
Ólafur Haralds Wallevik, Professor

School:School of Technology / Department of Applied Engineering 


Dr. Ing., August 1990 at Technical University in Trondheim (Norges Tekniske Høgskole).

M.Sc. in civil engineering in 1984 at Technical University in Trondheim.

Graduated as carpenter (sveinspróf), summer 1979.

Finished the basic degree (frumgreinapróf) for university at the Icelandic College of Engineering and Technology, spring 1978.


·      Director (forstöðumaður) of Icelandic Building Research, IBRI (Rannsóknastofa byggingariðnaðarins, Rb) at ICI from 2016

·      Gest Professor at China Building Material Academy from February 2014

·      Professor (adjunct) at Sherbrooke University, Canada from 2010 to end 2013

·      Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure, Norway from 2013 

·      Head of basic research (forstöðumaður) Innovation Centre Iceland (Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands) from 2007 to 2016

·      Professor at Reykjavik University from March 2007.

·      Engaged at the Icelandic Building Research Institute in 1991 as the head of the concrete division until the merge with ITI (and became ICI) in 2007.  Manager of IBRI Rheocenter from August 2003.

·      Senior research engineer (Senior forsker) at the NTH* 1990-1991.

·      Dr. Ing Stipendiat at the NTH* 1986-1990. 

·      Engineer (Research Fellow) at the NTH*, from 1983-1986.


*NTH: Norges Tekniske Høgskole or The Norwegian Institute of Technology and is now Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

RU teaching record

2025-1BT UVB1003Sustainable Urban Development
2024-3AT AÐF1002Research Methods
2024-3BT LOK1010Final Project
2024-3AT RNS3003Research project in applied engineering
2024-1BT UVB1003Sustainable Urban Development
2023-3BT EFN1005Construction Materials
2023-3AT RNS3003Research project in applied engineering
2023-3BI EFN1013Concrete - Material Properties and Maintenance
2023-1BT UVB1003Sustainable Urban Development
2022-1BT UVB1003Sustainable Urban Development
2020-3BT UVB1003Sustainable Urban Development
2019-1T-845-CONRSustainable Concrete Technology
2018-3T-848-ECOSSustainability and durability of concrete
2017-3T-848-ECOSSustainability and durability of concrete
2017-1T-845-RHEORheology of Cementitious Materials
2016-3T-800-STARInternship in MSc Engineering
2016-3T-848-ECOSSustainability and durability of concrete
2014-3T-848-RANNResearch Project in Concrete Technology
2014-1T-846-INDUConcrete Technology for the Industry
2014-1T-848-RANNResearch Project in Concrete Technology
2013-3T-847-CHEMChemical Admixture for Concrete
2013-3T-845-RHEORheology of Cementitious Materials
2013-3T-849-RANNResearch Project in Concrete Technology
2013-3T-848-ECOSSustainability and durability of concrete
2013-1T-846-INDUConcrete Technology for the Industry
2013-1T-846-DURADurability and Repair of Concrete
2012-3T-847-CHEMChemical Admixture for Concrete
2012-3T-846 HPCSHigh Performance Concrete
2012-3T-848-ECOSSustainability and durability of concrete
2012-1T-841-CONCAdvanced Concrete Technology I
2012-1T-844-CEMECement – Colloid Chemistry and Microstructure
2012-1T-847-CHEMChemical Admixture for Concrete
2012-1T-846-DURADurability and Repair of Concrete
2012-1T-843-NONNIntroduction to Rheology and Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
2011-3T-845-RHEORheology of Cementitious Materials
2011-1T-841-CONCAdvanced Concrete Technology I
2011-1T-844-CEMECement – Colloid Chemistry and Microstructure
2011-1T-846-DURADurability and Repair of Concrete
2010-3T-846-RHEORheology of fresh concrete
2010-3T-848-CONCConcrete technology
2010-3T-841-ECOCSustainable and durable concrete
2010-1T-841-CONCAdvanced Concrete Technology I
2010-1T-846-DURADurability and Repair of Concrete
2010-1T-900-MEISMSc Thesis
2009-3T-846-INDUConcrete Technology for the Industry
2009-1T-841-CONCAdvanced Concrete Technology I
2009-1T-844-CEMECement – Colloid Chemistry and Microstructure
2009-1T-846-DURADurability and Repair of Concrete
2008-3T-842-CONCAdvanced Concrete Technology II
2008-3T-845-RHEORheology of Cementitious Materials
2008-3BT EFN2013Concrete Technology
2008-1T-841-CONCAdvanced Concrete Technology I
2008-1T-844-CEMECement – Colloid Chemistry and Microstructure
2008-1T-847-CHEMChemical Admixture for Concrete
2008-1T-846-DURADurability and Repair of Concrete
2008-1T-847-DURADurability and Repair of Concrete II
2008-1T-899-MEISMSc Thesis
2008-1T-900-MEISMSc Thesis
2008-1T-901-MEI2MSc thesis II
2007-3T-842-CONCAdvanced Concrete Technology II
2007-3T-846-INDUConcrete Technology for the Industry
2007-3T-845-RHEORheology of Cementitious Materials
2007-1T-841-CONCAdvanced Concrete Technology I
2007-1T-844-CEMECement – Colloid Chemistry and Microstructure
2007-1T-847-CHEMChemical Admixture for Concrete
2007-1T-846-DURADurability and Repair of Concrete
2006-3T-845-RHEORheology of Cementitious Materials
2006-3T-842-REPOResearch Methods in Reporting and Presentation
2005-3BT EFN2013Concrete Technology

Teaching outside RU

Rheology courses taught
Well over 20 so-called "Dr. Wallevik Rheology Course" in over 15 countries.  Generally a 2 days course (but occasionally 1 or 3 days course). Germany 1996, Reykjavík 1997, USA 1998, Reykjavík 1999, Sweden May 2000, Denmark May 2000, Sweden October 2000, Netherlands (TU Delft) November 2000, Norway June 2001, USA August 2001, Germany November 2001, Boston USA December 2001, China January 2002, Sweden January 2002, Sweden June 2002, Canada 2003, Iceland August 2003, Cleveland USA March 2004, Brussel Belgium Oct. 2004, New Zealand August 2005, Finland Oct. 2005. 

