
Sverrir Ólafsson, prófessor

Deild:Tæknisvið / Verkfræðideild 
Sími:5996332   GSM: +44(0)7703 403 324 

Sækja ferilskrá / CV : Sverrir Ólafsson


  • University of Karlsruhe, Germany, PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in theoretical elementary particle physics
  • University of Tübingen, Germany, MSc (Dipl. Phys.) in mathematical physics.
  • University of Tübingen, Germany, BSc (Vor-Diplom) in physics.
  • Icelandic A-level (Stúdentspróf), Hamrahlið Grammar School.


  • Aug 2009  –             Appointed Visiting Professor at Queen Mary University of London
  • Sept 2007 –             Professor in the School of Business, University of Reykjavik, Iceland
  • 2005 –  2008           Chief Researcher – BT CTO (British Telecommunications)
  • 1997 – 2005            Technical Group Leader – BT EXACT
  • 1989 – 1997            Senior Scientist – BT Research Laboratories
  • 1998 –                     Director of Riskcon Ltd. (a risk management consultancy)
  • Aug 2007 –              Chairman of the Board of Green Diamond International
  • 2001 – 2003            Senior Fellow, Mathematical Sciences, Liverpool University
  • 1988 – 1989            Research Fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of Southampton
  • 1986 (Winter)          Visiting Lecturer at The University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • 1985 – 1988            Research Fellow, Department of Mathematics, UMIST, Manchester
  • 1984 – 1985            Lecturer in Mathematics, Kings College, University of London
  • 1983 – 1984            Teacher in Mathematics and Physics at Kópavogur College, Iceland
  • 1979 – 1983            Research Assistant, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Karlsruhe
  • 1975 – 1979            Research Assistant, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Tübingen

Kennsluferill í HR

2025-1T-816-STF1Valin viðfangsefni í fjármálaverkfræði I
2024-3T-814-FINAFjármálaverkfræði fyrirtækja
2024-1T-816-MTFENýjar stefnur í fjármálaverkfræði
2023-3T-814-FINAFjármálaverkfræði fyrirtækja
2023-3T-806-INDESjálfstætt verkefni
2023-1T-816-MTFENýjar stefnur í fjármálaverkfræði
2022-3T-516-CORPFjármál fyrirtækja fyrir verkfræðinema
2022-3T-814-FINAFjármálaverkfræði fyrirtækja
2022-3T-501-FINAInngangur að fjármálum fyrirtækja
2022-3T-815-FIXESkuldabréfagreining og vaxtalíkön
2022-1T-816-MTFENýjar stefnur í fjármálaverkfræði

Kennsla utan HR

  • Mathematics and physics to A-level students at Kopavogur College (Menntaskolinn í Kópavogi).
  • Classical and analytical mechanics (Kings College University London).
  • Quantum mechanics (Kings College University London).
  • Mathematics for engineers (Kings College University London).
  • Relativity and supergravity (Kings College University London and University of Santiago de Compostella).
  • Financial risk management (University of Liverpool).
  • Power control in wireless systems (MSc course at the University of Aston).
  • Risk management (University of Reykjavik).

Tengsl við atvinnulíf

  • Director of Riskcon Ltd. (a risk management consultancy)
  • On the Board of Directors of a private equity firm
  • Consultant to various banks and financial organisations in Iceland and UK
  • Chairman of the Board of Green Diamond International
  • Project manager of various, UK national and international projects on telecommunications research. This includes:
      Project Manager of the long term BT funded research project “Future User Centric Wireless Systems”
      Steering Committee for the EPSRC funded project on “Multicast Streaming Technology for the Grid (MUST)”
      Project Manager of the Eurescom Project “New Dimensions” with participants from six major European Telecommunications Operators.


Consultancy in risk management to various financial institutions and corporations in Iceland and in the UK.

On the organizing/technical advisory board of the following international conferences:
- IEE International Conference on Neural Networks
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference – Melbourne 2006
- International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Modelling and Analysis
- International Conference on Networking and Electronic Commerce
- International Conference Crown Com (conference on cognitive radios).
- TheFirst Iternational Confrence on Evolving Internet, August 25 - 31, Cap Esterel, France.
- The Wireless Communications and Signal Processig (WCSP) track at the18th International Confence on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2009

On the editorial board of:
- The Telecommunication Systems Journal
- Electronic Commerce Research Journal
- ICST Tansactions on Dynamic Resource Management

External PhD examiner at:
- Cambridge University
- Imperial College, London
- On the advisory board of The Smith Institute

On the MSc advisory board of:
- Aston University
- The University of Durham

Has co-supervised numerous PhD and MSc students. Present PhD students:
- Jiayuan Chen, University College London
- Rizwan Ahmad, Victoria University, Melbourne
- Michael Drieberg, Victoria University Melbourne

Selected as one of 50 UK industrialists to put together a DTI/EPRSC supported document “Mathematics: Giving Industry the edge”,

Reviewer for various professional journals, including:
- Mathematical Review
- Signal Processing Journal
- European Journal of Operational Research
- Electronic Letters
- Telecommunications Systems

Reviewer for various research organisations, including:
- Technology Foundation, The Netherlands
- The Leverhulme Trust, UK


MSc and PhD Thesis
•         "Canonical Realisation of Lie Groups" (in German), MSc Thesis, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Tübingen, October 1979.
•         "Supergravity in Six Dimensions", PhD Thesis, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Karlsruhe January 1985.

