Articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals
2018 Faigen, B., Mygind, N., Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Arnardottir, A.A. (2018). Three dimensions of employees acquiring shares in their firms: personal characteristics, motives and type of ownership. Economic and Industrial Democracy
2017 Mendenhall, M.E., Weber, T.J., Arnardottir, A.A., & Oddou, G.R. (2017). Developing global leadership competencies: A process model. Advances in Global Leadership. Emerald insight
2015 Sigurjonsson, T.O., Arnardottir, A.A., Vaiman, V. and Rikhardsson, P. (2015). Managers’ Views on Ethics Education in Business Schools: An Empirical Study. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 130(1), p. 1-13.
2014 Sigurjonsson, Th. O., Vaiman, V., Arnardottir, A. A. (2014). The role of Business Schools in Ethics Education in Iceland: The Managers´perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, DOI 10.1007/s10551-013-1755-6.
2013 Mendenhall, M., Arnardottir, A.A., Oddou, G., Burke, L. (2013). Developing cross-cultural competencies in management education via Cognitive-Behavioral therapy. Academy of Management Learning & Education. Special issue – Cross-Cultural Management Learning & Education, 12(3), 436-451.
2013 Gylfason, H. F., Arnardottir, A. A., and Kristinsson, K. (2013). More on gender differences in lying. Economic Letters, 119(1), 94-96.
2012 Sigurjonsson, T.O., and Arnardottir, A.A. (2012). Privation in a Nordic Country – the case of Iceland. Organization and Management Scientific Quarterly, 1(17), 135-154.
2011 Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Arnardottir, A.A. (2011). Rekstur einkavæddra fyrirtækja á Íslandi [The Operation of Icelandic Privatized Firms]. Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál. [Icelandic Journal of Business and Economics], 8(1). University of Iceland.
2011 Sigurjonsson, T.O., Schwarzkopf, D., and Arnardottir, A.A. (2011). Viðbrögð tengslanets við gagnrýni á fjármálastöðugleika Íslands [Criticism on Financial Stability in Iceland and the Reaction of Defensive Networks]. Tímarit um stjórnmál og stjórnsýslu [Journal of Politics and Public Policy], 1(7), 164-186. University of Iceland.
2011 Einarsdottir, A., Olafsdottir, K. and Arnardottir, A. A. (2011). Frá mjúkum yfir í harðar samdráttaraðgerðir á vinnumarkaði: Sveigjanleiki fyrirtækja og stofnana í kjölfar hruns. [From soft to hard downsizing methods: organizational flexibilility in the wake of recession]. Tímarit um stjórnmál og stjórnsýslu [Journal of Politics and Administration], 7(2), 327-346.
Peer-reviewed articles, posters and abstracts
2019 Seguí-Mas, E., Guillermina, T-C., Sigurjonsson, T.O., and Arnardottir, A.A. (2018). The answer is blowing in the wind. Exploring environmental factors in the Icelandic business ethics education. European Academy of Management Conference, Lisbon, June 2019.
2018 Arnardottir, A. A. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2018). Boards functioning and dynamics. EURAM Conference, Reykjavik, June 2018.
2018 Wendt, S., Rikhardsson, P., Sigurjonsson, T.O., Arnardottir, A. A (2018). Corporate Profits and Risk taking. EURAM Conference, Reykjavik, June 2018.
2017 Arnardottir, A. A. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2017). Corporate Governance and Board Directors´ Selection Process in a Nordic Country. Nordic Corporate Governance Network Conference, Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, June 7-9, 2017.
2017 Arnardottir, A.A. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2017). Gender Quota in Corporate Boards, International Corporate Governance Society, Rome, August 30th – September 1st 2017.
2016 Sigurjonsson, T.O., and Arnardottir, A. A. (2016). Board Directors Selection Processes following a Gender Quota, Nordic Corporate Governance Network Conference, Helsinki May 26th.
2015 Arnardottir, A.A. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. Gender Equality and Diversity on Corporate Boards in Iceland: Added Focus on CSR. Paper presented at The 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. 2015, Frederiksberg, Denmark. 2015.
2015 Arnardottir A.A. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. Board Members’ Selection Process Post Gender Quota Legislation. Paper presented at the conference Gender Diversity on Company Boards and in Leadership Positions, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2015.
2015 Faigen, B., Arnardottir, A.A., Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Mygind, N. (2015). Employee Ownership in an Icelandic Context: An Initial Empirical Exploration. Paper presented at 7th Annual Workshop of the Nordic Corporate Governance Network, Frederiksberg, Denmark. 2015.
2015 Arnardottir, A.A., Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Terjesen, S. Women on Corporate Boards in Iceland: Opening up Governance through Gender Quota. Symposium, titled: Women on Boards: Reopening Governance, at The Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting 2015, Vancouver, Canada. 2015.
2015 Arnardottir, A. A. Symposium titled: Inside the Black Box: Board Observation in Practice, at The Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting 2015, Vancouver, Canada. 2015.