6 days PhD course at DTU, Denmark with other lecturers, (OW had significant part of the lectures), August 2002.

Course compendium for the Dr. Wallevik Rheology Course (a booklet), “IBRI at your services”, 2002, p. 214.

Some presentations at international conferences and universities.

  • Practical use of the BML viscometer, Rilem Workshop:  Special Concrete - Workability and Mixing Paisley, Scotland 2.-3. March 1993.
  • Effect of Filler Materials on Rheological Properties of Fresh Concrete (Co-authors: Gjörv O., Saasen A.,), Rilem Workshop:  Special Concrete - Workability and Mixing Paisley, Scotland 2.-3. March 1993.
  • Rheology of fresh concrete, ConChem Conference Wiesbaden, Germany, 17.-18. January 1994.
  • Rheology of high strength concrete (Invited lecture), Conference:  Rheologische Messungen an mineralischen Baustoffmischung.  Regensburg, 5.-6. February 1994.
  • Electrokinetics and Rheological Behavior of Cement Suspension.  Weimar University Germany 20. October 1995.
  • Practical use of Rheology.  Conference:  Rheologische Messungen on mineralischen Baustoff¬mischung.  Regensburg Technical University, 3.-4. February 1996.
  • New development in concrete technology:  10th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Gothenburg, June 2.-6. 1997.
  • Mix Design of HPC by optimizing the Rheology of the Cement Paste:  10th Int. Cong. on the Chem. of Cement, Gothenburg June 2.-6. 1997.
  • Coagulation Rate Theory for Particle Suspension:  Nordic Rheology Conference, 6.-9. Reykjavik August 1997.
  • Some Aspect of Rheology of Self-Compacting Concrete, Rheology Workshop, Regensburg, February 2001 (invited lecture).
  • Fundamental rheology properties and testing techniques of SCC, NCR Workshop on Rheology of SCC, Trondheim, April 2001(invited lecture).
  • Rheology of Cement Suspensions Like SCC, International workshop on SCC, Paisley, June, 2001 (invited).
  • Rheology of Fresh Concrete, Beijing University, January 2002.
  • Mechanism of dispersing admixtures, Cementa workshop for ready mix industry, January 2002 (invited lecture).
  • Interactions between cement and different types of dispersing admixtures, Cementa workshop for Pre-cast industry, February 2002 (invited lecture).
  • Some thumb rules regarding SCC, Rheologische Messungen on mineralischen Baustoffmischung.  Regensburg Technical University, 12.-13. Mars 2002 (invited lecture).
  • Rheology of fresh concrete, SF Day at Our World of Concrete, Singapore, August 2002 (invited lecture).
  • Silica fume in SCC, SF Day at Our World of Concrete, Singapore, August 2002 (invited lecture).
  • Rheology of SCC, ACI Convention, Arisona, Nov. 2002 (invited).
  • Various viscosity of SCC, Nordic Concrete Day, Stockholm Nov. 2002 (invited).
  • Rheology of cementious materials, NCR Demark June 2002 (invited).
  • Selbstverdichtender Beton - Der Beton der Zukunft !,  Rheologische Messungen on mineralischen Baustoffmischung.  Regensburg Technical University, 13.-14. Mars 2003.
  • The water-cut system for dispersing admixture, SP Canmet Conference, Berlin Oct. 2004.
  • Robustness, testing and Thixotropy of Self Consolidating Concrete, ACBM seminar North Western University, Chicago, January 2005 (invited).
  • Rheology of Fresh Concrete, TU Chang Cha, Beijing May 2005.
  • Eco-SCC in Kárahnjúka Dam, TU Chang Cha, Beijing, May 2005.
  • Admixture for the future – Interactions with cement, 30th Our world in Concrete, Singapore, August 2005 (invited). 
  • Do stabilizers increase viscosity?, 30th Our world in Concrete, Singapore, August 2005 (invited). 
  • 4th Rilem Symposium: SCC 2005 USA, The opening lecture, Why is SCC so various from country to country?, October 2006 (invited).
  • Self Compacting Concrete, NUS, Singapore, December 2005.
  • The Kárahnúkar Dam, NUS, Singapore, December 2005.
  • SCC is different in different countries, second opening lecture at ICCX congress, Berlin, December 2006 (invited).
  • Problems of Formwork Pressure when Using SCC, ACI Convention, Charlotte, March, 2006 (invited).
  • Mix-design of SCC in the Nordic Countries, Nordic SCC-Net conference, Copenhagen, June, 2006 (invited).
  • Concrete Around the World, 31st Our World in Concrete, Singapore, August 2006 (invited). 
  • Some Aspects of Material Technology in Pre-cast Industry, 31st Our World in Concrete, Singapore, August 2006.
  • iBausil, Germany, September, 2006 (invited).
  • Christchurch, New Zealand, October, 2006 (invited).
  • Golden Bay seminar, Auckland, New Zealand, October, 2006.
  • Auckland University, Auckland, New Zealand, October, 2006 (invited).

Honours and grants

Receiving the Night Cross of the Falcon Order for the contribution to environmental friendly build materials. The Falcon Order is the highest honor one can receive in Iceland.
That the “Our World in Concrete and Structure (OW11)” conference was dedicated to Olafur H. Wallevik in Singapore, 14-16 August 2011.
The “Nordic Concrete Federation Medal” was awarded to Olafur H. Wallevik 31st of May 2011 in Finland.
An award at the 9th CANMET/ACI International Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology for sustained and outstanding contributions in the broad area of concrete technology, Warsaw, May 2007.
The award (Grands Prix Québécois du Béton) for “Science, Research and Education” from Association Béton Québec in 2004 together with professor Kamal Khayat, Uni. of Sherbrooke for a course on rheology, admixture and SCC. This is in particular appreciated, as the course was in English in a French speaking area.

