
Aðalsteinn Leifsson, Assistant Professor

School:School of Social Sciences / Department of Business and Economics / MBA 
Phone:   Mobile: 8624411 


London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
MSc European Studies

Heriot Watt University - Edinburgh Business School

University of Iceland
BA Political Science and Journalism

RU teaching record

2024-3V-733-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2023-3V-733-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2022-3V-733-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2021-3V-733-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2020-3V-733-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2019-3V-733-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2018-3V-733-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2017-3V-733-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2017-1V-733-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2016-3V-733-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2015-3V-733-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2014-3V-734-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2014-1C-NBR-SAVEPMD Lota 6
2013-3V-308-ALVIInternational Business
2013-3V-734-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2013-3C-NBR-SAVEPMD Lota 6
2013-2V-308-ALVIInternational Business
2013-1L-828-PCLAPractical Contract Law
2013-1V-820-INNEInternational Negotiation
2013-1C-NBR-SAVEPMD Lota 6
2012-3V-734-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2012-3V-508-ASTJIceland and the EU
2012-1R-B3Int. Communication, Negotiations and Management
2012-1V-743-CNEGCross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation
2012-1L-828-PCLAPractical Contract Law
2011-3V-734-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2011-3V-508-ASTJIceland and the EU
2011-1V-743-CNEGCross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation
2011-1L-828-MHSAPractial contract law  
2010-3V-734-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2010-3V-508-ASTJIceland and the EU
2010-1R-B3Int. Communication, Negotiations and Management
2010-1V-743-CRNECross-Cultural Communications and Negotiations
2010-1L-828-MHSAPractial contract law  
2009-3V-734-EFNEEffective Negotiation
2009-1L-828-MHSAPractial contract law  
2009-1V-774-NIIBNegotiation in International Business
2009-1E-745-STARCarrier Building
2008-3E-765-SKNESkillful Negotiations
2008-1L-828-MHSAPractial contract law  
2008-1V-508-ASTJIceland and the EU
2008-1V-774-NIIBNegotiation in International Business
2008-1E-745-STARCarrier Building
2007-1V-855-BICHDoing Business in China
2007-1L-828-MHSAPractial contract law  
2007-1V-508-ASTJIceland and the EU
2007-1E-745-STARCarrier Building
2006-3C-REK-FRT Business administration
2006-3C-SALA&SAMSales and deals
2006-3V-532-WTOCWTO and Free Trade
2006-2V-636-BSGMBusiness Skills for the Global Manager
2006-2C-REK-FJA1Business education
2006-1V-508-ASTJIceland and the EU
2006-1S101LESE Leadership
2005-3V-521-FRIVWTO and Free Trade Agreements
2005-1V-508-ASTJIceland and the EU

Teaching outside RU

Executive Education - Reykjavik University
Managerial coaching in Negotiations and Decision Making

INIDEM (Instituto Internacional de Derecho y Empresea). Course on Negotiation in LLM program for practicing lawyers

Subject field

Negotiations. European Integration. Free Trade Agreements. WTO, EU, EFTA.

Business relations


Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA), Iceland

Member of the Board of Metan ehf


Former appointments:

Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Reykjavik Energy, June 2010 – June 2010

Chairman of Policy Group for Foreign Direct Investment in Iceland, appointed by the Minister for Industry

Member of the Policy Group for EU relations, appointed by the Prime Minister, work concluded in 2009


Former employment:


Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs
1 August 2004 – 1 February 2005
External Trade Department
Area of responsibility: Multilateral (WTO) and bilateral free trade relations, various EEA matters.


European Free Trade Association - EFTA
2001 – 2004
SCD Division - Brussels
Area of responsibility: Budgetary Matters relating to payments from the EEA EFTA States to the EU, cooperation outside the four freedoms in the sphere of Entrepreneurship, Civil Protection and Tourism.


Delegation of the European Commission to Iceland and Norway
1998 - 2001
External Relations Directorate
Consultant and information officer

Recent contributions at conferences:


Speaker: Association of Businesses: Iceland and the EU
Speaker: Association of Icelandic Workers: Iceland and the Common Fisheries Policy of the EU. Chair: China and India in the World Economy. RUMBA Conference
Speaker and co-organiser: Reykjavik University and Federation of Icelandic Trade: Trade between Iceland and China
Speaker: Reykjavik University: The ISK or the EUR
Speaker: Association of Economists: Conference on Salary Negotiations
Speaker: Commercial Union of Iceland: National Congress. Lecture on gender differences in salary negotiations
Chair. Association of Economists: Conference on the euro and the Icelandic Economy
Speaker: The Pharmaceutical Society of Iceland: Gender differences in salary negotiations

Courses and coaching for businesses

Teaches courses on Negotiations in the Reykjavik University Executive Education for 10 - 15 businesses each year
See for example here







Recent publications and articles


Gender in Individual Salary Negotiations: Learning to counter-offer, Þjóðarspegill, 2010

Spurningar og svör um fríverslunarsamninga (Questions and answers on Free Trade Agreements)
Published by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs

EFTA Bulletin: Activities and Financial Contributions under the EEA Agreement.


Recent articles in the business press on Negotiations


Byrja eða bíða? (Should I place the first bid?)

Valdið og dýrðin (The Power and the Glory)

Hvaða stíll er á þér? (What is your style?)

BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement)

Blekkingar (Dirty tricks)

Traust (Trust)

Meira traust (More trust)

Samið í Kína (Negotiations in China)

Tölvupóstsamningar (E-mail negotiations)

Hjálp í viðlögum fyrir prúttmarkað (First Aid in a market square)

Virkjaðu neikvæðna mótaðilans (Use the opponents negativity)

Allar ferðir hefjast með einu skrefi (All journeys start with a single step)

Þegar titlar skipta máli (When titles matter)

Svarið er: Nei! (The answer is: No!)

Ef...þá (If...then)

Mikilvægustu samningaviðræðurnar (The most important negotiations)

Vertu ósammála! (Don´t agree!)

Samið við vini (Negotiations with friends)

Góðar stelpur semja ekki (Good Girls don´t negotiate)


Recent articles in the Business Press on International Trade


Evran lækkar húsnæðisvexti (Why the euro lowers interest rates on housing)


Recent interviews in the printed media


Allt er umsemjanlegt (Everything is negotiable)

Stöndum betur að vígi innan en utan viðskiptastefnu ESB (Better to be inside than outside the EU Trade Policy)