Þingræði á Íslandi í 100 ár [Parliamentarism in Iceland for 100 years]. ( chief and author of 2 chapters). Forlagið. 2011.
Almannatryggingar og félagsleg aðstoð [Social Security and Social Aid]. Co-authored with Guðmundur Sigurðsson. JPV útgáfa. 2007.
The Influence of American Theories on Judicial Review in Nordic Constitutional Law. Martinus Nijhoff. 2005.
Selected articles and book chapters:
Hvordan skabes en (islandsk) grundlov? Grundlovsændringer, sædvaneret og praksis 1874-2011. [How is a (Icelandic) Constitution made? Constitutional Amendments, Customs and Practice 1872-2011]. In Grunnlova mellom tolking og endring [The Constitution between Interpretation and Change]. In print. Pax Forlag. Oslo 2013.
Nødret i Island og betydningen af Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonventions artikel 15. [Emergency Law in Iceland and the Importance of art. 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights]. In Unntakstilstand og forfatning [State of Emergency and the Constitution]. In print. Pax Forlag. Oslo 2013.
Stjórnskipunin og meðferð á fé lífeyrissjóða [The Constitution and the Use of Pension Funds]. Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla – Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration, Vol. 9:1 2013.
Economic Crises and Emergency Powers in Europe. Forthcoming in Harvard Business Law Review Online, March 2012.
Non-problematic Judicial Review – A Case Study. ICON –International Journal of Constitutional Law (2011) 9 (2): 532-554. Sept. 2011.
Staters beføjelser til indgreb under finanskriser: Statsstøtte eller nødret [States‘ Possibilities to Step in During Financial Crises: State Aid or State of Emergency]. Accepted for publication in Forhandlingerne ved det 39. Nordiske Juristmøde. 2011.
Þingræðisreglan og staða hennar í stjórnskipuninni [Parliamentarism and its Status in the Constitutional Order], Þingræði á Íslandi í 100 ár [Parliamentarism in Iceland for 100 years]. Forlagið. 2011.
Framkvæmd þingræðisreglunnar [The Practice of Parliamentarism], Þingræði á Íslandi í 100 ár [Parliamentarism for 100 years]. Forlagið. 2011.
Pólitísk ábyrgð ráðherra – Samspil þingræðisreglu og þingeftirlits [The Political Responsibility of Cabinet Ministers – The Border between Parliamentarism and Parliamentary Control]. Tímarit lögfræðinga, 3.h. 59.árg. 2009.
Status Presens- Judicial Review in Iceland. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Menneskerettigheter / Nordic Journal of Human Rights 2:2009.
The UN Convention in Nordic domestic law - Lessons Learned from Other Treaties, in The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: European and Scandinavian Perspectives (Arnardóttir and Gerrard, eds), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 2009.
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir & Margrét Vala Kristjánsdóttir: Inntak og beiting 15. gr. stjórnarskrárinnar [The Substance and Application of Art. 15 of the Constitution], Tímarit Lögréttu. April 2009.
Book Review, European Law Journal, 14:3 2008. (Review of Nordic and Other European Constitutional Traditions. (Nergelius, ed.). Martinus Nijhoff publishers. 2006.
Stjórnsýsla almannatrygginga og sjónarmið um réttaröryggi [The Administration of the Social Security System and the Rule of Law] Tímarit lögfræðinga, 2.h. 56. árg. 2006.
Slysatryggingar almannatrygginga: Opinber réttur, einkaréttarleg sjónarmið [The Social Security Accident Insurance: Public Law, Private Law Influences], co-authored with Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Guðrúnarbók – Guðrún Erlendsdóttir sjötug [Liber Amicorum for Guðrún Erlendsdóttir], Hið íslenzka bókmenntafélag 2006, pp. 201-249.
Eftirlit Alþingis með framkvæmdarvaldinu [Parliamentary Control of the Executive]. The Report of a Group Appointed by Althingi‘s Presidium to Review Legislation Regarding Parliamentary Control and to Assess whether Amendments are Necessary. Alþingi 2009. Along with Bryndís Hlöðversdóttir, Andri Árnason and Ásmundur Helgason.
Ábyrgð aðila sem standa fyrir félags- og tómstundastarfi fyrir börn og unglinga [The Responsibility of those who offer Recreational or Social Activity for Children and Youth]. Menntamálaráðuneytið 2010 and 2nd ed. 2012 (in print).
Also lectures on various subjects, including lectures at conferences or lecture series organized by the Nordic Administrative Association, the Icelandic Bar Association, The Icelandic Legal Society, The Society of Historians and The Judges’ Association of Iceland, the University of Akureyri and Concordia University in Montreal, Canada as well as at meetings of the Nordforsk networks „REUNA“ and „Beyond Nordic Legal Modernity“ and at seminars or workshops at the University of Bergen and University of Oslo.
Participation in two sub-projects of „Nye Perspektiver på Grunnloven“ [New Perspectives on the Constitution], financed by Norges forskningsråd. The sub-projects are: Grunnloven mellem tolking og endring [The Constitution between Interpretation and Amendment] and Forfatning og Unntakstilstand [Constitution and Exceptional Circumstances]. Both sub-projects are expected to yield books in late 2013.