Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Context


Year1. year
SemesterSpring 2024
Level of courseN/A
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
Bala Murughan Kamallakharan
The course covers the fundamental concepts of how to start a startup. The objective of this class is to change the mindset that entrepreneurship, starting and running your own business is risky and only a selected few can do it. Student will leave the class with the mindset that entrepreneurship is a viable career choice. At the end of this class, students should feel that they have the tool set, knowledge and practical know-how on how to start a startup. The class will also showcase the “Whys” and “Hows” of building a business, the sequence of building a business and challenge the students to actually take the plunge in doing the actual task of building a business. The classroom sessions will be more run like workshops where all the students are participating in the activity on schedule.
The class will challenge students to think like a contrarian in building a business using the approach of startup thinking. The conventional wisdom on how to build a business does not work in the context of hyper competition and globalization. The challenge is not limited to businesses; the challenge is applicable to every person. Everyone can be a startup founder and entrepreneur; actually we all were before the agrarian and the industrial revolution. The notion of a job was non-existent. We will explore how anyone can build a unique and valuable business as long as they subscribe to the notion that it has to be something different, unique but grounded in the present. Future will not get automatically better, it gets better through the collective efforts of founders and entrepreneurs who move the human race forward and we will explore the methodologies that allows us to learn the path of company building.

Learning outcome - Objectives
The student should be able to describe:
- The concept of startup thinking or entrepreneurship
- The concept of innovation and technology
- The scope of innovation and technology in the context of starting a new ventureThe student should be able to ability to apply knowledge to:
- Come up with new ideas to solve problems in the context of starting a business
- Build teams
- Apply technology to build products and services
- Articulate and clarify the problems and solutions in the context of a startup or a business
- Apply the sequence of how to build a startup
- Build traction for their products and services
- Build a business modelThe student should be able to apply knowledge and skills to:
- Start their own venture
- Build a value proposition for a problem in the context of entrepreneurship
- Pitch and present their startup or business
Course assessment
Class participation, Team self assessment, Blog posts and grading on final presentation
- Personal Blog, Brand creation and quality of questions in the classroom (20%)
- 1 page narratives on each of the above topics through their personal blog (30%)Group (50%)
- Build a team and a company website (5%)
- Build a fan base for the product (10%)
- Build a company pitch deck (10%)
- Completed Business Model Canvas (5%)
- Completed Value Proposition Design (5%)
- Decide on CEO, COO, CTO and CMO and narrate the thinking behind the decision (1%)
- Decide on how the Stock of the company should be split and narrate the thinking behind the decision (1%)
- How does the team allocate the stock option pool and narrate the thinking behind the decision (1%)
- Narrative on building a company culture (2%)
- Narrative on the ideal operating system (culture, habits, rituals) for the company (10%)
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
Lectures, workshops, blog writing, project work and final presentation
Language of instructionEnglish