Journal Publications
1.              "New Nonlinear Evolution Equations Related to Some Super Loop Algebras", J. Phys. A: Math. and Gen. 22 (1989) 157-167.
2.              "Loop Algebras and Their Relation to the Conformal Structure of Integrable Systems", Lett. Math. Phys. 19 (35-44) 1990.
3.              "Dynamical Neural Networks for Speech Recognition", BTT Journal, Vol.10,No.3, (48-58), 1992.
4.              "Application of an Evolutionary Model to Telecommunication Services" (with M. Gell), European Transactions on Telecommunications, Vol.4,No.1, 69-76, 1993.
5.              "A General Model for Task Distribution on an Open Heterogeneous Processor System", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Cybernetics and Man, 24, 11, 1994.
6.              "A Neural Network Approach for Studying the Switching problem" (with S. Amin and M. Gell), BTT Journal, Vol.12, No.2, (114-120), 1994.
7.              "Dynamic Task Allocation on Open Heterogeneous Processor Systems", BTT Journal, Vol.12, No. 2, (132-145), 1994.
8.              "On the Stability of Strategies in Competitive Systems", Int. J. Systems Sci., Vol. 26, No. 6, 1289 - 1312, 1995.
9.              "Resource Allocation as an Evolving Strategy", Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 4, No. 1, 33-55, 1996.
10.          "On the Stability of Neural Networks with Arbitrary Weights", Neural Computation & Applications, Vol. 4, 2 - 9, 1996
11.          "Games on Networks", Invited paper, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 85, No. 10, pp1556-1562, October 1997.
12.          “Self-Organizing Data Networks”, with G. Bilchev, BTTJ, Vol18, No1, Jan. 2000.
13.          “Making decisions under uncertainty – implications for high technology investments”, BTTJ, April 2003.
14.          “Organic deployment and reconfigurable networks based on Situation Awareness” with Sid Sharma and Andy Nix, IEEE Communication Journal. July 2003.
15.          Network Dimensioning Based on Modelling of Internet Traffic, EURESCOM mess@ge, p18, Issue 1, 2003.   
16.          “Notkun þvingaðra splæsa til að hanna Íslenska vaxtarófið” (in Icelandic), with Arnar Jónsson, Fjármálatíðindi, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp36-59, 2005.
17.          “Predictive Call Admission Control Algorithm for Power-Controlled Wireless Systems”, with Choong Min Chin and Moh Lim Sim, Springer´s Lecture Note in Computer Science (LNCS) 4104: 414-427 2006
18.          “Future management of Spectrum”, BTTJ-Journal, Vol 25, No 2, pp 52-63, April 2007.
19.          “Trading the forward bias anomaly. The case of the Icelandic Krona” (with Arnar Jonsson). Submitted to RISK
20.          “Forward Premium Anomalies with Respect to the Icelandic Krona” (with Arnar Jonsson), to be submitted to The International Journal of Finance
21.          “A PIC Detector for Distributed Space-Time Block Coding under Imperfect Synchronisation,” (with F.-C. Zheng and A.G. Burr) IET Electronics Lett., vol. 43, no.10, pp. 580-582, 10 May 2007.
22.          “Near-Optimum Detection for Distributed Space-Time Block Coding under Imperfect Synchronisation,” (with F.-C. Zheng and A.G. Burr) accepted for publications in IEEE Trans. Communications.
23.          “Signal Detection for Distributed Space-Time Block Coding: 3 or 4 Relay Nodes under Quasi-Synchronisation,” (with F.-C. Zheng and A.G. Burr) submitted to IEEE Trans. Communications.
24.          Lyapunov Function for Distributed Power Control in WLAN Systems, to be submitted to Electronic Letters
25.          Simulated Annealing based Distributed Channel Allocation Algorithm with Low Interference for High-Density WLANs, (with Jiayuan Chen, Xuanye Gu and Yang Yang), submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

Book Publications
26.          "Some Dynamical Properties of Neural Networks" in Neural Networks for Vision, Speech and Natural Language”, R. Lingard, D. J. Myers and C. Nightingale (eds.), Chapman Hall, 1992.
27.          Systems Research Reprints, 1991-92, Systems Research, BT Laboratories, Edited by Peter Cochrane and Sverrir Olafsson.
28.          Systems Research Reprints, 1992-93, Systems Research, BT Laboratories, Edited by Peter Cochrane and Sverrir Olafsson.
29.          "Task Distribution on Open Heterogeneous Processor Systems", Modelling Change in Telecommunications, P. Cochrane and D. Heatley (eds), Chapmann & Hall, 1994.
30.          "Evolution of Strategies in Competitive Systems", Modelling Change in Telecommunications, P. Cochrane and D. Heatley (eds), Chapmann & Hall, 1994.
31.          "Neural Networks" (with S. Amin and M. Gell), Modelling Change in Telecommunications, P. Cochrane and D. Heatley (eds), Chapmann & Hall, 1994.
32.          “Adaptive Demand-Based Heuristics for Traffic Reduction in Distributed Information Systems”, with G. Bilchev, Telecommunication Optimisation, John Wiley and Sons, April 2000.
33.          “Evolutionary Game Theory Applied to Service Selection and Network Ecologies”, Telecommunication Optimisation, John Wiley and Sons, April 2000.
34.          “Scalability, Capacity and Local Connectivity in Ad Hoc Networks”, Published in Mobile and Wireless Communications: Key Technologies and Future Applications (P. Smyth (Ed.)), IEE-BT Exact Communication Technology, 2004.
35.          “Distributed space-time block coding with incremental relay: Performance improvement under imperfect synchronisation,” (with F.-C. Zheng and A.G. Burr) to appear in Advances in mobile and wireless communications – views of the 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communication Summit, Ed. I. Frigyes, Springer, 2008.
36.          Dynamic Channel Allocation in IEEE 802.11 (with Jiayuan Chen and Xuanye Gu), 4G Mobile and Wireless Communications Technologies, Published by River Publisher, 2008
37.          Spot Price and Bandwidth Derivatives Analysis for Radio Spectrum Trading (with Choong Ming Chin), to be submitted for publication

