
Bolli Héðinsson, Lecturer

School:School of Technology / Department of Engineering 
Office hours:By appointment 
Phone:5996454   Mobile: 8256454 


1995 MBA, Simon School, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

1981 Cand. Oecon, Economics, University of Iceland, Reykjavik.

1975 - 1976  Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet, Munich, Germany.  Journalistic studies.

1974 - 1975  Westfaelische Wilhelms Universitaet, Muenster in Westphalia, Germany. Journalism.

1974  Final exam.  Hamrahlid Grammar School.  Physics and Math Div.


2001 - 2004  Deloitte & Touche Management Solutions, Reykjavik.  Consultant.

1999 - 2001  Burnham International, Reykjavik.  Manager Corporate Finance.

1991 - 1999  Bunadarbanki Islands (Commercial Bank), Reykjavik. International & FX Div. Economist.

1989 - 1991 & 1986 - 1987  Prime Minister's Office, Government of Iceland, Reykjavik.  Economic Advisor to the PM.

1982 - 1986  FFSI - Union of Civil Officers at sea, Reykjavik.  Economist.

1981 - 1982  Rikisutvarpid Sjonvarp (State Broadcasting Service), Reykjavik. Reporter.

1975 - 1980  Dagbladid, daily newspaper, Reykjavik.  Journalist; summer internships.

RU teaching record

2024-3AI HAG1003Economics
2023-3AI HAG1003Economics
2022-3AI HAG1003Economics

Teaching outside RU

2003 -        University of Iceland, Reykjavik. Economics for MA-students, Dept. of Economics and Business Admnistration.

1989  University of Iceland,Reykjavik, Institute of Ongoing Education.  Organisation of a still runnig popular course for experienced managers.


2003  Financial pros and cons if Iceland was to join the EU.  With Deloitte & Touche in Reykjavik and Bruxelles.

Honours and grants

2005 -        Financial aspects of Icelandic EU-membership

2005 -        Common field of Economics and Health.

Subject field


Business relations

2004 -          PROVINCIAL & INTERNATONAL Inc. Reykjavik.  Consultant.

1989 - 2003  Tryggingastofnun rikisins, National Social Security Institute of Iceland, Reykjavik.  Chairman of the board.

1994 -  1996  Pipugerdin inc.  (producer of concrete pipes) Reykjavik.  Chairman of the board.  Lead its privatisation process.

1994 - 2002  Sorpa.  (Reykjavik Municipal Waste Management Company)  Member of the board.

1983 - 1987  Pension committee; member.  Design of the national mandatory pension system in Iceland, praised by the World Bank as one of the best in the world.

1978 - 1979  University of Iceland. Reykjavik.  National Union of Icelandic Students.  Chairman. 


10k marathon runner