
Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir, Associate professor

School:School of Social Sciences / Department of Law 
Location:Menntavegur 1, 3rd floor 
Phone:   Mobile: 8930910 

Curriculum Vitae

- MA in Sociology, University of Iceland, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, 2009. Grade: Excellent.
- BA in French, University of Iceland, Faculty of Humanities, 2008. Grade: Excellent.
- Diploma in French for Practical Purposes, University of Iceland, Faculty of Humanities, 2008. Grade: Excellent.
- Master’s Level Diploma in Criminology, University of Iceland, Faculty of Social Sciences, 2007. Grade: Excellent.
- Licence to conduct cases as a district court advocate, 1998.
- Cand. jur. (Law degree.) University of Iceland, Faculty of Law, 1989.
- Matriculation examination from the school Kvennaskólinn, Reykjavík, 1982. Award for best academic achievement.


Career experience
- Senior Lecturer, Reykjavik University Faculty of Law, 2003-2004, and since 2006. Research and teaching in Criminal law, Criminology and Legal French.
- Deputy and Prosecutor at the Office of the Kópavogur District Commissioner, 1997-1998. Duties included direction of law enforcement on behalf of the Commissioner, taking decisions on the instigation of criminal proceedings and the conduct of criminal cases before the district court.
- Lawyer for a committee under the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs in 1993 on the compilation of a bill on the new structure of policing. This bill became the Police Act, No. 90/1996.
- Lawyer for a committee under the Office of the Prime Minister responsible for preparing the commencement of the Administrative Procedure Act, No. 37/1993 (1993). Duties included writing and overseeing the publication of a booklet, Réttur þinn í samskiptum við hið opinbera [‘Your rights when dealing with the authorities’], which was distributed to all households in Iceland.
- Lawyer for a committee on the separation of powers under the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs, 1991-1992. Duties included preparing for the commencement of the Code of Criminal Procedure, No. 19/1991, including writing a manual on the code and holding courses for district commissioners and judges.
- Deputy Prosecutor in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, 1989-1991.
- Internship at: the State Criminal Investigation Police, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Reykjavik Criminal Court (now the Reykjavik District Court) and the Probation Office during Law studies at the University of Iceland.


Other experience
 - Writing of numerous regulations under the Code of Criminal Procedure, No. 19/1991, for the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs; membership of various committees for the ministry in this connection.
- Vice-chairman of the Pardons Committee under the Regulations on the enforcement of criminal judgements, 1993-1995, including several months as acting chairman in the chairman’s absence.
- Teaching of a course at Master’s level for the University of Akureyri’s continuing education programme, 16 January 2010: “Gender-based violence, neglect and ill-treatment.”
- Teaching at Master’s level in the University of Iceland’s Faculty of Social and Human Sciences in the course Kenningar og sjónarhorn í fötlunarfræðum. [‘Theories and points of view in disability studies.’] The topic of my lecture was ‘Disabled perpetrators and victims of crime’.
- Teaching of a Master’s level course in Criminal Justice in the University of Iceland’s Faculty of Social Science, spring 2007.
- Teaching of Criminal Procedure for third-year students in the University of Iceland’s Faculty of Law, 1999.
- Organization, supervision and teaching of retraining courses in 1997, for the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs, for prosecutors in connection with the commencement of the Police Act, No. 90/1996 and the Act No. 84/1996, amending the Criminal Code, under which police commissioners were entrusted with prosecutory powers; this Act took effect on 1 July 1997.
- Teaching of Law in the Icelandic Management Association’s College, 1991.
- Teaching of Law in the National Police College, 1993.
- Teaching of Law in the Social Work programme in the University of Iceland’s Faculty of Social Science, 1993.
- Member of the committee of the association “Réttinda barna” [‘Children’s Rights’], which is dedicated to protecting children against sexual abuse.
- Member of the Course Development Council of Reykjavík University’s Faculty of Law since May 2009.
- External examiner in Methodology, 2008, 2009 and 2010.
- Member of the committee of ‘Orator’, the Law students’ society in the University of Iceland, 1987-1988.


- Auðginnt er barn í bernsku sinni. Afnám fyrningar alvarlegra kynferðisbrota gegn börnum. [‘Easily duped are children in their innocence. The abolition of the statute of limitations in the case of serious sexual offences against children.’ Published by the Criminology Research Seminar of the University of Iceland, Háskólaútgáfan 2009] (150 pages).
 - Handbók um meðferð opinberra mála. [Manual on criminal procedure.] Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs, 1992 (405 pages).


- Klám og vændi. Samanburður á löggjöf Norðurlanda. [‘Pornography and prostitution. A comparison of legislation in the Nordic countries.’] A report for the Minister of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs, submitted to the Althingi and printed in Alþingistíðindi [Icelandic Parliamentary Reports], Series A, 2000-2001 (134 pages.)
- Kynferðisbrot gegn börnum og ungmennum. [‘Sexual offences against children and teenagers.’] A report for the Children’s Ombudsman, 1997 (66 pages). A comparison of the provisions of the General Penal Code covering sexual offences against minors, the treatment of such cases and legal practice in Iceland with the situation in Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
- Réttur þinn í samskiptum við hið opinbera [‘Your rights when dealing with the authorities.’]. A booklet for the general public about the Administrative Procedure Act, No. 37/1993. Published by the Office of the Prime Minister, 1993 (20 pages).