Refereed Conference Contributions
38.          "Statistical Mechanics of the NLS-Models and Their Avatars" (with R. K. Bullough, Yu-Zhong and J. Timonen), International Workshop on Integrable Systems and Applications, Ile d´Oleron, France 20-24 June 1988. Published in Lecture Notes in Physics 342, p12.
39.          "Complete Integrability of the Integrable Models" (with R. K. Bullough), in Proc. Intl. Assoc. of Math. Phys. IXth Congress, Swansea, July 1988, A. Truman ed., Adam Hilger, Bristol 1989.
40.          "Algebra of Rieman-Hilbert Problems and the Integrable Models" (with R. K. Bullough), Proc. 17th Intl. Conf. on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, Chester, August 1988, F. Bloore, S. Dawker and A. Solomon (eds), World Scientific, Singapore, 1989.
41.          "Integrability Conditions: Recent Results in the Theory of Integrable Models" (with R. K. Bullough, Yu-zhong Chen and J. Timonen), 18th Intl. Conf. on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, Davis, California 1989.
42.          "Learning Agents For Task Execution", International Conference on Artificial Life, Granada, June, 1995.
43.          "An Efficient Strategy for Processor Utilisation", 14th European Conference on Operational Research, Jerusalem, July 1995.
44.          "Evolutionary Modelling of Resource Allocation", ACTCC Workshop, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, March 1997.
45.          "Self Adaptive Network Utilisation", International Workshop on Applications of Neural Networks (and other intelligent systems) to Telecommunications, Melbourne, Australia June, 1997.
46.          "Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation of a Distributed Adaptive File System", with George Bilchev, Fourth International Conference on Optimisation: Techniques and Applications", Perth, Australia, July 1998.
47.          "Comparing Genetic Algorithms and Greedy Heuristics for Adaptation Problems", with George Bilchev. IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Anchorage, Alaska, May 1998.
48.          “Modelling the Impact of Long Range Dependence on Queuing Performance”, with X. Gu and M. Wennink, International Workshop on Stochastic Modelling and Analysis of Communication Networks, Lund, Sweden, October 1-3, 1998.
49.          “Long Range Correlations in Network Traffic: Implications for the Utilisation of Network Resources”, International Workshop Self-Similar Systems, Dubna, Russia, July-August 1998.
50.          “Modelling and Performance Analysis of Cache Networks”, with G. Bilchev, I. Marshall, and C. Roadknight, 5th Annual Conference Engineering Workshop, Amsterdam, April 1999.
51.          “Modelling Http Traffic Generated by Community of Users”, with G. Bilchev, I. Marshall, and C. Roadknight, 7th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking, Amsterdam, April 1999.
52.          “WWW Cache Modelling Toolbox”, with G. Bilchev, I. Marshall, and C. Roadknight, 4th International Web Caching Workshop, San Diego, March 1999.
53.          “Derivation of Power Law for Internet Browsing”, 7th International Conference on Telecommunication, Nashville March 1999.
54.          “Performance and Stability Analysis of a Random Access CDMA Packet Network”, with X. Gu, International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies, March 2000.
55.          “A Simplified and Accurate Method to Analyse a Code Division Multiple-Access Performance”, with X. Gu, LCS Symposium, September 2000.
56.          “Performance and stability analysis of a random access CDMA packet network in the presence of multiple access interference”, with X. Gu, In Proceedings, IEE International Conference on 3rd Generation Mobile Systems, London, UK, 2000.
57.          “Optimised Timers for Stochastic Feedback Suppression in Reliable Multicast”, with M. Nekovee, 2002, International Multicast Conference London, 2001.
58.          “An optimized stochastic timer approach for feedback suppression in reliable multicast”, (with M. Nekovee and W. H. Chong), Fourth International Conference on Networked Group Communication, Boston, October 2002
59.          “Dynamic Behaviour of Multiple Access Spread-Spectrum Channels”, with Xuanye Gu, The 7th CDMA International Conference (CIC2002), Seoul, Korea, Nov. 2002.
60.          “Global Optimization of Video Quality by Improved Rate Control on IP-Networks”, with A. G. Backhouse and I. Y. H. Gu, VCIP03, Geneva July 2003.
61.          “Modelling Capacity and Local Connectivity in Ad-Hoc Networks”, International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN03), Las Vegas, June 2003.
62.          “An Optimized Timer-Based Method for Feedback Control in Multicast Communications” with Maziar Nekovee and Wen Haw Chong, London Communication Symposium 2003.
63.          “On the Accuracy of the Gaussioan Approximation for Performance Analysis of Spread Spectrum Channels”, with X. Gu, The 14th IEEE International Conference on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Beijing, 7-10 September 2003. Published in IEEE Press, Vol. II, Page 2037-2041, ISBN7-5053-5066-8.
