Department of Engineering
Department of Engineering
Dean:Dr. Ármann Gylfason
MSc in Sustainable Energy Science - Iceland School of Energy
MSc in Sustainable Energy Science - Iceland School of Energy
About majorMSc í orkuvísindum er nám hannað fyrir nemendur með ólíkan bakgrunn, t.d. viðskiptafræði, raunvísindi eða félagsvísindi sem hafa áhuga á að skilja samspil tækni, hagfræði og stefnumótunar á sviði endurnýjanlegrar orku.
Learning OutcomesView
Haustönn/Fall 2024
Energy Field School CoreSE-801-ES1ECTS 6
Year1. year
SemesterFall 2024
Level of course1. First cycle, introductory
Type of courseCore
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
Jacob Ristagno Kaminski
Juliet Ann Newson
3-week introductory course to the Iceland School of Energy MSc programs. Introduction to: •Energy trends •Geothermal energy •Sustainability •Circular Economy •Hydropower •Wind power •Power systems •Energy economics
Learning outcome - Objectives
• Understanding of the primary sources of environmental impact due to the energy industry, and how that impact is assessed and mitigated. • Principles of how the interplay of technical, environmental and socioeconomic constraints shapes the development and requirements of the energy sector. • General characteristics of renewable energy systems and methods of analyzing them. •Apply scientific methods to complex projects, i.e. have the ability to assess energy projects, identify the key factors in a given situation, and develop an approach to solution.
Course assessment
No assessment found.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
No activities found.
Language of instructionEnglish
Special Topics in Energy I ElectiveSE-801-STEECTS 1
Year1. year
SemesterFall 2024
Level of course4. Second cycle, introductory
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
Randall Morgan Greene
No content found.
Learning outcome - Objectives
No objectives found.
Course assessment
No assessment found.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
No activities found.
Language of instructionEnglish
Energy Technology CoreSE-802-ET1ECTS 6
Year1. year
SemesterFall 2024
Level of course4. Second cycle, introductory
Type of courseCore
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
Vala Hjörleifsdóttir
12-week, main semester introduction to the basics of energy technology and engineering. This course is developed for non-engineers to gain the skills necessary to be competent in describing energy systems.
Learning outcome - Objectives
To give an introduction to and an overview of the field of energy by presenting basic concepts and laws of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. Topics covered include thermodynamic systems, properties of pure substances and phase changes, ideal gas, real gas, state equations and thermodynamic variables, work, heat and the first law of thermodynamics, the second law, reversible and irreversible processes, the Carnot cycle and the Kelvin temperature scale, entropy, heat engines, Otto, Diesel, Brayton and Stirling cycles, steam cycles, refrigeration and heat pumps, heat transfer, heat conduction in one and two dimensions, steady state and transient, convection, free and forced, radiation, the laws of Stefan-Boltzmann and Planck, surface properties, shape factors, and radiation heat exchange between surfaces, heat exchangers, duty and properties.
Course assessment
Defined in Canvas. 
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities

Language of instructionEnglish
Energy Geology ElectiveSE-803-GE1ECTS 3
Year1. year
SemesterFall 2024
Level of course4. Second cycle, introductory
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
No lecturer found.
3-week module held in fall semester that is built towards being geology for engineers.
Learning outcome - Objectives
By the end of this course the student will be familiar with •Reading geological maps and cross sections •Volcanology and volcanic terranes •Sedimentary rocks and sedimentary basin structure •Concepts of structural geology and stereonets •The relationship between permeability and structure, and borehole imaging •Gathering information from core •Properties of reservoir rocks •Geotechnical properties of rocks and rock masses
Course assessment

Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities

Language of instructionEnglish
Energy Economics CoreSE-805-EC1ECTS 6
Year1. year
SemesterFall 2024
Level of course4. Second cycle, introductory
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
Ewa Ryszarda Lazarczyk Carlson
12-week course that focuses on the specifics of energy economics. This course will give students a broad overview of a variety of theoretical and empirical topics related to energy economics.
Learning outcome - Objectives
•Understanding of a broad overview of a variety of theoretical and empirical topics related to energy economics •Apply methods from mathematics and economics science to analyze complex systems in energy systems or their peripheries. •Analyze economics of energy project •Analyze and communicate experimental, numerical and statistical data. •Apply standard scientific principles to develop analytical solutions to a range of practical problems.
Course assessment
No assessment found.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
No activities found.
Language of instructionEnglish
Special Topics in Energy III ElectiveSE-806-STEECTS 6
Year1. year
SemesterFall 2024
Level of course4. Second cycle, introductory
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
No lecturer found.
The Upflow Geothermal Innovation Course, rooted in the application of STEAM to solve global challenges, is specifically designed to foster innovation within the geothermal industry. This engaging problem-solving course encourages students to rethink the potential of geothermal energy as a key solution to urgent global issues. Participants will delve into critical topics through discussions and hands-on projects, from conceptualization to execution, focusing on: •What are the forward challenges for society that disruptive technology can address? •What are the issues in the energy transition away from fossil fuels? •What opportunities are there for geothermal solutions? •How can we look at things differently to find new spaces for innovation? By exploring these questions, the course aims to awaken innovative thinking and develop new pathways for implementing effective solutions. Through a mix of focused discussions and practical project work, students will examine the role of geothermal energy in navigating towards a sustainable future, uncovering its potential for innovation.
Learning outcome - Objectives
•Analyse societal challenges where geothermal technology provides environmental and energy solutions. •Evaluate the transition role of geothermal energy from fossil fuels to sustainable sources, identifying issues and opportunities. •Identify innovative geothermal energy applications beyond conventional heating, such as biotech and mineral extraction. •Develop and implement strategies for geothermal projects with sustainability and community engagement considerations. •Use data tools for framing and analysing geothermal problems, enhancing analytical skills within the geothermal sector. •Integrate geothermal energy solutions into broader energy systems, proposing sustainable models. •Design efficient heat extraction methods for geothermal systems, moving beyond traditional techniques. •Conduct co-location mapping to determine community benefits of geothermal projects. •Present geothermal project plans, articulating feasibility, strategy, and impact. •Assess the broad impacts of geothermal projects on health, economic development, education, and employment opportunities.
Course assessment
Grading for this course is based on attendance, participation, and final presentation. Evaluation will adhere to Reykjavik University´s standard grading policies.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
Lectures; Project Work; Presentations
Language of instructionEnglish
Geothermal Conceptual Modeling ElectiveSE-814-GCMECTS 3
Year1. year
SemesterFall 2024
Level of course5. Second cycle, intermediate
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
Schedule3-week intensive course
Andrés Felipe Laverde Martínez
Benjamin Smith
An introduction to geological modelling. This 3 week course devotes the first week to learning the use of the software, in this case Leapfrog Geothermal, in order to build a 3D model of the geology and conceptual chemistry and physics of active geothermal systems. The advantage of using such software to conceptualize a system is that the result is consistent with all the input data from the system, and allows us to view . The second and third weeks of the course are spent in developing a case study conceptual model. This work will be in groups, and will consist of building a natural state conceptual model from real field data. The models will be presented to the class, and peer evaluation will be part of the final mark, with the remainder of the mark contributed by staff and other geothermal experts.
Learning outcome - Objectives
  • Review of essential data preparation and modelling concepts
  • Advanced model surface editing techniques
  • Presentation outputs of modelling software
  • Examine and understand a model uncertainty
Course assessment
Project presentation. Evaluation is conducted by peers, staff, and geothermal experts.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
No activities found.
Language of instructionEnglish
Energy Markets and Regulations ElectiveSE-850-EMRECTS 3
Year1. year
SemesterFall 2024
Level of courseN/A
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
No lecturer found.
This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the dynamics of modern energy markets, focusing on policy and market regulation primarily within the United States and Canada. It aims to equip students with an understanding of electricity pricing, market oversight, and the influence of liquid and gas fuel markets on the energy industry. Led by Professor Moore, with contributions from guest lecturers from industry and public regulatory institutions, students will engage in a course that blends theoretical knowledge with real-world insights.
Learning outcome - Objectives
Upon completing the course, students will be able to: •Understand the structure and dynamics of modern energy markets in North America. •Gain insights into electricity pricing mechanisms and market regulation. •Explore the role of liquid and gas fuel markets in the broader energy sector. •Analyse the impact of regulatory policies on finance, investment, technology, consumer behaviour, and market changes. •Compare and contrast different regulatory models and the economic tools used for their implementation. •Critically assess the roles of key actors within the energy market and regulatory organizations.
Course assessment
•In-class participation to encourage active learning and engagement with course material. •Two in-class quizzes designed to test students´ understanding of key concepts. •A short essay assignment to explore a specific aspect of energy markets and policy. •A final examination to assess comprehensive knowledge and application of course content.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
No activities found.
Language of instructionEnglish
Managing Research and Development - Methods and Models ElectiveT-814-PRODECTS 8
Year1. year
SemesterFall 2024
Level of course6. Second cycle, advanced
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
Páll Kristján Pálsson
We cover the engineering approach to innovation and entrepreneurship in lectures and a practical program in which students work in an active company.Due to increasing freedom in trade and internationalization the competition between companies is boosting. At the same time consumers demand new solutions, and the technology develops, resulting in older solutions becoming obsolete. Such conditions require constant innovation in companies’ management and an understanding of the nature of innovation and entrepreneurship. Innovation is not only necessary in technological companies, but in all companies that intend to live and prosper.The course will cover innovation and the ability companies have for innovation in light of market, science, engineering, planning and financial presumptions. We deal with the terms innovation and entrepreneurship and their significance for modern management and put in context with success. We will also cover the value of knowledge, intellectual property rights and patent rights. Then we cover the internationalization and its impact on the innovation process.Special emphasis will be put on systematic development of the processes connected to innovation and worked on a project in a real company in this field.The aim is that the students aquire an understanding of the cause of success and mistake in innovation within a company and how companies can increase their ability for innovation and the importance of innivation and initative thinking for the existence of companies.Students will, at the end of the course,  have aquired a steadfast  knowledge of the method applied within product-developement and innovation in companies and be able to apply them on their own in the furture. 
Learning outcome - Objectives
At the end of the course the students shall have reliable knowledge of the methods used creating innovation basis and be capable to develop and construct a system for managing innovation in companies.???????
  • Understand the presumption for success and the reasons for mistakes in innovation within companies.
  • Understand how companies can develop, maintain and increase their skill for innovation and the value of innovation and initiative thinking for the existence of companies.
  • Knowing companies methodology for developing products and innovation and pioneer thinking and the development of new products (goods and service).
  • Be familiar with companies methodology for developing products and innovation and being able to use it.
  • Posses good knowledge of the main items of the innovator science and adaptation and  integration of the knowledge of individual employees in order to create strong teams.
  • Be able to evaluate the reasons for success and evade  mistakes in innovation within companies.
  • Can by themselves take on a systematical construction and the processes connected to innovation in companies and possess the understanding, skill and knowledge to manage the development and running of such systems within companies.
  • Be able to introduce and interpret the conclusions  and proposals on the above mentioned fields and be able to express themselves on those issues.
Course assessment
Reports (4), each 18% total 72%. Verbal exam 28%.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
Lectures and project work.
Language of instructionEnglish
Numerical fluid flow and heat transfer ElectiveT-864-NUFFECTS 8
Year1. year
SemesterFall 2024
Level of course5. Second cycle, intermediate
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesT-301-MATH, Mathematics III
T-507-VARM, Thermodynamics
T-536-RENN, Fluid Dynamics
T-606-HEAT, Heat Transfer
ScheduleTaught for 12 weeks.
Yonatan Afework Tesfahunegn
Level of course: 3. Undergraduate (First cycle), advanced / 4.-5. Graduate (Second cycle), introductory-intermediate.
Type of course: Core in MSc Mechanical Engineering, elective for other programmes.
Prerequisites (mandatory): Mathematics III T-301-MATH; Thermodynamics T-507-VARM; Fluid Dynamics T-536-RENN, T-606-HEAT Heat Transfer (may be taken parallelly).The main purpose of this course is to introduce the basic principles of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for analyzing fluid flows and heat transfer. Hands on exercises are used to study the basic theory of CFD through programming and using existing commercial and open source CFD codes. Finite difference and finite volume techniques are emphasized.Reading material: Essential computational fluid dynamics, Zikanov Oleg, 2010.
Learning outcome - Objectives
Knowledge: After completing this course the students will have knowledge on:
•    Mathematical modeling
•    Classification of basic equations of fluid dynamics
•    Discretization methods
•    Stability and accuracy analysis
•    Solution methodsSkills: After completion of this course the students will have skills on:
•     Practical use and programming of numerical methods in fluid dynamics
•    Setting up a given problem using commercial and open source CFD codes
•    Generating computation grids
•    Choosing appropriate boundary conditions for model problems
•    Interpreting the results criticallyCompetence: After completion of this course, the students will have competence on:
•    Numerical solution of model problems in fluid dynamics and heat transfer
•    Checking and assessing basic numerical methods for fluid flow and heat transfer problems
Course assessment
Assessment is based on: Programming assignments and homework, Programming project; Grid generation assignments; CFD code assignments ; CFD code projects ; Quiz.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities

