Viðskipta- og hagfræðideild
Viðskipta- og hagfræðideild
Deildarforseti:Dr. Jón Þór Sturluson
MSc í stjórnun nýsköpunar - 90 ECTS
MSc í stjórnun nýsköpunar - 90 ECTS
Um námsleiðinaMeistaranám í stjórnun nýsköpunar leggur áherslu á nýsköpun og frumkvöðlastarfssemi. Nemendur öðlast hæfni til að að stýra nýsköpunarstarfimismunandi skipulagsheilda við þróun á nýjum ferlum, vörum og þjónustu, ásamt því að nemendur geti leitt frumkvöðlastarf á breiðum grunni, þar á meðal til að stofna ný fyrirtæki. Námið eflir þekkingu og næmni nemenda fyrir nýjum tækifærum, þjálfar skapandi og lausnamiðaða nálgun og miðar að því að nemendur geti gert slíkar lausnir að veruleika.    
FagréttindiMSc í stjórnun nýsköpunar
Haustönn/Fall 2024
Introduction to Management and Business Concepts ValnámskeiðV-700-IMBU0 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Þóranna Jónsdóttir
Students who enroll in the master’s programs in Business Management, Human Resource Management and Organizational Psychology, Innovation Management, Marketing, and Tourism and Hospitality Management but have less than 30 ECTS credits in business administration finished in previous studies are required to take this course before taking other courses in order to get a fundamental understanding of management and business concepts.
Students will gain a fundamental understanding of management and business concepts, with particular focus on the purpose and stakeholders of a company, business processes and organizational structures, and main management functions within a company as they relate to, e.g., marketing and human resource management.

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Creative Approaches and Entrepreneurial Mindsets SkyldaV-702-CREM7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Hallur Þór Sigurðarson
 The purpose of this course is to introduce and involve students to adopt entrepreneurial mindsets and creative approaches. To act and think in creative ways is a core capacity in post-industrial societies on the verge of a new revolution, characterised by continuous change and ruptures. It is a well-documented claim that no longer can we rely on previously learned expertise to ensure our future careers and to solve current challenges. In this environment leadership and entrepreneurship needs to involve the ability to act as a force of change. This course addresses entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership, by putting creativity and entrepreneurial mindsets at the core. The course starts from the premise that entrepreneurship, innovation and leadership are creative and contextual processes driven by passion, commitment and the ability to navigate in unfamiliar territories. These processes have a tendency to be non-linear, involving both organizing and disorganizing. The course will challenge students on recognizing their interests and passions. It will also challenge their problem solving skills and ability to lead such tasks. Classes will be a combination of lectures and workshops relying on students’ active participation. At times, classes will involve guest teachers. Students will be required to work on assignments between classes; workshops and assignments will frequently be organized around challenges practicing entrepreneurial problem solving, as well as attempting to utilize students’ interests and strengths.

Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. Students should:
- Understand and be able to account for essential concepts, tools and techniques addressing creative challenges, entrepreneurial mindsets and approaches.

Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different creative and entrepreneurial tasks. Students should:
- Be able to critically asses the importance of addressing situations, events and challenges in an alternative or creative manner.
- Be able to critically asses the relevance and impact of entrepreneurial mindsets, including personal interests, knowledge, and passions, for entrepreneurial processes and innovative outcomes.
- Be able to identify difference between entrepreneurial solution creation and strategic or managerial problem solving.
Competencies: The ability to apply knowledge and skills to entrepreneurial challenges. Students should:
- Be able to apply alternative and creative approaches to challenges.
- Be able to lead and organize entrepreneurial processes.
- Be able to select and develop entrepreneurial challenges where they can apply their passions, knowledge and skills.

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Innovation and Entrepreneurship: A field of knowledge and practice SkyldaV-703-INEN7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Hallur Þór Sigurðarson
Susanne Durst
The course has two main modules. One module emphasizes innovation and the other entrepreneurship. Both modules are developed on the backdrop of essential research in these fields knowledge.

The module on innovation focuses on the fundamentals of managing innovation at individual, team and firm level. Students will acquire knowledge about central concepts of innovation and develop skills and competences to be able to manage skilfully innovation in terms of organisational structures, competences, and processes. It focuses on the organisational activities of innovation, including how to organise them effectively and how to overcome the challenges of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and complex problem solving.

The module on entrepreneurship focuses on central concepts and processes of entrepreneurship. Students will gain knowledge-based insights into the ‘why’, ‘when’, ‘who’ and ‘how’ of entrepreneurship and adopt entrepreneurial skills and competencies. This includes viewing entrepreneurship in the context of economy, society and the individual.
Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should:
- Understand essential concepts, tools and techniques for managing innovation processes.
- Understand essential concepts and processes of entrepreneurship at the level of economy, society and the individual.
- Be able to account for contextual sensitivity at different levels of innovation management.
- Be able to account for the drivers and catalysers of entrepreneurship.
Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different tasks of innovation and entrepreneurship. The student should:
- Be able to critically asses the importance of innovation at the level of the organisation.
- Be able to critically asses the relevance and impact of entrepreneurship at an economic, social and individual level.
- Be able to identify contextual aspects of innovation management and at the same time how it differs from other organisational tasks and objectives.
- Be able to identify difference between entrepreneurship and other managerial and economic processes.

Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills in innovation and entrepreneurship. The student should:
- Be able to systematically evaluate organizational challenges for innovation.
- Be able to organize and lead an innovation process, including leading innovation (or R&D) teams.
- Be able to systematically evaluate entrepreneurial challenges and opportunities.
- Be able to organize and navigate in an entrepreneurial process.

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Fundamentals in Tourism and Hospitality Management ValnámskeiðV-704-FTHM7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Noel Criscione-Naylor
The purpose of the course is to provide students with an overview of the tourism and hospitality industry and with hospitality management principles and theories to identify and analyze relevant industry problems and issues facing management and personnel. Students will have the opportunity to explore the major emerging issues or problems that impact the global tourism and hospitality industry.
Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should:
- Have an understanding of the tourism and hospitality industry, stakeholders in tourism and hospitality management, value creation in the tourism industry.
- Know main tourism and hospitality management principles and theories.
Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different tasks in the context of tourism and hospitality management. The student should:
- Be able to identify and analyze relevant tourism and hospitality industry problems and issues facing management and personnel.
- Be able to identify and analyze major emerging issues or problems that impact the global tourism and hospitality industry.
- Be able to analyze the ethical issues and conflicts of interest related to tourism and hospitality management.
Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills in auditing. The student should:
- Be able to take part in professional discussions on tourism and hospitality management.
- Be able to individually and in teams manage business projects in the field of tourism and hospitality.

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Financial Reporting and Accounting Standards I ValnámskeiðV-705-FIR17,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Elín Hanna Pétursdóttir
Unnar Friðrik Pálsson
The purpose of the course is to provide students with an extensive knowledge of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Icelandic Financial Reporting Act and to develop students’ skills and competences to apply this knowledge. Extensive analysis will be made of the main principles of the IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and the laws and regulations governing the preparation of financial accounts based on the provisions of the Icelandic Financial Reporting Act.

The following topics and concepts are covered:
Presentational demands of IFRS for the basic financial statements, substantive rules with respect to inventories, accounts receivables, property, plant and equipment, intangibles, owners’ equity accounts and current liabilities, construction cost contracts and basic lease accounting and pension liabilities. The principles of historical cost, revenue recognition, deferred income tax liabilities and assets and statement of cash flow will be explained as well as other main principles of financial accounting.
Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should:
- Be familiar with the main principles of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
- Be familiar with the Icelandic Financial Reporting Act and corresponding laws and regulation.
- Understand the responsibilities in financial reporting and auditing.
- Understand potential conflicts of interest and ethical issues regarding financial reporting and auditing.
Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different tasks of financial reporting and auditing. The student should:
- Be able to identify the relevant IFRS and/or national rules for different financial reporting issues.
- Be able to identify ethical issues regarding financial reporting and auditing.
Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills in financial reporting and auditing. The student should:
- Be able to take part in a professional discussion on financial reporting and auditing.
- Apply relevant IFRS and/or national rules for different financial reporting issues.
- Be able to justify the use of specific IFRS or national rules for specific reporting issues.

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Auditing, Auditing Standards and Ethics in Accounting and Auditing ValnámskeiðV-706-AUD17,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Margret G Flóvenz
Í námskeiðinu verða kynntir grundvallarþættir í endurskoðun ársreikninga og starfi endurskoðandans. Fjallað verður um hlutverk löggiltra endurskoðenda í samfélaginu, lagalegt umhverfi og ábyrgð endurskoðenda. Námskeiðið byggir á alþjóðlegum stöðlum um endurskoðun (ISA) og farið verður yfir ferli endurskoðunar, allt frá skipulagningu til endanlegrar niðurstöðu. Áhersla verður lögð á siðferði og siðareglur endurskoðenda. Ítarlega verður farið yfir grundvallarhugtök endurskoðunar, fjallað um innra eftirlit, áritanir endurskoðenda og aðrar staðfestingar sem endurskoðendur veita. Í lok námskeiðs ættu nemendur að hafa byggt upp þann fræðilega grunn í faginu sem er grundvöllur löggildingar í endurskoðun og vera í stakk búnir til að starfa hjá endurskoðunarfyrirtækjum við endurskoðun ársreikninga og annarra reikningsskila.  
Námskeiðið leggur grunninn að fræðilegri þekkingu sem nauðsynleg er til að standast löggildingarpróf í endurskoðun, gerir nemendum kleift að starfa við endurskoðun og byggir upp skilning á endurskoðunarfaginu og hlutverki endurskoðenda í samfélaginu. Þekking · Að nemendur skilji hvert hlutverk löggiltra endurskoðenda er í samfélaginu, í hverju störf þeirra felast og hvaða laga- og reglugerðaumhverfi umlykur starfsemi þeirra. · Að nemendur þekki og skilji þann siðferðilega ramma sem endurskoðendur starfa í og þar með reglur um óhæði þeirra. · Að nemendur skilji grundvallarhugtök endurskoðunarfræðanna. · Að nemendur öðlist skilning og þekkingu á endurskoðunarferlinu í samræmi við alþjóðlega endurskoðunarstaðla. Leikni · Að nemendur geti tekið þátt í skipulagningu endurskoðunar, valið endurskoðunaraðgerðir, framkvæmt þær og skráð. · Að nemendur geti greint siðferðileg álitamál sem kunna að koma upp við endurskoðun og metið óhæði endurskoðenda. · Að nemendur geti dregið ályktun af endurskoðunarvinnu og ákvarðað hvers konar áritun er viðeigandi. Hæfni · Að nemendur geti á faglegan hátt tjáð sig um tilgang endurskoðunar og hlutverk endurskoðenda. · Nemendur séu færir um að finna, greina og miðla fræðilegum upplýsingum úr endurskoðunarfræðum. · Að nemendur geti greint á milli mismunandi áritana endurskoðenda á ársreikninga og geti útskýrt hvað í þeim felst. · Að nemendur geti bent á helstu veikleika í innra eftirliti fyrirtækja og komið með tillögur að úrbótum á þeim.
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.
Strategic Management SkyldaV-712-STJO7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Sveinn Viðar Guðmundsson
The purpose of this course is to push students to think strategically in different situations. Therefore the course provides students with essential knowledge in strategic management and develops skills and competences to apply this knowledge.