2014 Arnardottir, A.A and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2014). Demand from industry for better ethical training and the initial steps of a university answering to that call. Baseline measures and structuring of interventions. Academy of Management, August 1-5, 2014, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US.
2014 McKenna, B., Sigurjónsson, T.O., Arnardottir, A.A., Biloslavo, R., Bulut, C., Bagnoli, C., Ray, S., Ronney, D., Zacher, H., Kupers, W., Dibben, M., Macklin, R. And Gosling, J. (2014). The Relationship between Concern for Environmental Sustainability and the Capacity for Wisdom and Other Factors among Postgraduate Business Students: An International Comparison. Irish Academy of Management Conference. University of Limerick: 3-5 September 2014.
2014 Arnardottir, A.A. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2014). Two Nordic Sagas: Business Ethics and Business Education and Selection Process of Board Directors in Era of Gender Quotas. Workshop ECS Troyes. May 13, 2014.
2014 Rikhardsson, P., Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Arnardottir, A.A. (2014). Environmental uncertainty, performance measure variety and perceived performance in Icelandic companies. 12th Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference, 11-13 June 2014, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
2013 Arnardottir, A.A., Hreinsson, S. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2013). Work and family balance among Icelandic employees with young children. 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, University of Iceland, August 21-23 2013.
2013 Sigurjonsson, T.O., Arnardottir, A.A., Vaiman, V. and Rikhardsson, P. (2013). Managers’ perception of the role of business schools in ethics education. 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, University of Iceland, August 21-23 2013.
2013 Rikhardsson, P., Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Arnardottir, A.A. (2013). Strategy archetypes adopted by Icelandic Companies, their fit with performance measures and effects on financial performance. 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, University of Iceland, August 21-23 2013
2011 Einarsdóttir, A. and Arnardóttir, A.A. (2011). Economic recession and organizational downsizing methods: The short term impact on employee attitude and job-related behaviour of the Icelandic work force. Poster at the EAWOP conference, Maastricht Netherlands, May 2011.
2011 Einarsdóttir, A., Ólafsdóttir, K. and Arnardóttir, A. A. (2011). HR related downsizing methods in a recession: The public and private sectors flexibility. EAISM, Symposia proceedings.
2010 Arnardottir, A. A. (2010). Jákvæðri sálfræði beitt í mannauðsstjórnun. Sálfræðiþing. Ráðstefna Sálfræðingafélags Íslands og HÍ.
2009 Arnardottir, A. A. and Hafsteinsson, L. G. (2009). 14th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Poster and abstract on Work-family conflict and enrichment in Iceland.
2009 Kári Kristinsson, Auður Arna Arnardóttir, og Haukur Freyr Gylfason (2009). Áhrif stjórnrótar á heiðarleika. [The effects of Locus of Control on Honesty]. Rannsóknir í Félagsvísindum, X. Viðskipta og Hagfræðideild HÍ. Reykjavík: HÍ
Peer-reviewed book chapters
2019 Mendenhall, M., Burke-Smalley, L., Arnardottir, A.A., Oddou, G., & Osland, J. (2019). Making a difference in the classroom: Developing Global Leadership Competencies in Business School Students. In L. Zander (Ed.). Research Handbook of Global Leadership. Elgar Publishing (Forthcoming)
2018 Arnardottir, A.A. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2018). The Rise of the Other Gender. In Sigurjonsson, T.O., Bryant, M. and Schwartzkopf (eds.), The Return of Trust? Institutions and the Public after the Icelandic Financial Crisis. Emerald.
2017 Arnardottir, A.A., Sigurjonsson, Th. O. (2017). Gender Diversity on Boards in Iceland: Pathway to Gender Quota Law Following a Financial Crisis. In Heike Mensi-Klarbach, Patricia Gabaldon and Cathrine Seierstad (Eds). Gender Diversity in the Boardroom: European Perspectives on Increasing Female Representation. Palgrave Macmillan (2017)
2012 Sigurjonsson, T.O., Arnardottir, A.A. and Vaiman, V. (2012) The State of Business Ethics in Iceland Following the 2008 Financial Crisis. In A. Stachowicz Stanusch and Wolfgang Amman (Eds.), Business Integrity in Practice – Insights from international case studies by Business Expert Press, New York.
Research output in non-peer-reviewed outlets
2015 Sigurjonsson, T. O., and Arnardottir, A. A. (2015). Board Selection Process in age of Gender Quotas. Report for Center of Gender Equality in Iceland.
2013 Sigurjonsson, T.O and Arnardottir, A. A. Business Ethics in Iceland 2013. Report for FESTA Icelandic Center for Corporate Social Responsibility, pp. 1-41, September 2013.
2009 Kristinsson, K, Arnardottir, A.A. & Gylfason, H.F. (2009). Locus of control and honesty. Research in Social Science X. Reykjavik: University Publishing.