Language of instructionEnglish
High Voltage Engineering ElectiveT-866-HIVOECTS 8
Year1. year
SemesterFall 2024
Level of course6. Second cycle, advanced
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
Guðmundur Kristjánsson
Ragnar Kristjánsson
Content: • Electric field characteristics. Analytical estimation of electric fields.• Numerical computing of voltage distributions and electric fields using Finite-Difference codes. Numerical solving of Laplace Equation.• Numerical analysis of E-fields using CST EM Studio.• Generation of DC, AC and impulse high-voltages.• Measurement of DC, AC and impulse high-voltages.• Breakdown in gases, liquids, and solid dielectrics. Application of insulating materials in electrical components.  Design of insulators.• Overvoltage phenomenon.
Learning outcome - Objectives
Knowledge: By the end of the course the students will be able:
  • to understand basic concepts and phenomena relevant to dimensioning and evaluation of high voltage (HV) components with regard to electrical, electro-mechanical, and thermal stress of insulators and conductors,
  • to identify key component’s parameters and define critical quantities/figures of HV components,
  • to examine the influence of the identified component’s parameters on the critical quantities/figures,
  • to differentiate and subsequently prioritise the critical figures with regard to safe and reliable operation of a particular component/insulator, as well as
  • to reliably estimate values and uncertainties of relevant figures.
Skills: By the completion of the course the students should be able:
  • to identify electric field characteristics (as well other related quantities, e.g., temperature, pressure, current, etc.,) and material parameters appropriate for a particular HV problem,
  • to use analytical methods to estimate: HV components/insulation characteristics, potential relief in the electric stress due to proper component dimensioning/grading, possible value of electric field build up due to insulation defects,
  • to develop, modify and, use finite-difference numerical codes for computing and visualization of electric fields and voltage distributions,
  • to set up and use electric schematic evaluators for steady-state and transient thermal analyses and ampacity evaluation of HV cables,
  • to simulate electric stress using CST EM studio,
  • to make a state of the art review on a particular HV problem using available databases (e.g., ieeexplore), as well as to evaluate reliability of the available formulas and approaches for HV problems.
Competence: By the completion of the course, the students should have developed a basic vision of existing methods and tools relevant to design and analysis of HV components/insulators.   Completion of the course assignments requires the student (a) to elaborate the work plan for every assignment, (b) to list modelling approximations/assumptions, (c) to define the figures of interest, (d) to configure evaluation tools, (e) to interpret the evaluation results, (f) to present the completed assignment in the form of a report describing the problem formulation, description of methods, results, conclusion, and bibliography.
Course assessment
Projects (incl. project reports): 3 x 25% = 75%; Subject reviews (incl. ppt-presentations): 2 x 12.5% = 25%.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
Lectures and practical (project) sessions.
Language of instructionEnglish
Smart-Grid and Sustainable Power Systems ElectiveT-867-GRIDECTS 8
Year1. year
SemesterFall 2024
Level of course5. Second cycle, intermediate
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleTaught for 12 weeks.
Mohamed F. M. Abdelfattah
  • Introduction to electric power systems
  • Energy resources and power plants
  • Introduction to Smart-Grids
  • Smart-Grids control and automation
  • Information and communications technologies (ICT) applications for Smart-Grids
  • Renewable energy and emerging technologies
  • Stability analysis for Smart-Grids
  • Power electronics and high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission in Smart-Grids
  • Case studies, experiences, test cases or a projects in Smart-Grids
Learning outcome - Objectives
After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to:
  • Know the basic components of the electric power systems and understand how electrical energy is generated, transmitted, distributes and consumed, and gain some idea about the energy resources and power plants.
  • Be familiar with the concept of fundamentals of Smart-Grids, and learn the fundamentals of the network protection and control, and understand the value of reliability and automation in distribution networks.
  • Understand the role of information and communications technologies (ICT) solutions on Smart-Grids, including selected topics such as wide area measurement systems (WAMS) and applications (PMU), Internet protocol (IP) and Internet-based applications, global positioning system (GPS) applications, multi-agent systems (MAS), geographic information system (GIS) applications, automatic meter reading (AMR), wireless and radio communication, power line carrier communication, optical fiber communication, Information and cyber security, and computational tools for Smart-Grids.
  • Gain some knowledge about Smart-Grids topics related to renewable energy and emerging technologies such as the role of Smart-Grids in integrating renewables, the impact of integrating fluctuating energy sources such as wind, energy storage systems, microgrids, electric vehicles in Smart-Grids, active distribution network, demand response and management, and smart cities, smart buildings, and smart homes.
  • Students might discuss other Smart-Grids topics such as stability analysis for Smart-Grids, power electronics and high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission in Smart-Grids.
  • They could also study case studies, experiences, test cases or projects in Smart-Grids.
  • Students’ individual skills and group work experience are expected to be improved by using individual assignments, presentations and group discussions.
Course assessment

Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities

Language of instructionEnglish
MSc Thesis CoreT-900-MEISECTS 30
Year1. year
SemesterFall 2024
Level of course6. Second cycle, advanced
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
No lecturer found.
In order to graduate with an MSc from the School of Science and Engineering all students must complete a project that results in a formal thesis and a public defence of the thesis. The thesis can be submitted either in English or Icelandic and should sufficiently present a body of work commensurate with the number of credits of the particular MSc project.

While the thesis itself has to comply with the layout instructions in regard to the front, back and title pages, it can consist mainly of published or submitted research papers. In this case, a detailed summary of a length to be determined by the student’s supervisor shall be provided as an introduction to the published material, explaining the context and coherence of the work.

The official completion of the MSc thesis is signified by the student submitting the final version of the thesis, signed by himself/herself, the supervisor(s) and the examiner to the RU library as well as an electronic version (PDF) for the programme manager for publication on the RU-SSE web site.

If a student plans to graduate in a particular graduation ceremony, the following deadlines have to be respected. Should any of the deadlines below not be respected the student will have to wait for the following graduation ceremony before he/she can graduate. Students are responsible for adhering to these deadlines and are advised to deliver their work in good time.

The deadline schedule for the purpose of graduation is as follows (where t is the graduation date):
• Thesis delivered to supervisor t-32*
• Supervisor comments delivered to student t-50**
• Thesis delivered to supervisor and examiner t-40*
• Defence t-14**
• Signed final version of thesis delivered to RU library t-11**
• Grade posted to the Registrar by supervisor t-11*
• Graduation t**

* Can be modified by mutual agreement of the supervisor, student and examiner.
** Firm deadlines.
Learning outcome - Objectives
By the end of the course the candidate should be able to:
  • Independently manage, organize and successfully complete a compressive project in the field of engineering.
  • Assess complex engineering problems, identify key factors in a given situation, apply standard engineering and scientific principles to develop, design and implement an appropriate engineering solution.
  • Interpret and apply existing theories, models, methods and results, both qualitatively and quantitatively, within the field of engineering.
  • Apply research methodology, including the fundamentals of technical writing and presentation, information finding and literature search.

