
María Kristín Jónsdóttir, Professor

School:School of Social Sciences / Department of Psychology 
Office hours:By appointment 
Phone:   Mobile: (354) 8617894 


María K. Jónsdóttir Ph.D., Associate Professor

Curriculum Vitae

Reykjavík University, Department of Psychology / E-mail:


Google scholar:







2008                        Diploma in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Institute for Continuing Education, University of Iceland


1990                         Ph.D., Clinical Neuropsychology, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA

1988                         M.A., Clinical Neuropsychology, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA

1985                   B.A., Psychology, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland


PROFESSIONAL LICENSES                                                                                            


2007                 Specialist qualification in Clinical Neuropsychology in Iceland

1991                 Licensed psychologist in Iceland




2014 -               Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Reykjavik University (RU)

Graduate and undergraduate level


1991-2013            Lecturer (part-time), Department of Psychology, University of Iceland (one course per

semester). Graduate and undergraduate level.


2001-                Clinical supervision: Clinical supervision of clinical psychology students in a hospital setting.




PhD                  Currently five PhD students: Principal advisor of two PhD students in psychology at RU

                        On three PhD committees (department of Medicine) University of Iceland and RU


MS/BS               I have supervised numerous MS and BS theses in psychology since 1992, both at the University of Iceland and RU


OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE                                                                            


Current -           Senior Clinical Neuropsychologist, Memory Clinic, Landspítali (since 2005)

2000 -               Peer supervision in clinical neuropsychology, Landspitali University Hospital

2010 – 2013      Team leader - Adult Neuropsychology Services, Landspítali, Dept. of Psychiatry         


2002-2009        Team leader in neuropsychology and substitute for the Head of Psychology,

Dept. of Psychological Health, Landspítali, Dept. of Rehabilitation

2002-2011        Icelandic Heart Association – Supervision of neuropsychological testing in The Age,

                        Gene/Environment Susceptibility–Reykjavik Study (Epidemiological study on aging)

1996 -               Forensic work in personal compensation and criminal cases: neuropsychological assessment,

expert witness, lay judge, assessing competency to stand trial.

Specialty: Mild brain injury/concussion

1991-2005        Clinical neuropsychologist, Landspítali, Depts. of Neurology/Rehabiliation and

                        Geriatrics. Consulting: E.g., Cardiology, Oncology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Infectious diseases.

1990-1991            Honorary research fellow, Charing Cross Hospital and University College, London, England



PUBLICATIONS – PEER REVIEWED                                                                               

In preparation

Valsdottir, V., Magnusdottir, B. B., Chang, M., Sigurdsson, S., Launer, L. & Jonsdottir, M.K. (in preparation). Linear regression models comparing cognition and brain health among older adults in Iceland: The AGES-Reykjavik study. Will be submitted to Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition

Kristensen, I. U., et al. (in preparation). Methodology matters: Recurrent concussions and current symptoms among female athletes. Concussion count measured over time with self-report and added information


Submitted manuscripts:

Jonsdottir, M.K., Kristofersdottir, K.H., Runolfsdottir, S., Kristensen, I.S.U., Sigurjonsdottir, H.A., Eggertsdottir, L.O., Kristjansdottir, H. (submitted). Concussion among female athletes in Iceland: Stress, depression, anxiety and quality of life. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology

Teitsdóttir, U.D., Halldorsson, S., Jonasdottir, H.S., Rolfsson, O., Lund, S.H., Jonsdottir, M.K., Snaedal, J. & Petersen, P.H. (submitted). Cerebrospinal fluid C18 ceramide associates with markers of Alzheimer’s disease and inflammation at the symptomatic pre- and early stages of dementia. Journal of Alzheimer´s Disease (manuscript is being revised following review).



Published /accepted:

Kristjánsdóttir, H., Brynjarsdottir, R., Unnsteinsdottir, I., Sigurjonsdottir, H., Claessen, L., & Jonsdottir, M. (2020). Self-reported concussion history among Icelandic female athletes with and without a definition of concussion. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. (awaiting publication)

Teitsdóttir, U.D., Jónsdóttir, M. K., Lund, S. H., Darreh-Shori, T., Snaedal, J. Petersen P. H. (2020). Association of glial and neuronal degeneration markers with Alzheimer´s disease cerebrospinal fluid profile and cognitive functions. Alzheimer´s Research & Therapy.

Eymundsdottir, H., Chang, M., Geirsdottir, O. G., Gudmundsson, L. S.. Jonsson, PV., Gudnason, V., Launer, L., Jonsdottir, MK, Ramel, A. (2020). Lifestyle and 25-hydroxy-vitamin D among community-dwelling old adults with dementia, mild cognitive impairment, or normal cognitive function. Aging Clinical & Experimental Research,

Eymundsdóttir, H., Chang, M., Geirsdóttir, O.G., Jónsson, P.V., Gudnason, V., Launer, L., Jónsdóttir, M.K. and Ramel, A. (2018). Serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D, physical activity and cognitive function among older adults. Journal of Aging Research & Clinical Practice, 7, 143-148.

Sigurdsson, S., Aspelund, T., Kjartansson, Gudmundsson, E., Jonsdottir, M., Eiríksdóttir, G., … Launer, L. (2017). Incidence of brain infarcts, cognitive change and risk of dementia in the general population: The AGES -Reykjavik Study. Stroke, 48 (9), 2353-2360

Ibrahim-Verbaas CA, Bressler J, Debette S, Schuur M, Smith AV, Bis JC, Davies G, Trompet S, Smith JA, Wolf C, Chibnik LB, Liu Y, Vitart V, Kirin M, Petrovic K, Polasek O, Zgaga L, Fawns-Ritchie C, Hoffmann P, Karjalainen J, Lahti J, Llewellyn DJ, Schmidt CO, Mather KA, Chouraki V, Sun Q, Resnick SM, Rose LM, Oldmeadow C, Stewart M, Smith BH, Gudnason V, Yang Q, Mirza SS, Jukema JW, deJager PL, Harris TB, Liewald DC, Amin N, Coker LH, Stegle O, Lopez OL, Schmidt R, Teumer A, Ford I, Karbalai N, Becker JT, Jonsdottir MK, et al.  (2016). GWAS for executive function and processing speed suggests involvement of the CADM2 gene. Molecular Psychiatry, 21(2), 189-97.

Aarts S, Patel KV, Garcia ME, Van den Akker M, Verhey FR, Metsemakers JF, Van Boxtel MP, Gudnason V, Jonsdottir MK, Siggeirsdottir K, Jonsson PV, Harris TB, Launer LJ. (2015). Co-presence of multimorbidity and disability with frailty: an examination of heterogeneity in the frail older population. The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 4 (3), 131-138.

Debette, S. et al. (2015). Genome-wide studies of verbal declarative memory in non-demented older people: the CHARGE consortium. Biological Psychiatry, 77(8), 749-63.

Davis, B.J., Vidal, J.S., Garcia, M., Aspelund, T., van Buchem, M.A., Jonsdottir, M.K., Sigurdsson, S., Harris, T., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L. J. (2014). The Alcohol Paradox: Light-to-Moderate Alcohol Consumption, Cognitive Function, and Brain Volume. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2014 Jul 2. pii: glu092. [Epub ahead of print]

Vidarsdottir, H., Fang, F., Chang, M., Aspelund, T., Fall, K., Jonsdottir, M. K., Jonsson, P. V., Cotch, M. F., Harris, T. B., Launer, L. J., Gudnason, V. & Valdimarsdottir, U. (2014). Spousal loss and cognitive function in later life: a 25-year follow-up in the AGES-Reykjavik Study. American Journal of Epidemiology, 179(6), 674-83.

