Department of Engineering
Dean:Dr. Ármann Gylfason
MSc in Sustainable Energy Science - Iceland School of Energy
About majorMSc í orkuvísindum er nám hannað fyrir nemendur með ólíkan bakgrunn, t.d. viðskiptafræði, raunvísindi eða félagsvísindi sem hafa áhuga á að skilja samspil tækni, hagfræði og stefnumótunar á sviði endurnýjanlegrar orku.
Learning OutcomesView
Mandatory course on majorTeaching language
Optional course on majorPrerequisites for course
Haustönn/Fall 2024
More infoEnergy Field SchoolCoreSE-801-ES1ECTS 6
More infoSpecial Topics in Energy IElectiveSE-801-STEECTS 1
More infoEnergy TechnologyCoreSE-802-ET1ECTS 6
More infoEnergy GeologyElectiveSE-803-GE1ECTS 3
More infoEnergy EconomicsCoreSE-805-EC1ECTS 6
More infoSpecial Topics in Energy IIIElectiveSE-806-STEECTS 6
More infoGeothermal Conceptual ModelingElectiveSE-814-GCMECTS 3
More infoEnergy Markets and RegulationsElectiveSE-850-EMRECTS 3
More infoManaging Research and Development - Methods and ModelsElectiveT-814-PRODECTS 8
More infoNumerical fluid flow and heat transferElectiveT-864-NUFFECTS 8
More infoHigh Voltage EngineeringElectiveT-866-HIVOECTS 8
More infoSmart-Grid and Sustainable Power SystemsElectiveT-867-GRIDECTS 8
More infoMSc ThesisCoreT-900-MEISECTS 30
More infoMSc thesis IICoreT-901-MEI2ECTS 30
More infoExchange StudiesElectiveX-699-EXCHECTS 30
Vorönn/Spring 2025
More infoProject Management and Strategic PlanningElectiveT-803-VERKECTS 8
More infoCreating a Complete Business Plan for a Technical Idea - Entrepreneurship and the Innovation ProcessElectiveT-814-INNOECTS 8
More infoFinite Element Analysis in EngineeringElectiveT-844-FEMMECTS 8
More infoWind PowerElectiveT-863-WINDECTS 8
More infoPower System OperationElectiveT-867-POSYECTS 8
More infoStability and Control in Electric Power SystemsElectiveT-867-STABECTS 8
More infoMSc ThesisCoreT-900-MEISECTS 30
More infoMSc thesis IICoreT-901-MEI2ECTS 30