64.          "Wireless Spread-Spectrum Channel Analysis Using Discrete-Time Markov Chains", with Xuanye Gu and Jia Chen, 8th World Multi-Conference on Systems, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 18-21, 2004.
65.          “The relevance of adaptive power control for connectivity in de-centralized systems”, Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference (NAEC 2005), Lake Garda October 2005.
66.          “Sufficient conditions for convergent power dynamics in ad hoc networks”, Vehicular Technology Conference, 2006. VTC 2006-Spring. IEEE 63rd
67.          “Call Admission Control with Adaptive Link Protection for Wireless Systems”, with Eric Chin and Mohlim Sim, VTC 2006, Melbourne, May 7-10, 2006.
68.          “Predictive Call Admission Control Algorithm for Power-Controlled Wireless Systems”, with Eric Chin and Mohlim Sim, 5th International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless, Ottawa, Canada, Aug. 17-19, 2006.
69.           “Spectrum Management”, Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference (NAEC 2006), Lake Garda, 19-22 October 2006.
70.          “Integrating Adaptive Power Control and Channel Selection in Ad Hoc Networks”, (with Eric Chin) Accepted by: Vehicular technology Conference, Dublin, 22-25 April 2007.
71.          A Dynamic Channel Assignment Strategy via Power Control for Ad-Hoc Network Systems, (with Eric Chin and Moh Lim Sim), in Proc. Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC2007-Spring. IEEE 65th, 22-25 April 2007, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 3006-3010, 2007
72.           “PIC Based Detection for Distributed Space-Time Block Coding under Imperfect Synchronisation”, (with F. C. Zheng and A. G. Burr), 13th European Wireless Conference, 1-4 April 2007, Paris
73.          “A Biologically Inspired Dynamic Channel Allocation Technique in 802.11 WLANs with Multiple Access Points”, (with Jiayuan Chen and Xuanye Gu) accepted for IEEE PIMRC 2007, Athens, Greece
74.          “A Simple Optimum Detector for Distributed Space-Time Block Coding under Imperfect Synchronisation”, (with F. C. Zheng and A. G. Burr), to appear in Proc. of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications (SPAWAC 2007), Helsinki, Finland, 17–20 June 2007
75.          “Distributed Space-Time Block Coding with Incremental Relay: Performance Improvement under Imperfect Synchronisation”, (with F. C. Zheng and A. G. Burr), to appear in Proc. of the 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Budapest, Hungary, 1–5 July 2007
76.          “Distributed Space-Time Block Coding for 3 and 4 Relay Nodes: Imperfect Synchronisation and a Solution”, (with F. C. Zheng and A. G. Burr), accepted for IEEE PIMRC 2007, Athens, Greece. These results were also presented at a COST 2100 Meeting of 26-28 Feb. 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.
77.          Frequency Channel Allocation Using Genetic Algorithms for Multiple APs in 802.11 Wireless Networks, (with Xuanye Gu and Jiayuan Chen), submitted to 3rd International Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Engineering
78.          Distributed Channel Selection by Simulated Annealing, to be submitted for publication (first to be filed as a patent)
79.          Simultaneous Channel and Power Selection in WLAN systems, to be submitted for publication (first to be filed as a patent)
80.          Dynamic Channel Allocation Through Improved Genetic Algorithm in 802.11 WLANs with Multiple Access Points, (Jiayuan Chen and Xuanye Gu), presented at The 2007 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference, Lake Garda, Italy, October 18 – 21, 2007
81.          “A PIC Detector for Distributed Space-Time Block Coding: 4 Relay Nodes with Imperfect Synchronisation,” to appear in Proc. of the 10th international symposium on wireless personal multimedia communications (WPMC 2007), Jaipur, India, 3-6 December 2007.
82.          “Signal Detection for Distributed Space-Time Block Coding under Quasi-Synchronisation,” IET Seminar on Smart Antennas, London, UK, 22 October 2007. 
83.          An Improved Distributed Dynamic Channel Assignment Scheme for Dense WLANs, (with M. Drieberg, Chun Zheng and R. Ahmad) accepted for ICICS, Singapore December 2007
84.          Observations on Using Simulated Annealing for Dynamic Channel Allocation in 802.11 WLANs (with Jiayuan Chen and Xuanye Gu), VTC Spring 2008 Singapore, May 2008
85.          Radio Resource Management via Spectrum Trading (with Eric Chin), VTC Spring 2008 Singapore, May 2008
86.          A Fast Channel Allocation Scheme Using Simulated Annealing in Scalable WLANs, with (Jiayuan Chen, Xuanye Gu and Yang Yang), submitted to the 5th International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems, London September 8 – 11, 2008
87.          Performance Evaluation of Enhanced Relay-Enabled Distribution Coordination Function (with Rizwan Ahmad, Fu-Chun Zheng and Michael Drieberg), 14th European Wireless Conference
88.          “Joint optimization of distributed power control and dynamic channel allocation in scalable WLANs”, with Jiayuan Chen and Xuanye Gu, The 4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM2008), Dalian, China, October 12-14, 2008.