Qiu, C., Sigurdsson, S., Zhang, Q., Jonsdottir, M.K., Kjartansson, O., Eiriksdottir, G., Garcia, M.E., Harris, T.B., Van Buchem, M.A., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L.J. (2014). Diabetes, markers of brain pathology, and cognitive function: The AGES-Reykjavik study. Annals of Neurology, 75(1), 138-46.

Stefansdottir, H., Arnar, D.O., Aspelund, T., Sigurdsson, S., Jonsdottir, M.K., Hjaltason, H., Launer, L.J. & Gudnason, V. (2013). Atrial fibrillation is associated with reduced brain volume and cognitive function independent of cerebral infarcts. Stroke, 44 (4), 1020-1025.

Vidal, J.S., Aspelund, T., Jonsdottir, M.K., Jonsson, P.V., Harris, T.B., Lopez, O.L., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L.J. (2013). Pulmonary function impairment may be an early risk factor for late-life cognitive impairment. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 61(1), 79-83.

Mitchell, G.F., van Buchem, M.A., Sigurdsson, S., Gotal, J.D., Jonsdottir, M.K., Kjartansson, O., Garcia, M., Aspelund, T., Harris, T.B., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L.J. (2011). Arterial stiffness, pressure and flow pulsatility and brain structure and function: the Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility - Reykjavik Study. Brain, 134, 3398-3407.

Qiu, C., Cotch, M.F., Sigurdsson, S., Jonsson, P.V., Jonsdottir, M.K., Sveinbjörnsdottir, S., Eiriksdottir, G., Klein, R., Harris, T.B., van Buchem, M.A., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L.J. (2010). Cerebral microbleeds, retinopathy, and dementia: the AGES-Reykjavik Study. Neurology, 75(24), 2221-2228.

Chang, M., Jonsson, P.V., Snaedal, J., Bjornsson, S., Saczynski, J.S., Aspelund, T., Eiriksdottir, G., Jonsdottir, M.K., Lopez, O.L., Harris, T.B., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L.J. (2010). The effect of midlife physical activity on cognitive function among older adults: AGES-Reykjavik Study. Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 65(12), 1369-1374.

Vidal, J.S., Sigurdsson, S., Jonsdottir, M.K., Eiriksdottir, G., Thorgeirsson, G., Kjartansson, O., Garcia, M.E., van Buchem, M.A., Harris, T.B., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L.J. (2010). Coronary artery calcium, brain function and structure: the AGES-Reykjavik Study. Stroke, 41(5), 891-897.

Saczynski, J. S., Sigurðsson, S., Jonsdottir, M. K., Eiríksdóttir, G., Jónsson, P. V., Garcia, M. E., Kjartansson, Ó., Lopez, O., van Buchem, M. A., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L. (2009). Cerebral infarcts and cognitive performance: Importance of location and number of infarcts. Stroke, 40, 677-682. Accompanied by an editorial: Baune, B. T. (2009). The puzzle of predicting the impact of brain infarcts on cognitive impairment in the aging brain. Stroke, 40, 667-669.

Saczynski, J. S., Jónsdóttir, M. K., Sigurðsson, S., Eiríksdóttir, G., Jónsson, P. V., Garcia, M. E., Kjartansson, Ó., van Buchem, M. A., Guðnason, V. & Launer, L. J. (2008). Cognitive impairment: An increasingly important complication of type 2 diabetes. The Age Gene/Environment Susceptibility – Reykjavik Study. American Journal of Epidemiology, 168 (10), 1132-1139.

Saczynski, J. S., Jónsdóttir, M. K., Sigurðsson, S., Eiríksdóttir, G., Jónsson, P. V., Garcia, M. E., Kjartansson, Ó., van Buchem, M. A., Guðnason, V. & Launer, L. (2008). White matter lesions and cognitive performance: the role of cognitively complex leisure activity. Journal of Gerontology Series A- Biological and Medical Sciences, 63A (8), 848-854.

Jónsdóttir, M. K., Adólfsdóttir, S., Cortez, R. D. Gunnarsdóttir, M. & Gústafsdóttir, Á. H. (2007). A diary study of action slips in healthy individuals. Clinical Neuropsychologist, 21 (6), 875-883. Selected as a continuing education (CE) paper by the editors.

Jónsdóttir, M.K. (2004). A selective deficit for reading vowels in a letter-by-letter reader. Svensk Neuropsykologi (Journal of the Swedish Neuropsychological Society), 16 (4), 31-32. Invited paper

María K. Jónsdóttir (2001). Sértæk truflun í lestri sérhljóða. Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði, 22, 159-165. Invited paper. [A selective deficit for reading vowels]. Icelandic language and grammar, 22, 159-165 (see here:

María K. Jónsdóttir, Magnús Haraldsson & Þóra S. Úlfsdóttir (1998). Erlent tónfall eftir heiladrep. Læknablaðið, 84, 562-563. [Foreign intonation following cerebral infarction]. The Journal of the Icelandic Medical Association, 84, 562-563).

Jónsdóttir, M. K., Magnússon, T. & Kjartansson, Ó. (1998). Pure alexia and word-meaning deafness in a patient with multiple sclerosis. Archives of Neurology, 55, 1473-1474.

Jónsdóttir, M. K. & Martin, R. C. (1995/1996). Superordinate and basic level knowledge in aphasia: A case study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 9 (4), 261-287.

Jónsdóttir, M. K. & Shallice, T. (1996). Phonological mediation and the graphemic buffer disorder in spelling: cross language differences? Cognition, 59, 169-197.

Jónsdóttir, M. K., Meyer, J. S. & Rogers, R. (1987). Efficacy, side effects, and tolerance compared during headache treatment with three different calcium blockers. Headache, 27, 364-369.

Meyer, J. S., Zetusky, W., Jónsdóttir, M. K., & Mortel, K. (1986). Cephalic hyperemia during migraine headaches. A prospective study. Headache, 26, 388-397.


PRESENTATIONS AND POSTERS                                                                                   


Valsdóttir, V., Jonsdottir, M. K., Magnúsdóttir, B.M., Chang, M. Gudnason, V. (2020). Cognitive Ageing Among Older Adults in Iceland: The AGES-Reykjavik Study. Poster at the INS conference in Denver, February 5-8, 2020.

Eymundsdóttir, H., Chang, M., Geirsdóttir, Jónsdóttir, M., Jónsson, PV., Gudnason, V., Ramel, A. (2019). Longitudinal association between serum 25 hydroxy vitamin D and cognitive function among Icelandic older adults. Innovation in Aging  2 (Suppl_1), S484-S484.

Teitsdóttir, U.D., Jonsdottir, M.K., Lund, S.H., Snædal, J., Petersen, P.H. (2019). Association of inflammatory and neuronal injury markers with Alzheimer’s disease cerebrospinal fluid profile and cognitive functions. Nordic memory clinic conference (Reykjavik, August 30-31, 2019)

Jonsdottir, M.K. (August 2019). Neuropsychology in memory clinics: Necessity or luxury? Invited talk 2nd Nordic memory clinic conference (Reykjavik, August 30-31, 2019)

Eymundsdottir, H., Gudjonsson, M.C, Geirsdottir, O., Jonsson, P., Gudnason, V., Launer, L., Jonsdottir, M., Ramel, A. (November 2018). Gerontological Society of America, Annual Conference, Boston. Associations of lifestyle factors and 25 hydroxyvitamin D according to cognitive status among older adults. Innovation in Aging 2 (suppl_1), 502-503

Jonsdottir, M.K. (2017). Clinical Neuropsychology at the Landakot Memory Clinic. Invited talk at the Nordic Memory Clinic Conference, Oslo, Norway, September 25-26, 2017

Hansdóttir, H., Eiríksdóttir, G., Jónsdóttir, M. K. Fisher, D., Jónsson, P. V., Guðnason, V. (2017). Leisure Activity, Social Interactions and the Risk of Cognitive Decline in Old People. European Union Geriatric Medicine Society – EUGMS Congress 2017, Nice September 20 – 22. Poster

María K. Jónsdóttir, Brynhildur Jónsdóttir, Una Sólveig Jóakimsdóttir (2016, September/October). Icelandic translation, standardization, norm collection and validation of the Addenbrooke mobile: first results. The Icelandic Medical Journal, Supplement 89, 8.

