
Michael Shannon Moorhead, Associate Proessor

School:School of Technology / Department of Applied Engineering 

RU teaching record

2024-3AT EÐL1003Physics
2024-3VT HVV3003Practical Project III
2024-3VT AFL1003Dynamics
2024-3AT TÆK1002Introduction to Engineering Design
2024-3VT SOS1003Fluid Flow and Turbomachinery
2024-1VT CPT1001Competition Project Team Experience
2024-1VT CPT2001Competition Project Team Experience
2024-1BT JAR3003Earthquake-Resistant Design
2024-1VT SVF1003Theory of Vibrations
2024-1VT STV1013Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics
2023-3AT EÐL1003Physics
2023-3VT HVV3003Practical Project III
2023-3VT AFL1003Dynamics
2023-3AT TÆK1002Introduction to Engineering Design
2023-3VT SOS1003Fluid Flow and Turbomachinery
2023-1VT SVF1003Theory of Vibrations
2023-1VT STV1013Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics
2022-3VT HVV3003Practical Project III
2022-3VT AFL1003Dynamics
2022-3VT STR1003Turbomachinery
2016-1T-420-HONXDesign X
2016-1BT REN1003Hydraulics
2016-1VT STV1003Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
2015-3T-316-LABBMeasurement Systems
2015-3R-M3Energy Technology
2015-3T-536-RENNFluid Dynamics