
Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Department Chair

School:School of Social Sciences / Department of Law 


PLD (Program for Leadership Development), IESE, Barcelona, 03/2013-06/2013

Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law of the University of Oslo 1992.Doctoral degree in June 1996.
Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Law of the University of Oslo, winter of 1991-1992.In the autumn semester I studied administrative law and civil procedure, and in the spring semester administrative law, civil procedure and maritime law.
Cand. Jur. from the Faculty of Law of the University of Iceland ( lagadeild HÍ), 1991.
Teacher’s degree from the Academy of Sports and Physical education at Laugarvatn (Íþróttakennaraskólinn á Laugarvatni ), 1984.
Studied Sports Sciences at the University of Tuscaloosa in Alabama, USA, in the spring semester of 1982.
Graduated from Akureyri Junior College (Menntaskólinn á Akureyri), 1981.



Reykjavik University, School of Law

Dean from 2011-2014 and autumn 2017

Professor, 2006 -

Associate Professor,  2003 to 2006

Vátryggingafélag Íslands (Insurance company)

Advocate, 2008-2010

Supreme Court Advocate from 2004

Tryggingamiðstöðin (Insurance company)

Advocate, 1996-2004.


RU teaching record

2024-1L-611-BACRBA Thesis
2024-1L-899-ML15ML Thesis
2023-3L-709-SJOFMaritime and Transport Law
2022-3L-835-BOTRLaw on Compensation
2022-3L-720-ENESReview and follow-up of administrative decisions
2021-3L-305-FJA3Private Law III - Torts
2020-3L-835-BOTRLaw on Compensation
2020-3L-720-ENESReview and follow-up of administrative decisions
2020-3L-305-FJA3Private Law III - Torts
2019-3L-305-FJA3Private Law III - Torts
2018-3L-835-BOTRLaw on Compensation
2018-3L-305-FJA3Private Law III - Torts
2017-3L-305-FJA3Private Law III - Torts
2017-3L-782-PINLPersonal Injury Law
2017-3L-899-ML15ML Thesis
2017-3L-751-PROJResearch Study
2017-3L-106-ÚRÁLSeeking solutions to legal problems
2017-1L-751-PROJResearch Study
2016-3L-105-FJM1Private Law I - Contracts and introduction to torts and general laws of obligation
2016-3L-305-FJA3Private Law III - Torts
2016-3L-000-UNDBResearch – theoretical writing – legal argumentation
2016-3L-106-ÚRÁLSeeking solutions to legal problems
2015-3L-751-PROJResearch Study
2015-1L-751-PROJResearch Study
2014-3L-305-FJA3Private Law III - Torts
2012-3L-835-SLCOSeminar on the Law of Compensation
2011-3L-305-FJA3Private Law III - Torts
2010-3L-305-FJA3Private Law III - Torts
2010-3L-835-MABOSeminar on the Law of Compensation
2009-3L-305-FJA3Private Law III - Torts
2009-3L-709-SJFLMaritime and Transport Law
2009-3C-TRY-HL 1
2008-3L-305-FJA3Private Law III - Torts
2008-3L-835-MABOSeminar on the Law of Compensation
2008-3C-TRY-HL 1
2007-3L-103-KROFLaws of Obligation
2007-3L-709-SJFLMaritime and Transport Law
2007-3C-TRY-HL 1
2007-1L-821-ALTRSeminar in Social Security Law
2006-3L-807-SKIILaw of Torts II
2005-3L-709-SJFLMaritime and Transport Law

Subject field

Law of Torts, Insurance Law, Maritime Law and Social Security Law


Work relating to legislation
Chairman of a Committee appointed to work on the review of the rules of the Maritime Act No. 34/1985 on salvage, cf. Act No. 133/1998.
Ansvar for rekonstruktionsforanstaltninger efter sjøulykker og ved afvikling af offshorevirksomhed [Danish].37th Noridic Lawyers’ Conference in Reykjavík, 18-20 August 2005, Vol. I.
Judgment of the Supreme Court of 18 September 2003 in case No. 520/ between rights to damages and right to Social Security compensation.Lögmannablaðið, March 2004.