Non – Refereed Technical Reports – Selection
89.          "Classical Systems as Orbits on L(G)*", Institute of Theoretical Physics, Tübingen, 1980.
90.          "On Torsion and Curvature in Six Dimensions", Institute of Theoretical Physics, Karlsruhe 1982.
91.          "Super Non-linear Evolution Equations and the N=1 Conformal Algebra, UMIST Report, 1987.
92.          "Loop Algebras and their Relation to a Poisson Bracket Realisation of the Virasaro Algebra", UMIST Report, 1988.
93.          “Nonlinear Hierarchies on Arbitrary Loop Algebras”, (with R Bullough), UMIST Report 1988
94.          "An Evolutionary Model for Competing Components", BT Systems Research Division Report, August 1991.
95.          "Application of Evolutionary Models to Optimisation Problems", BT Systems Research Division Report, December 1991.
96.          "A Model for Task Allocation", BT Systems Research Division Report, September 1992.
97.          "Evolutionary Model for Market Analysis", (with Paul McIlroy), BT Systems Research Division Report, November 1992.
98.          "A Framework for a Quantitative Study of Adaptability", BT Systems Research Division Report, February 1993.
99.          "Report on Quantitative Studies of Adaptability", BT Systems Research Division Report, February 1993.
100.       “Prediction of Economic Time series by Linear and Nonlinear Neural Networks”, Sept. 1993
101.       "Means of Visualising Trend Predictability in Time Series", BT Systems Research Division Report, May 1994.
102.       "Customer-Service Distribution as a Process of Task Allocation", BT Systems Research Division Report, May 1994.
103.       "Agent Learning as a Process of Self Organisation", BT Systems Research Division Report, June 1994.
104.       “Pricing Capacity Patterns on Networks: An Approach Based on Evolutionary Game Theory”, BT Research report April 1995
105.       "Competition and Cooperation in the Telecommunication Markets, an Example" (with Iqbal Adjali), BT Systems Research Division Report, 1995.
106.       "An Adaptive Response Model for Learning Agents",  BT Systems research Division, August 1995.
107.       “Self Adaptive Network Utilisation”, October 1996
108.       "Networks as Self Adaptive Ecologies", Systems Research Report, Nov. 1996.
109.       ”Managing Risk in Network Capacity Investments”, Complexity Research Group Preprints, 1997
110.       "Phase Transitions in Data Networks", Systems Research Report, February 1998
111.       "Quality of Service for Self Similar Traffic Streams", Systems Research Report, February 1998
112.       "Buffering Self Similar Data Streams", Systems Research Report, February 1998
113.       “On the Statistical Mechanics of a finite Buffer”, Systems Research Report, July 1998
114.       “Stability and Scalability in Random Access Systems: Non-Linear Dynamics Approach”, CRG Report, August 1999
115.       “Toolbox for modelling Internet Services”, CRG Report, January 2001
116.       “Link – and System – Level Performance Evaluation of a CDMA Packet Network”, (with X. Gu), April 2001
117.       “An optimized stochastic timer approach for feedback suppression in reliable multicast”, (with M. Nekovee and A. Teschendorff), EURESCOM Technical Report, August 2001
118.       “Statistical modelling of a mobile fading channel”, (with X. Gu), October 2001
119.       “Data flow on edge and random networks”, CRG Report, November 2001
120.       “Optimal stochastic timers for feedback mechanisms in multicast communications”, February 2002
121.       “Dynamic Behaviour of Broadband Access Spread-Spectrum Channels”, (with X. Gu), March 2002
122.       “Networks as Complex Systems – Criticality and Phase Transitions”, BT Exact Technologies, March 2002
123.       “Routing and Simulation on WLANs”, (with K. Briggs, M. Nekovee and I. Skenderoski), CRG Report, July 2002
124.       “Modelling of Multipath Characteristics and Outage Probability under Several Signal Distributions Using a Software Simulator”, (with X. Gu), February 2004
125.       “Capacity as a function of connectivity in ad hoc networks”, March 2004
126.       “Java Ad Hoc Network Simulator”, (with Geir Freysson), September 2004
127.       “Modelling Interference in Wireless Indoor Systems”, (with G. Freysson), March 2005
128.       “More Transmission Power?”, March 2006
129.       “Resource Management for Wireless Mesh and Ad Hoc Networks”, (with Xuanye Gu, Maziar Nekovee, Geir Freysson and Zhe Wang), April 2006

