Department of Business and Economics
Dean:Dr. Jón Þór Sturluson
MSc in Innovation Management - 90 ECTS
About majorMeistaranám í stjórnun nýsköpunar leggur áherslu á nýsköpun og frumkvöðlastarfssemi. Nemendur öðlast hæfni til að að stýra nýsköpunarstarfimismunandi skipulagsheilda við þróun á nýjum ferlum, vörum og þjónustu, ásamt því að nemendur geti leitt frumkvöðlastarf á breiðum grunni, þar á meðal til að stofna ný fyrirtæki. Námið eflir þekkingu og næmni nemenda fyrir nýjum tækifærum, þjálfar skapandi og lausnamiðaða nálgun og miðar að því að nemendur geti gert slíkar lausnir að veruleika.    
Learning OutcomesView
Degree titleMSc in Innovation Management
Mandatory course on majorTeaching language
Optional course on majorPrerequisites for course
Haustönn/Fall 2024
More infoIntroduction to Management and Business ConceptsElectiveV-700-IMBUECTS 0
More infoCreative Approaches and Entrepreneurial MindsetsCoreV-702-CREMECTS 7,5
More infoInnovation and Entrepreneurship: A field of knowledge and practiceCoreV-703-INENECTS 7,5
More infoFundamentals in Tourism and Hospitality ManagementElectiveV-704-FTHMECTS 7,5
More infoFinancial Reporting and Accounting Standards IElectiveV-705-FIR1ECTS 7,5
More infoAuditing, Auditing Standards and Ethics in Accounting and AuditingElectiveV-706-AUD1ECTS 7,5
More infoStrategic ManagementCoreV-712-STJOECTS 7,5
More infoOrganizational PsychologyElectiveV-715-ORPSECTS 7,5
More infoStaffing: from recruitment to terminationElectiveV-730-STRTECTS 7,5
More infoLabour lawElectiveV-731-LALAECTS 3,75
More infoDigital and Information System ManagementElectiveV-733-DIGIECTS 7,5
More infoChange management and leadershipElectiveV-736-CMLEECTS 7,5
More infoInternational MarketingElectiveV-736-INMAECTS 7,5
More infoFundamentals in Accounting and FinanceElectiveV-737-FAFIECTS 7,5
More infoAdvanced and digital marketingElectiveV-738-ADDMECTS 7,5
More infoBranding and Strategic MarketingElectiveV-741-BRANECTS 7,5
More infoEnterprise ArchitecturesElectiveV-746-ENARECTS 7,5
More infoInternshipElectiveV-748-INTEECTS 7,5
More infoApplied DerivativesElectiveV-766-APDEECTS 7,5
More infoInternational FinanceElectiveV-767-INTFECTS 7,5
More infoCorporate TaxationElectiveV-772-TAX1ECTS 7,5
More infoFixed Income AnalysisElectiveV-818-FINCECTS 7,5
More infoPerformance ManagementElectiveV-830-PEMAECTS 3,75
More infoPortfolio ManagementElectiveV-862-PORTECTS 7,5
More infoEquity AnalysisElectiveV-863-EQUIECTS 7,5
More infoMaster´s Thesis - partial submissionElectiveV-888-THHLECTS 15
More infoResearch ProposalCoreV-898-REPRECTS 0
More infoMaster´s ThesisCoreV-898-THESECTS 30
More infoExchange StudiesElectiveX-699-EXCHECTS 30
Vorönn/Spring 2025
More infoConsumer BehaviorElectiveV-712-COBEECTS 3,75
More infoInnovation ManagementCoreV-713-INNMECTS 7,5
More infoBusiness EthicsCoreV-714-BETHECTS 3,75
More infoEntrepreneurship and Innovation in ContextCoreV-715-ENICECTS 3,75
More infoBusiness Process ManagementElectiveV-716-BPMAECTS 7,5
More infoEntrepreneurial FinanceCoreV-733-ENTRECTS 7,5
More infoBranding and Strategic MarketingElectiveV-741-BRANECTS 7,5
More infoInternshipElectiveV-748-INTEECTS 7,5
More infoFinancial Reporting and Accounting Standards IIElectiveV-765-FIR2ECTS 7,5
More infoBusiness Research Methodology ICoreV-765-REM1ECTS 3,75
More infoApplied DerivativesElectiveV-766-APDEECTS 7,5
More infoConsolidated Financial StatementsElectiveV-767-SAREECTS 7,5
More infoSustainability Reporting and AssuranceElectiveV-774-GESSECTS 7,5
More infoBusiness Intelligence and AnalyticsElectiveV-784-REK5ECTS 7,5
1. yearPrint
SemesterSpring 2025
Level of courseN/A
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesV-715-ABIN, Advanced Business Informatics
ScheduleNo schedule found.