Printed/published material from 2004 onwards
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Assessment of the consequences of bodily harm – suggestions for changes. The article has been peer-reviewed and will appear in Tímarit Lögréttu before the end of 2022 or the beginning of 2023.
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Hver eru skilyrði fyrir því að bætur fyrir ófjárhagslegt tjón (miskabætur) erfist?, [What are the conditions for compensation for non-financial damage (compensation) to be inherited?], appeared in vol. 71.3.  of Tímarit lögfræðinga, 2021, p. 363-403.
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, „Líkamstjón – varanleg fjárhagsleg örorka metin 15% eða minni‟, [Bodily injuries – permanent disability is estimated 15% or less], appeared in vol. 70.3.  of Tímarit lögfræðinga, 2020, p. 409-442. 
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson and Anna Lilja Ragnarsdóttir, „Skattaleg meðferð bótagreiðslna‟, [How tax-related payments due to personal injury are performed], appeared in vol. 14.1.  of Tímarit Lögréttu, 2018, p. 22-69. 
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson and Guðrún Lilja Sigurðardóttir, „Tímabundið og varanlegt fjártjón heimavinnandi einstaklinga‟, [Tort damages to individuals who choose to utilize their capacity to work, in part or in full, for domestic work], appeared in vol. 14.1.  of Tímarit Lögréttu, 2018, p. 70-105.
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson og Helga Sæmundsdóttir, „Slysatrygging launþega‟, [Employee accident insurance], appeared in vol. 14.1.  of Tímarit Lögréttu, 2018, p. 106-156.  
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Sigrún Ísleifsdóttir og Bergþóra Ingólfsdóttir, „Sjúkrasjóðir stéttarfélaga“,[Trade Unions  sickness benefit funds], appeared in vol. 14.1.  of Tímarit Lögréttu, 2018, p. 158-208.
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson og Sveinbjörn Claessen, „Ákvörðun bóta vegna varanlegrar örorku barna og námsmanna“,[Determination of tort damages for the permanent disability of children and students], appeared in vol. 14.1.  of Tímarit Lögréttu, 2018, p. 210-264.
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Hugtakið slys í vátryggingarétti, [The definition of the concept of accident in insurance law], appeared in vol. 12.2.  of Tímarit Lögréttu, 2016, p. 86-136.
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Hans Jacob Bull, Thor Falkanger, Sjóréttur, Book: [Icelandic Maritime Law], Bókaútgáfan Codex 2016, 624 pp. In addition to me  Professor emeritus Hans Jacob Bull,, and Professor emeritus Thor Falkanger,,
     at The University of Oslo Norway, are the authors of the book.
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Ábyrgð á tjóni af völdum mengunar frá skipum, [The Liability for damage caused by pollution from ships], appeared in vol. 12.1.  of Tímarit Lögréttu, 2016, p. 88-142.
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Björgunarreglur siglingalaga, [The rules on salvage in the Icelandic Maritime Act], appeared in vol. 68.3 in Úlfljótur  tímarit laganema, p. 651-712. 
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Islandsk kompensasjonsrett ved arbeidsulykker , [Icelandic law on the Right to Compensation in Case of Work Injury], appeared in Bertil Bengtsson 90 år, [Liber Amicorum for Bertil Bengtsson] Jure Förlag AB, Stockholm 2016
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Er breytinga þörf á íslensku siglingalögunum?, [Is it necessary to amend the Icelandic Maritime Act? ],  appeared in vol. 11.1.  of Tímarit Lögréttu, 2015, p. 192-241.
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Ábyrgð farmflytjanda á einingaflutningum til og frá Íslandi , [The liability of the carrier for damage, loss and delay in the line trade to and from Iceland], Guðmundur Sigurðsson is the first author and Supreme Court Attorney Einar Baldvin Axelsson is second author. The  article appeared in vol. 65.3.  of Tímarit lögfræðinga, 2016, p. 465-529. 
•Book: Almannatryggingar og félagsleg aðstoð [Social Security and Social Aid]. Guðmundur Sigurðsson & Ragnhildur Helgadóttir. JPV útgáfa. 2007 (608 pp).
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Mat á varanlegum afleiðingum líkamstjóna [Assessment of the permanent consequences of personal injury], Tímarit Lögréttu, vol. 3.2, October 2006.
•Slysabætur almannatrygginga – opinber réttur - einkaréttarleg sjónarmið [Social security accident compensation – public law – civil law viewpoints], Guðmundur Sigurðsson and Ragnhildur Helgadóttir, Guðrúnarbók (ed. Pétur Kr. Hafstein et al.), Hið Íslenska bókmenntafélag, 2006.
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Vinnuslys, slysatrygging sjómanna [Occupational accidents, seamen’s accident insurance], appeared in vol. 2.2 of Tímarit Lögréttu, 2005.
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Ansvar for rekonstruktionsforanstaltninger efter sjøulykker og ved afvikling af offshorevirksomhed [Danish].37th Noridic Lawyers’ Conference in Reykjavík, 18-20 August 2005, Vol. I.
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Skaðabótaábyrgð ríkisins vegna frávikningar eða slita á ráðningu , [State liability for the termination of the engagement]. Ráðstefnurit í tengslum við ráðstefnu um rannsóknir í félagsvísindum, lagadeild, 22. október 2004, Háskólaútgáfan 2004, ISBN 9979-54-609-3, bls. 131-151.
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Vinnuslys, slysatrygging sjómanna [Occupational accidents, seamen’s accident insurance], appeared in vol. 2.2 of Tímarit Lögréttu, 2005.
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Ansvar for rekonstruktionsforanstaltninger efter sjøulykker og ved afvikling af offshorevirksomhed [Danish]. 37th Noridic Lawyers’ Conference in Reykjavík, 18-20 August 2005, Vol. I.
•Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Vinnuslys, slysatrygging sjómanna. Er um bótaskylt slys að ræða? , [Occupational accidents, seamen’s accident insurance. Is anyone responsible? ], appeared in vol. 1.1.  of Tímarit Lögréttu, 2004.