði (Women and computer science). Online paper at www. with Kristine Helen Falgren.


Paper. The effect of Adolescents´ Sport Club participation on Self-reported Mental, and Physical Conditions and Future Expectations. Journal of Sports Sciences. Co-authors Gilsadottir, Þ.L. and Kristjánsdóttir, H.

Presentation. Við verðum að tala saman. At a confrerence:  Ráðstefna um rannsóknir í líf- og heilbrigðisvísindum. 3. og 4. janúar 2013, with Arnheiður Sigurðardóttir

Paper: Facing Disaster - Learning by doing at Reykjavik University. Proceedings at the 8th International CDIO 2012 Conference, Brisbane, Autralia. Co-authors Sæmundsdóttir, I., Auðunsson, H. and Sævarsdóttir, G. 
Paper: Hvernig vekjum við áhuga? Tölvumál á vefnum
Poster: Breastfeeding– International Breastfeeding and Lactation Syposiom. April 20th - 21st, 2012 in Vienna. Arnheiður Sigurðardóttir og Ásrún Mattíasdóttir


Paper: The Novice Problem in Computer Science.  Co-author Hrafn J. Geirsson. International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’11. ACM database.
Paper: Vandi nýnema í forritun. Tölvumál, netútgáfa.
Paper: Fjarnám í háskólum. HR-blaðið

Paper: Starfsánægja og starfsumhverfi framhaldsskólakennara. Co-authors Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir and Jón Friðrik Sigurðsson. Netla, online journal.
Paper: Do we still need to train them for distance teaching? Distance teachers Attitude. In ACM database. Proceeding of the international conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’10 in Bulgaria.
Paper: How to teach a first year math course? Is group work the solution? Proceedings of ICIE’10, Tallinn, Estonia.
Poster: Hvað segja kennarar? Reynsla og viðhorf framhaldsskólakennarar til notkunar upplýsinga- og samskiptatækni (UST) í skólastarfi. Menntakvika Menntavísindasviðs HÍ 22. okt 2010. 

Paper. You must be independent and have self-confidence. Attitudes of Distance Learners. Proceeding of the international conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’09 in Bulgaria. In ACM database.
Paper: Learning Spanish through blogging. Application of ICT to language learning and teaching at Reykjavík. Proceeding of the international conference ICT for Language Learning, 2nd Edition. Florence (IT). Co-author Pilar Concheiro.
Papper. Fjarnám á háskólastigi. Tölvumál, 1. tbl. 34. árg
Paper. Distance education in Iceland: A glimpse into the future. Lifelong Learning in Europe (LLinE), 4, Invited paper.
Paper. Kennslukerfi er málið. Tölvumál, 2. tbl. 33. árg.
Paper. Upplýsingatækni í skólakerfinu. Tölvumál, 1. tbl. 33. ár
Twenty reports. Evaluation of self-evaluation methods in upper secondary schools in Iceland. Twenty reports for the Ministry of Education. Co-authors Þröstur Olaf Sigurjónsson and Unnar Hermannsson.
Paper: Books vs. e-material. What is the deal? Proceeding of the international conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’07  in Bulgaria. Co-author Þóra halldórsdóttir. In ACM database.
Paper: Styðjum við ungt afreksíþróttafólk í framhaldsskólum. Netla, online Journal. Co-author Snjólaug Elín Bjarnadóttir.
Paper: Hvernig á að kenna forritun? Tölvumál, 2. tbl. 32. árg. .
Report: Evaluation of Fjölbrautaskóla Snæfells, upper secondary school. Co-author Trausti Þorsteinsson.

Report: Evaluation of the Icelandic School for Customs Service.
Report: Hvernig vegnar iðnlærðum með frumgreinapróf í námi í tækni- og verkfræði við Háskólann í Reykjavík? Co-authors Guðbjörg Daníelsdóttir, Málfríður Þórarinsdóttir and Þórdís Ása Þórisdóttir.
Ten reports. Evaluation of self-evaluation methods in upper secondary schools in Iceland. Ten reports for the Ministry of Education. Co-authors Þröstur Olaf Sigurjónsson and Unnar Hermannsson.
Paper; Online data collection in academic research: advantages and limitations. British Journal of Education Technology. Co-author Michael Dal and Samuel Lefever.
Paper: Usefulness of Learning Objects in Computer Science Learning. The Codewitz project. Proceedings of the international conference Methods, Material and Tools for Programming Education, Tampere Finland.
Poster: Forget about Lecturing. At the international conference Methods, Material and Tools for Programming Education, Tampere Finland.
Poster: Notkun upplýsinga- og samskiptatækni í námi og kennslu í framhaldsskólum. 4. mars 2005 á UT2005 - ráðstefnu menntamálaráðuneytisins um skóla á ferð til framtíðar á Hótel Sögu. Co-author Michaeal Dal og Samuel C. Lefever