Subject field

Rheology of Fresh Concrete, High Performance Concrete, High Strength Concrete, Self-Compacting Concrete and Microstructures.


  • Member of International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures (Rilem), American Concrete Institute (ACI), Federation International du Beton (fib), Icelandic Concrete Federation, Nordic Rheology Society (NRS), British Society of Rheology.
  • Chairman of the Scientific Commission in Nordic Concrete Federation 1997-2000 (NCR).
  • Vice-president of Nordic Rheology Society 1994-1999.
  • Chairman of the the Rilem committee on workability/rheology of fresh concrete (TC RFC).
  • Member of several other RILEM committees:  High Strength Concrete (TC 115), Workability of concrete (TC 145), Self Compacting Concrete (TC 174), Shrinkage (TC SRA), Casting of SCC (TC CSC), Durability of SCC. 
  • Chairman of the committee on Rheology of Fresh Concrete (TC RFC).
  • Member of one FIB and a few ACI committees.
  • Chairman of the scientific committee of 3rd Int. Rilem Symposium of SCC, Reykjavik, 2003 and 4th Int. Rilem & 2nd North America Symposium of SCC Chicago 2005.
  • Honorary member of the Icelandic Concrete Federation, February 2002.


Presentations and publications for ICF
Presentations and publications at the Annual Symposium of the Icelandic Concrete Federation
(in Icelandic):

2008 High Performance concrete

2007  Real innovation in concrete technology in Iceland 
2006  Environmental friendly concrete 
2005  Cement – How will it change in the nearest future 
2004  New generation of structural fibers for concrete
2003  Introduction to the SCC Iceland 2003
2001  Introduction to Rheology
2000  Bridge repair, using SCC  (Co-author: Indriði Níelsson)
1999  SCC – The concrete of the 21. century (Co-authors: Indriði Níelsson, Haukur Helgason)
1998  New generation dispersing admixtures
1996  Wearing resistance of concrete in roads
1995  Plastic shrinkage in concrete
1994  New materials and technology in concrete
1992  High strength concrete

Some publications and papers (before 1995)

1.          Wallevik, O.H., Gjorv, O.E., "Rheology of Fresh Concrete", Advances in Cement Manufacture and Use, Eng. Found. Conf. Potosi, MI 133, 1988, pp. 133-134.

2.          Wallevik, O.H., Gjorv, O.E., Modification of the 2-Point Workability Apparatus, Magazine of Concrete Research, 42 (152), September, 1990, pp. 135-142 (reviewed).

3.          Wallevik, O. H., Gjørv, O. E., “Development of a Coaxial Cylinder Viscometer for Fresh Concrete”, Properties of Fresh Concrete Proceedings of the Rilem Colloquium. Chapman & Hall. Hanover, October, 1990, pp. 213-224.

Publications and papers (since 1995)

4.          Wallevik, O., Gjorv, O., Saasen A., Effect of Filler Materials on Rheological Properties of Fresh Concrete, ACI Material Journal 524, 1995 (reviewed).

5.          Wallevik, O., Iversen, K., Rheological approach in mix-design of very high strength concrete.  Paper presented at ConChem Int. Congress 1995 in Brüssel.

6.          Wallevik, O., Kjellsen, K.O., A Microstructural and Microanlytical Study of High Strength Concrete with Porous Aggregates, Proceedings: Utilization of High Strength/High Performance Concrete, Paris, May, 1996, pp. 471-478 (reviewed).

7.          Wallevik, O., Simmerman, T., Effect of Some Plasticisers on the Rheological Behavior of Fresh Cement Paste, Proceedings:  Production Methods and Workability of Concrete, E & FN Spon, Glasgow, June, 1996, pp. 307-318.0

8.          Wallevik, O., Jankovik, D., Rheological Measurements on Fresh Mortar with a New Measurement System on the BML Viscometer.  Nordic Rheology Conference, Stavanger, June, 1996, p. 4.

9.          Nehdi, M., Wallevik, O.H., Saasen, A., Gjorv, O.E., Effect of filler materials on the rheological properties of fresh concrete”, ACI Materials Journal 93 (4), JUL-AUG, 1996, pp. 396-398 (reviewed).

10.       Wallevik, O., “The Use of BML Viscometer for Quality Control of Concrete,” Concrete Research, Nordic Concrete Research, Espoo, Finland, 1996, pp. 235 to 236.

11.       Kjellsen, K.O., Wallevik, O.H., A Study of the transition interfacial zone of high-performance concrete. ”Nordic Concrete Research”, Aug 1996, Espoo, Finland.

12.       Wallevik, O.H., Effect Thickening Agents on the Rheology of Fresh Mortar, Transactions of Nordic Rheology Society, Vol. 5, 1997, pp. 112-115.

13.       Kjellsen, K.O., Detwiler, R.J., Wallevik, O.H., Microstructural Examination of an 8 Years Old Silica Fume Concrete Deck Overlay, 9th Int. Conference on Cement Microscopy, Cincinnati, USA, April, 1997, pp. 56-64.

14.       Kjellsen, K.O., Wallevik, O.H., Fjallberg, L., Microstructure and Microchemistry of the Paste-Aggregate Interface Transition Zone of High-Performance Concrete, paper submitted to “Journal of Advances in Cement Research, 1998, 10 no. 1, pp. 33-40 (reviewed).

15.       Wallevik, O., “Effect of high grade lignosulfonate based material for formulation of superplasticizer”, Borregaard Symposium on Workability and Workability Retention, Sarpsborg, September 1998, p. 7.

16.       Wallevik, O., “A brief introduction to the Hattori-Izumi theory”, Borregaard Sym¬posium on Workability and Workability Retention, Sarpsborg, September 1998, p. 9.