Jónsdóttir, M.K., Brynhildur Jónsdóttir, and Una Sólveig Jóakimsdóttir (2016, April). Icelandic translation, standardization and collection of normative data for the mobile Addenbrooke test for (t-ACE): First results. Conference of the Icelandic Psychological Association, Reykjavík, Iceland

Jónsdóttir, M.K.  Þórhallsson, A. and Línadóttir, E. Ó. (2015, April). Lay knowledge about Alzheimer dementia and attitudes towards aging. Conference of the Icelandic Psychological Association, Reykjavík, Iceland.

Jóhannsson, M., Snædal, J., Jónsdóttir, M.K., Héðinsdóttir, Í. and Johnsen, K. (2015, April). Diagnosing dementia with EEG: relationship between the cholinergic index and neuropsychological testing. Conference of the Icelandic Psychological Association, Reykjavík, Iceland.

Vidal, J.S., Jonsdottir, M.K., Sigurdsson, S., Aspelund, T., Harris, T., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L.J. (2011, April). Brain Volume Decline Predicts Cognitive Decline: The AGES Reykjavik Study [Abstract]. Neurology, 76(9), A661-A661.

Vin Þorsteinsdóttir, María K. Jónsdóttir, Pálmi V. Jónsson, Vilmundur Guðnason & Lenore J. Launer (2009, April). Öldrunarrannsókn Hjartaverndar: Algengi vægrar vitrænnar skerðingar með minnistapi [AGES-Reykjavík Study: Incidence of amnestic MCI]. Poster presentation, Icelandic Psychological Society Conference, Reykjavík.

María K. Jónsdóttir, Pálmi V. Jónsson, Bylgja Valtýsdóttir, Vilmundur Guðnason & Lenore J. Launer (2009, April). Öldrunarrannsókn Hjartaverndar: Íslensk viðmið fyrir MMSE skimunarprófið [AGES-Reykjavík Study: Icelandic norms for the MMSE]. Poster presentation, Icelandic Psychological Society Conference, Reykjavík.

Jónsdóttir, M.K., Þorsteinsson, H., Jónsson, P. V., Guðnason & Launer. L. J. (2009, February). Age Gene/Environment Susceptibility (AGES)-Reykjavik study: Factor analysis of a neuropsychological battery in an epidemiological study on aging. Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society, 35th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.

Saczynski, J.S., Peila, R., Jónsdóttir, M., Garcia, M., Jónsson, P., Eiríksdóttir, G., Ólafsdóttir, E., Harris, T., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L. (2007, November). Diabetes and Cognitive Performance Diabetes and Cognitive Performance: The Age Gene Environment Susceptibility-Reykjavik Study (AGES-Reykjavik). Paper, Gerontological Society of America Conference, San Francisco, California.

Palm, W.M., Saczynski, J.S., Sigurdsson, S., Jonsdottir, M.K., Eiriksdottir, G., Jonsson, P., Kjartansson, O., Van Buchem, M.A., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L. (2007). Magnetization transfer ratio and cognitive function in the general population [Abstract]. Neurology 68 (12), A61-A62 Suppl. 1.

Aðalheiður Sigfúsdóttir, Pálmi V. Jónsson, María K. Jónsdóttir, Thor Aspelund, Ólafur Kjartansson, Guðný Eiríksdóttir, Sigurður Sigurðsson, Lenore J. Launer & Vilmundur Guðnason (2007). Tengsl æðasjúkdóma í heila og taugasálfræðilegs mynsturs hjá eldra fólki án heilabilunar sem tók þátt í Öldrunarrannsókn Hjartaverndar [Relationship between white matter lesions, infarcts and neuropsychological performance] [Abstract]. Icelandic Medical Journal, Suppl., 53, 114.

Sigurður Sigurðsson, Lenore Launer, Milan Chang, Thor Aspelund, María K. Jónsdóttir, Grímheiður F. Jóhannsdóttir, Bylgja Valtýsdóttir, Guðný Eiríksdóttir og Vilmundur Guðnason (2007). Samband minnisskerðingar og innilokunarkenndar í segulómrannsóknum á heila [Incomplete magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination due to claustrophobia: is cognitive impairment a contributing factor? The age, gene/environment, susceptibility Reykjavík study] [Abstract]. Icelandic Medical Journal, Suppl., 53, 88.

Saczynski, J., Peila, R., Jonsdottir, M., Garcia, M., Jonsson, P., Eiriksdottir, G., Olafsdottir, E., Gudnason, V., Harris, T. & Launer, L. (2006). Diabetes and Cognitive Performance: The Age Gene Environment Susceptibility Study (AGES) [Abstract]. Diabetes, 55, A57-A57.

Saczynski, J., Jonsdottir, M. K., Sigurdsson, S., Eiriksdottir, G., Jonsson, P. V., Kjartansson, O., van Buchem, M. A., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L. J. (2006). Phenotypes of cognitive performance with white matter lesions: The Age/Gene Environment Susceptibility Reykjavík Study [Abstract]. Alzheimer´s and Dementia, 2(3), S409.

María K. Jónsdóttir, Berglind Magnúsdóttir & Magnús Jóhannsson (2006, May). Íslensk stöðlun Mattis Dementia Rating Scale-2: Fyrstu niðurstöður [Icelandic standardization of the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale-2: First results]. Poster presentation, Landspitali University Hospital Science Days.

Sigurðsson, S., Launer, L., Chang, M., Aspelund, T., Jónsdóttir, M. K., Jóhannesdóttir, G. F., Valtýsdóttir, B., Eiríksdóttir, G. & Guðnason, V. (2006, March). Incomplete magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination due to claustrophobia: is cognitive impairment a contributing factor? The age, gene/environment, susceptibility Reykjavík study. Poster presentation, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna.

Jónsdóttir, M.K., Ingþórsdóttir, E.M., Aspelund, T., Jónsson, P.V., Launer, L.J. & Guðnason, V. (2006, February). Retrospective Time Estimation in an Elderly Cohort: Relationship to Cognitive Functioning. Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society, 32nd Annual Meeting, Boston.

Saczynski, J. S., Jonsdottir, M. K., Sigurdsson, S., Eiriksdottir, G., Jonsson, P. V., Kjartansson, O., van Buchem, M.A., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L. J. (2005). Socio-demographic characteristics of phenotypes of cognitive reserve in a population sample: The Ages Study [Abstract]. Gerontologist, 45(2), 515.

Saczynski, J. S., Jonsdottir, M. K., Sigurdsson, S., Jonsson, P.V., Kjartansson, O., Gudnason, V., van Buchem, M. A., Eiriksdottir, G. & Launer L. J. (2005, June). Periventricular and subcortical white matter hyperintensities and cognitive function in a population sample: The AGES study. Poster presentation, 2nd congress of The International Society for Vascular Behavioral and Cognitive Disorders, Florence.

Tryggvadóttir, H.B., Jónsdóttir, M.K., Kristjánsson, K., Rye, D. & Sigmundsson, Þ. (2004, February). Cognitive function in restless leg syndrome. Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society 32nd Annual Meeting, Baltimore.

Jónsdóttir, M.K. (2004, February). Self-evaluation of memory problems in daily life: Normative data. Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society 32nd Annual Meeting, Baltimore.

Haukur Sigurðsson, María K. Jónsdóttir og Ragnar F. Ólafsson (2001). Þunglyndi eftir heilablóðfall [Post-stroke depression]. Poster presentation, Science Days, Landspítali.