The following topics and concepts are covered:
General Management involves the coordination and integration of the efforts within the different functional areas of an organization for dealing with an uncertain future. This comprises formulating a strategy for each individual business of the firm, formulating a corporate and business strategy and implementing these strategies. In this course we will focus on the formulation of a competitive strategy for a business of a firm. Competitive strategy formulation involves understanding the business you are in, determining how to positioning your strategic unit within this business environment, and, developing the capabilities to compete in this environment. The course introduces the students to a coherent framework that can be used to analyze the competitive environment of a firm and its internal strengths and weaknesses. Students are expected to be able to deal with the strategy concepts introduced. Nevertheless, there remain tools, which should aid students in becoming better strategic thinkers. The ultimate objective is to formulate a strategy for a business that will shape the future environment of the firm and will aid a firm with its strategic decision-making in this future.
Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should:
- Understand the role of strategy in general management of organizations
- Know main strategy concepts for organizations
- Understand the consequences of an uncertain future for an organization
- Understand the role of an organization in its competitive environment
- Know the concepts of strengths and weaknesses of organizations
- Are familiar with techniques to identify and analyze strengths and weaknesses of organizations
- Are familiar with techniques and frameworks to analyze the competitive environment of organizations.
Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different settings in strategic management. The student should be able to:
- Identify and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of organizations
- Analyze the competitive environment of organizations
- Analyze the strategy in place and identify room for improvement

Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills in strategic management. The student should be able to:
- Apply strategy concepts to an organizational context
- Formulate individually and in teams a competitive strategy for an organization
- Actively shape the strategy of an organization
- Develop and implement strategic decisions in an organization
- Think strategically and deal with an uncertain future.

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Organizational Psychology ValnámskeiðV-715-ORPS7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Freyr Halldórsson
The purpose of the course is to provide students with a solid knowledge of theories and concepts of organizational psychology and to develop students’ skills and competences to apply this knowledge in managerial decision making, in particular in the context of human resource management.

Organizational psychology and Human resource management (HRM) are separate, but connected disciplines. Organizational psychology is an applied science that seeks to develop knowledge about relevant human behavior and to apply that knowledge to solve problems in organizations. The goal of HRM is to help organizations meet strategic goals by effectively attracting, retaining and managing employees while ensuring compliance with all appropriate labor laws. While the two disciplines cover many of the same topics relating to employees and organizations, they can have a somewhat different focus. The main focus of the course is on organizational psychology with the goal to introduce students to both the main topics relating to organizational psychology and how organizational psychology can be used within organizations. The course also considers how organizational psychology and HRM can together be applied within organizations to further organizational goals.

The following topics and concepts are covered:
- Employee selection
- Fairness and diversity
- Individual differences and assessment
- Job analysis
- Job design
- Job evaluation
- Job performance and measurement
- Leadership
- Stress and worker well-being
- The motivation to work
- Training and development
- Work attitudes and emotions
- Workgroups and teams
Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should:
- Have a general understanding of organizational psychology, the basic concepts and theories, and of the discipline’s purpose, key topics, and methodologies.
- Know how to apply theories and concepts to practical issues in the workplace.
- Have increased understanding of the factors affecting employee behavior and how organizational psychology can be applied to impact organizational effectiveness.
Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different tasks of human resource management. The student should:
- Be able to analyze practical issues associated with human factors in the workplace.
- Be able to apply theoretical knowledge to practical settings within organizations.
- Be able to explain of how methods, theories and concepts of organizational psychology can be applied to analyze practical issues relating to people within organization to help solve organizational challenges.
Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills in human resource management. The student should:
- Show ability in group cooperation, contribute to analysis and assignments, have the ability to work independently as well as in active cooperation with others.
- Be able to use relevant literature, theories and research findings to critically assess and support arguments and recommendations pertaining to practical issues in organizations.

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Staffing: from recruitment to termination ValnámskeiðV-730-STRT7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Þóra Þorgeirsdóttir
The purpose of this course is to build the participant´s ability to use good practices in staffing and workforce planning to build up a great team of employees.

The course will emphasise reliable and valid methods and tools in all stages of personnel selection, whether internal or external or selecting employees out. Key labour law considerations and international comparisons in staffing practices and legal environments will be covered as well as ethical issues and dilemmas that may arise in staffing.

The following topics and concepts are covered:
The whole process of staffing and workforce planning will be covered, including external and internal recruitment, employer branding, job analysis, job design, job specifications, evaluation of candidates, decision making, contracting, retention, turnover, layoffs and alternative downsizing methods. Among key issues covered are causes and consequences of downsizing, survivor syndrome, staffing metrics and evaluation of selection success.
Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should:
-Understand and explain key theories, methods, frameworks and research findings relating to workforce planning, recruitment, selection and downsizing and the skills to apply them in different organizational contexts.
-Understand key legal terms relating to staffing and how international labour law developments may affect hiring practices in different countries.
Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different settings of staffing processes. The student should:
-Describe and apply key staffing models, concepts and strategies to various organizational settings.
-Understand, critically analyse and respond objectively to key ethical issues and dilemmas that may arise in staffing.
-Collect and analyse information from internal and external sources to undertake workforce planning and forecast labour force requirements and needs.
Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills in staffing. The student should:
-Develop and design staffing strategies in alignment with organizational HR strategy and business strategy, to ensure alignment between organizations and employees and between employees and jobs.
-Critically evaluate the suitability of different methods and approaches to staffing in different internal and external contexts.
-Develop, design and implement valid and reliable recruitment, selection and termination processes that abide with relevant labor legislation.

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Labour law ValnámskeiðV-731-LALA3,75 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Jón Þór Þorvaldsson
The purpose of the course is to provide students with an understanding of labour law as well as general principles of the labour rights component to international, European and Icelandic labour law and with the skills and competences to integrate this understanding in decision making.

The legal environment is one of the main environmental factors that affect the management of people. Labour law governs the rights and duties of employers and employees which entails that all HRM decision making must comply with applicable labour law rules.

The following topics and concepts are covered: The course provides an overview of the labour market and general principles of the labour rights component to international, European and Icelandic labour law. The labour rights field right is divided in to two main themes, the labour rights and the employment rights. The labour rights regard the social partners, collective agreements, the right to organize and the right to strike. The employment rights regard the rights and responsibilities of the employers and the employees, e.g. the making of and termination of a contract of employment and work obligations. Students will also learn the content and implementation of labour rights in national labour legislations set by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and European labour law.
Knowledge. The student should:
- Recognize how legislation affects human resource management (HRM).
- Describe the fundamental rules that regard the international, European and Icelandic labour market.
- Implement the process of making HRM decisions in accordance with law.
- Understand the rules that apply on the private and public sector of the labour market.
- Understand the order in which different rules or other legal sources are applied to different situations.
Skills. The student should:
- Be able to identify which rules apply to different circumstances.
- Be able to describe the rights and obligations of employees in both the public and private sector.
- Be able to identify legal problems, analyse and assess them in regard of the rules of labour law and the collective agreements.

Competences. The student should:
- Be able to develop necessary learning skills and independence for further studies.
- Be capable of presenting and describing the basic rights and duties for employers and employees.
- Be able to apply the legal framework to practical situations in the workplace.

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Digital and Information System Management ValnámskeiðV-733-DIGI7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Enginn skráður kennari.
Contents This course provides a comprehensive overview of digital and information system management, from strategic planning to practical implementation. Students will learn how to align IT strategy with business goals, manage complex system architectures, and lead digital transformation initiatives. The course will take a managerial perspective on this transformation. Topics include digital disruption, digital business models, system life cycle, system integration, system development methodologies and project management, and organizational change related to the implementation of IT systems. Through case studies, simulations, and hands-on projects, students will gain the skills to effectively manage information systems in today´s fast-paced digital landscape. The course prepares future IT leaders to drive innovation and optimize business processes leveraging the latest digital technologies. Main topics of the course  ·         Digital disruption ·         Digital strategy and digital business models ·         Digital design of organizations ·         IT Development and implementation challenges in real life organizations ·         IT Project Management ·         Agile vs. waterfall IT project management ·         Lifecycle models ·         Implementation of enterprise systems (ERP, BI, etc.) ·         IT Driven organizational change ·         Change management and resistance to change After successful completion of the course, the students will be able to: ·         Evaluate the strategic landscape and possible sources of disruption ·         Strategize and plan digital innovation including digital business models ·         Understand the mechanisms to drive execution from strategy ·         Describe and analyse challenges of IS project management, acquisition and implementation ·         Describe, analyse, evaluate and reflect upon IS project management in practice applying the theoretical frameworks of the course. ·         Understand change management dynamics related to system implementation in organizatons.
Learning outcomes ·         Understand, and plan for, the role of IT in organizations ·         Identify the information needs of organisational decision makers and address them through the selection and deployment of information systems. ·         Understand the role of IT as enabler of or brake to business strategy  ·         Understand the role of governance on IT decisions ·         Understand the impact of process design and data design on the functioning of an organisation, ·         Judge the influence of different types of enterprise information systems on processes and data,  ·         Understand the "dark side" of IT: control, surveillance, power ·         Understand the dynamics of IT related change ·         Understand, and plan for, the role of IT in changing the organizations ·         Identify the information needs of organisational decision makers and address them through the selection and deployment of information systems. ·         Know the main project management tools and their function ·         Understand the consequences of different project management styles ·         Understand the dynamics of IT related change ·         Understand and influence the dynamics of resistance ·         Understand the roles of individuals and culture in change processes
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.
Change management and leadership ValnámskeiðV-736-CMLE7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Karl Moore
The purpose of the course is to provide students with a solid knowledge of theories and models with the aim of preparing them for future study in the field as well as taking a leadership role in the constantly changing organizational environment. The aim is to build up participants’ ability to analyze and implement change, using change techniques as well as an understanding of the response of individuals to change.