17.       Wallevik, O.,  Iversen, K., “Rheological approach in mix design of very high strength concrete”, Borregaard Symposium on Workability and Workability Retention, Sarpsborg, September 1998, p. 13.

18.       Wallevik, O., “Practical description of the rheology of fresh concrete, Borregaard Sym­posium on Workability and Workability Retention, Sarpsborg, September 1998, p. 20.

19.       Wallevik, O., Nielsson, I., “A rheological approach in mix design of self compacting concrete, Borregaard Symposium on Workability and Workability Retention Sarpsborg, September 1998, p. 20.

20.       Wallevik, O., “Introduction to Rheology”, Borregaard Symposium on Workability and Workability Retention, Sarpsborg, September 1998, p. 23.

21.       Wallevik, J.E., Wallevik, O.H., Effect of eccentricity and tilting in coaxial cylinder viscometer when testing cement paste, Nordic Concrete Research,  Oslo, August, 1998.  pp. 144-152 (reviewed).

22.       Kjellsen, K., Wallevik, O., Hallgren, M., “On the Compressive Strength Development of High Performance Concrete and Paste – Effect of Silica Fume”, Material and Structures, Vol. 32, January-February 1999, pp 63-69 (reviewed).

23.       Wallevik. O., Nielsson, I., “Self Compacting Concrete – A Rheological Approach”, International Workshop on SCC, Kochi, Japan {JSCE Concrete Engineering Series no. 30}, August, 1998, pp. 136-159.

24.       Nielsson, I., Wallevik, O, "Mix Design of Self Compacting Concrete for Bridge Repair" NCR 1999, Reykjavik, August 1999, p. 3.

25.       Wallevik, O., "Some Aspects of Rheology of Fresh Concrete", keynote lectures, NCR 1999, Reykjavik, August 1999, p. 3.

26.       Guðmundsson, G., Wallevik, O., "Concrete in an Aggressive Environment", NCR 1999, Reykjavik, August 1999, p. 3.

27.       Wallevik, O.H., Thorvaldsson, J.I., "Nordic Concrete Research (NCR) on the Internet", NCR 1999, Reykjavik, August 1999, p. 4.

28.       Wallevik, O.H., Nielsson, I., Thordarsson, B.J., “Air Entrainment as a Measure to Reduce Density of High Performance Light Weight Aggregate Concrete”, Int. Conference on LWAC, Kristjansand, June, 2000, p. 19.

29.       Wallevik, O.H., Nielsson, I., Thordarsson, B.J., “Some Aspects on Freeze and Thaw Durability of High Performance Natural Light Weight Aggregate Concrete”, Int. Conference on LWAC, Kristjansand, June, 2000, p. 11.

30.       Wallevik, O.H., “A Brief Introduction to the Hattori-Izumi Coagulation Rate Theory and Explanation of Workability Loss”, 6th Canmet/ACI International Conference on Superplasticizers …, Sup. papers, Nice, October, 2000, pp. 501-518.

31.       Kjellsen, K., Hallgren, M., Wallevik, O., “Fracture Mechanical Properties of High Performance Concrete – Influence of Silica Fume”, Material et Structures, Vol. 33, November 2000, pp 552-558. (reviewed)

32.       Geiker, M.R., Brandla, M., Thranea, L.N., Bager, D.B., Wallevik, O., “On the effect of measuring procedure on the apparent rheological properties of self-compacting concrete”, Cement and Concrete Research, Volume 32, Issue 11, November 2002, pp. 1791-1795, (reviewed).

33.       Wallevik, O.H., “Practical description of rheology of SCC”, SF Day at the Our World in Concrete, Singapore, August, 2002, p. 42.

34.       Berke, N.S., Cornman, C.R. Jeknavorian, A.A., Knithe, G.F., Wallevik, O., “The Effective use of Superplasticizers and Viscosity-Modifing Agents in Self-Consolidating Concrete”, First North American Conference on the Design and Use of SCC, Chicago, November 2002, pp. 173-178.

35.       Guðmundsson, G., Wallevik, O., "Concrete in an Aggressive Environment", Int. Rilem Workshop, Frost Damage in Concrete, Minnesota, June, 1999, (Rilem Proceedings, PRO 25, 2002) pp. 87-101.

36.       Wallevik, O.H., “Some Aspects of Rheology of Cement Based Particle Suspensions Such as Fresh Concrete”, ICCC Congress, Durban, May, 2003, p.5.

37.       Wallevik, O.H., “Rheology of Coarse Particle Suspension Such as Fresh Concrete”, Symposium on Industrial Rheology, Wales, June, 2005, p. 10.

38.       Wallevik, O.H., “Rheology – A Scientific Approach to Develop Self-Compacting Concrete”, 3rd Int. Symposium on SCC, Rilem, Reykjavik, August, 2003, pp. 23-31.

39.       Nielsson, I., Wallevik, O.H., “Mix Design of HS-SCC and Practical Application”, 3rd Int. Symposium on SCC, Rilem, Reykjavik, August, 2003, pp. 506-513.

40.       Nielsson, I., Wallevik, O.H., “Rheological Evaluation of some Empirical Test Methods – Preliminary Results”, 3rd Int. Symposium on SCC, Rilem, Reykjavik, August, 2003, pp. 59-68.

41.       Wallevik, O.H., “Role of Rheology in Developing New Breed of Concrete and Concrete Techniques”, Role of Concrete in Sustainable Development, Thomas Telford, September, 2003, Dundee, pp. 441-450.

42.       Fidjestol, P., Wallevik, O., Nielsson, I., Holton, I., “Topic Concrete: Rationale, “Development and Laboratory Performance of an Environ­mentally Friendly Concrete for Piling Application”, 3rd Int. Symposium on SCC, Rilem, Reykjavik, August, 2003, pp. 920-931.