Report: Upplýsinga - og samskiptatækni í framhaldsskólum árið 2002.  (ICT in Icelandi upper secondary schools) Reykjavík: Rannsóknarstofnun Kennaraháskóla Íslands. Co-author Michael Dal og Samuel Lefever 
Paper: Team Work in a Project Work Courses in Computer Science Education. Proceedings of the 6th Annual LTSN-ICS Conference
Paper: Distance education in computer science. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (e-learning). Co-author Kári Harðarson.
Paper in ACM database: Learning objects in a multimedia interactive environment: the codewitz project.
Paper in ACM database: How do teachers use information and communication technology in Icelandic high schools in 2002? Co-authors Michael Dal og Samuel Lefever.  

Paper: Distributed learning in the Nordic Countries and Canada.  Eropean Journal of Open and Distance Learning (EURODL) web, co-author Arnór Gudmundsson
Paper: Konur í Tölvunarfræði. (Wimen in Computer Science) in Tímariti um menntarannsóknir útg. Félga um menntarannsóknir, FUM, co-authors Hrafn Loftsson og Kolbrún Fanngeirsdóttir. Verkefni styrk af Nýsköpunarsjóði námsmanna.
Paper: Notkun upplýsinga- og samskiptatækni í framhaldsskólum á Íslandi. (Use of ICT in Icelandi upper secondary schools) in Tímariti um menntarannsóknir útg. Félga um menntarannsóknir, FUM, co-authors Michael Dal og Samuel C. Lefever
Paper: Upplýsinga- og samskiptatækni í þremur háskólum. (ICT in three Universities in Iceland) in Tímariti um menntarannsóknir útg. Félga um menntarannsóknir, FUM, co-author Annu Ólafsdóttir
Paper: Learning objects in a multimedia interactive environment. The Codewitz project. in proccedings International Conference on Computer Systems and technologies (e-learning).
Papber: WHAT STUDENTS FIND DIFFICULT IN LEARNING PROGRAMMING . in proccedings of the 5th Annual LTSN-ICS Conference.
Report: Könnun á notkun háskólanemenda á upplýsinga- og samskiptatækni í þremur háskólum á Íslandi haustið 2002, co-author Anna Ólafsdóttir. Rannsóknarþjónustu KHÍ í tengslum við námUST verkefnið.
Report: Könnun á notkun háskólakennara á upplýsinga- og samskiptatækni í þremur háskólum á Íslandi haustið 2002, co-author Anna Ólafsdóttir. Rannsóknarþjónustu KHÍ í tengslum við námUST verkefnið.
Report: Need analysis. Codewitz project for Better Programming Skills. Written with the partners in the Codewitz project
Paper: Learning Management System in a university environment, in the Proccedings of E-Learning Conference by the Flemish Academic Center for Science and the Arts, Belgium, meðhöfundur Steinn Jóhannsson

2000 - 2003
Article and presentation: How do students use information and communication technology in Icelandic high schools 2002? in Proccedings of the I4th Annual Conference of the Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN) in Ireland, co-author Michael Dal and Samuel C. Lefever.
Article and presentation: How do teachers use information and communication technology in Icelandic high schools 2002? in Proccedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (e-learning) in Bulgaria, co-author Michael Dal and Samuel C. Lefever.
Evaluation of distance education in Fjölbrautaskólann við Ármúla 2001-2003: for the Ministry of Education 
Evaluation of distance education in Verkmenntaskólann á Akureyri 2001-2003: for the Ministry of Education tp://   
Two presentation at Tampere Polytechnic in
Two presentation at UT-2003 in Akureyri
Article on the web on distributed education
Evaluation of Icelandic Webs with Marta Lárusdóttir and Ragnheiður Ýr Grétarsdóttir 
Report on Evaluation of distance education at the University of Education in , with Auður Kristinsdóttir and M. Allyson Macdonald
Web on Information Technology in Schools UTN 103, with Lára Stefánsdóttir  
Web with the book Tölfræði með tölvum (Statistic with Computers)  
Wrote on the informtion technology web UT-skólavefinn about distribute education and use of information technology in the school system  
Book published Tölfræði með tölvum, (Statistic with Computers), Mál og menning, with Stefán Árnason and Sveinn Ingi Sveinsson
Report on research on the European School Net  
Before 2000
MA; The Division of Early Childhood Education in the Icelandic University of Education, The Attitudes of Students and Teachers in Distance Education.
Research and article about Students Attitude to Computers, Computer Study and Carrier.
Research and article on Computers in Collage.
Research and article Computer anxiety and attitude, translation and testing with Dr. Jóni F. Sigurðssyni.
Published book: Windows Workbook, Námsgagnastofnun.
Article on Computers in Math Teaching, with Kristine Bjarnadóttur in sience journal.
Article about Database in the book Computer World, 1991.
Published book for children Hvaðan ert þú eiginlega?, Ísafold.
Published book for children Vera, Mál og menningu.