Dealing with change is a constant challenge in organizations and the ability to effectively implement change is a key leadership skill. Individuals who aspire to leading and managing in organizations have to understand change, how it affects organizations and the people that make up those organization. The course introduces students to key issues, theories and concepts of change management.
Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should:
- Know and understand key issues, theories and concepts in leadership
- Know and understand key issues, theories and concepts in change management
- Recognize the complexity and ethics of leadership and change in organizations
Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different change management and leadership tasks. The student should:
- Demonstrate how methods, theories and concept in leadership and change management can be used to analyze issues, situations and challenges pertaining to leadership and change in organizations.
- Understand how theories and concepts of change management and leadership can be used to support implementations of change initiatives and efficiently cope with the challenges of change.
- Be able to use reflection to support the development of own leadership skills and learning.
Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills in change management and leadership. The student should:
- Use relevant literature, theories and research to critically assess/support arguments and recommendations pertaining to issues and challenges of leadership and change management
- Discuss and study theories, concepts and issues of leadership and change with the aim of furthering own and others’ learning and understanding.

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International Marketing ValnámskeiðV-736-INMA7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námsgreinar4. Framhaldsnám, grunnnámskeið
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Ramón Diaz-Bernardo
The purpose of the course is to provide students with an integrated perspective of the interaction between the variables of the marketing mix, within the general strategy of a company, considering also the interrelation with demographic, political, economic and socio-cultural factors. Another purpose is to provide students with an understanding of the dynamics of the customer / marketing mix in an international context. A final purpose is to understand the different international expansion / marketing strategies available to a company, according to its specific needs and characteristics.

The following topics and concepts are covered:
This course will cover two main topics: Marketing Strategy for Decision Making and International Marketing Strategy.The Marketing Strategy for Decision Making part would be devoted to gain a better understanding of the main concepts of marketing management and marketing strategy. Students will see how a decision made today will affect the company’s value in the years to come. Not just in theory, but through the lessons of real market factors. Through direct competition, participants pilot a company through a competitive landscape in which all of their marketing skills are required. Whether creating a new market or further penetrating an existing one, both strategic and tactical abilities are required: R&D, finance, portfolio management, segmentation and positioning, as well as pricing, promotion and distribution. It also reinforces a strong focus on competitive thinking and market understanding and reflects the impact a sudden competitive move or changing customer needs can have on a company, and encourages teams to look beyond their own corporate walls for insight and ideas.International Marketing Strategy would be dedicated to analyse frameworks for developing international marketing strategies. Students look into different cases of marketing strategy for companies that are competing in the international market place, examine approaches to international market segmentation and positioning, and international marketing mix strategies. Different market entry strategies and methods of market analysis and market research will be examined.
Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should:
- Understand the variables of the marketing mix within the general strategy of a company, considering also the interrelation with demographic, political, economic and socio-cultural factors
- Understand the dynamics of the customer / marketing mix in an international context
- Understand the different international expansion / marketing strategies available to a company, according to its specific needs and characteristics
- Understand frameworks for developing international marketing strategies.

Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different setting in international marketing. The student should be able to:
- Identify how marketing decisions affect the company value
- Identify potential impact of sudden competitive move or changing customer needs on a company
- Analyse frameworks for developing international marketing strategies
- Analyse the marketing strategy for companies that are competing in the international market place
- Examine approaches to international market segmentation and positioning, and international marketing mix strategies
- Analyse market entry strategies
- Use methods of market analysis and market research.
Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills in international marketing. The student should be able to:
- Develop and implement an international marketing strategy in a competitive environment.
- Think strategically in an international marketing context.
- React to a sudden competitive move or changing customer needs can have on a company.
- Choose and apply market analysis and market research methods to analyze specific research questions in the context of international marketing.
Assessment component Type (individual or group) Connection to course learning outcomes Weight in the final grade Team Performance in the Simulation group Marketing knowledge, skills and competences 20% Markstrat Individual Quiz individual Marketing Mix and Marketing Strategy 10% Team case presentations group International Marketing Mix and Marketing Strategy 10% Individual Participation individual Understand frameworks for developing international marketing strategies 10% Final Individual Marketing Plan Project group Marketing Plan in an International Context 50% Total     100%
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Three different teaching methods would be used in this course: 1.      The first part of the course would be called Marketing Strategy for Decision Making and would be devoted to gain a better understanding of the main concepts of marketing management and marketing strategy. We will use a marketing strategy simulation called MARKSTRAT and by working with it the participants would train their skills in developing a marketing strategy in a very competitive scenario. 2.      Lecture/discussion sessions that stress fundamental tourism marketing concepts and structure operational approaches for tourism marketing decision making and problem solving. The readings assigned to each session are recommended as background information to support the discussions. 3.      Unstructured problem solving sessions using cases where participants integrate the concepts and methods discussed to frame, analyse, and resolve representative international marketing problems. Each case provides a detailed description of an international marketing situation faced by a real marketing manager. Participants should prepare each case with an action orientation – what would you do if you were the manager? And, just as important, why would you do it? Your participation in the case discussion should show the analysis you have used to come to your recommendation. This twin stress on concepts as well as their application is designed to enable participants to not only understand the basic principles and tools of international marketing strategy, but also to gain experience in their actual use. Active participation is crucial to the learning outcome.
Fundamentals in Accounting and Finance ValnámskeiðV-737-FAFI7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námsgreinar5. Framhaldsnám, framhaldsnámskeið
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Heiðrún Ingrid Hlíðberg
The course will cover fundamentals of financial accounting, management accounting and corporate finance. While financial accounting, management accounting and corporate finance information is immensely valuable for every organization and manager, the course also discusses the assumptions behind this information and their limitations. The course will focus on the interrelationship between financial reporting, management accounting and corporate finance for decision making, and recent developments in performance measurement. It will link theory with practical examples and case studies drawn from real business situations across a wide range of manufacturing, retail and service industries.

This course is only available for students who enroll in the master’s programs in Business Management, Human Resource Management and Organizational Psychology, Innovation Management, Marketing, and Tourism and Hospitality Management but have less than 30 ECTS credits in business administration finished in previous studies.
Knowledge. Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should have a fundamental understanding of:
- The concepts, methods and tools of financial accounting, management accounting and corporate finance and their importance for every manager in an organization
- How these tools and methods are used by different managers in an organization
- How financial accounting, management accounting and corporate finance affect decision making and management behaviour
Skills. The ability to apply knowledge to different tasks related to financial accounting, management accounting and corporate finance. The student should:
- Be able to critically read and understand financial statements and to understand and recognise where the information in financial statements come from
- Perform cost analysis, cost allocations and determine cost behaviour
- Perform basic financial valuation of business projects
- Design and construct simple forecasts and budgets as well as conduct variance analysis

Competences. The ability to apply knowledge and skills. The student should:
- Identify and assess the accounting and management accounting systems of companies
- Evaluate the link between decision making, financial accounting, management accounting and corporate finance
- Evaluate the suitability of different methods and approaches of management accounting and corporate finance
- Be able to prepare reports (in English) for managers which are based on financial accounting information, management accounting information and corporate finance information to support managerial decision making

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Advanced and digital marketing ValnámskeiðV-738-ADDM7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Valdimar Sigurðsson
Vishnu M. Ramachandran Girija

Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should:
- Understand the importance of evidence based practice in digital marketing
- Be able to account for selected concepts, theories, methods and practice in advanced marketing (see e.g. the aim of the course and the course outline)
- Be able to place the latest knowledge in context within their field
- Have knowledge of ethical problems in marketing (especially digital marketing)
Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different settings in advanced and digital marketing. The student should:
- Be able to discuss the strength and weakness related to the concepts, theories, methods and practice
- Understand and tackle issues in digital marketing in a professional context
- Collect, analyse and evaluate scientific papers and data
- Be innovative in developing and applying ideas
- Develop projects and place them in context by applying methods based on scientific theories and/or research.
- Use theory to develop digital marketing strategy, built on research and evidence.
- Be able to improve management decision-making and be able to provide relevant, accurate, and timely information to a marketing problem.
Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills to work and study. The student should:
- Have developed the necessary learning skills and independence for further studies
- Be able to initiate and implement digital marketing strategies
- Be capable of presenting and describing marketing management issues and research findings in English
- Be able to evaluate the suitability of the different methods and scientific issues in digital marketing

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Branding and Strategic Marketing ValnámskeiðV-741-BRAN7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Valdimar Sigurðsson
Vishnu M. Ramachandran Girija
The aim of the course is to provide an advanced understanding of brand management and strategic marketing. In the beginning, students will advance their understanding of key concepts and methods mostly focusing on marketing strategy with emphasis on choosing the right marketing metrics for different companies and industries. This beginning part of the course will be conducted by combining short lectures with cases, with an emphasis on the latter. The course is designed to help students develop a conceptual framework and marketing dashboard when making a marketing and/or branding decision. The cases will focus on service, tourism, digital marketing and luxury brands. As the course progresses more emphasis will be put on activities to review, build, measure and manage brand equity though a large project on brand auditing and strategic marketing. Students will also be given the opportunity to study a relevant topic of their choice with some depth in a critical literature review. The supplementary readings will present essential marketing strategy and branding techniques for measuring and monitoring everything from brand equity to social media marketing. By the end of the course students should have an advanced understanding of strategic marketing and brand management and be able analyse both marketing decision making as well as brand management from a clear conceptual framework.
Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by the degree holder. Knowledge can both be theoretical and applied. The student should:


1.     Understand the importance of key marketing metrics and branding conceptualisation

2.     Be able to place the latest knowledge in context within their field

3.    Be able to account for selected concepts, theories, methods and practice in both marketing strategy and branding (see e.g. the aim of the course and the course outline)

4.     Have knowledge of ethical problems in strategic marketing and brand management

Entail the ability to apply knowledge. Skills can indicate general skills that are not limited to a certain scientific field or profession, as well as specific skills.


1.     Be able to discuss the strength and weakness related to the concepts, theories, methods and practice

2.     Can understand and tackle issues in strategic marketing and branding in a professional context

3.     Can collect, analyse and evaluate scientific papers and data for strategic marketing and/or for brand auditing

4.     Are innovative in developing and applying ideas in branding

5.     Can develop branding projects or marketing strategyImproved management decision-making and the ability to provide relevant, accurate, and timely information to a marketing problem.

Entail the ability to apply knowledge and skills to work and study.