43.       Wallevik, O.H., Nielsson, I., Editors, Rilem Proceedings no. 33, 3rd Int. Symposium on SCC, Rilem, Reykjavik, August, 2003, p. 1028.

44.       Godøy, H., Svindland, A., Saasen, A., Wallevik, O., “Experimental analysis of yield stress in high solids concentration sand slurries used in temporary well abandonement operations”, Transactions of Nordic Rheology Society, Vol. 12, 2004, pp. 81-84.

45.       Svavarsson, H., Wallevik, O.H., “Geothermal well cementing:  the effect of temperature and time on workability loss”, Transactions of Nordic Rheology Society, Vol. 12, 2004, pp. 123-126.

46.       Wallevik, O.H., “Rheology of Coarse Particle Suspension Such As Fresh Concrete”, Conference on Industrial Rheology, Chester, U.K., 2004, p. 10.

47.       Wallevik, O.H., “Why is Self Compacting Concrete so Different in Different Countries?”, ICCX Congress, Berlin, January, 2006, p. 8.

48.       Wallevik, O.H., “Various Way of Making SCC”, 31st OWIC, Singapore, August, 2006, p.11.

49.       Wallevik, O.H., “Rheology – A New Dimension in Concrete Technology”, iBausil, Germany, September, 2006, pp. 2_1417-2_1430.

50.       Kubens, S., Wallevik, O.H., “Interaction of cement and admixtures – The influence of cement deliveries on rheological properties”, iBausil,, Germany, September, 2006, pp. 1_0679-1_0686.

51.       Krage, G., Wallevik, O.H., “FR-SCC for bridge repair – A case study”, iBausil, Germany, September, 2006, pp. 2­_0159-2_169.

52.       Wallevik, O.H., “Use of Rheology to Develop and Optimize Self Compacting Concrete”, NZ Concrete Society Conference October, Christchurch, 2006, p. 12.

53.       G. Heirman, L. Vandewalle, D.V. emert, O., Wallevik, N., Cauberg, “Solving the Couette Inverse Problem for Herschel-Bulkley Fluids by Means of the Integration Method as an Application to Belgian Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC): Is it Possible?”, Rilem, Quebec, September, 2006, p. 15 (reviewed).

54.       Wallevik O.H., Kubens S., Pálsson H., Helgason B., Grétarsdóttir S., "Rheological and structural investigations on cement slurries", in Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, Vol. 15, Stavanger, 2007,  pp.43-48.

55.       Oesterheld, S., Wallevik, O. H., “Effect of Stabilizers on Thixotropy and Reduction of Formwork Pressure”, 5th Internatioanl Rilem Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Rilem, Ghent, Belgium, 3-5 September 2007, pp. 497-502.

56.       Wallevik O.H., Kubens S., Müller F., "Influence of cement-admixture interaction on the stability of production properties of SCC", 5th International RILEM Symposium on SCC, Ghent, Belgium, 2007, pp.211-216.

57.       Krage, G., Wallevik, O.H., “Rheology of synthetic-fiber reinforced SCC”, 5th Int. RILEM Symposium on SCC, Ghent, Belgium, Bagneux, pp. 347-352.

58.       Wallevik, O., Sandberg, P., Kjellsen, K., Svavarsson, H., Kubens, S., “The effect of free lime on the hydration kinetics and rheology of cement mortar”, 12th ICCC congress, Montreal, July, 2007, p. 10. (reviewed)

59.       Heirman, G., Vandewalle, L., Van Gemert, D., Wallevik, O.,  “Integration approach of the Couette inverse problem of powder type self-compacting concrete in a wide-gap concentric cylinder rheometer”, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 150, 2007 pp. 93–103 (reviewed).

60.       Kubens, K., Peng, H., Oesterheld, S., Wallevik, O.H., “Some effects of silica fume on variations in rheology of mortar due to production date of cement”, The Nordic Rheology Conference (Volume 16), Copenhagen, Denmark, August 27 – 29, 2008.

61.       Oesterheld, S., Müller, F., Wallevik, O.H., “The influence of workability loss and thixotropy on formwork pressure in self-compacting concrete containing stabilizers, 3rd North America Conference on Self-Compacting Concrete, USA, October, 2008, p. 7 (reviewed).

62.       Müller, F., Wallevik, O.H., “Benfits of filler material on rheology in Eco-SCC”, 3rd North America Conference on Self-Compacting Concrete, USA, October, 2008, p. 6 (reviewed).

63.       Krage, G., Wallevik, O.H., “Fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete with high wear resistance”, 3rd North America Conference on Self-Compacting Concrete, USA, October, 2008, p. 5 (reviewed).

64.       Kubens, S., Wallevik, O.H. “Cement-admixture interaction – The effect of different cement deliveries on rheology, workability and hydration of mortar and SCC“, 3rd North America Conference on Self-Compacting Concrete, USA, October, 2008, p. 6 (reviewed).

65.       Wallevik, O.H., Hjartarson, B., ”A novel field instrument to measure rheological properties of self-compacting concrete”, 3rd North America Conference on Self-Compacting Concrete, USA, October, 2008, p. 6 (reviewed).

66.       Wallevik, O.H., Kubens S.: Influence of cement-admixture interaction on the rheology of mortar and concrete. BFT International - Concrete Plant + Precast Technology, Bauverlag Gütersloh, 05/2008, Volume 74, pp. 30-38.

67.       Wallevik, O.H., F.V. Mueller, and B. Hjartarson, Eco-SCC, an environmental and economical alternative”, ICCX Oceania 2009, Sydney, 2009, pp. 16-20.

68.       Mueller, F.V., Wallevik, O.H., “Effect of Maximum Aggregate Size in Air-entrained Eco-SCC”, Rilem SCC-China, Beijing, 2009, p. 7 (reviewed).

69.       Heirman, G., Vandewalle, L., Van Gemert, D., Wallevik, O., “Influence of plug flow when testing shear thickening powder type self-compacting concrete in a wide-gap concentric cylinder rheometer”, Rilem Conference – Rheology of cement suspension such as fresh concrete, August, Iceland, 2009, pp. 283-290.

