
Marina Candi, Professor. Director of the RU Center for Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

School:School of Social Sciences / Department of Business and Economics 
Location:Úransu, 2nd floor 
Office hours:Please send an email to book a meeting 

 CV; Marinu Candi


2008 Ph.D. Business from Copenhagen Business School, Doctoral School on Knowledge and Management. Thesis title: "Aesthetic Design as an Element of Service Innovation in New Technology-based Firms".

1985 MSc Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. Master’s thesis in the field of artificial intelligence.


2006-current Member of Board of Directors of Betware

2011-current Member of Board of Directors of Auðkenni
2010-2011 Member of Board of Directors of Fjölgreiðslumiðlun
1999-2007  Member of Board of Directors of ANZA
1998-2004  Various executive management positions at ANZA, an IT outsourcing provider in Reykjavik
1994-1998  Project management and software development at Margmidlun, an ISP provider in Reykjavik
1990-1994  Independent IT consultant
1985-1990  Systems Programmer at Asymetrix Corporation (now SumTotal), Bellevue, WA, USA

RU teaching record

2024-1V-713-INNMInnovation Management
2023-1V-713-INNMInnovation Management
2022-1V-713-INNMInnovation Management

Teaching outside RU

2011 Invited guest lecturer Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands), Master´s program in the Strategic Value of Design

2011 Invited guest lecturer Nowy Sacz Business School, National-Louis University, Poland, Master´s program in Innovation 

2009 Invited guest lecturer at a research seminar in the Nottingham University (U.K.) Business School Centre for Concurrent Enterprise.

2009 Course on Innovation in Technology-based Firms in Klak´s Entrepreneurship Program.

2008 Invited guest lecturer at a research seminar in the the Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands) Centre for Research on Product Innovation Management.

2008 Advisor in Klak´s Entrepreneurship Program

1996 Taught a course on the design and creation of multimedia teaching aids for the University of Iceland Continuing Education with Freyr Thorarinsson.

1983-1985 University of Washington, teaching assistant, various courses in the department of Electrical Engineering


Current research projects:
Transforming SMEs in Creative Sectors through Business Model Innovation. Large research project on business model innovation in creative sectors funded by of the European Union under the Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnership and Pathways program. Project duration 2013-2016.
Transforming SMEs into successful experience stagers. Research project involving case studies and active research in collaboration with the University of Nottingham Centre for Concurrent Enterprise. Funding provided by of the European Union under Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnership and Pathways. Project duration 2010-2013.
The Relationship between Aesthetic Design and Innovation Performance. Research on the use of aesthetic design in Icelandic firms in collaboration with the Delft University of Technology. Funded by the Icelandic Research Fund. Project start 2010.
The effectiveness of industrial design in Dutch firms. Research project funded by the Dutch Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Dutch Professional Design Association. Collaboration with Erasmus University´s Rotterdam School of Management and Delft University of Technology. Project start 2009.
Founding, growth and development of Icelandic technology-based firms. Longitudinal panel study on new and young Icelandic firms started in 2005.
Past research projects:
Service design as an element of innovation in new technology-based firms. Research project encompassing case research and longitudinal quantitative research resulting in Ph.D. thesis. Funded by the Icelandic Research Fund.

Honours and grants

2013 Research grant from the EU FP7 Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) program for the project entitled Business Model Innovation in Creative Sectors (project lead, other partners: Nowy Sacz Business School, Poland and industry partners in Iceland, Denmark and Poland). Four-year project.

2012 Research grant from the EU Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation program for a project on E-Commerce-based Innovation (co-proposer, other partners: International University College, Bulgaria, Vilniaus dizaino kolegija, Lithuania and three industry partners). Two-year project.

2010 Research grant by the EU FP7 Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) program for the project entitled Transforming SMEs into Successful Experience Stagers (project lead, other partners: Nottingham University, three SMEs in the UK and Denmark). Three-year project.

2010 Research grant by the Icelandic Research Fund for the project entitled The Relationship between Aesthetic Design and Innovation Performance (with Rögnvaldur Sæmundsson, Reykjavik University and Gerda Gemser, Delft University of Technology). Three-year project.

2006 Position as guest researcher at the Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research at Stanford University

2005 Research grant by Rannís for my PhD research project

2005 NordForsk travel grant for PhD course in Denmark.

1983 Financial support for graduate studies at the University of Washington, Seattle, in the form of a teaching assistantship.