Other websites


EU and Nordic projects

  1.   KA ERASMUS+ Programme.  2014-1-IS01-KA203-000172. Quality Assurance and Enhancement Marketplace for Higher Education Institutions (QAEMP). EUR 213.359. Ásrún Matthíasdóttir co-ordinator in the project, 2014-2016

  2. COST Action:  TD1408 Interdisciplinary research and collaboration (INTREPID). Partner for RU Ásrún Matthíasdóttir, 2015-2017

  3.  ERASMUS EAC/S07/12 ACTION ERASMUS NETWORKS -  - Future Education and Training in Computing: How to support learning at any time anywhere FETCH – 600.000 EURO Total - Partner for RU Ásrún Matthíasdóttir, 2014-2016

  4. COST Action: TA1201 – Cost for meetings paid - Gender, Science, Technology and Environment (genderSTE) Working Group 1- Partner for RU Ásrún Matthíasdóttir

  5.   EU-fund Lifelong learning: Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig and Dissemination, Lifelong Learning Program LMP. - OWLS - Outcomes that Work for Learners and their Stakeholders - 389.036 EUR.  - Ásrún Matthíasdóttir co-ordinator in the project OWLS518131-LLP-1-2011-1-IS-LEONARDO. 2012-2015

  6.  DIGIS, Digital Learning Environments. Nordplus Framework Programme. 2008-2010

  7. Net university, transfer of innovation in continuing university education. 2008 – 2010

  8. Job Security at Vocational and Technical Education, Leonardo da Vinci project. 2009-2011.

  9.  EVITE2, Leonardo da Vinci project. EVETE 2 is addressing teachers and trainers (T&T) at vocational education and training (VET) institutions. 2007-2009. Stýrt frá Litháen

  10.  Helthy together, Leonardo da Vinci project. The Healthy Together project addresses workplace health promotion (WHP) issues for small and medium size enterprises (SME) in rural areas in Iceland, Ireland and Italy. 2006 - 2008. Stýrt frá íslandi, Vinnumálastofnun.

  11. Leonardo da Vinci project. project proposes the identification and analysis of these differences regarding quality management and quality assurance approaches in different levels (national, regional, local, institutional), self-assessment in VET institutions, evaluation in VET and issues related to quality of adult learning, training in SMEs, e-learning, distance learning, gender equality in training, and social inclusion. Stýrt frá Grikklandi. 

  12. Codewitz/Minerva project The goal is to plan, produce and evaluate unique illustration, animation and visualization aids for students and teachers of computer programming. 2003 -2006. Stýrt frá Finnland

  13. SLIDE- eLearning et Développement : Initiatives Locales Solides Preparatory and innovative actions 2003. 2004 - 2006. Stýrt frá Portúgal.

  14. ETN TRICE (European Thematic Networking for Teaching, Research and Innovations in Computing Education). T Stýrt frá Búlagríu. 2008 – 2010.

  15.  ETN DEC Doctoral Education in Computing, Erasmun-TN   Stýrt frá Búlagríu. 2004 – 2007.

  16.  TN ECET EUROPEAN COMPUTING EDUCATION AND TRAINING SOCRATES ERASMUS 3. Thematic Networks.  Stýrt frá Búlagríu. 2004 – 2007.

  17.  Opening up Electrical Engineering, Computer TechnologIes and Applied Sciences to Successful Women Careers ESTIA-NET SOCRATES ERASMUS 3 THEMATIC NETWORK. Stýrt frá Grikklandi.