Jón Bjarki Gunnarsson
In the modern business world, decisions can no longer be solely based on gut feelings and personal data. Rapid changes in customer preferences, unlimited access to information, mounting competitor pressures and evolving technology, make decision support for managers a critical function in every company. The field of business intelligence (BI), analytics and decision support systems has evolved from personal support tools to company wide applications, technology solutions, functions and competencies.
This course deals with the technologies, competencies and solutions that support managerial work and decision making. The course provides a theoretical basis of decision making, describes how information technology can support and improve such decision making, what types of decision support systems there are, the nature and evolution of business intelligence, the tools and techniques of managerial decision support and describes some of the emerging technologies and trends in the business.The course discusses the following parts:·      Managerial and decision support – Theoretical discussions and basis·      Discussions about data assets, ethical concerns of managing and controlling information·      Managing and measuring the quality of data·      Data Warehousing, fundamentals of data modeling and the handling of master data·      Fundamental concepts of datamining, artificial intelligence, machine learning and data predictions·      Business performance management, analytics and reporting and its relation to data management and decision making·      Various emerging trends in the BI business.The course should provide the student with a framework to understand decision support and business intelligence solutions, -work and projects. Based on textbook readings, cases and projects the student learns to apply this framework. The course will focus on generic approaches to decision support and business intelligence but will also include discussions on real life examples from Icelandic as well as foreign companies. Furthermore, there are planned sessions with companies which will describe their experiences with implementing decision support, business intelligence and performance management solutions.Please note that this course contains fair amount of technical details and -discussion. Experience has shown that the material is better suited for students with some prior knowledge and preparation from IT related courses or similar experience from work. 
Learning outcome - Objectives
Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students.
The student should be able to:
• Identify the major frameworks of computerized decision support, decision support systems (DSS), data analytics and business intelligence (BI).
• Describe the nature of information and data, explain their basic difference and its use in managerial decision making
• Explain the context and importance of gathering and managing data in the society and economy.
• Describe the core concepts of decision making and discuss how IT systems can support effective decision making.
• Discuss and know the main building blocks of data management systems as well as List the definitions, concepts, and architectures of data warehousing
• Describe the basic concepts of advanced analytics methods and understand their application
• Identify the major ethical and legal issues of analytics and data management
During the course, student will have acquired the skills to perform various tasks of a BI and Information management specialists. The student should:
• Be able to critically evaluate strengths and weaknesses of BI projects
• Know the basic building blocks of a good BI program and how to apply them correctly
• Gathered knowhow on basic BI tools and evaluate their fit for purpose
• Know BI project best practices for BI projects and know how to apply them        
The student will have acquired the ability to apply knowledge and skills in Business Intelligence projects and regular business settings. The student should be able to:
• Effectively communicate course work in writing and oral presentation.
• Participate actively in BI projects and be ready to apply best practices BI work
• Make judgement on quality of data and assess the its impact on decision making.
• Create and participate in data quality projects through various roles
• Participate in gathering information on and create high quality KPIs
• Act as an active member BI teams focusing on information management
Course assessment
Participation and attendance – 20%Mid term project – 30%-Final exam – 50%
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
Teaching will be combined of various approaches:·         Lectures from teacher. Presentations will consists on PPT slides, some videos and discussion points.·         Lectures from guest lecturers-practitioners. At least two guest lecturers will pay a visit.·         Case discussions based on cases from within the textbook or from outside resources and exercises. Students will be asked to present their findings both as individuals and in groups.·         Class presentations of group project and “Teach Back” where students will have the opportunity to teach/study each other’s delivery of a case studyA big emphasize is put on students’ participation and good preparation.  
Language of instructionEnglish
More infoTopics in Emerging TechnologiesElectiveV-819-TEMTECTS 3,75
More infoBusiness Research Methodology IICoreV-825-REM2ECTS 3,75
More infoTourism MarketingElectiveV-840-TOMAECTS 7,5
More infoTraining and DevelopmentElectiveV-840-TRDEECTS 3,75
More infoEquity AnalysisElectiveV-863-EQUIECTS 7,5
More infoAccounting for derivatives and other financial instrumentsElectiveV-871-AFLEECTS 7,5
More infoMaster´s Thesis - partial submissionElectiveV-888-THHLECTS 15
More infoResearch ProposalCoreV-898-REPRECTS 0
More infoMaster´s ThesisCoreV-898-THESECTS 30
More infoExchange StudiesElectiveX-699-EXCHECTS 30