Fundamentals in Tourism and Hospitality Management


Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Noel Criscione-Naylor
The purpose of the course is to provide students with an overview of the tourism and hospitality industry and with hospitality management principles and theories to identify and analyze relevant industry problems and issues facing management and personnel. Students will have the opportunity to explore the major emerging issues or problems that impact the global tourism and hospitality industry.
Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should:
- Have an understanding of the tourism and hospitality industry, stakeholders in tourism and hospitality management, value creation in the tourism industry.
- Know main tourism and hospitality management principles and theories.
Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different tasks in the context of tourism and hospitality management. The student should:
- Be able to identify and analyze relevant tourism and hospitality industry problems and issues facing management and personnel.
- Be able to identify and analyze major emerging issues or problems that impact the global tourism and hospitality industry.
- Be able to analyze the ethical issues and conflicts of interest related to tourism and hospitality management.
Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills in auditing. The student should:
- Be able to take part in professional discussions on tourism and hospitality management.
- Be able to individually and in teams manage business projects in the field of tourism and hospitality.

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