Course assessment
The supervisor(s) shall evaluate the thesis together with an examiner appointed by the Director of Graduate Studies. They shall also submit the candidate to an oral examination on the thesis in public. A grade shall be awarded for the thesis. The minimum grade for achieving a pass is 6.0 Equal weight shall be placed on four criteria

• Significance and originality
• Scientific and technological challenge and results
• Methodological quality
• Presentation

The examiners shall take into account the number of ECTS for the Master’s project. Thus, significantly more demands in terms of originality, quantity and scientific quality of the work are placed on the student for a 60 ECTS project than a 30 ECTS project. For a 90 ECTS project, the quality criterion shall acknowledge that, in the opinion of the examiners, the work can be published internationally in a peer-reviewed venue, give rise to patentable innovation, have resulted in a viable prospect for a commercial venture or other results of similar significance.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities

Language of instructionEnglish
MSc thesis II CoreT-901-MEI2ECTS 30
Year1. year
SemesterFall 2024
Level of course6. Second cycle, advanced
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
No lecturer found.
In order to graduate with an MSc from the School of Science and Engineering all students must complete a project that results in a formal thesis and a public defence of the thesis. The thesis can be submitted either in English or Icelandic and should sufficiently present a body of work commensurate with the number of credits of the particular MSc project.

While the thesis itself has to comply with the layout instructions in regard to the front, back and title pages, it can consist mainly of published or submitted research papers. In this case, a detailed summary of a length to be determined by the student’s supervisor shall be provided as an introduction to the published material, explaining the context and coherence of the work.

The official completion of the MSc thesis is signified by the student submitting the final version of the thesis, signed by himself/herself, the supervisor(s) and the examiner to the RU library as well as an electronic version (PDF) for the programme manager for publication on the RU-SSE web site.

If a student plans to graduate in a particular graduation ceremony, the following deadlines have to be respected. Should any of the deadlines below not be respected the student will have to wait for the following graduation ceremony before he/she can graduate. Students are responsible for adhering to these deadlines and are advised to deliver their work in good time.

The deadline schedule for the purpose of graduation is as follows (where t is the graduation date):
• Thesis delivered to supervisor t-32*
• Supervisor comments delivered to student t-22**
• Thesis delivered to supervisor and examiner t-13*
• Defence t-7**
• Signed final version of thesis delivered to RU library t-5**
• Grade posted to the Registrar by supervisor t-4*
• Graduation t**

* Can be modified by mutual agreement of the supervisor, student and examiner.
** Firm deadlines.
Learning outcome - Objectives
No objectives found.
Course assessment
The supervisor(s) shall evaluate the thesis together with an examiner appointed by the Director of Graduate Studies. They shall also submit the candidate to an oral examination on the thesis in public. A grade shall be awarded for the thesis. The minimum grade for achieving a pass is 6.0 Equal weight shall be placed on four criteria

• Significance and originality
• Scientific and technological challenge and results
• Methodological quality
• Presentation

The examiners shall take into account the number of ECTS for the Master’s project. Thus, significantly more demands in terms of originality, quantity and scientific quality of the work are placed on the student for a 60 ECTS project than a 30 ECTS project. For a 90 ECTS project, the quality criterion shall acknowledge that, in the opinion of the examiners, the work can be published internationally in a peer-reviewed venue, give rise to patentable innovation, have resulted in a viable prospect for a commercial venture or other results of similar significance.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
No activities found.
Language of instructionEnglish
Exchange Studies ElectiveX-699-EXCHECTS 30
Year1. year
SemesterFall 2024
Level of courseN/A
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
No lecturer found.
No content found.
Learning outcome - Objectives
No objectives found.
Course assessment
No assessment found.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
No activities found.
Language of instructionEnglish
Vorönn/Spring 2025
Project Management and Strategic Planning ElectiveT-803-VERKECTS 8
Year1. year
SemesterSpring 2025
Level of course4. Second cycle, introductory
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleTaught for 12 weeks.
Þórður Víkingur Friðgeirsson
The use of projects and project management continues to grow in our society and its organizations. We are able to achieve goals through project organization that could be achieved only with the greatest of difficulty if organized in traditional ways. Business regularly uses project management to accomplish unique outcomes with limited resources under critical time constraints. In the service sector of the economy, the use of project management to achieve an organization’s goals is even more common. A relatively new growth area in the use of project management is the use of projects as a way to accomplishing organizational change.The course of project management quickly moves from theory to practice, allowing students to expand their knowledge base of projects in the context of managerial perspective. The classroom activities include both the traditional lecture approach along with problem based learning techniques where students solve cases in teams.Reading material:Project Management-the managerial process Gray & Larson, McGraw Hill
Learning outcome - Objectives
Knowledge1.     To understand the principles of traditional and Agile project management as discipline.2.     Learn to apply the tools, methods and techniques of project management and related disciplines in context of diagnosing, preparing, planning, executing, controlling, changing and closing a project.3.     Learn to place projects within organizations in context of organizational behaviour and the project lifecycle.4.     To understand the systems governing the project lifecycle in different situation.5.     To understand group dynamics.6.     To understand how to deal with risk and uncertainty in projects.7.     To understand the importance of “customer value” in projects.8.     To understand PM maturity models in a real life situation.
Skills1.     To be able to lead project preparation and execution in teams.2.     To be able to participate in teams in a productive manner.3.     To be able to communicate results and other relevant information in a project.4.     To be able to prioritize and select options from point of rational thinking.
Attitude1.     To understand and respect the value of professionalism and integrity.2.     To understand the value of authentic leadership.
Course assessment

Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities

Language of instructionEnglish
Creating a Complete Business Plan for a Technical Idea - Entrepreneurship and the Innovation Process ElectiveT-814-INNOECTS 8
Year1. year
SemesterSpring 2025
Level of courseN/A
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleTaught for 12 weeks.
Páll Kristján Pálsson
The course will give an overview of the running and managing business entities, including planning, cost analysis, human resource management and the role of managers and directors. The importance of continueous innovation is emphasised and related to the corporate lifecycles. As a practical project the students will develop a full business plan for a start-up of a technical idea.
Learning outcome - Objectives
On the completion of the course students should be able to invent business ideas that are then fostered scrutinised and matured through brainstorming, canvas methods and the creation of a business plan for technical comlicated solutions. On the completion of this course the students also should:
  • Possess a clear understanding of the methodology and theoretical understanding of the managerial aspect used in defining and writing complete business plans.
  • Understand innovation through the search for promising and inspiring ideas, idea evaluation and selection.
  • Understand the basics of innovation through technical developmental processes and life-cycle of both products and businesses.
  • Understand marketing through market analysis and create a marketing and sales plans that define customers and market demands.
  • Understand the technical challenges in innovation and define developmental processes for solutions and plan actions accordingly.
  • Understand the financial and funding aspect of innovation: Plan for capital and financing, revenue and cost estimates, cash flow plan and balance sheets. Also cost estimations, revenue, value assessment and sensitivity analysis.
  • Understand innovation through the human aspect of management such as the need for direction, strategy, organisation chart, and human resource management.
  • Define business opportunities and write a business plan for technical coplicated projects and interpret business plans.
Also students should at the completion of the course know how to define business opportunities and make a text- and calculation models in order to evaluate the business opportunity according to demand, solution, profit and financing interest. To know how to avoid making mistakes when searching and evaluating business  opportunities.Students should be able to adapt the most important methods in optimizing business opportunities by analysing current situation and suggest methods that are likely to lead to optimal results in business planning and business plans. Also students shall be able to describe how to realize their proposals.
To possess the knowledge to present and interpret the outcome of a business plan and be able to establish and/or operate minor companies.
Course assessment

Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities

Language of instructionEnglish
Finite Element Analysis in Engineering ElectiveT-844-FEMMECTS 8
Year1. year
SemesterSpring 2025
Level of courseFirst cycle - Advanced / Second cycle - Introductory
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesT-106-BURD, Statics and Mechanics of Materials
T-534-AFLF, Classical Dynamics
ScheduleNo schedule found.
No lecturer found.
The course will present the main features and possibilities of the finite element method (FEM) and its application in analysis of problems in mechanics. Aspects of the finite element method, from the mathematical background through to practical implementation and application are discussed. Emphasis is placed on possible errors and how to minimize them. Students will develop an understanding of the fundamentals of the finite element method and get some training in the use of commercial finite element software. ???????
Learning outcome - Objectives
 On completion of the course the students should be:
  • Familiar with the FE method and common FE tools and approaches used for problem solving in mechanics,
  • able to build up the stiffness matrices for common element types and to construct the system matrices for the structure,
  • able to define the proper boundary conditions and solve the relevant systems of equations,
  • able to evaluate errors and deviations in FEM analyses.
  • able to build FE models for analysis of problems in mechanics using commercial FE software,
  • able to present the result of a FE analysis in a clear and concise manner
Course assessment

Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities

Language of instructionEnglish
Wind Power ElectiveT-863-WINDECTS 8
Year1. year
SemesterSpring 2025
Level of courseFirst cycle - Advanced / Second cycle - Introductory
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesT-536-RENN, Fluid Dynamics
ScheduleNo schedule found.
Ármann Gylfason
This is a project based design and experimentation course. Students will wind tunnel experiment specifically designed to evaluate specific wind farm configurations, such as wake characteristics and transport of kinetic energy. Projects will include developing and implementing the test facility, selecting and deploying appropriate sensors; in addition to analyze and process data, and interpret results.  Prerequisites: Introductory Fluid Mechanics at the level of T536RENN.  
Learning outcome - Objectives
At the end of the course, the students will have:
  • Knowledge of the fundamentals of the atmospheric boundary layer which relate to wind power.
  • Knowledge of the basics of horizontal axis wind turbines, efficiency, and energy extraction.
  • Skills in analyzing the aerodynamic performance of a given wind turbine, applying Blade Element Theory.
  • Skills to to design an experiment, applying appropriate engineering and measurment techniques to address the research goals.
  • Competence in assessing the power generation of a given wind turbine configuration.
  • Competence to analyze and present data or findings in reports and presentations, appropriate to describing the project for both scientific and general audience.
Course assessment
Final grade will be based on: Participation; Homework and small projects; Lab and design reports; Final exam.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
Taught for 12 weeks. The class meets twice a week, discussions, presentations, lab work.
Language of instructionEnglish
Power System Operation ElectiveT-867-POSYECTS 8
Year1. year
SemesterSpring 2025
Level of course6. Second cycle, advanced
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
Ragnar Kristjánsson
Symmetrical components, Modelling of transformers, lines and cables in the positive, negative and zero sequences based on physical models, The impact of different earthing principles, Methods for power system analysis in steady state operation and during grid faults, Faulty system operation, balanced and unbalanced faults, Symmetrical components and unbalanced fault analysis, Basic protective methods and principles, Load flow calculations in steady-state power system analysis, Model complex power system operation issues for economic and secure operation, Load flow calculations in steady-state power system analysis, Model complex power system operation issues for economic and secure operation, Principles for regular power flow and optimal power flow methods, Power system operation principles and basic functions in energy management system. Optimization techniques to solve fundamental operation problems, N -1 steady state contingency analysis, Transmission lines Transient operation, Insulation coordination, Power system state estimation and the incorporation with phasor measurement units; (Smart Grids). Practical assignments solved in the numerical simulation program Power World.Reading Material: Power System Analysis and Design Sl edition, 6th edition J.Duncan Glover
Learning outcome - Objectives
Knowledge: By the end of the course, the students will be able to;• Explain and use the mathematical formulation and use of symmetrical components. • Model transformers, lines and cables in the positive, negative and zero sequences based on physical models• Explain the impact of different earthing principles, • Explain the main principles for modelling and analysis of power systems subject to symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults, • Describe faulty system operation, balanced and unbalanced faults;• Understand and explain basic protective methods;• Use and explain principles for regular power flow and optimal power flow methods, • Describe power system operation principles and basic functions in energy management system. Skills: By the end of the course, the students will be able to;• Apply methods for power system analysis in steady state operation and during grid faults• Apply symmetrical components for unbalanced fault analysis;• Apply basic system protection principles;• Perform load flow calculations and use them for steady-state power system analysis;• Model complex power system operation issues for economic and secure operation;• Apply optimization techniques to solve fundamental operation problems;• Perform N-1 steady state contingency analysis;• Perform basic transmission lines transient operation calculations• Apply basic methods of Insulation coordination.Competence: By the end of the course the students will be able to;• Describe, formulate, model and simulate in general power system operation main issues, including power flow calculations, unbalanced faults calculations, system protection and basic insulation coordination and simple transient calculation.• Validate general power system operation issues, calculation and simulations outcome. 
Course assessment
Written exam, project.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
Lectures and practical sessions.
Language of instructionEnglish
Stability and Control in Electric Power Systems ElectiveT-867-STABECTS 8
Year1. year
SemesterSpring 2025
Level of course6. Second cycle, advanced
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesT-866-MODE, Stability and Control Models in Power Systems
ScheduleTaught for 12 weeks.
No lecturer found.
To obtain knowledge about conditions in electric power systems that can lead to stability problems,  to understand which physical mechanisms are the cause of power system instability,  and to give the student insight in the theoretical background for analysis methods used for assessment of system stability. Hands-on experience will be obtained by carrying out numerical simulations and analysis in Matlab/Python, where students analyse different stability problems implementing and applying  appropriate models and methods for analysis. 
Learning outcome - Objectives
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:  
• Explain the principal causes of power system stability problems (frequency, transient rotor angle, smallsignal rotor angle and voltage stability problems);  
• Reflect on how the power system stability problems are affected by grid related limitation for the transfer of active power and the machine related limitation for the injection of active and reactive power;   
• Apply the mathematical model of the synchronous machine to analyze it under stationary and transient conditions;
• Explain the key concepts for primary frequency control in power systems and reflect on how inertina, loads´ frequency dependency and regulation constant influence the system´s frequency response ; 
• Analyze rotor angle small-signal stability problems by applying small-signal analysis;  
• Analyze transient stability problems and describe means to protect the system against transient stability problem
Course assessment
The students will work on four hand-in assignments throughout the semester. The hand-in reports form the basis for the evaluation of their performance during the semester.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
 Lectures and practical sessions. 
Language of instructionEnglish
MSc Thesis CoreT-900-MEISECTS 30
Year1. year
SemesterSpring 2025
Level of course6. Second cycle, advanced
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
No lecturer found.
In order to graduate with an MSc from the School of Science and Engineering all students must complete a project that results in a formal thesis and a public defence of the thesis. The thesis can be submitted either in English or Icelandic and should sufficiently present a body of work commensurate with the number of credits of the particular MSc project.