Adólfsdóttir, S. & Jónsdóttir, M. K. (2003). Laypersons´ knowledge about the sequelae of whiplash [Abstract]. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 9 (4), 535 (paper presentation).

Jónsdóttir, M. K. & Davíðsdóttir, S. (2001, February). Superordinate and basic level concepts in Alzheimer´s disease. Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society 29th Annual Meeting, Chicago.

Jónsdóttir, M. K. (2000, August). A selective deficit for reading vowels: Implications for models of normal reading. Nordic Neurolinguistic Workshop, Reykjavík, Iceland. Invited talk.

Jónsdóttir, M. K. & Pétursdóttir, A. I. (1998, February). Warrington´s recognition test: Increased difficulty and validity. Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society 26th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Jónsdóttir, M. K. (1997, February). Hooper Visual Organization Test: a question of an unavoidable strategy (abstract). Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society 25th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 3, 30.

Jónsdóttir, M. K. (1995, February). A selective deficit in reading vowels: a case description. Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society 23rd Annual

Jónsdóttir, M. K. & Rettig, G. M. (1990, July). Consistent long-term retrieval and delayed recall in epileptics with right and left temporal lobe foci. Poster presentation, Mid-year Meeting International Neuropsychological Society, Innsbruck, Austria.




BLOG  - FOR LAY READERS                                                                                            ­­­­­ (in English) – with Brynhildur Jónsdóttir (discontinued)





Whole day courses on neuropsychology:

·       Institute for Continuing Education, University of Iceland

·       Landspítali University Hospital

·       Center for Rehabilitation at Kristnes, Akureyri (health care staff)

·       Icelandic Lawyers´Association – course on brain injury/concussion and compensation evaluations

·       Icelandic Psychological Society


Numerous invited lectures for various institutions and non-professional interest groups (e.g., The State Counselling and Diagnostic Centre, Sóltún Nursing Home, Hrafnista Nursing Home, Icelandic Occupational Therapy Association, Multiple Sclerosis Society, The Icelandic Disability Alliance, Icelandic Heart Association, Reykjavik University, The Annual Conference of The Icelandic Medical Association, Actavis Rotary Club)




My research has been supported by various grants. I have only listed those grants where I have written and been responsible for the grant application:

·       Nato grant (1990)

·       University of Iceland Research Fund (1992)

·       RANNIS (Project Grant 1992 and 2020, The Icelandic Sport Fund and Student Innovation Fund grants) (both several times).

·       Landspítali Science Fund (Numerous grants, since 1993)

·       Nordisk Forskerutdanningsakademi (NorFA, now NordForsk - Nordic Research Board, 1995)

·       Research fund for Alzheimer´s disease and related disorders (Iceland)

·       Helga Jónsdóttir and Sigurliði Kristjánsson Memorial Fund

·       Guðmundur Andrésson Fund

·       Hrafnista Research Fund

·       Alzheimer´s Association in Iceland

·       Directorate of Health (Public Health Fund)

·       Icelandic Gerontological Society Research Fund 2017 - three year grant to support a Ph.D. student 



COMMITTEES AND BOARDS OUTSIDE RU                                                          


2016-                EFPA (European Federation of Psychological Association) committee on Clinical Neuropsychology – nominated by the Icelandic Psychological Association.

2016-                Program committee of the annual conference of the International Neuropsychological Society

2015-                Ethics committee of the Icelandic Psychological Association

2013-2014        Continuing education committee, Icelandic Psychological Association

                        EFPA Standing Committee on Clinical Neuropsychology (corresponding member)

2011-2015        Editor of Sálfræðiritið - Journal of the Icelandic Psychological Association

2003-2010        Ethics committee of the Icelandic Psychological Association

(Chairman 2007-2010)

2010-2013        Icelandic Gerontological Institute, Board of Directors



PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP                                                                                       


·       Icelandic Psychological Society

·       International Neuropsychological Society


Curriculum Vitae


María K. Jónsdóttir Ph.D., Professor

Curriculum Vitae

Reykjavík University, Department of Psychology / E-mail:


Google scholar:








2008                                  Diploma in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Institute for Continuing Education, University of Iceland


1990                                   Ph.D., Clinical Neuropsychology, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA

1988                                   M.A., Clinical Neuropsychology, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA

1985                     B.A., Psychology, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland


PROFESSIONAL LICENSES                                                                                            


2007                     Specialist qualification in Clinical Neuropsychology in Iceland

1991                     Licensed psychologist in Iceland




March 2021         Professor, Department of Psychology, Reykjavik University (RU)


2014 -2021           Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Reykjavik University (RU)

Graduate and undergraduate level.


1991-2013                   Lecturer (part-time), Department of Psychology, University of Iceland (one course per

semester). Graduate and undergraduate level.


2001-                   Clinical supervision: Clinical supervision of clinical psychology students in a hospital setting.




PhD                      Currently five PhD students: Principal advisor of three PhD students in psychology at RU

                             On one PhD committee (department of Medicine) University of Iceland


MS/BS                  I have supervised numerous MS and BS theses in psychology since 1992, both at the University of Iceland and RU


OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE                                                                            


Current -              Senior Clinical Neuropsychologist, Memory Clinic, Landspítali (since 2005)

2000 -                   Peer supervision in clinical neuropsychology, Landspitali University Hospital

2010 – 2013         Team leader - Adult Neuropsychology Services, Landspítali, Dept. of Psychiatry           


2002-2009            Team leader in neuropsychology and substitute for the Head of Psychology,

Dept. of Psychological Health, Landspítali, Dept. of Rehabilitation

2002-2011            Icelandic Heart Association Supervision of neuropsychological testing in The Age,

                             Gene/Environment Susceptibility–Reykjavik Study (Epidemiological study on aging)

1996 -                   Forensic work in personal compensation and criminal cases: neuropsychological assessment,

expert witness, lay judge, assessing competency to stand trial.

Specialty: Mild brain injury/concussion

1991-2005            Clinical neuropsychologist, Landspítali, Depts. of Neurology/Rehabiliation and

                             Geriatrics. Consulting: E.g., Cardiology, Oncology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Infectious diseases.

1990-1991                   Honorary research fellow, Charing Cross Hospital and University College, London, England



PUBLICATIONS – PEER REVIEWED                                                                               

In preparation:

Jonsdottir, M.K., Joakimsdottir, U.S., Gudnadottir, M. & Jonsdottir, B. (in preparation). An Icelandic version of the Addenbrooke Cognitive Examination-III: Traditional norms and regression norms


Submitted manuscripts:

Claessen, L. Ó.E., Kristjánsdóttir, H., Jónsdóttir, M.K., Lund, S.H., Kristensen, I.S.U. & Sigurjónsdóttir, H.Á. (submitted, Nov 2021). Screening for hypopituitarism following mild traumatic brain injury: the first all-female study. Pituitary

Jacob, D., Unnsteinsdóttir, I.K., Aubonnet, R., Recenti, M., Donisi, L. Ricciardi, C., Jonsdottir, M.K., Kristjánsdóttir, H., Sigurjónsdótir, H.Á., Cesarelli, M., Eggertsdóttir, L.Ó., Hassan, M., Petersen, H. & Gargiulo, P. (sent til birtingar). Postural control and virtual reality: towards defining biomarkers of sport-related concussions among female athletes. Nature Scientific Reports

Kosmidis, M.H., Lettner, S., Hokkanen, L., Barbosa, F., Persson, B., Baker, G., Kasten, E., Ponchel, A., Mondini, S., Varako, N., Nikolai, T., Hessen, E., Jonsdottir, M.K., Pranckeviciene, A. & Constanginou, M. (2021). Core competencies in Clinical Neuropsychology as a training model in Europe. Frontiers in Psychology, section Neuropsychology.