1.     Have developed the necessary learning skills and independence for further studies

2.     Can initiate and implement marketing strategy and/or brand management

3.     Are capable of presenting and describing marketing management issues and research findings in English

4.   Can write business texts in English.

5.     Can evaluate the suitability of the different methods and scientific issues in branding and marketing strategy


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Enterprise Architectures ValnámskeiðV-746-ENAR7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Stephan Aier
The purpose of the course is to understand the necessity for an enterprise-wide approach for planning, designing, and guiding enterprise architecture (EA) development, defining the components of an EA and their interrelations from a business-to-IT perspective, defining enterprise architecture modelling (EAM) processes, methods, and products, specifically EA modeling, EA planning, EA principles, and EA governance. Selecting software tool support for EAM, understanding the context, stakeholders, and application scenarios of EAM are also covered as well as institutionalizing EAM in organizations.

Virtually all of today’s large organizations have to cope with the significant complexity of their information systems (IS) landscape. The application architecture of large organizations is often comprised of several hundred to some thousand applications that support business processes. These applications are implemented by an even larger number of software systems, which are run on various generations of information technology (IT) infrastructure. These components and their interrelations represent the architecture of an enterprise, i.e., EA. Changing only one of these EA components often impacts a potentially large number of related components of the organization. Changing several of these components at the same time in a number of projects or programs by division of labor leads to potentially redundant and/or inconsistent processes, applications, software systems, or IT infrastructure components. In other words, it creates misalignment in the EA. The factual short-term consequence of a misaligned EA is a waste of resources. The longer-term consequences are increasing efforts and difficulties to maintain existing IS and lacking resources for innovation. This development is almost inevitable unless explicitly addressed. This course discusses the concepts of EA and of EAM as a means to guide the design and evolution of EA.

The course is taught in two blocks. The first block will focus on definitions, concepts, and methods of EA and EAM. The second block will focus on tool support, application, and institutionalization of EAM.
Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should:
- Understand the necessity for an Enterprise Architecture Modelling (EAM) approach in organizations.
- Understand the core components of Enterprise Architectures (EA)/Enterprise Architecture Modelling (EAM) and their interrelations.
- Are familiar with EAM processes, methods, and products, specifically EA modeling, EA planning, EA principles, and EA governance.
- Understand the context, stakeholders, and application scenarios of EAM.
- Know software tools that support EAM.
Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different tasks in the context of enterprise architectures. The student should:
- Be able to apply basic EAM methods.
- Be able to plan and develop the EA.
- Be able to identify conflicts of interests between stakeholders and the need for EA governance.
- Be able to apply EAM software tools.

Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills in the context of enterprise architectures. The student should:
- Be able to institutionalize EAM in organizations.
- Be able to evaluate the consistency, fit, and effectiveness of EAM initiatives in organizations.
- Be able to individually and in teams manage the EA in organizations.


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Internship ValnámskeiðV-748-INTE7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Freyja Th. Sigurðardóttir
Kristján Reykjalín Vigfússon
Engin skráð lýsing.
Engin skráð námsmarkmið.
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.
Applied Derivatives ValnámskeiðV-766-APDE7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námsgreinar4. Framhaldsnám, grunnnámskeið
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararV-755-CORP, Fjármál fyrirtækja
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Enginn skráður kennari.
Derivatives are widely known financial instruments that can be used very effectively to hedge against or speculate on any financial markets risks/behaviour. Derivatives also have had the bad rap as the weapons of the mass destruction (courtesy of Warren Buffet). This course will cover the practical applications of basic building blocks of derivatives (i.e. forwards, futures, swaps and options) and then use the options as the base to construct other more useful, effective and powerful risk-management and speculation options. In addition, the course will discuss the valuation (or quantification of the risks underlying) these options using spreadsheets (including the construction of zero rate curves and volatility term structures). Time permitting, the course will also discuss a few case studies on how these are applied in practice.
The student should understand:
•How to build a zero curve using bonds and money market instruments?
•The concept of the basic building blocks of derivatives (forwards, futures, swaps and options) from both a practical and theoretical perspective.
•Risks arising from the transaction of derivative instruments in the equity, currency, interest rate markets.
•How to go about quantifying the risks underlying many standard derivative contracts using Excel Spreadsheet.
•How to go about using derivatives in practice to hedge and/or speculate.
The student should be able to
•Build an approximate zero curve that can used as inputs to value the derivatives and embedded derivatives
•Qualitatively understand the risk exposures arising from financial transactions
•Build a simple pricing tool in Excel so as to be able to approximately quantify the risks that has been qualitatively understood
The student should be able to:
•Value most derivatives contracts in the equity and currency markets.
•Value simple derivatives contracts in the interest rate markets.
•Quantify financial risks any corporation is exposed to using a what-if-scenario analysis
•Create a customized derivatives hedge to mitigate financial risks
•Export these concepts understand/appreciate and solve problems in other markets not discussed in class (e.g. Oil, electricity, weather etc.)

Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Teaching will be done using a combination of approaches ranging from lectures to case studies to discussions to class exercises and group presentations. The teaching will rely on the students’ active participation and good preparation. The teaching methods reflect the stated learning outcomes of the course.
International Finance ValnámskeiðV-767-INTF7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Thomas Walker
The purpose of the course is to provide students with advanced knowledge of corporate finance and financial management in an international context and to enhance their skills and competences to apply this knowledge.

The course focuses on financing and investment decisions in the international corporate context, including the financial risks associated with these decisions. The course provides an overview of international financial markets, international financial institutions, currencies and exchange rates as well as international capital flows. It focuses on risks related to international business activities, with emphasis on country risk and foreign exchange risk, and risk management in this regard. Beyond this, it discusses how to finance international operations and trade as well as international capital budgeting.
At the end of the course students possess in-depth knowledge of:
- international financial markets and institutions,
- country and foreign exchange risk including approaches to forecast exchange rates and exposure concepts,
- country and foreign exchange risk management including currency derivatives,
- international financing activities and capital structure decisions,
- international cost of capital calculations and capital budgeting, and
- foreign direct investments.

Students develop skills to:
- analyze a firm’s international activities with respect to international financial risks,
- identify, measure, and evaluate the impact of international financing activities on a firm´s capital structure and cost of capital,
- evaluate international investment opportunities, and
- recognize the limitations inherent in the theories discussed, including potential ethical conflicts, and the consequences of these limitations on the quality of decision making.

Students develop their competences to:
- identify financial challenges for international business activities,
- develop and justify appropriate solutions with respect to risk management, financing, and budgeting and implement these solutions in an international corporate context,
- evaluate strategies and measures in place and address necessary improvements, and
- reflect on the consequences of their decisions in the international corporate, economic, social, and ecological context.

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Corporate Taxation ValnámskeiðV-772-TAX17,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Vilmar Freyr Sævarsson
The purpose of the course is to provide students with a solid knowledge and understanding of the main principles of income tax, capital gains tax and value added tax and skills and competences to use this knowledge in the context of corporate taxation.

The following topics and concepts are covered:
Main provisions of law on Income Tax and VAT Law; main principles of limited and unlimited tax liability in Iceland; main rules in relation to deductible expenses; withholding tax on salary payments and on payments to foreign parties; rules regarding mergers and divisions and taxation of profit from sale of assets; filing of tax returns for companies with financial statements in foreign currency; main principles of VAT and different registrations (frjáls og sérstök skráning); VAT filing and payment; establishment of companies; taxation of different forms of companies; tax filings.
Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should:
- Understand the main provisions of the laws on income tax and value-added tax (VAT) in Iceland
- Know the main principles of limited and unlimited tax liability in Iceland
- Understand the main rules in relation to deductible expenses
- Know about withholding tax rules.
- Know the tax-relevant rules in the context of mergers and divisions and understand the taxation of profits from sale of assets
- Understand the filing of tax returns for companies with financial statements in foreign currency
- Understand the main principles of VAT and different registrations (frjáls og sérstök skráning) as well as how VAT shall be filed and paid
- Understand taxation issues when establishing companies, taxation of different forms of companies and tax filings.
Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different tasks in the context of corporate taxation. The student should:
- Be able to identify and assess income tax and value-added tax issues
- Be able to assess the impact of different legal forms of companies on taxation
- Be able to prepare corporate tax filings and VAT filings
- Be able to identify relevant tax issues in the context of mergers and divisions
- Be able to identify relevant tax issues in the context of the establishment of companies.
Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills in the context of corporate taxation. The student should:
- Be able to manage the tax issues of a company and prepare correct filings and tax calculations.


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Fixed Income Analysis ValnámskeiðV-818-FINC7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Patrick Weiss
Fixed income is among the major financial pillars in every civilized society. This course is set to support students in having applicable knowledge of most types of fixed-income instruments (bonds), not only how to price them and evaluate the pricing in the markets, but also to determine possible pros and cons of different types of fixed income instruments.
Knowledge Students should be able to describe: The most common fixed income markets, including government bonds and corporate bonds, Differences between fixed- and floating-rate instruments and how to replicate their cash flows, The most important aspects regarding the evaluation of bonds, The general concept of yield curves, The key risk dimensions of fixed income securities, including duration and convexity of bonds, and Portfolio management of fixed income securities and drivers of performance, including the duration effect. Skills The student should be able to: Analyze various features of fixed income securities, Determine the valuation for fixed income securities, Quantify the price sensitivity of bonds, Compute and apply yield curves. Competences The student should be able to apply knowledge and skills to critically: Analyze and strategically weigh different types of bonds both in Iceland and in foreign markets, Reflect on current market valuation of fixed income securities and apply no-arbitrage concepts, Evaluate the pros and cons associated with different bond classes and time structures in a broader context, Weigh risks concerning bond investments. 
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.
Performance Management ValnámskeiðV-830-PEMA3,75 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Adib Birkland
Performance Management is the ongoing process of setting objectives and assessing individual and collective behavior and achievements during a finite period of time. The performance management process goes from the macro level (e.g. organizational strategy) to the micro levels (e.g. individual performance improvements), and can be considered to be a four strep process at the employee level. First, identifying and measuring employee performance, secondly, diagnosing strengths and possible problems in individual and team performance (e.g. gap analysis). Thirdly it requires giving performance feedback, and finally it requires active steps to strengthen or improve individual or team performance. Performance management is then primarily about measuring and counseling/giving feedback on ways to improve performance at an individual and team level, and the quality of work relationship. Performance improvement results from people being clear about organizational priorities and objectives and ability to tie that knowledge in with their individual and team priorities and objectives. They are further clear on what skills need to be enhanced, and which types of behavior can help to the end of reaching those priorities and objectives. This comes from open, positive, and constructive discussion between supervisors, individuals and teams, and agreement on how to focus on doing the job better. In the appraisal process, a manager evaluates, coaches, counsels, and develops subordinates on a continuing basis throughout the reporting period, usually one year. The class further focuses on several factors that can influence the process, such as rater errors in performance measurement, electronic monitoring of performance, structured performance improvement programs, and how managers coaching, and counseling skills can be improved.
Knowledge The student should: K1: Understand the role of performance management in organizational strategy and management and the relationship between organizational objectives and performance management K2: Understand key concepts, models, theories, measures, and interventions in the context of performance management Skills The student should be able to: S1: Evaluate key concepts, models, and theories in the context of motivation & performance management S2: Diagnose performance problems, reasons for employee poor performance and/or absence and identify a range of managerial interventions S3: Support own reasoning in project outcomes by good use of established knowledge base in the subject areas of performance management Competences The student should: C1: Actively show established ability, both written and verbally, through group projects where the emphasis is on the student’s ability to judge, argue, decide, devise, discriminate, plan and predict from the material presented or collected.
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.
Portfolio Management ValnámskeiðV-862-PORT7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
David Skovmand
The purpose of the course is to give students advanced knowledge of systematic and analytical methods of considering and performing investment decisions and the skills and competences to apply this knowledge.