70.       Oesterheld, S., Wallevik, J.E., Wallevik, O.H., “Use of computational rheology to analyse the effect of stabilizer in cement paste”, Rilem Conference – Rheology of cement suspension such as fresh concrete, August, Iceland, 2009, pp. 163-170.

71.       Kubens, S., Wallevik, O.H., Puterman, M., “The rheological properties of polymer containing cementitious mixtures (PCC)”, Rilem Conference – Rheology of cement suspension such as fresh concrete, August, Iceland, 2009, p. 8.

72.       Kristjánsson, T.I., Wallevik, O.H., Krage, G., Nielsson, I., “Mix design for fiber reinforced self compacting concrete”, Rilem Conference – Rheology of cement suspension such as fresh concrete, August, Iceland, 2009, p. 4.

73.       Kubens, S., Katz, A., Bentur, A., Wallevik, O.H., “Effect of variation during routine cement production on the rheology of mortar, iBausil, Germany, September, 2009, p. 6.

74.       Oesterheld, S., Wallevik, J.E., Wallevik, O.H., “Analyzing the effect of stabilizers in cement paste by computational rheology”, iBausil, Germany, September, 2009, p. 6.

75.       Wallevik, O.H., F.V. Mueller, and B. Hjartarson, Kubens, S., The green alternative of self compacting concrete; Eco-SCC”, iBausil, Germany, September, 2009, HV 2.29, p. 12 (invited).

76.       Mueller, F.V., Wallevik, O.H., Robustness of very low binder, self compacting concrete: Eco-SCC”, Rilem Conference – Rheology of cement suspension such as fresh concrete, August, Iceland, 2009, p. 121.

77.       Krage, G., Wallevik, O.H., “Effect of maximum aggregate size on plastic viscosity of fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete”, Rilem Conference – Rheology of cement suspension such as fresh concrete, August, Iceland, 2009, p. 6.

78.       Wallevik, O.H., Kubens, S., Oesterheld, S., Editors, Rilem Proceedings no. 68, 3rd Int. Symposium on Rheology of Cement Suspensions such as Fresh Concrete, Rilem, Reykjavik, August, 2009, p. 352.

79.       Wallevik, O.H., F.V. Mueller, and B. Hjartarson, “Rheology of self compacting concrete and Eco-SCC”, High Performance Concrete Conference, Abu Dhabi, December, 2009, p. 14 (invited).

80.       Kubens, S., Wallevik, O.H. og Puterman, M. “The effect of polymer emulsions on the rheological properties of PCC mixtures”, ICPIC 2010 - International Congress Polymers in Concrete 2010, Madeira Islands, Portugal, February, 2010.

81.       Wallevik, O.H., “Rheology as tool to improve concrete quality“, 9th Int. Conference on Cement and Concrete, China, Jinan, May 2010, Jinan, May, 2010, p. 11 (invited).

82.       Oesterheld, S., Mueller, F.V., Kubens, S., Wallevik, O.H., “Rheological evaluation of ingredients for SCC”, 6th Int. Symp. on Self Compacting Concrete & 4th North American Conference on SCC, Montreal, September, 2010, p.7.

83.       Kubens, S., Wallevik, O.H., “Self compacting mortar for concrete furniture and design objects”, 6th Int. Symp. on Self Compacting Concrete & 4th North American Conference on SCC, Montreal, September, 2010, p.7.

84.       Mueller, F.V., Wallevik, O.H., “Effect of limestone filler addition in Eco-SCC”, 6th Int. Symp. on Self Compacting Concrete & 4th North American Conference on SCC, Montreal, September, 2010, p.7.

85.       Kristjansson, Th.I., Wallevik, O.H., Frost Resistance of Non Air Entrained Self Compacting Concrete“, 6th Int. Symp. on Self Compacting Concrete & 4th North American Conference on SCC, Montreal, September, 2010, p.7.

86.       Kubens, S., Wallevik, O.H., Puterman, M., “The effect of polymer emulsions on the rheological properties of PCC mixtures”, submitted xx, (reviewed)

87.       Wallevik, O.H., Wallevik, J.E., “Rheology as a tool in concrete science: the use of rheographs and workability boxes”, Cement and Concrete Research, Volume 41, Issue 12, 2011, pp. 1279-1288 (reviewed)

88.       Khrapko, M., Wallevik, O.H., Editors, 9th International Symposium of High Performance Concrete, Rotorua, New Zealand, August, 2011, p. 851. (reviewed)

89.       Wallevik, O.H., “Rheology – My way of life”, Our World in Concrete and Structure (OW11), Singapore, August, 2011, pp. 1-13. (invited)

90.       Mueller, F.V., Wallevik, O.H., “particle packing by gyratory intensive compaction as tool to optimize the aggregate gradation of low binder SCC, Eco-SCC” Our World in Concrete and Structure (OW11), Singapore, August, 2011, pp. 97-100.

91.       Wallevik, O.H., “The importance of rate of shear in concrete rheology (EA)”, Nordic Concrete Rheology Workshop, Trondheim, October, 2011, pp. 43-45. (invited)

92.       Zacharias, M., Kruse, K., Bentivegna, A., Wallevik, S., Sandberg, P., Wallevik, O., “In-Boiler Beneficiation of Coal Combustion Products for Enhanced Cementitious Value, World of Coal Ash (WOCA) conference, Denver, May, 2011, p. 8.

93.       Feys, D., J.E. Wallevik, A. Yahia, K.H. Khayat, O.H. Wallevik, Extension of the Reiner–Riwlin Equation to Determine Modified Bingham Parameters Measured in Coaxial Cylinders Rheometers, RILEM Materials and Structures, 46, 2013, pp. 289-312.

