Doctoral thesis
Baldursson, Friðrik M. (1985). Topics in singular stochastic control and optimal stopping, Ph.D. thesis written with Ioannis Karatzas as advisor
Peer-reviewed publications in English
Baldursson, Friðrik and Richard Portes (2014). ‘Capital controls and the resolution of failed cross-border banks: the case of Iceland’, Capital Markets Law Journal, 9(1), 40-54
Baldursson, Friðrik and Nils-Henrik von der Fehr (2012). ‘Price volatility and risk exposure: on the interaction of quota and product markets’, Environmental and Resource Economics, 52(12), 213-233
Baldursson, Friðrik M. and Jón Þór Sturluson (2011). ‘Fees and the Efficiency of Tradable Permit Systems: an Experimental Approach’. Environmental and Resource Economics, 48(1), 25-41
Baldursson, Friðrik and Nils-Henrik von der Fehr (2008). ‘Prices vs quantities: public finance and the choice of regulatory instruments’. European Economic Review, 52, 1242-1255
Baldursson, Friðrik M. and Axel Hall (2008). ‘Out of reach? Convergence to an inflation target in the Central Bank of Iceland’s macroeconomic model’, Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál (Special issue in honor of Gudmundur Magnusson), 83-105.
Baldursson, Friðrik and Nils-Henrik von der Fehr (2007). ‘A whiter shade of pale: on the political economy of regulatory instruments’, Journal of the European Economic Association, 5(1), 37-65
Amundsen, Eirik S., Friðrik M. Baldursson and Jørgen Birk Mortensen (2006). ‘Price volatility and banking in green certificate markets’, Environmental and Resource Economics, 35(4), 259-287
Árnason, R., Friðrik M. Baldursson and Jón Þór Sturluson (2006). Editorial for special issue of Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (Experiments in Natural Resource Economics), 61(2), 145-148
Baldursson, Friðrik M. (2006). ‘Rent-seeking and fairness: The case of the Reykjavik Savings Bank’, International Review of Law and Economics, 26(1), 123-142
Baldursson, Friðrik M. and Nils-Henrik von der Fehr (2004). ‘Prices vs. quantities: the irrelevance of irreversibility’, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 106(4), 805-821
Baldursson, Friðrik M. and Nils-Henrik von der Fehr (2004). ‘Price volatility and risk exposure: on market-based environmental policy instruments’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 48(1), 682-704
Baldursson, Friðrik M. (1999). ‘Modelling the price of industrial commodities’, Economic Modelling, 16, 331-353
Baldursson, Friðrik M. (1998). ‘Irreversible investment under uncertainty in oligopoly’, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 22, 627-644
Baldursson, Friðrik M., Ásgeir Daníelsson, Gunnar Stefánsson and Kristján Þórarinsson (1997). ‘Utilization of the Icelandic cod stock in a multispecies context’, Marine Resource Economics, 12, 329-344
Baldursson, Friðrik M. and Guðmundur Magnússon (1997). ‘Portfolio fishing’, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 99(3), 389-403
Baldursson, Friðrik M. and Ioannis Karatzas (1997) ‘Irreversible investment and industry equilibrium’, Finance and Stochastics, 1, 69-89
Baldursson, Friðrik M., Ásgeir Daníelsson and Gunnar Stefánsson (1996). ‘On the rational utilization of the Icelandic cod stock’, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 53, 643-658
Baldursson, Friðrik M. (1991). ‘A stochastic fisheries model with seasonal migration’, in R. Arnason and Bjorndal, T. (eds.) Essays on the economics of migratory fish stocks, 69-82, Springer Verlag, Berlin
Baldursson, Friðrik M. (1987). ‘Singular stochastic control and optimal stopping’, Stochastics, 21, 1 40
Recently completed research papers
Baldursson, Friðrik M. and Richard Portes (2013). Gambling for Resurrection in Iceland: the Rise and Fall of the Banks, CEPR Discussion Paper 9664, September
Research work in progress
Baldursson, Friðrik M. and Richard Portes. ‘Carry trade, capital controls and monetary policy in Iceland’