Teitsdottir, U.D., Darreh-Shori, T., Lund, S. H., Jonsdottir, M.K., Snaedal, J. & Petersen, P.H. (submitted June 2021). Phenotypic displays of cholinergic enzymes associate with markers of inflammation and neurodegeneration in a memory clinic cohort. Frontiers Aging Neuroscience.

Valsdottir, V., Magnusdottir, B. B., Chang, M., Sigurdsson, S., Launer, L. & Jonsdottir, M.K. (submitted, Dec 2020). Linear regression models comparing cognition and brain health among older adults in Iceland: The AGES-Reykjavik study. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition

Kristensen, I. U., Kristjánsdottir, H., Sigurvinsdottir, R., Sigurjonsdottir, H.Á., Claessen, L.E. & Jónsdóttir, M.K. (submitted January 2022). Methodology matters: Self-reported concussion assessed by recollecting specific events rather than the number of incidents. Journal of Sport Sciences


Published /accepted:

Hansdóttir, H., Jónsdóttir, M.K., Fisher, D., Eiríksdóttir, G., Jónsson, P.V. & Guðnason, V. (2022). Creativity, leisure activities, social engagement and cognitive impairment: The AGES-Reykjavík Study. Aging, Clinical and Experimental Research.

Jonsdottir, M.K., Kristofersdottir, K.H., Runolfsdottir, S., Kristensen, I.S.U., Sigurjonsdottir, H.A., Eggertsdottir, L.O., Kristjansdottir, H. (2021). Concussion among female athletes in Iceland: Stress, depression, anxiety and quality of life. Nordic Psychology.

Johannesdottir, K.R., Ferretti, D., Árnadóttir, B.S. & Jónsdóttir, M.K. (2021). Objective measures of cognitive performance in sleep disorder research Sleep Medicine Clinics DOI:

Kasten, E., Barbosa, F., Kosmidis, M.H., Persson, B.A., Constantinou, M., Baker, G., Lettner, S., Hokkanen, L., Ponchel, A., Mondini, S., Jonsdottir, M.K., Varako, N., Nikolai, T., Pranckevicience, A, Harper, L., & Hessen, E. (2021). European Clinical Neuropsychology: Role in Health Care and Access to Neuropsychological Services. Healthcare

Teitsdóttir, U.D., Halldorsson, S., Jonasdottir, H.S., Rolfsson, O., Lund, S.H., Jonsdottir, M.K., Snaedal, J. & Petersen, P.H. (2021). Cerebrospinal fluid C18 ceramide associates with markers of Alzheimer’s disease and inflammation at the symptomatic pre- and early stages of dementia. Journal of Alzheimer´s Disease, DOI: 10.3233/JAD-200964

Eymundsdottir, H., Ramel, A., Geirsdottir, O.G., Skuladottir, S., Gudmundsson, L.S., Jonsson, P.V., Gudnason, V., Launer, L., Jonsdottir, M.K. & Chang, M. (2021). Body weight changes and longitudinal associations with cognitive decline among community dwelling old adults. Alzheimer´s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring

Kristensen, I. S. U., Kristjánsdóttir, H. & Jonsdottir, M.K. (Accepted, January 2021). Concussion history,

mental health, and attention-related errors among Female Amateur MMA Fighters at the 2019 IMMAF European Championship: A descriptive Study. Annals of Applied Sport Science.

Kristjánsdóttir, H., Lýðsdóttir, L. B. og Jónsdóttir, M. K. (2020). Psychologists´ private practice

during restrictions on gatherings in March and April 2020. Journal of the Icelandic Psychological Association, 25(1),

Kristjánsdóttir, H., Brynjarsdottir, R., Unnsteinsdottir, I., Sigurjonsdottir, H., Claessen, L., & Jonsdottir, M. (2020). Self-reported concussion history among Icelandic female athletes with and without a definition of concussion. The Clinical Neuropsychologist.

Teitsdóttir, U.D., Jónsdóttir, M. K., Lund, S. H., Darreh-Shori, T., Snaedal, J. Petersen P. H. (2020). Association of glial and neuronal degeneration markers with Alzheimer´s disease cerebrospinal fluid profile and cognitive functions. Alzheimer´s Research & Therapy.

Eymundsdóttir, H., Chang, M., Geirsdóttir, O.G., Guðmundsson, L.S., Jonsson, PV, Gudnason, V., Launer, L., Jonsdottir, MK, Ramel, A. (2020). Lifestyle and 25-hydroxy-vitamin D among community-dwelling old adults with dementia, mild cognitive impairment, or normal cognitive function. Aging Clinical & Experimental Research,

Eymundsdóttir, H., Chang, M., Geirsdóttir, O.G., Jónsson, P.V., Gudnason, V., Launer, L., Jónsdóttir, M.K. and Ramel, A. (2018). Serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D, physical activity and cognitive function among older adults. Journal of Aging Research & Clinical Practice, 7, 143-148.

Sigurdsson, S., Aspelund, T., Kjartansson, Gudmundsson, E., Jonsdottir, M., Eiríksdóttir, G., … Launer, L. (2017). Incidence of brain infarcts, cognitive change and risk of dementia in the general population: The AGES -Reykjavik Study. Stroke, 48 (9), 2353-2360

Ibrahim-Verbaas CA, Bressler J, Debette S, Schuur M, Smith AV, Bis JC, Davies G, Trompet S, Smith JA, Wolf C, Chibnik LB, Liu Y, Vitart V, Kirin M, Petrovic K, Polasek O, Zgaga L, Fawns-Ritchie C, Hoffmann P, Karjalainen J, Lahti J, Llewellyn DJ, Schmidt CO, Mather KA, Chouraki V, Sun Q, Resnick SM, Rose LM, Oldmeadow C, Stewart M, Smith BH, Gudnason V, Yang Q, Mirza SS, Jukema JW, deJager PL, Harris TB, Liewald DC, Amin N, Coker LH, Stegle O, Lopez OL, Schmidt R, Teumer A, Ford I, Karbalai N, Becker JT, Jonsdottir MK, et al.  (2016). GWAS for executive function and processing speed suggests involvement of the CADM2 gene. Molecular Psychiatry, 21(2), 189-97.

Aarts S, Patel KV, Garcia ME, Van den Akker M, Verhey FR, Metsemakers JF, Van Boxtel MP, Gudnason V, Jonsdottir MK, Siggeirsdottir K, Jonsson PV, Harris TB, Launer LJ. (2015). Co-presence of multimorbidity and disability with frailty: an examination of heterogeneity in the frail older population. The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 4 (3), 131-138.

Debette, S. et al. (2015). Genome-wide studies of verbal declarative memory in non-demented older people: the CHARGE consortium. Biological Psychiatry, 77(8), 749-63.

Davis, B.J., Vidal, J.S., Garcia, M., Aspelund, T., van Buchem, M.A., Jonsdottir, M.K., Sigurdsson, S., Harris, T., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L. J. (2014). The Alcohol Paradox: Light-to-Moderate Alcohol Consumption, Cognitive Function, and Brain Volume. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2014 Jul 2. pii: glu092. [Epub ahead of print]

Vidarsdottir, H., Fang, F., Chang, M., Aspelund, T., Fall, K., Jonsdottir, M. K., Jonsson, P. V., Cotch, M. F., Harris, T. B., Launer, L. J., Gudnason, V. & Valdimarsdottir, U. (2014). Spousal loss and cognitive function in later life: a 25-year follow-up in the AGES-Reykjavik Study. American Journal of Epidemiology, 179(6), 674-83.

Qiu, C., Sigurdsson, S., Zhang, Q., Jonsdottir, M.K., Kjartansson, O., Eiriksdottir, G., Garcia, M.E., Harris, T.B., Van Buchem, M.A., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L.J. (2014). Diabetes, markers of brain pathology, and cognitive function: The AGES-Reykjavik study. Annals of Neurology, 75(1), 138-46.

