Administrative Law


Year1. year
SemesterSpring 2024
Level of course1. First cycle, introductory
Type of courseCore
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleFive classes a week.
Elín Ósk Helgadóttir
Hafsteinn Dan Kristjánsson
In the course of their work, lawyers frequently need to deal with the government. These relations are subject to numerous rules which need to be clearly understood. The course will provide a brief account of the structure of the administrative system and the tasks of administrative authorities. Class discussion will address the legal foundations of administrative law, its general principles and basic concepts. Special attention will be focused on the concept of ‘administrative decision’ and the parties involved in administrative issues. Administrative procedure will be addressed in some detail, as well as the effect of defective procedure. Class discussion will also address the material rules of administrative law, e.g. the viewpoints to be taken into account when authorities make a decision based on choice, as well as surveillance of administrative work and review of decisions. Finally, some account will be given of the provisions of the Information Act. This is a wide area, but extremely practical for Icelandic lawyers. The emphasis will be on relating the course material to actual issues that have come up, based on decisions of the Parliamentary Ombudsman and case law. Students will be given practical assignments toward the end of the semester.
Learning outcome - Objectives
On completion of the course students should be familiar: • with the principles of administrative law. • its legal foundation and basic concepts. • the structure of the system of government administration. • the rules of administrative procedure. • the general substantive rules of administrative law. • rules on the surveillance of administrative activities and the effect of defects on administrative decisions. • the rules of the Information Act.
Course assessment
To be announced.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
Lectures and discussions
Language of instructionIcelandic