Subject field

Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship

Subject field

Innovation Management and Service Design

Business relations

Boards of Directors:

Member of ANZA´s board of directors from 1999 to 2007.
Member of Betware´s board of directors from 2006.
Member of FGM´s (Fjolgreidslumidlun) board of directors from 2010 to 2011.
Member of Auðkenni´s board of directors from 2011.  
Presentations at Industry Events:
New Passages: Conference on Iceland´s Design Policy, August 2011.
Keynote speaker at Nowy Sacz Business School Conference on Innovation and Co-operation, June 2011.
ÍMARK (Icelandic Marketing Association) Conference, December 2010.
Other Participation in Industry Events:
Juror in the Good Design 2011 Competition held in Warsaw, Poland by the Instytut Wzornictwa Przemysłowego.
Participation in International Business Conferences:
2005 Tier 1 Research Hosting Transformation Summit, Las Vegas
2004 3rd Annual Business Continuity and Infrastructure Security Conference, New York
2003 Corbett European Outsourcing Summit, Brussels
2003 Gartner Outsourcing and IT Services Summit, London
2001 FastCompany RealTime Conference, Philadelphia
1999 CIO Perspectives Conference, IT Triage: Managing in a State of Continuous Emergency, Phoenix


The Icelandic Ministry of Finance's committee for the Y2K-issue in computers and technical equipment (1998-1999)


Articles in peer-reviewed academic journals:

Beltagui, A., Candi, M. (forthcoming) Revisiting Service Quality through the Lens of Experience-Centric Services. Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Operations and Production Management.

Roberts, D., Candi, M., Hughes, M. (forthcoming) Leveraging Social Network Sites for New Product Launch. Accepted for publication in Industrial Management & Data Systems.

Beltagui, A., Sigurdsson, K., Candi, M., Riedel, J. (2017) Articulating the Service Concept in Professional Service Firms. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Service Management.

Beltagui, A., Candi, M., Riedel, J. C. (2016). Setting the stage for service experience: design strategies for functional services. Journal of Service Management, 27(5), 751-772.

Candi, M. (2016). Contributions of design emphasis, design resources and design excellence to market performance in technology-based service innovation. Technovation, 55, 33-41.

Marion, T., Roberts, D., Candi, M., Barczak, G. (2016) Customizing your Social Strategy to the Platform. MIT Sloan Management Review.

Candi, M., & Kahn, K. B. (2016). Functional, emotional, and social benefits of new B2B services. Industrial Marketing Management, 57, 177-184.

Kristinsson, K., Candi, M., & Sæmundsson, R. J. (2016). The relationship between founder team diversity and innovation performance: The moderating role of causation logic. Long Range Planning, 49(4), 464-476.
Candi, M., van den Ende, J., & Gemser, G. (2016). Benefits of Customer Codevelopment of New Products: The Moderating Effects of Utilitarian and Hedonic Radicalness. Journal of Product Innovation Management.

Beltagui, A., Darler, W. and Candi, M. (2015). Measuring the Deliverable and Impressible Dimensions of Service Experience. Creativity and Innovation Management, 24(3): 478.

Roberts, D. and Candi, M. (2014). Leveraging Social Network Sites in New Product Development:  Opportunity or Hype? Journal of Product Innovation Management.
Saemundsson, R.J. and Candi, M. (2014). Antecedents of Innovation Strategies in New Technology-Based Firms: Interactions between the Environment and Founder Team Composition. Journal of Product Innovation Management.


Candi, M., van den Ende, J., Gemser, G. (2013). Organizing Innovation Projects under Technological Turbulence. Technovation, 33: 133–141..


Candi, M., Beltagui, A., Riedel, J. (2013). Innovation through experience staging: Motives and outcomes. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(2): 279–297.


Gemser, G., Candi, M., Van den Ende, J. (2011). How Design Can Improve Firm Performance. Design Management Review.


Candi, M. and Saemundsson, R. (2011) Exploring the relationship between aesthetic design as an element of new service development and performance.Journal of Product Innovation Management.


Candi, M. (2010) Benefits of aesthetic design as an element of new service development. The Journal of Product Innovation Management., 27(7).