Stefansdottir, H., Arnar, D.O., Aspelund, T., Sigurdsson, S., Jonsdottir, M.K., Hjaltason, H., Launer, L.J. & Gudnason, V. (2013). Atrial fibrillation is associated with reduced brain volume and cognitive function independent of cerebral infarcts. Stroke, 44 (4), 1020-1025.

Vidal, J.S., Aspelund, T., Jonsdottir, M.K., Jonsson, P.V., Harris, T.B., Lopez, O.L., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L.J. (2013). Pulmonary function impairment may be an early risk factor for late-life cognitive impairment. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 61(1), 79-83.

Mitchell, G.F., van Buchem, M.A., Sigurdsson, S., Gotal, J.D., Jonsdottir, M.K., Kjartansson, O., Garcia, M., Aspelund, T., Harris, T.B., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L.J. (2011). Arterial stiffness, pressure and flow pulsatility and brain structure and function: the Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility - Reykjavik Study. Brain, 134, 3398-3407.

Qiu, C., Cotch, M.F., Sigurdsson, S., Jonsson, P.V., Jonsdottir, M.K., Sveinbjörnsdottir, S., Eiriksdottir, G., Klein, R., Harris, T.B., van Buchem, M.A., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L.J. (2010). Cerebral microbleeds, retinopathy, and dementia: the AGES-Reykjavik Study. Neurology, 75(24), 2221-2228.

Chang, M., Jonsson, P.V., Snaedal, J., Bjornsson, S., Saczynski, J.S., Aspelund, T., Eiriksdottir, G., Jonsdottir, M.K., Lopez, O.L., Harris, T.B., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L.J. (2010). The effect of midlife physical activity on cognitive function among older adults: AGES-Reykjavik Study. Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 65(12), 1369-1374.

Vidal, J.S., Sigurdsson, S., Jonsdottir, M.K., Eiriksdottir, G., Thorgeirsson, G., Kjartansson, O., Garcia, M.E., van Buchem, M.A., Harris, T.B., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L.J. (2010). Coronary artery calcium, brain function and structure: the AGES-Reykjavik Study. Stroke, 41(5), 891-897.

Saczynski, J. S., Sigurðsson, S., Jonsdottir, M. K., Eiríksdóttir, G., Jónsson, P. V., Garcia, M. E., Kjartansson, Ó., Lopez, O., van Buchem, M. A., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L. (2009). Cerebral infarcts and cognitive performance: Importance of location and number of infarcts. Stroke, 40, 677-682. Accompanied by an editorial: Baune, B. T. (2009). The puzzle of predicting the impact of brain infarcts on cognitive impairment in the aging brain. Stroke, 40, 667-669.

Saczynski, J. S., Jónsdóttir, M. K., Sigurðsson, S., Eiríksdóttir, G., Jónsson, P. V., Garcia, M. E., Kjartansson, Ó., van Buchem, M. A., Guðnason, V. & Launer, L. J. (2008). Cognitive impairment: An increasingly important complication of type 2 diabetes. The Age Gene/Environment Susceptibility – Reykjavik Study. American Journal of Epidemiology, 168 (10), 1132-1139.

Saczynski, J. S., Jónsdóttir, M. K., Sigurðsson, S., Eiríksdóttir, G., Jónsson, P. V., Garcia, M. E., Kjartansson, Ó., van Buchem, M. A., Guðnason, V. & Launer, L. (2008). White matter lesions and cognitive performance: the role of cognitively complex leisure activity. Journal of Gerontology Series A- Biological and Medical Sciences, 63A (8), 848-854.

Jónsdóttir, M. K., Adólfsdóttir, S., Cortez, R. D. Gunnarsdóttir, M. & Gústafsdóttir, Á. H. (2007). A diary study of action slips in healthy individuals. Clinical Neuropsychologist, 21 (6), 875-883. Selected as a continuing education (CE) paper by the editors.

Jónsdóttir, M.K. (2004). A selective deficit for reading vowels in a letter-by-letter reader. Svensk Neuropsykologi (Journal of the Swedish Neuropsychological Society), 16 (4), 31-32. Invited paper

María K. Jónsdóttir (2001). Sértæk truflun í lestri sérhljóða. Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði, 22, 159-165. Invited paper. [A selective deficit for reading vowels]. Icelandic language and grammar, 22, 159-165 (see here:

María K. Jónsdóttir, Magnús Haraldsson & Þóra S. Úlfsdóttir (1998). Erlent tónfall eftir heiladrep. Læknablaðið, 84, 562-563. [Foreign intonation following cerebral infarction]. The Journal of the Icelandic Medical Association, 84, 562-563).

Jónsdóttir, M. K., Magnússon, T. & Kjartansson, Ó. (1998). Pure alexia and word-meaning deafness in a patient with multiple sclerosis. Archives of Neurology, 55, 1473-1474.

Jónsdóttir, M. K. & Martin, R. C. (1995/1996). Superordinate and basic level knowledge in aphasia: A case study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 9 (4), 261-287.

Jónsdóttir, M. K., Shallice, T. & Wise, R. (1996). Phonological mediation and the graphemic buffer disorder in spelling: cross language differences? Cognition, 59, 169-197.

Jónsdóttir, M. K., Meyer, J. S. & Rogers, R. (1987). Efficacy, side effects, and tolerance compared during headache treatment with three different calcium blockers. Headache, 27, 364-369.

Meyer, J. S., Zetusky, W., Jónsdóttir, M. K., & Mortel, K. (1986). Cephalic hyperemia during migraine headaches. A prospective study. Headache, 26, 388-397.


PRESENTATIONS AND POSTERS                                                                                   


Jónsdóttir, M.K., Kristjánsdóttir, H. et al. (October, 2021). Heilahristingur meðal íslenskra íþróttakvenna: streita, þunglyndi, kvíði og lífsgæði (Concussion among Icelandic female athletes: stress, depression, anxiety and quality of life). Presentation at the science day, Psychology department, Landspitali University Hospital.

Teitsdóttir, U.D., Jonsdottir, M.K., Lund, S.H., Taher, D-S., Snaedal, J., & Petersen, P.H. (June 2021). Association of glial and neuronal degeneration markers with Alzheimer´s disease cerebrospinal fluid profile and cognitive function. Virtual NGK 25 Nordic Gerontology Congress – The Age of Aging (Oral presentation/Symposium).

Eymundsdóttir, H., Ramel, A., Geirsdottir, Ó.G., Skúladóttir, S., Jónsson, P.V., Guðnason, V., Launer, L., Jónsdóttir, M.K., & Chang, M. (June 2021). Body weight changes and longitudinal associations with cognitive decline among old community-dwelling adults. Virtual NGK 25 Nordic Gerontology Congress – The Age of Aging (Oral presentation/Symposium).

Brynjarsdottir, R.M., Kristjansdottir, Kristensen, I. S. U., Sigurjonsdottir, H.A., Eggertsdottir, L.O., Jonsdottir, M.K. Concussions among Icelandic female athletes: self-reported prevalence with and without a definition of concussion. Oral presentation. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54 (Suppl 1), A10-A10. IOC World conference on prevention of injury & illness in sport, Monaco, March 2020. Conference cancelled – due to COVID

Runolfsdottir, S., Jonsdottir, M.K., Kristensen, I. S. U., Sigurjonsdottir, H.A., Eggertsdottir, L.O., Kristjansdottir, H. Concussions among Icelandic female athletes: stress, depression, anxiety and quality of life. Poster. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54 (Suppl 1), A8. IOC World conference on prevention of injury & illness in sport, Monaco, March 2020. Conference cancelled – due to COVID

Valsdóttir, V., Jonsdottir, M. K., Magnúsdóttir, B.M., Chang, M. Gudnason, V. (2020). Cognitive Ageing Among Older Adults in Iceland: The AGES-Reykjavik Study. Poster at the INS conference in Denver, February 5-8, 2020.