Baldursson, Friðrik M. and Nils-Henrik von der Fehr. ‘Natural Resources and Sovereign Expropriation’
Baldursson, Friðrik M. and Nils-Henrik von der Fehr. ‘Vertical Integration and Long-Term Contracts in Risky Markets’
Peer-reviewed publications in Icelandic
Friðrik M. Baldursson (2009). ‘Eiga bætur vegna brota á samkeppnislögum að vera hærri en mat á skaða?’ [‘Should fines for violations of competition law be higher than damage?’] Úlfljótur, Vol. 62, no. 1, 67-71
Friðrik M. Baldursson og Jón Þór Sturluson (2006). ‘Áhrif gjaldtöku á hagkvæma nýtingu auðlinda: rannsókn byggð á tilraunum’ [‘The impact of resource fees on the efficiency of tradable permit systems’], Fjármálatíðindi, 53(1), 3-21
Friðrik M. Baldursson og Sigurður Jóhannesson (2005). ‘Kaupendamáttur á sementsmarkaði’ [‘Buyer power in the cement industry’], Fjármálatíðindi, 52(2), 3-13
Friðrik M. Baldursson (2005). ‘Skaðleg undirverðlagning á flugmarkaði’ [‘Predatory pricing in the air transport market’], in Ingjaldur Hannibalsson (Ed.) (2005). Rannsóknir í Félagsvísindum VI, University of Iceland Press, 121-132
Friðrik M. Baldursson (2004). ‘Réttlæti og sérhagsmunir’ [‘Justice and special interest groups’], Fjármálatíðindi, 51 (2), 78-86
Friðrik M. Baldursson (2004). ‘SPRON, sérhagsmunir og réttlæti’ [‘SPRON, special interests and justice’], in Ingjaldur Hannibalsson (Ed.) (2004). Rannsóknir í Félagsvísindum V, University of Iceland Press, 125-134
Eirik Amundsen og Friðrik M. Baldursson (2003). ‘Kvikt líkan af grænum raforkumarkaði’ [‘A dynamic model of a green electricity market’], Tímarit um raunvísindi og stærðfræði, 1(2), 81-89.
Friðrik M. Baldursson (1993). ‘Um neyslu og tekjur á Íslandi’ [‘On consumption and income in Iceland’], Fjármálatíðindi, 40 (3), 186-199
Friðrik M. Baldursson (1990). ‘Einfalt íslenskt haglíkan’ [‘A simple Icelandic macroeconomic model’], Fjármálatíðindi, 37(1), 22-32
Selected recent non-peer-reviewed writings
Baldursson, Friðrik M. and Richard Portes (2014). ‘Gambling for Resurrection in Iceland’,, 6 January
Baird, Douglas G., Nicole Bollen, Lee C. Buchheit, G. Mitu Gulati, Anne O. Krueger, Friðrik Már Baldursson, Robert K. Rasmussen, David A. Skeel, Sergei Storchak, and Jeromin Zettelmeyer (2013). ‘The Role of the IMF in Future Sovereign Debt Restructurings’, USC CLASS Research Paper No. CLASS 13-6; USC Law Legal Studies Paper No. 13-19
Baldursson, Friðrik M. and Richard Portes (2013). ‘Iceland’s capital controls’,, 6 January
Baldursson, Friðrik M. (2010). ‘Icesave: The big ultimatum’,, 29 January
Baldursson, Friðrik M. (2011). ‘Iceland’s program with the IMF 2008-11’,, 8 November
Baldursson, Friðrik M. (2011). ‘Iceland’s program with the IMF 2008-2011’. Note prepared for the conference “Iceland´s Recovery—Lessons and Challenges” hosted by Icelandic authorities and the IMF on October 27 2011
Baldursson, Friðrik M. (2011). “Valkostir í peninga- og gengismálum” [‘Monetary and exchange rate policy options for Iceland’], report prepared for the Ministry of Economic Affairs, 11 April
Baldursson, Friðrik M., Olvar Bergland, Jørgen Bjørndalen, Cathrine Hagem, Ane Marte Heggedal, Håvard Moen, Knut Einar Rosendahl (2011). ‘Har vi tid til å vente på en sjøkabel i Hardanger?’, Samfunnsökonomen, Nr. 3, 4-14
Baldursson, Friðrik M. (2011). ‘A note on a sovereign insolvency mechanism – lessons from Icesave’. Note prepared for an UNCTAD/IPD Conference on resolution of debt crises, Columbia University, February 11, 2011
Baldursson, Friðrik M. (2011). ‘Icesave: Groundhog Day?’,, 10 January
Baldursson, Friðrik (2009). ‘The Difference between Ireland and Iceland’. In Joe Mulholland and Finbarr Bradley (Eds.) Proceedings of the 29th Annual MacGill Summer School 2009, Carysfort Press, Dublin
Portes, Richard, and Friðrik M. Baldursson (2007). The Internationalisation of Iceland’s Financial Sector (with Frosti Olafsson), Iceland Chamber of Commerce, November