In Icelandic – Riscon Consultancy Documents – Selection
130.       Vaxtalíkön og vaxtaafleiðusamningar ásamt meginþáttaathugun á REIBOR vöxtum, Dec. 2003
131.       LIBOR markaðslíkön, hreyfifræði þeirra og kvörðun, May 2004
132.       Notkun þvingaðs splæsis til að hanna þjálan vaxtaferil, Dec. 2004
133.       Jafngildisverðbólga og áhætta verðtryggðra lána, Sep. 2005
134.       Athuganir á skilyrðum fyrir jafngildi verðtryggðra og óverðtryggðra lána, Aug. 2005
135.       Hönnun skiptavaxta út frá REIBOR og verði óverðtryggðra skuldabréfa, Nov. 2005
136.       Hugmyndir um skiptasamninga í REIBOR vöxtum, Mar. 2005
137.       Svaxtasamningar á REIBOR, May 2005
138.       Verðlagning afleiðusamninga á óverðtryggð og verðtryggð skuldabréf, Oct. 2006
139.       Verðlagning þak – og gólfsamninga á REIBOR vexti, Jan. 2006
140.       Verðlagning afleiðusamninga á óverðtryggð skuldabréf, Jan. 2007

Selected Invited Presentations
1.             Conserved Vector Currents in Gauge Field theories (in Icelandic) Icelandic Physical Society, Jan. 1981
2.             Geometric Quantisation, Desy Conference on High Energy Physics, Maria Lach, 1983
3.             Supersymmetry of Gravitational Theories, Lectures given at the University of Santiago de Compostella, 1985
4.             "Prediction of Economic Time Series by Linear and Nonlinear Neural Networks", Invited paper to the International Workshop on Neural Networks in the Capital Markets, London Business School, London 1993
5.             General Problems Analysing and Predicting Economic Time Series, Presentation given to Singer & Friedlander Capital Markets, May 3, 1994.
6.             Neural Networks and Time Series, Presentation to Deutche Bank, London, October 1994
7.             Analysing Cross Rate Risks, set of presentations given to Credit Suisse, November 1994
8.             Course on neural networks and applications, University of Iceland, October 1995.
9.             Long range correlations in network traffic: Implications for the utilisation of resources, Dubna, Centre for Nuclear Research, Moscow, August 1998.
10.         Emergence of structures in data networks, Cambridge University, 22 November 2000.
11.         Scale invariance in data networks, Networks in Applications Workshop, Warwick, 30 April 2001.
12.         Networks as complex systems, Smith Institute Workshop on Resource Management in Distributed Environments, Cambridge, 22-23 March, 2001.
13.         Modelling rate allocations to internet sessions, Liverpool University, 20 March 2002.
14.         Decisions under Uncertainty, Lecture given at the University of Iceland, Oct. 2002
15.         Connectivity and capacity in ad hoc networks, QMUL, London 24 January 2003.
16.         Research issues for communication networks, Research Cluster Workshop, Aston 17 July 2003.
17.         Mathematics for data networks, Aston University, 28 March 2003.
18.         Modelling large systems, London Mathematical Society, Mathematics and IT-MathFIT and beyond, 23, March 2004.
19.         Managing the risk associated with capacity demand uncertainty, International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, 28 October 2004.
20.         Distributed power control in ad-hoc networks, Mathematics Department, LSE, London, November 11, 2004.
21.         Dynamic power control in ad-hoc networks, Research Seminar Oxford University, 30 November, 2004.
22.         Dynamic power control in ad-hoc networks, MSc course, Aston University, 11 January 2005.
23.         Mathematical problems in network research, “Key note”, The EPSRC NETCA Workshop on "Mathematics for Networks" 23 March, 2005 at Queen Mary University of London.
24.         Wireless services without 3G, Key note at Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks (IWWAN), London 23-26 May, 2005.
25.         “Game Theory for Resource Allocation, The Stephenson Society, University of Cambridge, 14 November 2005.
26.         Connectivity and power control in wireless ad hoc networks, Contribution to a distance learning MSc Course at Aston, 2006
27.         Stability of Complex Systems, Aston Photonics Research Seminar, 23 February 2006.
28.         Stability (or lack of it) in communication networks, XII International Conference on Laser Optics, Section:  Diode Lasers and Telecommunication Systems”, June 2006, St Petersburg.
29.         Using Constrained Splines to Construct the Term-Structure of Interest Rates in Non-Liquid markets, Research Seminar in The Central Bank Of Iceland, 27 February 2007
30.         Spectrum Trading, Key Note at The International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications, Singapore May 2008
31.         Panellist on the Theme: “Cognitive Radio Networks: Imagination or Reality?” at The International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications, Singapore May2008
32.         Modelling Dense Wireless Access Systems, Complexity Research Seminar, Brunel University, 05 June 2008.
33.         Next Generation Wireless Networks and Spectrum Trading, Key Note at the Workshop “Measurement and Modelling of Complex Networked Systems”, June 26 2008, London
34.         Moderator for a panel discussion on “The Future Management of Spectrum”, Fifth International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems (BROADNETS 2008),  September 8 – 11, 2008 London

1.              Hopfield Neural Network and Method of Operating IT (Intn. Publ. No. WO 94/24637), April 1993 (with Shara Amin, Michael Gell and Michael Manning)
2.              Timer Based Feedback in Multicast Communications (US Patent 20050207354), June 2002  (with Maziar Nekovee)
3.              A Joint Optimal Power Control, Beam-forming and Channel Assignment Methods for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, 2006 (granted in Malaysia – US Application ongoing) (with Choong Ming Chin and Mo Lim Sim)
4.              Optimising Communication Links in Ad-Hoc Networks Using Beam-forming, 2006 (granted in Malaysia – US Application ongoing) (with Choong Ming Chin and Mo Lim Sim) IPC: H04Q 7/38 (2006.01)
5.              Distributed channel selection and stable power control (in preparation)
6.              Allocating channels to access points in WLANs by the use of distributed simulated annealing (in preparation)