94.       Mansour W.I., Yazbeck, F.H., Wallevik, O.H., Kristjánsson, T.I, EcoCrete & EcoCrete-Xtreme: Extreme Flow, Service Life and Carbon Footprint Reduction, SCC2013: 5th North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete, May 2013, Chicago P. 9.

95.       Mueller, F.V., Wallevik, O.H., Khayat, K.H., Linking solid particle Packing of ECO-SCC to Material Performance, SCC2013: 5th North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete, May, 2013, Chicago. (Invited)

96.       Feys, D., Khayat, K.H., Wallevik, J.E., Wallevik, O.H., Determination of Concrete Yield Stress: Application of Linear or Non-Linear Rheological Models? 7th Int. Symposium on Self Compacting Concrete, Rilem, Paris, September, 2013, p.8.

97.       Kristjansdottir, T.; Mellegård, S.; Svensson, A.; and Wallevik, O., Comparison of GHG emissions from concrete alternatives for a zero emission office concept, SB14 Conference - Sustainable Building, Barcelona, 2014, p. 7. (reviewed)

98.       Wallevik, O.H., Mansour, W.I., Yazbeck, F.H., Kristjansson, T.I., Ecocrete-Xtreme: Extreme Performance Of A Sustainable Concrete, International Symposium on Environmentally Friendly Concrete Eco-crete, Reykjavik, August, 2014, pp. 3-10.

99.       Mueller, F.V., Wallevik, O.H., Khayat, K.H., Considerations for Designing Low-Powder Self-Compacting Concrete; Eco-SCC, International Symposium on Environmentally Friendly Concrete Eco-crete, Reykjavik, August, 2014, pp. 121-128.

100.    Esmaeilkhanian, B., Khayat, K.H., Wallevik, O.H., Ecological Self-Consolidating Concrete: Design and Performance, International Symposium on Environmentally Friendly Concrete Eco-crete, Reykjavik, August, 2014, pp. 197-208.

101.    Mueller, F.V., Wallevik, O.H., Khayat, K.H., Linking Yield Stress of A Co-Axial Cylinders Viscometer and Parameters of Consistency Tests Using The Abrams Cone, International Symposium on Environmentally Friendly Concrete Eco-crete, Reykjavik, August, 2014, pp. 217-224.

102.    Hardarson, J.A., Kristjansson, T.I., Wallevik, O.H., Discrepancies in Measured and Modelled E-modulus due to Porous Aggregates. Some Experiences from tests on Icelandic Concrete, XXII Nordic Concrete Research Symposia, Iceland, 2014, pp. 179-182.

103.    Wallevik, J.E., Wallevik, O.H., Analysis of Shear Rate Inside a Concrete Truck Mixer as a Function of Drum Charge Volume and Plastic Viscosity, XXII Nordic Concrete Research Symposia, Iceland, 2014, pp. 185-188.

104.    Ólafur H. Wallevik, Florian V. Muller, Björn Hjartarson, „Vistvæn steypa: Eco-SCC“, í Þekkingin beisluð : nýsköpunarbók, Árdís Ármannsdóttir ritstj, Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, Reykjavík, 2014, bls 241-255.

105.    Flosason, V.O., Wallevik, O.H., Agustdottir, E.L., Long-term Shrinkage of Concrete using some Porous Icelandic Aggregates, XXII Nordic Concrete Research Symposia, Iceland, 2014, pp. 307-309.

106.    Kristjansson, T.I., Wallevik, O.H., Frost Resistance of Non Air Entrained Self Compacting Concrete, XXII Nordic Concrete Research Symposia, Iceland, 2014, pp. 391-394.

107.    Wallevik, O.H., Bager, D.H., Hjartarson, B., Wallevik, J.E., (editors), International Symposium on Environmentally Friendly Concrete: ECO-Crete, Reykjavik, August, 2014, p. 456.

108.    Ng, S., Jelle, B.P., Sandberg, L.I.C., Gao, T., Wallevik, O.H., Experimental Investigations of Aerogel-Incorporated Ultra-High Performance Concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 2015; 77:307–16. (reviewed)

109.    Mueller, V.F., Wallevik, O.H., Khayat, K.H., Linking solid particle packing of Eco-SCC to material performance, Cement and Concrete Composite, 54 (2014) 117-125 (reviewed)

110.    Wallevik, O., Kristjansson, T., Yazbeck, F., Mansour, W., ,Eco friendly self-consolidating concrete - Extreme performance of a sustainable concrete, CPI – Concrete Plant International, 4, 2015, p. 7.

111.    Wallevik, O.H. Feys, D., Wallevik, J.E., Khayat, K.H., Avoiding inaccurate interpretations of rheological measurements for cement-based materials, Cement and Concrete Research, Volume 78, Part A, December 2015, Pages 100–109 (reviewed).

112.    Ng, S., Jelle, B.P., Zeng, Y., Gao, T., Wallevik, O.H., Effect of storage and curing conditions at elevated temperatures on aerogel-incorporated mortar samples based on UHPC recipe, Construction and Building Materials 106 (2016) 640–649.

113.    Esmaeilkhanian, B., Khayat K.H., Wallevik, O.H., Mix Design Procedure for Low-Powder Self-Consolidating Concrete: Eco-SCC, 8th RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Washington, May, 2016, pp. 37-46.

114.    Mueller, V.F., Wallevik, O.H., Khayat, K.H., Robustness of Low-Binder SCC (EcoSCC), Lean SCC, and Binder-Rich SCC, 8th RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Washington, May, 2016, (reviewed)

115.    Wallevik, J.E., Mansour, W., Wallevik, O.H., Computational Segregation Analysis during Casting of SCC, 8th RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Washington, May, 2016, pp. 539-548.

116.      Wallevik, J.E., Wallevik, O.W., Analysis of Shear Rate inside a Concrete Truck Mixer, 8th RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Washington, May, 2016, (reviewed).