While the thesis itself has to comply with the layout instructions in regard to the front, back and title pages, it can consist mainly of published or submitted research papers. In this case, a detailed summary of a length to be determined by the student’s supervisor shall be provided as an introduction to the published material, explaining the context and coherence of the work.

The official completion of the MSc thesis is signified by the student submitting the final version of the thesis, signed by himself/herself, the supervisor(s) and the examiner to the RU library as well as an electronic version (PDF) for the programme manager for publication on the RU-SSE web site.

If a student plans to graduate in a particular graduation ceremony, the following deadlines have to be respected. Should any of the deadlines below not be respected the student will have to wait for the following graduation ceremony before he/she can graduate. Students are responsible for adhering to these deadlines and are advised to deliver their work in good time.

The deadline schedule for the purpose of graduation is as follows (where t is the graduation date):
• Thesis delivered to supervisor t-32*
• Supervisor comments delivered to student t-50**
• Thesis delivered to supervisor and examiner t-40*
• Defence t-14**
• Signed final version of thesis delivered to RU library t-11**
• Grade posted to the Registrar by supervisor t-11*
• Graduation t**

* Can be modified by mutual agreement of the supervisor, student and examiner.
** Firm deadlines.
Learning outcome - Objectives
By the end of the course the candidate should be able to:
  • Independently manage, organize and successfully complete a compressive project in the field of engineering.
  • Assess complex engineering problems, identify key factors in a given situation, apply standard engineering and scientific principles to develop, design and implement an appropriate engineering solution.
  • Interpret and apply existing theories, models, methods and results, both qualitatively and quantitatively, within the field of engineering.
  • Apply research methodology, including the fundamentals of technical writing and presentation, information finding and literature search.

Course assessment
The supervisor(s) shall evaluate the thesis together with an examiner appointed by the Director of Graduate Studies. They shall also submit the candidate to an oral examination on the thesis in public. A grade shall be awarded for the thesis. The minimum grade for achieving a pass is 6.0 Equal weight shall be placed on four criteria

• Significance and originality
• Scientific and technological challenge and results
• Methodological quality
• Presentation

The examiners shall take into account the number of ECTS for the Master’s project. Thus, significantly more demands in terms of originality, quantity and scientific quality of the work are placed on the student for a 60 ECTS project than a 30 ECTS project. For a 90 ECTS project, the quality criterion shall acknowledge that, in the opinion of the examiners, the work can be published internationally in a peer-reviewed venue, give rise to patentable innovation, have resulted in a viable prospect for a commercial venture or other results of similar significance.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities

Language of instructionEnglish
MSc thesis II CoreT-901-MEI2ECTS 30
Year1. year
SemesterSpring 2025
Level of course6. Second cycle, advanced
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
No lecturer found.
In order to graduate with an MSc from the School of Science and Engineering all students must complete a project that results in a formal thesis and a public defence of the thesis. The thesis can be submitted either in English or Icelandic and should sufficiently present a body of work commensurate with the number of credits of the particular MSc project.

While the thesis itself has to comply with the layout instructions in regard to the front, back and title pages, it can consist mainly of published or submitted research papers. In this case, a detailed summary of a length to be determined by the student’s supervisor shall be provided as an introduction to the published material, explaining the context and coherence of the work.

The official completion of the MSc thesis is signified by the student submitting the final version of the thesis, signed by himself/herself, the supervisor(s) and the examiner to the RU library as well as an electronic version (PDF) for the programme manager for publication on the RU-SSE web site.

If a student plans to graduate in a particular graduation ceremony, the following deadlines have to be respected. Should any of the deadlines below not be respected the student will have to wait for the following graduation ceremony before he/she can graduate. Students are responsible for adhering to these deadlines and are advised to deliver their work in good time.

The deadline schedule for the purpose of graduation is as follows (where t is the graduation date):
• Thesis delivered to supervisor t-32*
• Supervisor comments delivered to student t-22**
• Thesis delivered to supervisor and examiner t-13*
• Defence t-7**
• Signed final version of thesis delivered to RU library t-5**
• Grade posted to the Registrar by supervisor t-4*
• Graduation t**

* Can be modified by mutual agreement of the supervisor, student and examiner.
** Firm deadlines.
Learning outcome - Objectives
No objectives found.
Course assessment
The supervisor(s) shall evaluate the thesis together with an examiner appointed by the Director of Graduate Studies. They shall also submit the candidate to an oral examination on the thesis in public. A grade shall be awarded for the thesis. The minimum grade for achieving a pass is 6.0 Equal weight shall be placed on four criteria

• Significance and originality
• Scientific and technological challenge and results
• Methodological quality
• Presentation

The examiners shall take into account the number of ECTS for the Master’s project. Thus, significantly more demands in terms of originality, quantity and scientific quality of the work are placed on the student for a 60 ECTS project than a 30 ECTS project. For a 90 ECTS project, the quality criterion shall acknowledge that, in the opinion of the examiners, the work can be published internationally in a peer-reviewed venue, give rise to patentable innovation, have resulted in a viable prospect for a commercial venture or other results of similar significance.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
No activities found.
Language of instructionEnglish