Popular Scientific Articles Published in Morgunblaðið (Iceland’s main newspaper) from 1985 to 2000
1.              Geimskutlan og háloftaeðlisfræði, Jan. 06 1985
2.              Dimmt efni í alheiminum, Jun. 23 1985
3.              Nýr áhugi á mönnuðum tunglferðum, Jul. 14 1985
4.              Notkun Leysigeisla til auðgunar úraníums, Aug. 14 1985
5.              Þróun röntgensmásjárinnar, Sep. 15 1985
6.              Mæling þyngdarsviðsbylgna með himinhengju, Sep. 29 1985
7.              Erum við einbúar í alheimi?, Apr. 06 1986
8.              Hversu eitrað er díoxín?, Jul. 20 1986
9.              Andvetni í Cern, Jul. 27 1986
10.          Árekstrar á milli vetrarbrauta, Nov. 09 1986
11.          Var það jarðskjálfti eða sprengja?, Nov. 23 1986
12.          Leifar gróðurs við suðurskautið, Nov. 30 1986
13.          Nýtt ratsjárkerfi í Ástralíu, Dec. 07 1986
14.          Mæling geislavirkra efna frá Chernobyl í hafinu, Jan. 18 1987
15.          Því rigndi aldrei á Venusi?, Feb. 15 1987
16.          Ný súpernóva, Mar. 15 1987
17.          Nýtt úr heimi efnafræðinnar, Sep. 13 1987
18.          Var fuglinn fjaðralaus?, Sep. 20 1987
19.          Massi fiseinda og örlög alheimsins, Sep. 27 1987
20.          Skammtafræðin og Erwin Schrödinger, Nov. 01 1987
21.          Notkun kopars til jáeindamyndunar, Nov. 08 1987
22.          Fyrstu eldstæðin, Nov. 15 1987  
23.          Ný hátíðni-tifstjarna, Nov. 23 1987
24.          Notkun hljóðbylgna til greiningar á vöðvasjúkdómum, Nov. 29 1987
25.          Uppgötvun Dystrofíns, Feb. 21 1988
26.          Voru Neanderdalsmenn ekki forfeður nútímamanna?, Mar. 06 1988
27.          Er sólin að minnka?, Mar. 13 1988
28.          Ódýrir ofurleiðarar, Mar. 20 1988
29.          Nýr fundur risaeðlufóstra, Mar. 31 1988
30.          Leyndarmál Stradivari, Apr. 24 1988
31.          Tímasetning eldgossins á Thera á síðmínóskum tíma, Jun. 12 1988
32.          Ljós við útjaðar alheimsins, Jun. 26 1988
33.          Ferðin til Phobosar, Jul. 10 1988
34.          Undraefni Benvenista, Aug. 14 1988
35.          Reikistjörnur fjarlægra sólna, Aug. 21 1988
36.          Neðansjávarhverir og upphaf lífsins á jörðinni, Sep. 11 1988
37.          NASA 30 ára, Oct. 16 1988
38.          Ofgnótt bakgrunnsgeislunar?, Oct. 30 1988
39.          Stökk í stökkbreytingum, Nov. 06 1988
40.          Af forfeðrum mannanna Dec. 04 1988
41.          Óreiða veðursins, Dec. 11 1988
42.          Metan og ísský í miðhvörfum, Dec. 17 1988
43.          Vegið að lögmáli Newtons, Jan. 08 1989
44.          Nýtt um lífsvenjur risaeðla, May 14 1989
45.          Um tengsl erfða og greindar. Bregður fjórðungi til fósturs?, Jun. 11, 1989
46.          Ljós er alls upphaf, Jun. 25 1989
47.          Litblinda hjá öpum, Aug. 20 1989
48.          Hjartsláttur stjörnu, Sep. 10, 1989
49.          Máni það né vissi, Nov. 19, 1989
50.          Um lífsbaráttu genanna, Dec. 09 1989
51.          Nýr skilningur á fornum viðburðum, Jan. 13 1991
52.          Fullorðin og enn dularfull. Fiseindin sextíu ára, Feb. 1991
53.          Nýtt met ó kælingu efnis, May 12 1991
54.          Skyldleiki steingerfinga, May 26 1991
55.          Þegar vinstri varð öðruvísi en hægri, Feb. 16 1992
56.          Nýtt um undur vatnsins? Lífið og vatnoð, s Jan. 07 1993
57.          Hvað veit hugur um hönd? Athafnir hraðari en hugsun, s Feb. 04 1993
58.          Skyggir á dimmt efni? Segulsvið og hreyfing vetrarbrauta, s Mar. 30 1993
59.          Samanstanda kvasar af tveimur svartholum? Ljósmyndun svarthola, s Apr. 14 1993
60.          Getur meðvitundin orðið viðfangsefni raunvísinda? Flókin kerfi, taugar og meðvitund, s Apr. 23 1993
61.          Eiða svarthol upplýsingum? Geislun upplýsinga, s Jun. 11 1993
62.          Í skógi eða á sléttu? Búseta fyrstu mannveranna, s Jun. 21 1993
63.          Er brotin vídd raunveruleg? Brotar og rúmfræði náttúrunnar, s Dec. 01 1993
64.          Hversu gömul er jarðskorpan? Efni jarðarinnar, s Jan. 14 1994
65.          Hvað fer hraðar en ljósið? Hugsanavilla fræðilegs eðlisfræðings, s Feb. 25 1994
66.          Af hverju er jafnt hlutfall kynjanna best? Leikir náttúrunnar, s Mar. 10 1994
67.          Hversu lengi lifir það? Líkindi og spádómar, s Mar. 28 1994
68.          Útþensla að eilífu? Efnið í upphafi alheimsins, s May 15 1994
69.          Sjáum við best það sem við viljum sjá? Áhrif eftirvæntingarinnar, s Sep. 22 1994
70.          Hvað ræður áttum? Segulsvið og áttir, Jan. 21 1996
71.          Hvað veldur fjölbreytni þróunar? Sprenging á kambríum, Feb. 04 1996
72.          Hvað veldur nifteindahúð? Nýr skilningur á atómkjörnum, Feb. 18 1996
73.          Bönuðu geimgeislar risaeðlunum? Leyndardómur risaeðlanna, Mar. 17 1996
74.          Er réttur Hubble fasti fundinn? Aldur alheimsins, Mar. 31 1996
75.          Nýr skilningur á vetni? Að breyta lofti í járn, Apr. 14 1996
76.          Hvernig tengjast heilafrumur? Þróun taugatengsla, Apr. 21 1996
77.          Hvaðan kemur geimryk? Uppruni hrapsteina, Apr. 28 1996
78.          Hvað tengir efni vetrarbrauta? Efnisstrengur herm þú mér, May 12 1996