117.    Esmaeilkhanian, B., Diedrich, P., Khayat K.H., Yahia, A., Wallevik, O.H., Effect of Particle-Size Distribution and Lattice Effect on Stability of Self-Consolidating Concrete 8th RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Washington, May, 2016, pp. 95-104.

118.     Mueller, V.F., Wallevik, O.H., Khayat, K.H., Concept Applied to Evaluate Self Consolidation and Segregation Stability of Self - Compacting Concrete, 8th RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Washington, May, 2016, (reviewed).

119.    Wallevik, J.E., Wallevik, O.W, Concrete Truck Mixer as a Rheometer – Computational Analysis Using OpenFoam, International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering, Conference segment on Fresh Concrete, Denmark, August, 2016, p.9.

120.    Wallevik, J.E., Mansour, W., Wallevik, O.W, OpenFoam Casting Solver with Segregation, International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering, Conference segment on Fresh Concrete, Denmark, August, 2016, p.9.

121.    Esmaeilkhanian, B., Diedrich, P., Khayat K.H., Yahia, A., Wallevik, O.H., Influence of particle lattice effect on stability of suspensions: application to self-consolidating concrete, Materials and Structures, published online August 2016, p. 15 (reviewed).


Extended abstract

1.          Kristjansson, Th.I., Wallevik, O.H., “chloride penetration and rheological measurements of high performance concrete” Our World in Concrete and Structure (OW11), Singapore, August, 2011, pp. 91-94.

2.          Wallevik, S.O., Alexandersson, K.F., Gudmundsson, J.G., Th.I., Kristjansson, Wallevik, O.H., “Alkali activated volcanic ash: steps towards a alkali activated self compacting concrete ” Our World in Concrete and Structure (OW11), Singapore, August, 2011, pp. 109-110.

3.          Jonsson, H., Morton, R., Wallevik, O.H., “Eco-crete with flaky aggregates”, Our World in Concrete and Structure (OW11), Singapore, August, 2011, pp. 65-68.


4.          Gudmundsson, J.G., Jonsson, G., Jonsson, H., Wallevik, O.H., Khayat, K., “Long-term creep of concrete made with porous basaltic aggregate”, Our World in Concrete and Structure (OW11), Singapore, August, 2011, pp. 69-72.


·       Conference chairman of the 3rd Rilem International Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Reykjavik, August, 2003.

·       Chairman of the international scientific committee of the combined 4rd Rilem International Symposium and 2nd North America Conference on Self-Compacting Concrete, USA, 2005.

·       Conference chairman of the Nordic Rheology Conference, August 1997.

·       Conference chairman of the Nordic Rheology Conference, August 2004.

·       Chairman of the international scientific committee of the 3rd North America Conference on Self-Compacting Concrete, USA, October, 2008.

·       Conference chairman of the Nordic Rheology Conference, August 2009.

·       Conference chairman of the Rilem International Symposium on Rheology of Cement Suspensions such as Fresh Concrete, Reykjavik, August 2009.

·       Television program (18 min) on High Strength Concrete presented by RUV in 1994 (in Icelandic), English version made in 1995.

·       Several videos like “The ConTec Group” (~6 min) 1992, SCC in Iceland (~12 min) 2001, IBRI RheoCenter (~4 min) 2002.

·       Chairman of the Scientific Commission in Nordic Concrete Federation (1997-2000) and thereby editor for publication of review papers “Nordic Concrete Research” (OHW was responsible for the editorial work for a three year period). Also a member of commission ~1993-1996.  Made/organized the Web version of the publication , see also reference Wallevik-Thorvaldsson (1999).

·       Holder of a patent regarding coaxial cylinder viscometer.  Has developed several types of viscometers, from a relatively small one for paste to mortar and a big one for fresh concrete.  These devices are in about 40 laboratories all over the world. 

·       Patent application accepted in USA 2006 on so-called Rheomixer (USPTO 7,021,123).

·       Gold label from the National Olympic and Sports Association of Iceland, February 2006.

·       Has had several positions within sport federations like; chairman for 6 years in Norwegian Traditional Karate Federation and 3 years as the national team manager.  8 years as the president of the Icelandic Karate Federation and total 7 years as the national team manager for Iceland (two periods). Gold medal/pin from the Icelandic Sport Federation (ISI) February 2006.

·       Member of scientific committee of numerous conferences/symposiums

·       Reviewer for several publishers having reviewed papers for journals like CCR, ACI Material Journal, etc. 

·       Advisor to ACBM (Center for Advanced Cement-Based Materials) from 2004. ACBM is collaboration between Northwestern University, University of Illinois, Purdue University, University of Michigan and NIST.

·       Rannsóknasjóur Rannís, Fagráð 11 (2007 - 2008): Verkfræði, tæknivísindi og raunvísindi

·       The International Advisor of the Norwegian CONE project from 2011

·       Supervisor of for instance five diploma works at NTNU Trondheim, one at Weimar University and two Masters of Philosophy at Herriod Watt Uni., Scotland. Several Master of Science thesis at Reykjavik University and co-supevisor of two Master of Science thesis at Icelandic University.   

Opponent at Dr. Ing. thesis of Jon H. Mork at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 1994.

Opponent at Licentiate thesis of Peter Billberg, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden 1999.

Opponent at PhD thesis of Joseph Assaad at Uni. of Sherbrooke, Canada, 2004.

Opponent at Dr. Techn. thesis of Peter Billberg, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden 2006

Opponent at PhD thesis of Anne Mette Kjellsen, DTU, Denmark, 2006.

Opponent at PhD thesis of Helge Hovde, Stavanger University, Norway, December 2007.

Opponent at PhD thesis of Ahmed Fathy Omran, at Uni. of Sherbrooke, Canada, July 2009.

Opponent at Dr. Ing. thesis of Stefan Kubens, at Uni. of Weimar, Germany, April 2010.

Opponent at PhD. thesis of V. Florian Mueller, at Reykjavik University, May 2012.