
Mahmoud Hassan, Adjunct

School:School of Technology / Department of Engineering 


 2011 Reykjavik University/ University of Technology of Compiegne (France), PhD, Biomedical Engineering

2008 University of Technology of Compiegne (France), MSc, Biomedical Engineering

2007 Islamic University of Lebanon, BSc, Biomedical Engineering


 2011 Reykjavik University, PostDoctoral position

RU teaching record

2023-1T-863-NEURNeural Engineering
2012-1T-306-MERKSignals and Systems

Teaching outside RU

 Teaching at the University of Technology of Compiegne (UTC)-France

 1.  From Integretad circuit to Microprocessor

 2. Computer Science and its applications


My current research interests include biomedical signal processing with special interest in Blind Source Separation and nonlinear analysis.  

Nonlinear analysis: Evaluated different nonlinear methods (Complexity, Entropy…) applied to the prediction of preterm labor.

Synchronization methods: Exploited methods applied to the analysis of ‘Brain Connectivity such as amplitude (nonlinear correlation…), phase (phase synchronization indexes…) and generalized synchronization (State space analysis) for the uterine cells connectivity analysis.

 Time frequency analysis:  Studied the different methods analyzing Time-Frequency relationships between signals especially the wavelet-based methods (scalogram, wavelet coherence, wavelet phase synchronization…).

Blind source separation: Developed a novel combination between Blind source separation based on the canonical correlation analysis (BSS_CCA) and Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) to denoised the uterine EMG signals. All compared with Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and wavelet. 

Multivariate analysis: modeled uterine EMG signals by Multivariate Autoregressive Model (MVAR) and proposed Time Varying version (TV-MVAR).

Brain analysis : Exploited different applications of signal processing methods on EEG signals especially from the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) and Epilepsy researches.


Honours and grants

Best PhD thesis Award - University of Technology of Compiegne (UTC), France 2012. 


Best Final project in Biomedical engineering, Lebanon 2007.


Grant from the French government for master and PhD studies





IEEE transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (CMPB)

IEEE Medicine and Biology Society conference (EMBS)

European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)



Journal papers

Hassan M., Boudaoud S., Terrien J., Karlsson B., Marque C. Combination of Canonical Correlation Analysis and Empirical Mode Decomposition applied to denoising the labor Electrohysterogram. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2011 Sep; 58(9): 2441- 7. Epub 2011 May 10.

Hassan M., Terrien J., Marque C., Karlsson B. Comparison between approximates entropy, correntropy and time reversibility: Application to uterine EMG signals. Medical Engineering & Physics Volume 33, Issue 8, October 2011, Pages 980-986.

Hassan M., Terrien J., Karlsson B., Marque C. Interactions between uterine EMG at different sites investigated using wavelet analysis: comparison of pregnancy and labor contractions. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Volume 2010 (2010).

Hassan M., Terrien J., Karlsson B., Marque C. Application of wavelet coherence to the detection of uterine electrical activity synchronization in labor. IRBM, Volume 31, Issue 3, June 2010, Pages 182-187.


Hassan M., Terrien J., Alexandersson A., Marque C., Karlsson B. Improving the classification rate of labor vs. normal pregnancy contractions by using EHG multichannel recordings. 32st Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2010.

Hassan M., Terrien J., Alexandersson A., Marque C., Karlsson B. Nonlinearity of EHG signals used to distinguish active labor from normal pregnancy contractions. 32st Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2010.

Terrien J., Hassan M., Alexandersson A., Marque C., Karlsson B. Evolution of phase synchronization of the two frequency components of the electrohysterogram (EHG): Application to the detection of human labor. 32st Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2010. 

Hassan M., Terrien J., Alexandersson A., Karlsson B., Marque C. Wavelet phase synchronization between EMG at different uterine sites: Comparison of pregnancy and labor contractions. MEDICON Porto Carras, Chalkidiki, Greece. May, 2010.

Moslem B., Hassan M., Khalil M., Marque C., Diab M.O. Monitoring the progress of pregnancy and detecting labor using uterine electromyography. ISBB2009, Melbourne, Australia, December 2009.

Hassan M., Terrien J., Karlsson B., Marque C. Coherence and phase relationship analysis of the two main frequency components of EHG, as observed by complex wavelet transform. In Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC2009) - Munich - Germany, pp 2219- 2222, September 2009.

Hassan M., Terrien J., Karlsson B., Marque C. Spatial analysis of uterine EMG signals: evidence of increased in synchronization with term. In Proceedings of the 31th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, pp 6296-6299, September 2009.

Terrien J., Hassan M., Germain G., Marque C., Karlsson B. Nonlinearity testing in the case of non Gaussian surrogates, applied to improving analysis of synchronicity in uterine contraction. In Proceedings of the 31th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 3477-3480, September 2009.

Terrien J., Hassan M., Karlsson B., Marque C. Use of piecewise stationary segmentation as a pre-treatment for synchronization measures. 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vancouver, Canada, 2661-2664, September 2008.

Hassan M., Terrien J., Karlsson B., Marque C. Analyse spatiale de l’activité électrique utérine: Une augmentation de la propagation avec les semaines de grossesse. Recherche en Imagerie et Technologie pour la Sante (RITS). Rennes, France. April 2011.

Hassan M., Terrien J., Karlsson B., Marque C. Time-varying multivariate autoregressive model applied to labor detection International Conference on advances in Biomedical engineering (ICABME). Lebanon. July 2011.

Ayachi F., Hassan M., Boudaoud S., Karlsson B., Marque C. CCA-EMD method applied to denoise monopolar sEMG recordings. International Conference on advances in Biomedical engineering (ICABME). Lebanon. July 2011.

Chkeir A., Hassan M., Karlsson B. and Marque C Etude de l’analyse spatiale des signaux EMG utérin par la corrélation non- linéaire. International Conference on advances in Biomedical engineering (ICABME). Lebanon. July 2011.