Creative Approaches and Entrepreneurial Mindsets


Year1. year
SemesterFall 2024
Level of courseN/A
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
Hallur Þór Sigurðarson
 The purpose of this course is to introduce and involve students to adopt entrepreneurial mindsets and creative approaches. To act and think in creative ways is a core capacity in post-industrial societies on the verge of a new revolution, characterised by continuous change and ruptures. It is a well-documented claim that no longer can we rely on previously learned expertise to ensure our future careers and to solve current challenges. In this environment leadership and entrepreneurship needs to involve the ability to act as a force of change. This course addresses entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership, by putting creativity and entrepreneurial mindsets at the core. The course starts from the premise that entrepreneurship, innovation and leadership are creative and contextual processes driven by passion, commitment and the ability to navigate in unfamiliar territories. These processes have a tendency to be non-linear, involving both organizing and disorganizing. The course will challenge students on recognizing their interests and passions. It will also challenge their problem solving skills and ability to lead such tasks. Classes will be a combination of lectures and workshops relying on students’ active participation. At times, classes will involve guest teachers. Students will be required to work on assignments between classes; workshops and assignments will frequently be organized around challenges practicing entrepreneurial problem solving, as well as attempting to utilize students’ interests and strengths.

Learning outcome - Objectives
Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. Students should:
- Understand and be able to account for essential concepts, tools and techniques addressing creative challenges, entrepreneurial mindsets and approaches.

Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different creative and entrepreneurial tasks. Students should:
- Be able to critically asses the importance of addressing situations, events and challenges in an alternative or creative manner.
- Be able to critically asses the relevance and impact of entrepreneurial mindsets, including personal interests, knowledge, and passions, for entrepreneurial processes and innovative outcomes.
- Be able to identify difference between entrepreneurial solution creation and strategic or managerial problem solving.
Competencies: The ability to apply knowledge and skills to entrepreneurial challenges. Students should:
- Be able to apply alternative and creative approaches to challenges.
- Be able to lead and organize entrepreneurial processes.
- Be able to select and develop entrepreneurial challenges where they can apply their passions, knowledge and skills.
Course assessment

Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities

Language of instructionEnglish