The following topics and concepts are covered:
Risk and uncertainty in financial returns, financial performance measurement, basic utility theory, portfolio theory, optimal investment and portfolio choice, efficient frontier, models of the expected return (CAPM and APT), pricing and risk management in bond markets and mutual fund investments.
Knowledge: At the end of the course students possess in-depth knowledge of:- Key concepts to describe a key characteristics of single financial assets and portfolios of financial assets, including mean, variances, and covariance and correlation for asset returns
- Financial risk measures and basic risk management tools
- Models employing discrete and continuous random variables
- Portfolio theory and utility theory in relation to optimal portfolio choice

Skills:  Students develop skills to:- Estimate mean, variance, covariance, beta and multifactor betas from the historical record of returns
- Apply performance measures to investment decisions
- Apply measures of financial risk
- Characterize the efficient frontier of portfolios
- Apply utility theory in relation to optimal portfolio choice
- Work with factor models such as CAPM and APT in particular the Fama-French 3-factor model
- Apply Excel to solve the problems in particular numerical solution and linear regressionCompetence:  Students develop their competences to:
- Measures and interpret the performance of investment decisions
- Manage individually and in investment management teams portfolios of financial assets
- Identify, justify and implement decisions to optimize portfolio composition


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Equity Analysis ValnámskeiðV-863-EQUI7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Patrick Weiss
The focus of this course is on the financial analysis and valuation of companies. Therefore the course provides students with essential knowledge in equity valuation and develops skills and competences to apply this knowledge.

The following topics and concepts are covered:
The course is segmented into major sections. It starts with a discussion of the drivers of corporate value, specifically return on invested capital (ROIC) and organic revenue growth. Based on this, it examines how to build an ROIC-based valuation model in conjunction with a free cash flow to firm (FCFF) model. Following that it covers financial analysis using data from the annual report based on traditional competitive benchmarking and to current metrics such as return on invested capital (ROIC) and economic profit. The primary goal is to build a true understanding of operating performance across business units and for the entire company. Having covered the above elements, the course focuses on building an integrated valuation model using discounted cash flow. This section of the course starts with the fundamentals of forecasting, how to determine the appropriate forecast period, and issues related to continuing value. It covers the weighted average cost of capital, focusing on how to estimate the inputs. The final section discusses alternatives to DCF valuation, such as multiples analysis to triangulate DCF valuation and comparison to investment strategies of major investors.
Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should:
- Know how to reorganize a financial statement
- Know how to assess past performance
- Know how to evaluate cash flow streams
- Understand the concept of valuation by multiples and how to calculate multiples
- Understand the concept of cost of capital
- Know the potential drivers of corporate value

Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different setting in equity valuation. The student should:
- Be able to reorganize a financial statement
- Be able to calculate and apply multiples
- Be able to estimate cost of debt, cost of equity and WACC
- Be able to build a robust EP valuation model
- Be able to build a robust FCFF valuation model
- Identify and analyze the drivers of corporate value

Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills in equity valuation. The student should be able to:
- Analyze and interpret past performance
- Evaluate new projects and entire firms from a shareholder’s perspective
- Use results of valuation models in corporate decision making
- Analyze the impact of corporate decisions and of developments in the firm’s environment on corporate value
- Critically assess the limitations valuation models


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Master´s Thesis - partial submission ValnámskeiðV-888-THHL15 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Freyr Halldórsson
Engin skráð lýsing.
Engin skráð námsmarkmið.
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.
Research Proposal SkyldaV-898-REPR0 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsSkylda
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Freyr Halldórsson
Engin skráð lýsing.
Engin skráð námsmarkmið.
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.
Master´s Thesis SkyldaV-898-THES30 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsSkylda
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Freyr Halldórsson

Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should
- be able to account for the basic building blocks of a good research project,
- understand and account for the empirical conditions in the studied field (e.g. a market and industry),
- have a solid understanding of the fundaments of the methodology applied in the thesis (e.g. concepts and techniques),
- be able to account for relevant theories concerning the research field,
- know what constitutes a good research question.
Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to the different tasks of the research process. The student should be able to
- demonstrate independence and effectiveness in conducting the thesis research,
- develop an effective research question and setting a clear focus of the thesis,
- adopt, adapt and argue for a relevant methodology,
- critically analyse empirical data,
- discuss independently implications of results/analysis on relevant theory,
- provide answer(s) to stated research question(s),
- discuss possible implications of results, for example, for managers in a relevant industry.
Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills. At the end of the thesis-process, students should be able to
- design basic research projects,
- conduct basic independent research,
- systematically evaluate research in their field of expertise,
- communicate and apply expert knowledge gained from the thesis process.

Ekkert skráð lesefni.

Skiptinám ValnámskeiðX-699-EXCH30 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Enginn skráður kennari.
Engin skráð lýsing.
Engin skráð námsmarkmið.
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.
Vorönn/Spring 2025
Consumer Behavior ValnámskeiðV-712-COBE3,75 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Enginn skráður kennari.
Consumer behavior is everywhere and the demand for consumer oriented thinking is ever increasing. In this course, we go through the fundaments of consumer behavior and try to understand the consumer both as an individual and in a group. The first part of the course is dedicated to the individual and the psychological factors that influence our behavior such as attention, learning, emotions etc. In the second part, we study consumer decision making, i.e. how consumers purchase products and services, and what factors influence their decisions. In the third part, we put consumer behavior in a practical context and study how companies and governments can influence and nudge consumers. We will also reflect on the ethical aspects of influencing consumer behavior.   
The student should be able to describe:
- The fundamentals of consumer psychology, including attention, perception, learning, memory,   attitudes, emotion and motivation.
- Tthe main theories of consumer decision making.
- How companies and governments use consumer behavior research to nudge and influence consumers.
- How consumers influence each other, the society, and the environment through their actions.
The student should be able to ability to apply knowledge to:
- Explain concrete examples of consumer behavior in behavioral and psychological terms.
- Predict how consumers will behave in a concrete situation based on consumer behavior theory. 
- Evaluate business and policy actions from a consumer perspective.
- Identify ways to influence or change consumer behavior.
The student should be able to apply knowledge and skills to:
- Adopt and advocate for consumer oriented thinking in business and policy situations.
- Provide input to the development of consumer products and services.
- Critically reflect on the ethicality of consumer related business and government actions.  

Ekkert skráð lesefni.
The course is based on lectures, group work, class discussion and individual exercises. Active participation is crucial to the learning outcome.  
Innovation Management SkyldaV-713-INNM7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Marina Candi
 The course consists of three modules. The first module focuses on types of innovation, innovation ecosystems and traditional and more recent methods for managing innovation. The second module focuses on open innovation in its many forms and narrative methods. The third module consists of student presentations of their final assignments and critical analysis and discussion.
The student should be able to describe:
• Different types of innovation and innovation ecosystems
• Traditional and more recent methods for innovation management and the differences and similarities among these methods
• The concept of open innovation and its multiple manifestations
• The differences among, and relative strengths of, methods of presenting innovation ideas and solutions
The student should be able to ability to apply knowledge to:
• Assess the type(s) and core of specific innovations
• Identify and describe innovation ecosystems
• Distinguish among methods for innovation management and select appropriate methods for different innovation projects
• Critically evaluate open innovation options for innovation projects
• Frame the description of an innovation idea or solution as a story
The ability to apply knowledge and skills: The student should be able to
• Identify the position of an innovation within one or more ecosystems
• Organize and lead an innovation project using a variety of innovation methods
• Decide on the merits of open innovation approaches and implement them where appropriate
• Craft a narrative story describing a new innovation or innovation project
 Student grades will be based on three assignments to be completed during the course as well as class participation.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
 Lectures, in-class exercises, discussions and assignments.
Business Ethics SkyldaV-714-BETH3,75 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Enginn skráður kennari.
Business ethics is the study of decisions and practices in business and organizations from the moral point of view. Corporate Social Responsibility involves that organizations are responsible for the social, economic and environmental influenced they have.

The aim of this course is to introduce you to theoretical and practical framework of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in order to improve your skills to make fair and sound decisions in complex organizations of today. The focus is on ethical issues in organizations, both on the ethics of individuals as well as corporate social responsibility.
Students can explain the main concepts and theories of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Students can use the main tools and techniques of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Students can identify ethical issues in organizations and make sound decisions about them
Students have expressed in a structured manner their personal values in organizations
Students can analyze a company situation and set up a strategy for corporate social responsibility

Ekkert skráð lesefni.
The nature of both Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Ethics involves a high level of decision making, often in a complex context and with confusing information. In this course students will be trained to reflect on ethical issues by individual assignments, lectures, group conversations, analyzing cases and presenting their view. The teaching methods rely on the students’ active participation and good preparation.
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Context SkyldaV-715-ENIC3,75 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Enginn skráður kennari.
The course covers the fundamental concepts of how to start a startup. The objective of this class is to change the mindset that entrepreneurship, starting and running your own business is risky and only a selected few can do it. Student will leave the class with the mindset that entrepreneurship is a viable career choice. At the end of this class, students should feel that they have the tool set, knowledge and practical know-how on how to start a startup. The class will also showcase the “Whys” and “Hows” of building a business, the sequence of building a business and challenge the students to actually take the plunge in doing the actual task of building a business. The classroom sessions will be more run like workshops where all the students are participating in the activity on schedule.
The class will challenge students to think like a contrarian in building a business using the approach of startup thinking. The conventional wisdom on how to build a business does not work in the context of hyper competition and globalization. The challenge is not limited to businesses; the challenge is applicable to every person. Everyone can be a startup founder and entrepreneur; actually we all were before the agrarian and the industrial revolution. The notion of a job was non-existent. We will explore how anyone can build a unique and valuable business as long as they subscribe to the notion that it has to be something different, unique but grounded in the present. Future will not get automatically better, it gets better through the collective efforts of founders and entrepreneurs who move the human race forward and we will explore the methodologies that allows us to learn the path of company building.