79.          Hvar er SUSY? Eindir og seindir, May 26 1996
80.          Erum við ein í alheiminum? Í leit að lífi, Jul. 21 1996
81.          Hversu mörg – hvað stór? Fjölbreytni skordýra, Aug. 11 1996
82.          Hvað veldur mismun jarðar og Júpiters? Skyldleiki reikistjarnanna, Oct. 20 1996
83.          Lausn aldursvandamáls? Gamlar stjörnur – ungur alheimur, Nov. 10 1996
84.          Er lausnin í peptíðum? Sjálfsmynd sameinda, Nov. 24 1996
85.          Eilíft líf? Klukkan í genunum, Dec. 08 1996
86.          Því er ást þín svo heit? Banvæn ástríða, s Dec. 17 1996
87.          Hvað veldur vetrardvala? Um svefnvenjur dýra, Jan. 12 1997
88.          Hvað veldur tíðni kolefnis? Talnaleikur sameinda, Jan. 26 1997
89.          Eindir í stað ljóss? Atómleysir, Mar. 23 1997
90.          Elstu menjar lífs á jörðinni? Lífsspor í gömlu bergi, Apr. 13 1997
91.          Því flýgur þú fluga? Nýr skilningur á flugi skordýra, Apr. 20 1997
92.          Hvað veldur stærð dýra? Tengsl stærðar og dánartíðni, May 04 1997
93.          Hvernig geymast minningarnar? Minnisfesta, May 25 1997
94.          Hvað veldur sólblossum? Endurtengsl segullína, Jun. 08 1997
95.          Hver voru örlög risaeðlanna? Náttúruhamfarir og aldauði, Jun. 29 1997
96.          Hvernig tala bakteríur? Samskipti með sameindum, Jul. 13 1997
97.          Jöfnur eða innsæi? Apar – farandsalar, Jul. 20 1997
98.          Eru Neanderdalsmenn einungis fjarskyldir frændur? Erfðagreining höfuðkúpubeins, Jul. 27 1997 
99.          Eru járneindir í miðju vetrarbrautarinnar leifar sprengistjörnu? Óþekkt andefni, Aug. 17 1997
100.       Er hagnýting kjarnasamruna nær takmarkinu? Stærsta tilraun í heimi, Aug. 31 1997
101.       Hafa fiseindir massa? Nýtt um dularfulla eind, s Aug. 26 1997
102.       Eru reikistjörnur algengar? Rauðir risar komu upp um þær, s Sep. 15 1997
103.       Hvaðan kom sú furðulega eind? Í leit að súpersymmetríu, s Sep. 29 1997
104.       Af hverju allir eru að gera það? Kostir kynlífsins, s Oct. 21 1997
105.       Hvar er dökka efnið? Í leit að óþekktu efni, s Nov. 10 1997
106.       Hvar eru hrukku gen? Erfðir og hraði öldrunar, s Jan. 05 1998
107.       Enn um frumeindir? Tveir nýir kvarkar, s Jan. 19 1998
108.       Skiptir stærð máli? Um hreyfingu og stærð s Feb. 16 1998
109.       Hvaða sögu segja genin? Aldur DNA, s Mar. 03 1998
110.       Er hægt að mæla hugsun? Heilagrugg, s Mar. 23 1998
111.       Stoppaði neðansjávarskriða ísöldina? Hitabylgja við Miðjarahafið, s May. 05 1998
112.       Hefur hraði ljóssins breyst? Óreiða náttúrufastanna, s May 12 1998
113.       Áttum við frændur á Flóres? Siglingar homo erectus, May 18 1998
114.       Eru þungar eindir svarið? Ljós á dimmt efni, May 25 1998
115.       Er von á heimsókn utan úr geymnum? Loftsteinar og halastjörnur, s Jul. 08 1989
116.       Hvað veldur langlífi? Hraði ellinnar, s Aug. 17 1998
117.       Hvað veldur samhverfubroti hjá lífverum? Prótín sem breyta hægri í vinstri, s Sep. 04 1989
118.       Gæti minni orka dugað? Nýjar vonir fyrir sameinaðar sviðskenningar, s Sep. 07 1989
119.       Töpuðust fjaðrirnar? Fuglinn sem gleymdi að fljúga, s Oct. 20 1998
120.       Getur réttur litur bjargað lífi? Litahermur, s Nov. 09 1989
121.       Nýjar eindir? Orka frá fjarlægum kvösum, s Nov. 16 1998
122.       Hvað stýrir áttvísi dýra? Rottur og menn, s Dec. 07 1989
123.       Er brotin vídd raunveruleg? Brotar og rúmfræði náttúrunnar, s Jan. 12 1999
124.       Óvænt tíðni neðansjávarhvera? Jarðvirkni við neðansjávarhryggi, s Jan. 20 1999
125.       Hvaðan kemur geimryk? Kusk á milli vetrarbrauta, s Apr. 19 1999
126.       Hvað ræður áttum? Segulsvið og áttir, s Apr. 26 1999
127.       Til hvers nýtist stór heili? Greind og innsæi, s May 28 1999
128.       Hafa atómkjarnar nifteindahúð? Skothríð á atómkjarna, s May 30 1999
129.       Var homo habilis laginn? Verkkunnátta við Turkana vatnið, s Jun. 08 1999
130.       Af hverju sigraði efnið andefnið? Samhverfubrotið sem bjargaði alheiminum, s Jun. 13 1999
131.       Hvernig velja örverur? Leikur gerilæta, s Jul. 19 1999
132.       Hver eru líkindi lausnar? p og regla heilla talna, s Jul. 28 1999
133.       Hvernig hefur ljós áhrif á svefn? Ljós og vellíðan, s Jul. 28 1999
134.       Nýtt um undraheim vatnsins? Lífið og vatnið, s Oct. 11 1999
135.       Hvað olli ísöldum við miðbaug? Loftslag og pólveltur, s Oct. 26 1999
136.       Getur meðvitundin orðið viðfangsefni raunvísinda? Flókin kerfi, taugar og meðvitund, s Dec. 28 1999
137.       Ráða erfðir langlífi? Klukkan í genunum, s Jan. 02 2000
138.       Hvert stefna vísindin á nýrri öld? Frá eðlisfræði til líffræði, s Jan. 06 2000
139.       Blönduðust Neanderdalsmenn nútímamönnum? Aldursgreining gamalla beina, s Jan. 17 2000
140.       Hver er kvaðratrótin af fíl? Samband á milli þyngdar og ævilengdar dýra, s Jan. 21 2000
141.       Hvernig myndast þungir kjarnar? Fiseindir og sprengistjörnur, s Feb. 08 2000
142.       Kunna apar að telja? Tölur og málleysi, s Feb. 14 2000
143.       Af hverju hefur heimurinn fjórar víddir? Víddirnar sem krulluðust upp, Feb. 21 2000