Eymundsdóttir, H., Chang, M., Geirsdóttir, Jónsdóttir, M., Jónsson, PV., Gudnason, V., Ramel, A. (2019). Longitudinal association between serum 25 hydroxy vitamin D and cognitive function among Icelandic older adults. Innovation in Aging  2 (Suppl_1), S484-S484.

Teitsdóttir, U.D., Jonsdottir, M.K., Lund, S.H., Snædal, J., Petersen, P.H. (2019). Association of inflammatory and neuronal injury markers with Alzheimer’s disease cerebrospinal fluid profile and cognitive functions. Nordic memory clinic conference (Reykjavik, August 30-31, 2019)

Jonsdottir, M.K. (August 2019). Neuropsychology in memory clinics: Necessity or luxury? Invited talk 2nd Nordic memory clinic conference (Reykjavik, August 30-31, 2019)

Eymundsdottir, H., Gudjonsson, M.C, Geirsdottir, O., Jonsson, P., Gudnason, V., Launer, L., Jonsdottir, M., Ramel, A. (November 2018). Gerontological Society of America, Annual Conference, Boston. Associations of lifestyle factors and 25 hydroxyvitamin D according to cognitive status among older adults. Innovation in Aging 2 (suppl_1), 502-503

Jonsdottir, M.K. (2017). Clinical Neuropsychology at the Landakot Memory Clinic. Invited talk at the Nordic Memory Clinic Conference, Oslo, Norway, September 25-26, 2017

Hansdóttir, H., Eiríksdóttir, G., Jónsdóttir, M. K. Fisher, D., Jónsson, P. V., Guðnason, V. (2017). Leisure Activity, Social Interactions and the Risk of Cognitive Decline in Old People. European Union Geriatric Medicine Society – EUGMS Congress 2017, Nice September 20 – 22. Poster

María K. Jónsdóttir, Brynhildur Jónsdóttir, Una Sólveig Jóakimsdóttir (2016, September/October). Icelandic translation, standardization, norm collection and validation of the Addenbrooke mobile: first results. The Icelandic Medical Journal, Supplement 89, 8.

Jónsdóttir, M.K., Brynhildur Jónsdóttir, and Una Sólveig Jóakimsdóttir (2016, April). Icelandic translation, standardization and collection of normative data for the mobile Addenbrooke test for (t-ACE): First results. Conference of the Icelandic Psychological Association, Reykjavík, Iceland

Jónsdóttir, M.K. Þórhallsson, A. and Línadóttir, E. Ó. (2015, April). Lay knowledge about Alzheimer dementia and attitudes towards aging. Conference of the Icelandic Psychological Association, Reykjavík, Iceland.

Jóhannsson, M., Snædal, J., Jónsdóttir, M.K., Héðinsdóttir, Í. and Johnsen, K. (2015, April). Diagnosing dementia with EEG: relationship between the cholinergic index and neuropsychological testing. Conference of the Icelandic Psychological Association, Reykjavík, Iceland.

Vidal, J.S., Jonsdottir, M.K., Sigurdsson, S., Aspelund, T., Harris, T., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L.J. (2011, April). Brain Volume Decline Predicts Cognitive Decline: The AGES Reykjavik Study [Abstract]. Neurology, 76(9), A661-A661.

Vin Þorsteinsdóttir, María K. Jónsdóttir, Pálmi V. Jónsson, Vilmundur Guðnason & Lenore J. Launer (2009, April). Öldrunarrannsókn Hjartaverndar: Algengi vægrar vitrænnar skerðingar með minnistapi [AGES-Reykjavík Study: Incidence of amnestic MCI]. Poster presentation, Icelandic Psychological Society Conference, Reykjavík.

María K. Jónsdóttir, Pálmi V. Jónsson, Bylgja Valtýsdóttir, Vilmundur Guðnason & Lenore J. Launer (2009, April). Öldrunarrannsókn Hjartaverndar: Íslensk viðmið fyrir MMSE skimunarprófið [AGES-Reykjavík Study: Icelandic norms for the MMSE]. Poster presentation, Icelandic Psychological Society Conference, Reykjavík.

Jónsdóttir, M.K., Þorsteinsson, H., Jónsson, P. V., Guðnason & Launer. L. J. (2009, February). Age Gene/Environment Susceptibility (AGES)-Reykjavik study: Factor analysis of a neuropsychological battery in an epidemiological study on aging. Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society, 35th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.

Saczynski, J.S., Peila, R., Jónsdóttir, M., Garcia, M., Jónsson, P., Eiríksdóttir, G., Ólafsdóttir, E., Harris, T., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L. (2007, November). Diabetes and Cognitive Performance Diabetes and Cognitive Performance: The Age Gene Environment Susceptibility-Reykjavik Study (AGES-Reykjavik). Paper, Gerontological Society of America Conference, San Francisco, California.

Palm, W.M., Saczynski, J.S., Sigurdsson, S., Jonsdottir, M.K., Eiriksdottir, G., Jonsson, P., Kjartansson, O., Van Buchem, M.A., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L. (2007). Magnetization transfer ratio and cognitive function in the general population [Abstract]. Neurology 68 (12), A61-A62 Suppl. 1.

Aðalheiður Sigfúsdóttir, Pálmi V. Jónsson, María K. Jónsdóttir, Thor Aspelund, Ólafur Kjartansson, Guðný Eiríksdóttir, Sigurður Sigurðsson, Lenore J. Launer & Vilmundur Guðnason (2007). Tengsl æðasjúkdóma í heila og taugasálfræðilegs mynsturs hjá eldra fólki án heilabilunar sem tók þátt í Öldrunarrannsókn Hjartaverndar [Relationship between white matter lesions, infarcts and neuropsychological performance] [Abstract]. Icelandic Medical Journal, Suppl., 53, 114.

Sigurður Sigurðsson, Lenore Launer, Milan Chang, Thor Aspelund, María K. Jónsdóttir, Grímheiður F. Jóhannsdóttir, Bylgja Valtýsdóttir, Guðný Eiríksdóttir og Vilmundur Guðnason (2007). Samband minnisskerðingar og innilokunarkenndar í segulómrannsóknum á heila [Incomplete magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination due to claustrophobia: is cognitive impairment a contributing factor? The age, gene/environment, susceptibility Reykjavík study] [Abstract]. Icelandic Medical Journal, Suppl., 53, 88.

Saczynski, J., Peila, R., Jonsdottir, M., Garcia, M., Jonsson, P., Eiriksdottir, G., Olafsdottir, E., Gudnason, V., Harris, T. & Launer, L. (2006). Diabetes and Cognitive Performance: The Age Gene Environment Susceptibility Study (AGES) [Abstract]. Diabetes, 55, A57-A57.

Saczynski, J., Jonsdottir, M. K., Sigurdsson, S., Eiriksdottir, G., Jonsson, P. V., Kjartansson, O., van Buchem, M. A., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L. J. (2006). Phenotypes of cognitive performance with white matter lesions: The Age/Gene Environment Susceptibility Reykjavík Study [Abstract]. Alzheimer´s and Dementia, 2(3), S409.

María K. Jónsdóttir, Berglind Magnúsdóttir & Magnús Jóhannsson (2006, May). Íslensk stöðlun Mattis Dementia Rating Scale-2: Fyrstu niðurstöður [Icelandic standardization of the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale-2: First results]. Poster presentation, Landspitali University Hospital Science Days.