 The student should be able to describe:
- The concept of startup thinking or entrepreneurship
- The concept of innovation and technology
- The scope of innovation and technology in the context of starting a new ventureThe student should be able to ability to apply knowledge to:
- Come up with new ideas to solve problems in the context of starting a business
- Build teams
- Apply technology to build products and services
- Articulate and clarify the problems and solutions in the context of a startup or a business
- Apply the sequence of how to build a startup
- Build traction for their products and services
- Build a business modelThe student should be able to apply knowledge and skills to:
- Start their own venture
- Build a value proposition for a problem in the context of entrepreneurship
- Pitch and present their startup or business
Class participation, Team self assessment, Blog posts and grading on final presentation
- Personal Blog, Brand creation and quality of questions in the classroom (20%)
- 1 page narratives on each of the above topics through their personal blog (30%)Group (50%)
- Build a team and a company website (5%)
- Build a fan base for the product (10%)
- Build a company pitch deck (10%)
- Completed Business Model Canvas (5%)
- Completed Value Proposition Design (5%)
- Decide on CEO, COO, CTO and CMO and narrate the thinking behind the decision (1%)
- Decide on how the Stock of the company should be split and narrate the thinking behind the decision (1%)
- How does the team allocate the stock option pool and narrate the thinking behind the decision (1%)
- Narrative on building a company culture (2%)
- Narrative on the ideal operating system (culture, habits, rituals) for the company (10%)
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Lectures, workshops, blog writing, project work and final presentation
Business Process Management ValnámskeiðV-716-BPMA7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Enginn skráður kennari.
Business Process Management (BPM) is an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis, design, implementation, and improvement of organizational work processes and supporting IT systems. The goal of BPM is to increase operational efficiency and effectiveness (e.g., product/service quality, compliance) by understanding a company as a system of business processes, instead of functional departments only. This course covers all phases of the BPM lifecycle, from process identification over modeling, analysis, redesign, automation, to process monitoring and performance management. In addition, strategic (e.g., alignment, governance) and social (e.g., people, culture) factors of BPM will be covered. In interactive sessions students will learn state-of-the-process analysis methods and tools (e.g., process modeling with BPMN, process simulation with ARENA) and study real-world case studies related to process-oriented management methodologies like Six Sigma and Lean Management.
Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by the degree holder. Knowledge can both be theoretical and applied. The student should be able to:

1.     Identify and characterize the key ideas of process thinking (e.g., organizing firms in processes instead of organizational functions)

2.     Describe and explain the phase of the Business Process Management lifecycle (e.g., from process discovery over design to monitoring and controlling)

3.     Identify and discuss additional factors relevant for Business Process Management (e.g., strategic alignment, organizational culture)
Entail the ability to apply knowledge. Skills can indicate general skills that are not limited to a certain scientific field or profession, as well as specific skills. The student should be able to:

1.     Identify the differences between process-oriented management approaches and other approaches to management

2.     Choose and apply process analysis and design methods (e.g., process modeling, process simulation) to existing business processes

3.     Analyze the business impact of Business Process Management

Entail the ability to apply knowledge and skills to work and study. The student should be able to:

1.     Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization by applying the ideas of Business Process Management
2.     Organize Business Process Management programs and projects

Ekkert skráð lesefni.

Entrepreneurial Finance SkyldaV-733-ENTR7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Dimo Dimov
This course provides an overview of the entrepreneurial finance process. It covers a wide range of topics associated with a venture’s financial strategy: financial planning, sources of capital, exit strategies, financial contracting, and valuation. It focuses on integrating and extending one’s basic knowledge of finance principles with the complexities that entrepreneurship, business strategy, and marketing add to the context of new ventures. The fundamental premise of the course is that financial strategy formulation and implementation is a crucial part of the venture development process. As such, the course is suitable for those who plan to engage in new venture development both as an independent effort and within a corporate or family business context. I expect that students taking this course will have an understanding of some of the basic finance such as financial statement preparation and discounted cash flow analysis.
Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students.
The student should:
•Identify different funding options.
•Describe the elements of a new venture’s business and financial model.
•Explain the key issues associated with financial planning and fundraising in a new venture context.
 The ability to apply knowledge to different tasks of the entrepreneurial finance process.
The student should:
•Analyze relevant issues in situations at the intersection of entrepreneurship and finance.
•Categorize the uncertainties / risks associated with the development of new ventures.
•Compare different funding options.
The ability to apply knowledge and skills in entrepreneurial finance settings.
The student should:
•Evaluate investment proposals.
•Formulate financial plans.
•Design investment proposals.

Ekkert skráð lesefni.

Branding and Strategic Marketing ValnámskeiðV-741-BRAN7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Valdimar Sigurðsson
The aim of the course is to provide an advanced understanding of brand management and strategic marketing. In the beginning, students will advance their understanding of key concepts and methods mostly focusing on marketing strategy with emphasis on choosing the right marketing metrics for different companies and industries. This beginning part of the course will be conducted by combining short lectures with cases, with an emphasis on the latter. The course is designed to help students develop a conceptual framework and marketing dashboard when making a marketing and/or branding decision. The cases will focus on service, tourism, digital marketing and luxury brands. As the course progresses more emphasis will be put on activities to review, build, measure and manage brand equity though a large project on brand auditing and strategic marketing. Students will also be given the opportunity to study a relevant topic of their choice with some depth in a critical literature review. The supplementary readings will present essential marketing strategy and branding techniques for measuring and monitoring everything from brand equity to social media marketing. By the end of the course students should have an advanced understanding of strategic marketing and brand management and be able analyse both marketing decision making as well as brand management from a clear conceptual framework.
Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by the degree holder. Knowledge can both be theoretical and applied. The student should:


1.     Understand the importance of key marketing metrics and branding conceptualisation

2.     Be able to place the latest knowledge in context within their field

3.    Be able to account for selected concepts, theories, methods and practice in both marketing strategy and branding (see e.g. the aim of the course and the course outline)

4.     Have knowledge of ethical problems in strategic marketing and brand management

Entail the ability to apply knowledge. Skills can indicate general skills that are not limited to a certain scientific field or profession, as well as specific skills.


1.     Be able to discuss the strength and weakness related to the concepts, theories, methods and practice

2.     Can understand and tackle issues in strategic marketing and branding in a professional context

3.     Can collect, analyse and evaluate scientific papers and data for strategic marketing and/or for brand auditing

4.     Are innovative in developing and applying ideas in branding

5.     Can develop branding projects or marketing strategyImproved management decision-making and the ability to provide relevant, accurate, and timely information to a marketing problem.

Entail the ability to apply knowledge and skills to work and study.


1.     Have developed the necessary learning skills and independence for further studies

2.     Can initiate and implement marketing strategy and/or brand management

3.     Are capable of presenting and describing marketing management issues and research findings in English

4.   Can write business texts in English.

5.     Can evaluate the suitability of the different methods and scientific issues in branding and marketing strategy


Ekkert skráð lesefni.

Internship ValnámskeiðV-748-INTE7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Freyja Th. Sigurðardóttir
Kristján Reykjalín Vigfússon
Engin skráð lýsing.
Engin skráð námsmarkmið.
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.
Gerð reikningsskila og staðlar um reikningsskil II ValnámskeiðV-765-FIR27,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námsgreinar5. Framhaldsnám, framhaldsnámskeið
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararV-759-FIR1, Gerð reikningsskila og staðlar um reikningsskil I
SkipulagFjórir fyrirlestrar á viku.
Unnar Friðrik Pálsson
The purpose of the course is to provide students with an extensive knowledge of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Icelandic Financial Statements Act and to develop students’ skills and competences to apply this knowledge. Extensive analysis will be made of the main principles of various IFRS standards as endorsed by the EU and the laws and regulations governing the preparation of financial statements based on the provisions of the Icelandic Financial Statements Act. The following topics and concepts are covered:Presentational demands of IFRS for financial statements, substantive rules with respect to specific topics, including  share-based payments (IFRS 2), earnings per share (IAS 33), leases (IFRS 16), fair value measurement (IFRS 13), related parties (IAS 24), investment properties (IAS 40), Segment reporting (IFRS 8), foreign currency transactions (IAS 21), non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations (IFRS 5), separate financial statements (IAS 27) and borrowing costs (IAS 23).
Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should: - Be familiar with the main principles of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) covered in the course.- Be familiar with the Icelandic Financial Statements Act.- Understand the responsibilities in financial reporting.- Understand potential conflicts of interest and ethical issues regarding financial reporting.- Since this course is a continuation of the course „Gerð reikningsskila og staðlar um reikningsskil I“ students are expected to gain a deeper knowledge of some of the contents covered in that course, as well as gaining new and deep knowledge on other matters not covered in the previous course. The ability to apply knowledge to different tasks of financial reporting. The student should:- Be able to identify the relevant IFRS and/or national rules for different financial reporting issues.- Be able to identify ethical issues regarding financial reporting.-Be able to solve financial reporting issues not otherwisedcovered in class by applying their knowledge to new tasks.
The ability to apply knowledge and skills in financial reporting. The student should: - Be able to take part in a professional discussion on financial reporting.- Apply relevant IFRS and/or national rules for different financial reporting issues.- Be able to justify the use of a specific IFRS or national rules for specific reporting issues.
Four group assignments, each 10.0% and total of 40.0% Participation grade, 5.0%  (based on attending lectures and active participation in class).Final exam 55%

Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Lectures on theory, explanation of approaches, techniques, exercise sessions and responses to questions from students. The teaching methods rely on the students’ active participation and good preparation before class.
Business Research Methodology I SkyldaV-765-REM13,75 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsSkylda
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Susanne Durst
Engin skráð lýsing.
Engin skráð námsmarkmið.
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.
Applied Derivatives ValnámskeiðV-766-APDE7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námsgreinar4. Framhaldsnám, grunnnámskeið
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararV-755-CORP, Fjármál fyrirtækja
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Enginn skráður kennari.
Derivatives are widely known financial instruments that can be used very effectively to hedge against or speculate on any financial markets risks/behaviour. Derivatives also have had the bad rap as the weapons of the mass destruction (courtesy of Warren Buffet). This course will cover the practical applications of basic building blocks of derivatives (i.e. forwards, futures, swaps and options) and then use the options as the base to construct other more useful, effective and powerful risk-management and speculation options. In addition, the course will discuss the valuation (or quantification of the risks underlying) these options using spreadsheets (including the construction of zero rate curves and volatility term structures). Time permitting, the course will also discuss a few case studies on how these are applied in practice.
The student should understand:
•How to build a zero curve using bonds and money market instruments?
•The concept of the basic building blocks of derivatives (forwards, futures, swaps and options) from both a practical and theoretical perspective.
•Risks arising from the transaction of derivative instruments in the equity, currency, interest rate markets.
•How to go about quantifying the risks underlying many standard derivative contracts using Excel Spreadsheet.
•How to go about using derivatives in practice to hedge and/or speculate.
The student should be able to
•Build an approximate zero curve that can used as inputs to value the derivatives and embedded derivatives
•Qualitatively understand the risk exposures arising from financial transactions
•Build a simple pricing tool in Excel so as to be able to approximately quantify the risks that has been qualitatively understood
The student should be able to:
•Value most derivatives contracts in the equity and currency markets.
•Value simple derivatives contracts in the interest rate markets.
•Quantify financial risks any corporation is exposed to using a what-if-scenario analysis
•Create a customized derivatives hedge to mitigate financial risks
•Export these concepts understand/appreciate and solve problems in other markets not discussed in class (e.g. Oil, electricity, weather etc.)

Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Teaching will be done using a combination of approaches ranging from lectures to case studies to discussions to class exercises and group presentations. The teaching will rely on the students’ active participation and good preparation. The teaching methods reflect the stated learning outcomes of the course.
Consolidated Financial Statements ValnámskeiðV-767-SARE7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námsgreinar5. Framhaldsnám, framhaldsnámskeið
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagFjórir fyrirlestrar í viku
Enginn skráður kennari.
This course focuses on the various accounting issues in respect of typical business combinations and consolidated financial statements including:
•         Accounting for goodwill on acquisition of a subsidiary and/or a business;
•         Preparation of a Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (C-SOFP);
•         Preparation of a Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income (C-SPLOCI); and
•         Preparation of a Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (C-SOCF).More complex matters will also be considered like accounting for associates, accounting for joint arrangements (including joint operations and joint ventures), and consolidation of foreign subsidiaries.The accounting framework that will be used for this course will be International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The course will also consider additional reporting requirements as stipulated by the Financial Statements Act No.3/2006.  The main IFRS Standards covered include:
•         IFRS 3: Business Combinations
•         IFRS 10: Consolidated Financial Statements
•         IFRS 11: Joint Arrangements
•         IFRS 12: Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities
•         IAS 7: Statement of Cashflows
•         IAS 21: The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
•         IAS 27: Separate Financial Statements
•         IAS 28: Investments in Associates

The book Financial Accounting and Reporting by Elliott & Elliott, 18th Edition, Pearson Publications, will be used for this course. The following chapters will be covered:
•         Accounting for groups at the date of acquisition (Ch.22)
•         Preparation of Consol-SOFP after date of acquisition (Ch.23)
•         Preparation of Consol-SPLOCI, Consol-SOCE, Consol-SOCF (Ch.24)
•         Accounting for associates and joint arrangements (Ch. 25)
On successful completion of this module candidates will have enhanced their knowledge of:
•         Financial statements and reporting for groups;
•         Accounting issues that are specific to associate undertakings, joint arrangements and overseas subsidiary undertakings;
•         IFRS that are relevant for consolidation,; and
•         Relevant legislation.

Students will have enhanced their skills
•         to understand consolidated financial statements;
•         to identify, develop and critically assess solutions for accounting issues that are specific to consolidated financial statements, in accordance with IFRS and relevant legislation; and
•         to identify conflicts of interest in relation to accounting practices.

Students will have developed their competences
•         to prepare the financial statements for groups;
•         to implement and justify solutions for accounting issues that are specific to consolidated financial statements, in accordance with IFRS and relevant legislation; and
•         to address other practical accounting issues as they arise including ethical considerations in relation to accounting practices.

Participation (10%)
The participation grade takes note of the student’s presence in class but more importantly it is an evaluation of students’ active participation. This means partaking in class discussions, asking questions of the lecturer, and attempting to answer questions posed by the lecturer. Note that active participation does not consider the calibre of opinions offered, answers provided, or questions asked. Instead, the lecturer will only consider students’ individual efforts to contribute to an open and dynamic learning environment.
Individual Assignments (5% + 5%)
Students will receive two online tests, one at the end of the February teaching period and one at the end of the March teaching period. The tests will cover the main topics covered during each teaching period. The tests will be “Stop/Go” type; a minimum mark of 60% will be required to pass each test but students will be able to retake each test as often as they want until the required pass mark is achieved. Once the required pass mark is achieved students will be assigned the full 5% of credit attributable to each test.
Group Assignment (20%)
A Group Assignment will be issued following completion of the first teaching period in February. Students will be assigned into group sizes of 3. Further information on the group assignment will be provided as the course progresses.
Final exam (60%)
The final exam will be 3 hours in duration. The exam will be split into two sections, A & B. Section A will be compulsory and comprise 70% of the exam. Section B will require students to answer one question from two presented and will comprise the remaining 30% of the exam. Further information on the final exam will be provided as the course progresses.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Overall, the teaching methods will reflect the stated learning outcomes of the course. Teaching will be a combination of different approaches including lectures, case discussions, tutorials and exercises. The teaching relies on the students’ active participation and effective preparation.
Gerð og staðfesting sjálfbærniupplýsinga ValnámskeiðV-774-GESS7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námsgreinar6. Framhaldsnám, sérhæft námskeið
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Margret G Flóvenz
Engin skráð lýsing.
Engin skráð námsmarkmið.
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.
Business Intelligence and Analytics ValnámskeiðV-784-REK57,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararV-715-ABIN, Þættir í upplýsingastjórnun fyrirtækja
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Jón Bjarki Gunnarsson
In the modern business world, decisions can no longer be solely based on gut feelings and personal data. Rapid changes in customer preferences, unlimited access to information, mounting competitor pressures and evolving technology, make decision support for managers a critical function in every company. The field of business intelligence (BI), analytics and decision support systems has evolved from personal support tools to company wide applications, technology solutions, functions and competencies.This course deals with the technologies, competencies and solutions that support managerial work and decision making. The course provides a theoretical basis of decision making, describes how information technology can support and improve such decision making, what types of decision support systems there are, the nature and evolution of business intelligence, the tools and techniques of managerial decision support and describes some of the emerging technologies and trends in the business.The course discusses the following parts:·      Managerial and decision support – Theoretical discussions and basis·      Discussions about data assets, ethical concerns of managing and controlling information·      Managing and measuring the quality of data·      Data Warehousing, fundamentals of data modeling and the handling of master data·      Fundamental concepts of datamining, artificial intelligence, machine learning and data predictions·      Business performance management, analytics and reporting and its relation to data management and decision making·      Various emerging trends in the BI business.The course should provide the student with a framework to understand decision support and business intelligence solutions, -work and projects. Based on textbook readings, cases and projects the student learns to apply this framework. The course will focus on generic approaches to decision support and business intelligence but will also include discussions on real life examples from Icelandic as well as foreign companies. Furthermore, there are planned sessions with companies which will describe their experiences with implementing decision support, business intelligence and performance management solutions.Please note that this course contains fair amount of technical details and -discussion. Experience has shown that the material is better suited for students with some prior knowledge and preparation from IT related courses or similar experience from work. 
Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students.
The student should be able to:
• Identify the major frameworks of computerized decision support, decision support systems (DSS), data analytics and business intelligence (BI).
• Describe the nature of information and data, explain their basic difference and its use in managerial decision making
• Explain the context and importance of gathering and managing data in the society and economy.
• Describe the core concepts of decision making and discuss how IT systems can support effective decision making.
• Discuss and know the main building blocks of data management systems as well as List the definitions, concepts, and architectures of data warehousing
• Describe the basic concepts of advanced analytics methods and understand their application
• Identify the major ethical and legal issues of analytics and data management
During the course, student will have acquired the skills to perform various tasks of a BI and Information management specialists. The student should:
• Be able to critically evaluate strengths and weaknesses of BI projects
• Know the basic building blocks of a good BI program and how to apply them correctly
• Gathered knowhow on basic BI tools and evaluate their fit for purpose
• Know BI project best practices for BI projects and know how to apply them        
The student will have acquired the ability to apply knowledge and skills in Business Intelligence projects and regular business settings. The student should be able to:
• Effectively communicate course work in writing and oral presentation.
• Participate actively in BI projects and be ready to apply best practices BI work
• Make judgement on quality of data and assess the its impact on decision making.
• Create and participate in data quality projects through various roles
• Participate in gathering information on and create high quality KPIs
• Act as an active member BI teams focusing on information management
Participation and attendance – 20%
Mid term project – 30%-
Final exam – 50%
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Teaching will be combined of various approaches:·         Lectures from teacher. Presentations will consists on PPT slides, some videos and discussion points.·         Lectures from guest lecturers-practitioners. At least two guest lecturers will pay a visit.·         Case discussions based on cases from within the textbook or from outside resources and exercises. Students will be asked to present their findings both as individuals and in groups.·         Class presentations of group project and “Teach Back” where students will have the opportunity to teach/study each other’s delivery of a case studyA big emphasize is put on students’ participation and good preparation.  
Topics in Emerging Technologies ValnámskeiðV-819-TEMT3,75 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Enginn skráður kennari.
Engin skráð lýsing.
Engin skráð námsmarkmið.
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.
Business Research Methodology II SkyldaV-825-REM23,75 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsSkylda
UndanfararV-765-REM1, Business Research Methodology I
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Susanne Durst
Engin skráð lýsing.
Engin skráð námsmarkmið.
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.
Tourism Marketing ValnámskeiðV-840-TOMA7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Enginn skráður kennari.