Candi, M. and Gemser, G. (2010) An Agenda for Research on the Relationships between Industrial Design and Performance. The International Journal of Design, December 2010.


Candi, M. (2010) The Sound of Silence: Re-visiting Silent Design in the Internet Age. Design Studies, 31(2), 187-202.


Candi, M. and Saemundsson, R. (2008) How Different? Comparing the use of Design in Service Innovation in Nordic and American New Technology-based Firms. Design Studies, 29(5), 478-499.


Candi, M. and Saemundsson, R. (2008) Oil in Water? Explaining Differences in Aesthetic Design Emphasis in New Technology-based Firms. Technovation,28(7).


Candi, M. (2007). The Role of Design in the Development of Technology-Based Services. Design Studies, 28(6).


Candi, M. (2006). Design as an Element of Innovation: Evaluating Design Emphasis in Technology-based Firms. International Journal of Innovation Management, 10(4).


Book chapters:

Jasieński M, Rzeźnik M, Candi M (2013) Understanding and innovating business models: some basic methodological issues. In: “Innovations in Management and Production Engineering” (ed. R. Knosala), pp. 51-58.


Beltagui, A., Candi, M. and Riedel J. (2012) Designing in the experience economy. In: Zou, S & Swan, S (Eds.) Interdisciplinary Approaches to International Marketing: Creative Research on Branding, Product Design/Innovation, and Strategic Thought/Social Entrepreneurship. Advances in International Marketing Series, Vol. 23. UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Winner of the Outstanding Author Contribution Award by the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013.


Conference publications:

Candi, M. (2015) Design in technology-based service innovation. R&D Management Conference 2015, Pisa. Winner of the R&D Management Conference Best Paper Award.
Melia, M., Candi, M., Colurcio, M. (2015) Well-being: A New Dimension to Address in Business Models. Naples Forum on Service 2015, Naples.
Rzeznik, M., Jasienski, M., Candi, M. (2015) Internal and External Relationships in Small Firm Business Models. 15th EURAM Conference, Warsaw.
Candi, M., Colurcio, M., Melia, M. (2015) Service Business Models: Considering the Social Dimension. R&D Management Conference 2015, Pisa.
Marion, T., Roberts, D., Barczak, G., Candi, M. (2015) DEVELOPING SOCIAL STRATEGIES FOR NPD: A CAPABILITY MODEL FRAMEWORK. The 22nd International Product Development Management Conference, Copenhagen.
Candi, M. (2014) The innovation mix in young technology-based firms. The Product Development and Management Association International Conference Research Forum, Denver.
Gemser, G. and Candi, M. (2014) Examining designers’ ability to predict new service success. The NordDesign2014 Conference.
Candi, M., Roberts, D., Marion, T. and Barzcak, G. (2014). Driving Customer Contributions to NPD by Connecting People. The 21st International Product Development Management Conference, Limerick.
Birgisdottir, B.D., Gunnarsdottir, S. and Candi, M. (2014). Leading for Creativity: An Examination of the Relationship Between Servant Leadership and Creative Self-efficacy. The 21st International Product Development Management Conference, Limerick. Runner-up for the Tom Hustad best PhD student paper award.


Sigudsson, K., Beltagui, A. and Candi, M. (2014). Socially Responsible Business Model Innovation as a Driver for Service Innovation in SMEs. The 21st International Product Development Management Conference, Limerick.

Beltagui, A., Schmidt, T. and Candi, M. (2013). Hollow Cores and Empty Wallets:
Can customer communities in online services fill both? QUIS13 symposium, Karlstad, Sweden, June 2013


Roberts, D. and Candi, M. (2013). Antecedents of Customer Community Creation. The 20th International Product Development Management Conference, Paris.


Darler, W., Beltagui, A. and Candi, M. (2013). Development of a Holistic Customer Experience Measurement  Scale. The 20th International Product Development Management Conference, Paris.


Sigurdsson, K., Candi, M. and Riedel, J. (2013). Strategic Change as a Progenitor of New Service Development. The 20th International Product Development Management Conference, Paris.


Beltagui, A. and Candi, M. (2012) The Contribution of Instrumental and Expressive Service Components to Customer Satisfaction. The 5th EurOMA Service Operations Management Forum, Cambridge.