Sigurðsson, S., Launer, L., Chang, M., Aspelund, T., Jónsdóttir, M. K., Jóhannesdóttir, G. F., Valtýsdóttir, B., Eiríksdóttir, G. & Guðnason, V. (2006, March). Incomplete magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination due to claustrophobia: is cognitive impairment a contributing factor? The age, gene/environment, susceptibility Reykjavík study. Poster presentation, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna.

Jónsdóttir, M.K., Ingþórsdóttir, E.M., Aspelund, T., Jónsson, P.V., Launer, L.J. & Guðnason, V. (2006, February). Retrospective Time Estimation in an Elderly Cohort: Relationship to Cognitive Functioning. Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society, 32nd Annual Meeting, Boston.

Saczynski, J. S., Jonsdottir, M. K., Sigurdsson, S., Eiriksdottir, G., Jonsson, P. V., Kjartansson, O., van Buchem, M.A., Gudnason, V. & Launer, L. J. (2005). Socio-demographic characteristics of phenotypes of cognitive reserve in a population sample: The Ages Study [Abstract]. Gerontologist, 45(2), 515.

Saczynski, J. S., Jonsdottir, M. K., Sigurdsson, S., Jonsson, P.V., Kjartansson, O., Gudnason, V., van Buchem, M. A., Eiriksdottir, G. & Launer L. J. (2005, June). Periventricular and subcortical white matter hyperintensities and cognitive function in a population sample: The AGES study. Poster presentation, 2nd congress of The International Society for Vascular Behavioral and Cognitive Disorders, Florence.

Tryggvadóttir, H.B., Jónsdóttir, M.K., Kristjánsson, K., Rye, D. & Sigmundsson, Þ. (2004, February). Cognitive function in restless leg syndrome. Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society 32nd Annual Meeting, Baltimore.

Jónsdóttir, M.K. (2004, February). Self-evaluation of memory problems in daily life: Normative data. Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society 32nd Annual Meeting, Baltimore.

Haukur Sigurðsson, María K. Jónsdóttir og Ragnar F. Ólafsson (2001). Þunglyndi eftir heilablóðfall [Post-stroke depression]. Poster presentation, Science Days, Landspítali.

Adólfsdóttir, S. & Jónsdóttir, M. K. (2003). Laypersons´ knowledge about the sequelae of whiplash [Abstract]. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 9 (4), 535 (paper presentation).

Jónsdóttir, M. K. & Davíðsdóttir, S. (2001, February). Superordinate and basic level concepts in Alzheimer´s disease. Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society 29th Annual Meeting, Chicago.

Jónsdóttir, M. K. (2000, August). A selective deficit for reading vowels: Implications for models of normal reading. Nordic Neurolinguistic Workshop, Reykjavík, Iceland. Invited talk.

Jónsdóttir, M. K. & Pétursdóttir, A. I. (1998, February). Warrington´s recognition test: Increased difficulty and validity. Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society 26th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Jónsdóttir, M. K. (1997, February). Hooper Visual Organization Test: a question of an unavoidable strategy (abstract). Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society 25th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 3, 30.

Jónsdóttir, M. K. (1995, February). A selective deficit in reading vowels: a case description. Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society 23rd Annual

Jónsdóttir, M. K. & Rettig, G. M. (1990, July). Consistent long-term retrieval and delayed recall in epileptics with right and left temporal lobe foci. Poster presentation, Mid-year Meeting International Neuropsychological Society, Innsbruck, Austria.




Whole day courses on neuropsychology:

·       Institute for Continuing Education, University of Iceland

·       Landspítali University Hospital

·       Center for Rehabilitation at Kristnes, Akureyri (health care staff)

·       Icelandic Lawyers Association – course on brain injury/concussion and compensation evaluations

·       Icelandic Psychological Society

Numerous invited lectures for various institutions and non-professional interest groups (e.g., The State Counselling and Diagnostic Centre, Sóltún Nursing Home, Hrafnista Nursing Home, Icelandic Occupational Therapy Association, Multiple Sclerosis Society, The Icelandic Disability Alliance, Icelandic Heart Association, Reykjavik University, The Annual Conference of The Icelandic Medical Association, Actavis Rotary Club)




My research has been supported by various grants. I have only listed those grants where I have written and been responsible for the grant application:

·       Nato grant (1990)

·       University of Iceland Research Fund (1992)

·       RANNIS (Project Grant 1992 and 2020, The Icelandic Sport Fund and Student Innovation Fund grants) (both several times).

·       Landspítali Science Fund (Numerous grants, since 1993)

·       Nordisk Forskerutdanningsakademi (NorFA, now NordForsk - Nordic Research Board, 1995)

·       Research fund for Alzheimer´s disease and related disorders (Iceland)

·       Helga Jónsdóttir and Sigurliði Kristjánsson Memorial Fund

·       Guðmundur Andrésson Fund

·       Hrafnista Research Fund

·       Alzheimer´s Association in Iceland

·       Directorate of Health (Public Health Fund)

·       Icelandic Gerontological Society Research Fund 2017 - three year grant to support a Ph.D. student 



COMMITTEES AND BOARDS OUTSIDE RU                                                          


2016-                    EFPA (European Federation of Psychological Association) committee on Clinical Neuropsychology – nominated by the Icelandic Psychological Association.

2016-                    Program committee of the annual conference of the International Neuropsychological Society

2015-                    Ethics committee of the Icelandic Psychological Association

2013-2014            Continuing education committee, Icelandic Psychological Association

                             EFPA Standing Committee on Clinical Neuropsychology (corresponding member)

2011-2015            Editor of Sálfræðiritið - Journal of the Icelandic Psychological Association

2003-2010            Ethics committee of the Icelandic Psychological Association

(Chairman 2007-2010)

2010-2013            Icelandic Gerontological Institute, Board of Directors



PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP                                                                                       


·       Icelandic Psychological Society (SÍ)

·       International Neuropsychological Society (INS)

·       The Icelandic Science Society





·       Brain Sciences

·       Nordic Psychology

·       The Physician and Sportsmedicine

·       Cardiology Research & Practice

·       Cognitive Neuropsychology

·       Iclandic Medical Journal

·       Són (Icelandic literary journal)





RU teaching record

2025-1E-604-BSC2BSc Thesis II
2024-3E-504-BSC1BSc Thesis I
2024-3E-727-SIFFEthics, Professionality and Diversity
2024-1E-604-BSC2BSc Thesis II
2024-1E-601-HUTACognitive Neuroscience
2023-3E-504-BSC1BSc Thesis I
2023-3E-817-TAUGAdult clinical neuropsychology and neurodevelopmental disorders
2023-3E-727-SIFFEthics, Professionality and Diversity
2023-1E-604-BSC2BSc Thesis II
2023-1E-601-HUTACognitive Neuroscience
2022-3E-504-BSC1BSc Thesis I
2022-3E-727-SIFFEthics, Professionality and Diversity
2022-1E-604-BSC2BSc Thesis II


Ongoing and in preparation

MCI (mild cognitive impairment) study at the Landspítali Memory Clinic.  

Icelandic standardization of the Addenbrooke Cognitive Examination Test for iPad. Collaborators: Brynhildur Jónsdóttir, Landspítali Memory Clinic, Una Sólveig Jóakimsdóttir and María Guðnadóttir.

Concussion among Icelandic athletes (incidence, hormonal imbalance, psychological sequelae). Ph.D. student: Ingunn Kristensen (on leave). Collaborators: Hafrún Kristjánsdóttir, RU and Helga Ágústa Sigurjónsdóttir, Landspítali and University of Iceland.

Psychological aging (cognitive and brain aging). Ph.D. student: Vaka Valsdóttir. Collaborators: Milan Chang, RU and RHLÖ and Brynja Björk Magnúsdóttir, RU and Landspítali.

The Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility - Reykjavik Study). An epidemiological study on aging conducted by the Icelandic Heart Association and NIA.

Subject field

Clinical Neuropsychology, cognitive aging/dementia and mild cognitive impairment, brain injury