2008 Arnardottir, A. A., (2008). Parental leave from the viewpoint of fathers and mothers. Research in Social Science, IX. Reykjavik: University Publishing.
2007 Arnardottir, A. A., Hafsteinsson, L.G. & Hreinsson, S.J. (2007). Enrichment and conflict between family and work: Relation with individual and work related factors. Research in Social Science, VIII. Reykjavik: University Publishing.
Research related, non-peer-reviewed, contributions at conferences /seminars/workshops
2018 Arnardottir, A. A. & Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2018). Board diversity: Lessons from Iceland. Aarhus University, Denmark. May 30th 2018
2018 Arnardottir, A.A. & Sigurjonsson, T. O. (2018). Reestablishing trust through improved corporate governance and board gender quota. Conference on the Global Financial Crisis (isl. Hrundið þið munið), University of Iceland, October 5th, 2018.
2016 Arnardottir, A. A. & Sigurjonsson, T. O. (2016). Governance Mechanisms, Gender and Business Ethics Education. Copenhagen Business School, October 5th.
2016 Arnardottir, A. A. & Sigurjonsson, T. O. (2016). Corporate Governance in an era of Gender Quotas, IE Business School, Madrid, October 18th.
2016 Arnardottir, A.A. & Sigurjonsson, T. O. (2016). Lecture on Gender Quota and board diversity. Universitat the Polatechnica in Valencia, Spain. May 20th.
2015 Arnardottir, A.A.: Hefur aukin aðkoma kvenna að stjórnum og stjórnunarstöðum áhrif á fyrirtækjamenningu? (e. Does the creased number of women in Government Boards and managment position effect Organizational Culture?). Invited talk at the yearly Flóra conference of practicing HRM managers in Iceland. November 2015.
2014 Arnardottir, A. A. and Sigurjonsson, T. O. (2014). Selection Process of Board Members of Icelandic companies in the wake of gender quota legislation. Main presentation during breakfast meeting for industry, hosted by the Center for Gender Equality, the Icelandic Stock Exchange and the Icelandic Employers Association. Reykjavik, Iceland. December 4th 2014.
2014 Rikhardsson, P., Sigurjonsson, T.O., and Arnardottir, A.A. (2014). Environmental uncertainty, performance measure variety and perceived performance in Icelandic companies. Research seminar Reykjavik University May 14.
2013 Arnardottir, A.A., Hreinsson, S. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2013) Work and family balance among Icelandic employees with young children. 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, University of Iceland, August 21-23 2013.
2013 Sigurjonsson, T.O., Arnardottir, A.A., Vaiman, V. and Rikhardsson, P. (2013). Managers’ perception of the role of business schools in ethics education. 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, University of Iceland, August 21-23 2013.
2013 Rikhardsson, P., Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Arnardottir, A.A. (2013). Strategy archetypes adopted by Icelandic Companies, their fit with performance measures and effects on financial performance. 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, University of Iceland, August 21-23 2013.
2013 Arnardottir, A.A. (2013). Work-family balance among Icelandic employees with young children. Bond University, Queensland, Australia, July 12, 2013.
2012 Operation of Icelandic Privatized Firms (isk: Rekstur einkavæddra fyrirtækja á Íslandi). Lecture at a conference at the Central Bank of Iceland, March 6 2012, held in relation to publication of Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál (Icelandic Journal of Business and Economics], 8(1). University of Iceland.
2009 Presentation on “locus of control and honesty” article at the yearly conference Þjóðarspegill at University of Iceland. October, 2009.
2008 Presentation on Parental leave and wfb issues at the yearly conference Þjóðarspegill at University of Iceland. October, 2008
2007 Presentation on Parental leave at RIKK conference series, May, 2008.
2006 Presentation on work family conflict and enrichment at the yearly conference Þjóðarspegill at University of Iceland. December 2007
Invited Academic Talks and Academic Presentations
2018 Arnardottir, A. A. (2018). The case of Iceland: Gender quota and female board directors selection and effects on board dynamics. Invited presenter at Bentley Global Ethics Conference and workshop, Boston, May 2018.
Other relevant research related reporting/activity
2019 Icelandic Chamber of Commerce. Importance of work force diversity. Video recordings for the general public. May, 2019
2018 Icelandic newspaper Morgunblaðið video recordings for readers: Topic of discussion: Why should one increase own knowledge, skills and abilities. Getting ready for tomorrows work-force. March 2018.
2018 Lecture given to female representatives from the Chamber of Commerce from the Netherlands. Topic: Board diversity and possible outcomes – lessons learned in Iceland. On January 18th 2018.
2015 The Centre for Gender Equality in Iceland. Leadership Diversity. see: ).
2015 RUV (10.06.2015). Leadership diversity. (see )
2014 RUV on 09.12.2014. Gender Quota leading to increased diversity discussions. (see
2014 Fréttatíminn on 7 Desember. Few females to be found around the board table (see
2014 on 04.12.2014 “Not on the golden skirts “ (see