Candi, M., J. van den Ende and G. Gemser. (2012) To ask, to collaborate or to propose? Confronting Views on Customer involvement in Functional and Experiential Innovation. 2nd Annual Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Singapore.


Roberts, D. and M. Candi. (2012) Channelling the Power of Social Media for New Product Launch. The 19th International Product Development Management Conference, Manchester.


Candi, M. M. Creusen and G. Gemser. (2012) New Product Success through Experiential Augmentation. The 19th International Product Development Management Conference, Manchester.


Beltaugi A., M. Candi and J. Riedel. (2012) Measuring Customer Experience Quality in Services. The 19th International Product Development Management Conference, Manchester.


Candi, M. and M. Creusen. (2011) Service Innovativeness: Composition and Contributions to Business Performance. The Product Development and Management Association International Conference Research Forum, Phoenix.


Beltagui, A., Candi, M., Riedel, J. (2011). SOM methods to create compelling customer experiences. The 4th EurOMA Service Operations Management Forum, Florence, Italy, September.


Gemser, G., Candi, M., Van den Ende, J. (2011). Designer involvement in the idea phase of NPD and Innovativeness. The 18th International Product Development Management Conference, Delft.


Van den Ende, J., Candi, M., Gemser, G. (2011). Organizing NPD Projects: Two Types of Flexibility.The 18th International Product Development Management Conference, Delft.


Beltagui, A., Candi, M., Riedel, J. (2011). Developing a scale to measure customer experience. The 18th International Product Development Management Conference, Delft.


Candi, M. and Gemser, G. (2011). Predicting new service success: comparing evaluations of managers, customers and designers. Cambridge Academic Design Management Conference, Cambridge.


Candi, M. and Gemser, G. (2010). Who should be asked? A comparison of manager, customer and designer evaluations of service aesthetic design quality. The Product Development and Management Association International Conference Research Forum, Orlando.


Riedel, JCKH; Beltagui, A. & Candi, M. (2010) Experience based innovation: a typology of experience staging strategies, 15th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising, Lugano, Switzerland.

Candi, M. (2010) Where Does Design Contribute? The Contribution of Design to the Phases of New Product Development. Proceedings of the 17th International Product Development Management Conference, Murcia, Spain.

Beltagui, A; Candi, M. & Riedel, JCKH. (2010) Experience-based Innovation as a Means to Success in New Product Development. Proceedings of the 17th International Product Development Management Conference, Murcia, Spain.

Candi, M; Gemser, G. & van den Ende, J. (2010) Weighing Smoke and Counting Mirrors: Measuring Attention to the ‘Sixth Sense’ in New Product Development, Proceedings of the 2010 European Marketing Academy Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Candi, M. (2009) Aesthetic Design Emphasis and Technological Innovation Strategy in New Service Development: An Examination of Interactions. Proceedings of the Product Development and Management Association International Conference Research Forum, Anaheim, CA, USA.

Candi, M. and Saemundsson, R. (2008) Staying on the road to success: Understanding the Sources of Innovation Strategies in New Technology-Based Firms. Proceedings of the 2008 Strategic Management Society Conference, Cologne, Germany.

Candi, M. and Saemundsson, R. (2008). Aesthetic Design in Technology-Based New Service Development. Proceedings of the 15th International Product Development Management Conference, Hamburg, Germany.

Candi, M. and Saemundsson, R. (2008). Aesthetic design in new service development, performance and the distinguishing characteristics of services. Proceedings of the 2008 European Marketing Academy Conference, Brighton, UK.

Candi, M. and Saemundsson, R. (2007). The Relationship Between Aesthetic Design as an Element of Innovation and Competitive Advantage, Fact or Fad?. Proceedings of the Product Development and Management Association International Conference Research Forum, Orlando, FL, USA.

Candi, M. (2007). The Relationship Between Design as an Element of New Service Development and Performance: Evidence from New Technology-based Firms. Proceedings of the 14th International Product Development Management Conference, Porto, Portugal.

Candi, M. (2007). Benefits of Design Emphasis in New Service Development: Evidence from New Technology-based Firms. Proceedings of the 36th European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.


Candi, M. and Saemundsson, R. (2006). Oil in Water? Aesthetic Design Emphasis in Innovation among New Technology-based Firms. Proceedings of the 35th European Marketing Academy Conference, Athens, Greece.