There are basically two main perspectives within the Tourism Marketing field: the public side and the private side. The public side of Tourism Marketing covers the efforts done from the public institutions (usually National Tourism Organizations) to develop, brand, marketing and promote a country, a region or a city as a tourism destination. The private side of Tourism Marketing has to be with developing, branding, marketing and promoting the different businesses related to the tourism industry, like hotels, airlines, restaurants, parks, museums, etc.
The objective of the course is to introduce the central concepts of Tourism Marketing involved in defining and implementing a marketing strategy both from a public and a private side perspective.
In order to introduce the main concepts of public tourism marketing we will analyse the relevance of the tourism industry in the economy and also the positive effects of tourism for society in general. We will also elaborate on the way a place is developed as a tourism destination and the different marketing tools to be used in branding, marketing and promoting a place as a tourism destination with different examples and case discussions. Specifically we will explore and discuss the case of Iceland as a tourism destination.
The topic of private tourism marketing will be covered by defining the two main objectives of any tourism marketing campaign: customer attraction and customer retention. Customer attraction meaning developing marketing strategies to attract new customers to your tourism business (a hotel, a restaurant, an airline, etc). Customer retention meaning developing loyalty among the customers that you already have in your tourism business. Both customer attraction and customer retention will be covered by analysing cases, best practices and experiences of different hospitality and tourism leaders.
Another aspect that will be covered extensively in the course is digital marketing and the digital transformation that it is occurring today in the tourism industry.
Finally we will dedicate time to understand better the main trends that are happening now in the hospitality industry, specifically trends related to hotel management contracts and franchising.
In summary, different tourism marketing strategies would be discussed and compared including the implications for budget allocation and return on marketing investment. The final take away of the course will be doing a full marketing plan for a tourism business (a hotel) combining the two main challenges of any tourism business today: attract new customers and increase loyalty among the customers that we have.

Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by the degree holder. Knowledge can both be theoretical and applied. The student should be able to:• Describe the two main sides of tourism marketing, the public side and the private side.
• Describe and apply the concept of marketing strategy in the tourism field.
• Describe the marketing process and apply it to the tourism area.
• Describe the different elements of the markeitng mix in the context of the tourism industry.
• Describe and apply the changes digital marketing is bringing to the tourism industry.

The ability to apply knowledge to different tasks of the tourism marketing process. The student should be able to:• Critically asses the relevance of tourism marketing in different social and economic contexts.
• Identify the differences between tourism marketing and marketing in other areas or industries.
• Propose different digital marketing strategies in the tourism industry area.
• Construct a full marketing plan for a tourism business or institution, including digital marketing actions
Entail the ability to apply knowledge and skills to tourism marketing. The student should be able to:• Develop marketing strategies applicable to the tourism sector both in the private and public environments.
• Propose different marketing mix strategies in the tourism industry context.
• Present and defend his or her own solution to different tourism marketing cases.
• Work with a diverse team of people with different backgrounds and opinions.
• 20% Group Case Presentations: For every case to be discussed in this course students will work in groups to prepare the case solution and present it to the class. The evaluation of the case presentation will be based more on the content than on the aesthetics of the presentation.• 20% Individual Participation: Active participation during lectures, workshops and case discussion is expected from all the participants and will be evaluated based on the quality and on the quantity of the contributions.• 60% Final Individual Assignment:  The objective of the final individual assignment is to put in practice your learnings by analyzing a tourism marketing plan case about a destination or about a tourism business. The final case and its preparation questions would be handed to the students on the last session of the course and the students would have 1 week to submit their case analysis and solution.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
The course consists of: 
1. Lecture/discussion session that stress fundamental tourism marketing concepts and structure operational approaches for tourism marketing decision making and problem solving. The readings assigned to each session are recommended as background information to support the discussions.
2. Unstructured problem solving sessions using cases where participants integrate the concepts and methods discussed to frame, analyse, and resolve representative tourism marketing problems.
This twin stress on concepts as well as their application is designed to enable participants to not only understand the basic principles and tools of tourism marketing management, but also to gain experience in their actual use.Each case provides a detailed description of a marketing situation faced by a real marketing manager.  Participants should prepare each case with an action orientation – what would you do if you were the manager?  And, just as important, why would you do it?  Your participation in the case discussion should show the analysis you have used to come to your recommendation.
Training and Development ValnámskeiðV-840-TRDE3,75 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Freyr Halldórsson
Engin skráð lýsing.
Engin skráð námsmarkmið.
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.
Equity Analysis ValnámskeiðV-863-EQUI7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Patrick Weiss
The focus of this course is on the financial analysis and valuation of companies. Therefore the course provides students with essential knowledge in equity valuation and develops skills and competences to apply this knowledge.

The following topics and concepts are covered:
The course is segmented into major sections. It starts with a discussion of the drivers of corporate value, specifically return on invested capital (ROIC) and organic revenue growth. Based on this, it examines how to build an ROIC-based valuation model in conjunction with a free cash flow to firm (FCFF) model. Following that it covers financial analysis using data from the annual report based on traditional competitive benchmarking and to current metrics such as return on invested capital (ROIC) and economic profit. The primary goal is to build a true understanding of operating performance across business units and for the entire company. Having covered the above elements, the course focuses on building an integrated valuation model using discounted cash flow. This section of the course starts with the fundamentals of forecasting, how to determine the appropriate forecast period, and issues related to continuing value. It covers the weighted average cost of capital, focusing on how to estimate the inputs. The final section discusses alternatives to DCF valuation, such as multiples analysis to triangulate DCF valuation and comparison to investment strategies of major investors.
Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should:
- Know how to reorganize a financial statement
- Know how to assess past performance
- Know how to evaluate cash flow streams
- Understand the concept of valuation by multiples and how to calculate multiples
- Understand the concept of cost of capital
- Know the potential drivers of corporate value

Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different setting in equity valuation. The student should:
- Be able to reorganize a financial statement
- Be able to calculate and apply multiples
- Be able to estimate cost of debt, cost of equity and WACC
- Be able to build a robust EP valuation model
- Be able to build a robust FCFF valuation model
- Identify and analyze the drivers of corporate value

Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills in equity valuation. The student should be able to:
- Analyze and interpret past performance
- Evaluate new projects and entire firms from a shareholder’s perspective
- Use results of valuation models in corporate decision making
- Analyze the impact of corporate decisions and of developments in the firm’s environment on corporate value
- Critically assess the limitations valuation models


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Reikningshald, afleiður og aðrir fjármálagerningar ValnámskeiðV-871-AFLE7,5 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námsgreinar4. Framhaldsnám, grunnnámskeið
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagFjórir fyrirlestrar í viku
Unnar Friðrik Pálsson
Í námskeiðinu verður gerð grein flokkun, mati og færslu fjáreigna og fjárskulda.  Einnig verður fjallað um sértæk mál svo afleiðusamninga um eigin hlutabréf, áhættuvarnarskil og upplýsingagjöf vegna fjármálagerninga
Að námskeiði loknu er stefnt að því að nemendur hafi: -Öðlast mikla og djúpa þekkingu á flokkun, færslu, mati og afskráningarreglum fjármálagerninga samkvæmt alþjóðlega reikningsskilastaðlinum IFRS 9.- Þekki mun á eigin fé og fjárskuldum (IAS 32) þegar kemur að flóknum gerningum svo sem afleiðum um eigin hlutabréf.-Hafi fengið góða innsýn í á hvern hátt afleiður eru notaðar í rekstri fyrirtækja, sérstaklega í áhættuvarnarskyni og þekki vel til áhættuvarnarreikningsskila og reglna þeim tengdum.- Þekki kröfur IAS 32 og IFRS 9 um upplýsingagjöf í ársreikningum félaga sem beita stöðlunum.- Þekki reglur um ákvörðun gangvirðis og stigveldisskiptingu gangvirðismat (IFRS 13).-Þekki reglur ársreikningalaga um fjármálagerninga og mun á þeim reglum og reglum alþjóðlegra reikningsskilastaðla.
-Geta beitt þekkingu á fjármálagerningum við flokkun, mat og færslu ólíkra tegunda slíkra gerninga.- Bera kennsl á álitamál sem kunna að koma upp við flokkun og mat sem og við mat á afskráningu fjáreigna og fjárskulda. Í námskeiðinu verður gerð grein flokkun, mati og færslu fjáreigna og fjárskulda.  Einnig verður fjallað um sértæk mál svo afleiðusamninga um eigin hlutabréf, áhættuvarnarskil og upplýsingagjöf vegna fjármálagerninga
Skilaverkefni eru 4 talsins og eru öll hópverkefni.  Hvert þeirra vegur 10% og þau því samtals 40%. Mætingareinkunn vegur 5% en lokapróf 45%.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Fyrirlestrar sem samanstanda af einkum af útskýringum og dæmum á reglum viðeigandi staðla (einkum IAS 32, IFRS 9, IFRS 7 og IFRS 13). Gert er ráð fyrir virkri þátttöku nemenda (m.a. með  mætingarskyldu) og gert ráð fyrir að nemendur undirbúi sig vel fyrir tíma.
Master´s Thesis - partial submission ValnámskeiðV-888-THHL15 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Freyr Halldórsson
Engin skráð lýsing.
Engin skráð námsmarkmið.
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.
Research Proposal SkyldaV-898-REPR0 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsSkylda
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Freyr Halldórsson
Engin skráð lýsing.
Engin skráð námsmarkmið.
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.
Master´s Thesis SkyldaV-898-THES30 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsSkylda
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Freyr Halldórsson

Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should
- be able to account for the basic building blocks of a good research project,
- understand and account for the empirical conditions in the studied field (e.g. a market and industry),
- have a solid understanding of the fundaments of the methodology applied in the thesis (e.g. concepts and techniques),
- be able to account for relevant theories concerning the research field,
- know what constitutes a good research question.
Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to the different tasks of the research process. The student should be able to
- demonstrate independence and effectiveness in conducting the thesis research,
- develop an effective research question and setting a clear focus of the thesis,
- adopt, adapt and argue for a relevant methodology,
- critically analyse empirical data,
- discuss independently implications of results/analysis on relevant theory,
- provide answer(s) to stated research question(s),
- discuss possible implications of results, for example, for managers in a relevant industry.
Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills. At the end of the thesis-process, students should be able to
- design basic research projects,
- conduct basic independent research,
- systematically evaluate research in their field of expertise,
- communicate and apply expert knowledge gained from the thesis process.

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Skiptinám ValnámskeiðX-699-EXCH30 Einingar
Ár1. ár
ÖnnVorönn/Spring 2025
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Enginn skráður kennari.
Engin skráð lýsing.
Engin skráð námsmarkmið.
Ekkert skráð námsmat.
Ekkert skráð lesefni.
Engin skráð kennsla.