
Viðar Halldórsson, Part-time Lecturer

School:School of Social Sciences / Department of Sport Science 
Location:Ofanleiti 2, 4th floor, B-House 
Phone:   Mobile: 8256388 


PhD. in sociology


§         2006 -  Reykjavik University. Head of Sports Sciences.

§         2003-2006 Iceland University of  Education. Assistant professor in sport sociology

§         2003-2006 Force ehf. Research specialist. 

§         2000-2003 PricewaterhouseCoopers ehf. Consultant.

§         1999-2000 Sports Council of Reykjavik. Sport and leisure representative.

§         1998-1999 Reaserch & analysis ehf. Research specialist.

§         1997-1998 Institute for Educational Resarch. Research specialist.

RU teaching record

2023-3E-715-ENVIEnvironmental Factors in Sports
2022-3E-715-ENVIEnvironmental Factors in Sports
2021-3E-715-ENVIEnvironmental Factors in Sports
2020-3E-715-ENVIEnvironmental Factors in Sports
2015-3E-101-INNGThe World of Sports: Introduction to Sport Science
2014-3E-101-INNGThe World of Sports: Introduction to Sport Science
2014-1E-699-THESBSc Thesis
2013-3E-101-INNGThe World of Sports: Introduction to Sport Science
2013-1E-699-THESBSc Thesis
2012-3E-101-INNGThe World of Sports: Introduction to Sport Science
2012-3E-102-RANNFoundations Skills and Methods in Academic Work
2012-1E-699-THESBSc Thesis
2011-3E-101-INNGThe World of Sports: Introduction to Sport Science
2010-3E-101-INNGThe World of Sports: Introduction to Sport Science
2009-3E-101-INNGThe World of Sports: Introduction to Sport Science
2008-3E-101-INNGThe World of Sports: Introduction to Sport Science
2008-3E-511-SEPSSports and Exercise Psychology
2007-3E-523-ADFLReseach and Final Project
2007-3E-517-SEITSelected Sports Training I
2007-3E-102-RANNFoundations Skills and Methods in Academic Work
2007-1E-203-PVSPPreventative Effects of Sports
2006-3E-101-ITESThe World of Sports: Introduction to Sport Science
2006-3E-306-MESPSport Pshyology
2006-3E-718-INDPIndependent Study


2008 The Social and Cultural Environment of Elite Sports (ín progress)

2007 Steroid Use Among Icelandic Adolescents.

2007 The Core Values of Elite Athletes.

2005 The Lifestyle of 9 and 15 Years Old Icelanders.

2002 The Social Environment of Football Coaches.

2000 Leisure Time and Icelandic Adolescents.

1998 Substance Use of Icelandic Adolescents.

Subject field

Sport Sociology.

Sport Psychology.



2000 Félagsstarf og frístundir íslenkra ungmenna. With Thorolfur Thorlindsson, Kjartan Olafsson and Inga Dora Sigfúsdóttur. Reykjavík: Æskan.

1998 Vímunefnaneysla ungs fólks: Umhverfi og aðstæður. With Thorolfur Thorlindsson, Inga Dora Sigfusdottir and Jon Gunnar Bernburg. Reykjavík: Rannsóknastofnun uppeldis- og menntamála.


The Social Context of Competitive Sports. A paper presented at the IBR and ITR sport conference. Reykjavik Iceland (March 2008).

"A Great Tradtion": A sociological analysis on team sport performance. A paper presented at the NASSS 2007 annual conference. Pittsburgh, USA. (November 2007).

The Core Values of Elite Athletes: A case study on elite athletes in Iceland. Poster at the 2007 BASES (British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences) Annual Conference. Bath, England (September 12-14, 2007).

Young People and Sports: Niðurstöður rannsóknar 2006. Erindi flutt á hádegisverðarfundi ÍSÍ. (13. apríl, 2007). Íþróttamiðstöðin í Laugardal.

The Social Context of Sport and the Use of Steroids Among Icelandic High School Students. With Thorolfur Thorlindsson and Ingu Dóra Sigfúsdóttir. Erindi flutt á árlegri ráðstefnu samtaka félagsfræðinga, Social policy, social ideology and social change. Chicago. 4-7 apríl 2007.

Steranoktun í íþróttum: Niðurstöður rannsóknar á íslenskum framhaldsskólanemum. Meðhöfundur með Þórólfi Þórlindssyni. Erindi flutt á hádegisverðarfundi ÍSÍ (2006). Íþróttamiðstöðin í Laugardal.

Are Geographical Differences in Body Composition, Physical Fitness and Physical Activity Among Children and Adolescents in Iceland Associated with Leisure Time Activities. Meðhöfundur með Arngrimsson, S.A.; Sveinsson, T.; Böðvarsson, A.; Ólafsson, Ó.; Ármannsson, Ó.; og Johannsson, Erindi flutt á Nordic Obesity Meeting. Reykjavík, Iceland (15-16. júní, 2006).

The Elite Athlete: What does it take to become one? Erindi flutt á íþróttalæknisráðstefnu ÍSÍ (Sport Medicine Course). Íþróttamiðstöðin í Laugardal (2. mars, 2006).

Hvað einkennir afreksfólkið okkar í íþróttum. Erindi flutt á opnum fundi ÍSÍ og ÍBA um afreksíþróttir (19. janúar 2006). Brekkuskóli, Akureyri.

Hvað einkennir afreksfólkið okkar í íþróttum. Erindi á hádegisverðarfundi ÍSÍ um afreksíþróttir (12 nóvember 2005). Íþróttamiðstöðin í Laugardal.

Lífsstíll ungs fólks í íþróttum. Erindi flutt á hádegisverðarfundi ÍSÍ „Öruggt umhverfi æskufólks” (21. október 2005). Íþróttamiðstöðin í Laugardal.

Félagslegt umhverfi knattspyrnuþjálfarans? Erindi flutt á ráðstefnu í tilefni af 35 ára afmæli Knattspyrnuþjálfarafélagi Íslands). Grand Hótel, Reykjavík (12. nóvember, 2005).

Hvað þarf til að ná árangri? Rannsókn á afreksfólki í íþróttum. Erindi flutt á 9. málþingi RKHÍ. Kennaraháskóli Íslands (14. október, 2005).

Gildi íþrótta: Áherslur í starfi og leik. Erindi flutt á opnum fundi ÍSÍ á Akureyri (20. nóvember 2004). Brekkuskóli, Akureyri.

Íþróttaiðkun ungs folks: Þróun og áhrif. Erindi flutt á 8. málþingi RKHÍ. Kennaraháskóli Íslands (16. október, 2004).

Markaðsvæðing Ólympíuleikanna: Er auglýsingamennskan farin að skemma þann boðskap sem Ólympíuleikarnir standa fyrir? Erindi flutt á 8. málþingi RKHÍ. Kennaraháskóli Íslands (16. október, 2004).

Félagslegir áhrifaþættir á stöðu knattspyrnuþjálfarans. Erindi flutt á 7. málþingi RKHÍ. Kennaraháskóli Íslands (11. október, 2003).

Sociological studies on adolescents and sport in Iceland. Erindi flutt á Norrænu höfuðborgarráðstefnunni um íþróttir (Nordisk huvudstadskonferense om idrott ar 2002). Apótek-Bar & Grill (13. maí, 2002).