Editorial supervision
- Stjórnsýslulögin ásamt greinargerð. [Administrative Procedure Act, with explanatory notes.] Office of the Prime Minister, 1992 (103 pages).
- Lögræðislögin ásamt greinargerð. [Legal Competence Act, with explanatory notes.] Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs, 1997 (199 pages).
- Lögreglulögin ásamt greinargerð. [Police Act, with explanatory notes.] Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs, 1997 (120 pages).
- Barnalög ásamt greinargerð. [Children’s Act, with explanatory notes.] Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs, 2003 (221 pages).


Peer-reviewed articles published in books and periodicals
- Viðhorf til kynferðisbrota gegn börnum. [‘Attitudes towards sexual offences against children.’] Rannsóknir í Félagsvísindum X. Lagadeild. Háskóli Íslands 2009. Pp. 252-265.
- Viðhorf dómara til fyrningar sakar í kynferðisbrotum gegn börnum. [‘Attitudes of judges towards the expiry of criminal liability in sexual offences against children.’] Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla, 4. árg. 2008. Pp. 159-180.
 - Fjölmiðlar og ungir afbrotamenn í ljósi stimplunarkenninga afbrotafræðinnar. [‘The media and young offenders in the light of the ‘labeling theory’ of criminology.’] Afmælisrit. Jónatan Þórmundsson sjötugur 19. desember 2007. Bókaútgáfan Codex. Reykjavík 2007. Pp. 515-536.
- Fyrning kynferðisbrota gegn börnum. [‘Expiry of criminal liability in cases of sexual offences against children.’] Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla 3. árg. 2007. Pp. 117-140.
- Nýmæli í barnalöggjöf. [‘Innovations in legislation regarding children.’] Tímarit Lögréttu 1. tbl. 2004, pp. 37-49.
- Nýskipan ákæruvalds. [‘The new structure of the prosecution.’] Úlfljótur 2. tbl. 1997, pp. 433-448.


Newspaper articles
- Blásið til sóknar. [‘A call to action.’] Fréttablaðið, 29 October 2009.
- Barnaníðingar fá væga dóma að mati dómara. [‘In judge’s opinion, paedophiles receive mild sentences.’] Fréttablaðið, 6 October 2008.
- Fyrning kynferðisbrota gegn börnum. [‘Expiry of criminal liability in sexual offences against children.’] Morgunblaðið, 17 April 2007.
- Kynferðislegur lágmarksaldur. [‘The age of sexual consent.’] Fréttablaðið, 17 March 2007.
- Réttindi barna skerpt. [‘Clearer delineation of children’s rights.’] Morgunblaðið, 28 December 2003.
- Stundan vændis – kaup á vændi. [‘Practising prostitution – purchasing prostitution.’] Morgunblaðið, 22 November 2003.
- Lögaldur til að stunda kynlíf. [‘Legal age for sexual activity.’] Morgunblaðið, 24 October 2003.


Conference organization
- Eru fangelsi úrelt? [‘Is prison outdated?’] A conference held in Reykjavík University, 13 February 2008 (conference organizer and chairman).
- One of the organizers of the conference Freedom of Expression in Europe and Beyond – Current Challenges, which was held in Reykjavík University on 2-3 November 2006.


Academic editorial work, proofreading, journal reviewing
- Proofreading and editorial supervision for the publication of Lögskýringar [‘Legal interpretation’] by Professor Davíð Þór Björgvinsson. Published by JPV in 2008 (397 pages).
- Proofreading and editorial supervision for the publication of EES-réttur og landsréttur [‘EEA Law and domestic law’] by Professor Davíð Þór Björgvinsson. Published by Codex in October 2006 (542 pages.).
- Membership since 2008 of the advisory committee of the periodical “Stjórnmál og Stjórnsýsla” [‘Politics and Public Administration’] published by the Institute of Public Administration and Political Science of the University of Iceland.


Organization of meetings
Berjumst gegn heimilisofbeldi – Austurríska leiðin. [‘Combating domestic violence – the Austrian way’]. A lunchtime meeting held in Reykjavík University on 27 October 2009. Organizer and chairman.


Lectures and talks
- Viðhorf til kynferðisbrota gegn börnum [‘Attitudes towards sexual offences against children.’] A talk given at the University of Iceland’s conference Þjóðarspegillinn, 30 October 2009.
- Poverty and sexual offences against children. Is there a link? Talk given at the 9th Conference of the European Women Lawyers Association (EWLA) in the Culture House, Reykjavík on 4 July 2009.
- Viðhorf dómara til kynferðisbrota gegn börnum. Eru þeir fólk eins og við? [‘Judges’ attitudes towards sexual offences against children. Are they people like the rest of us?’] Lecture at a conference on Sociology in Iceland held at the University of Akureyri, 8 and 9 May 2009.
- Þynging refsinga fyrir kynferðisbrot. [‘Heavier punishments for sexual offences.’] Lecture at a symposium held by ELSA (The European Law Students’ Association Iceland), 27 March 2009.
- Eru dómarar fólk eins og við? [‘Are judges people like the rest of us?’] Talk given at Reykjavík University’s ‘lecture marathon’ on 21 March 2009.
- Hugleiðingar um sönnum í málum sem varða kynferðisbrot gegn börnum. [‘Thoughts on proof in cases involving sexual offences against children.’] Talk given on 30 September 2008 at a meeting of the Lögrétta Debating Society on the theme ‘Proof in sexual offence cases.’
- Talk given at an open meeting organized by Young Socialists in Hafnarfjörður on 7 March 2007 under the title Kynferðisbrot gegn börnum – Er samfélagið lamað? [‘Sexual offences against children – Is society paralysed?’]


Comments on draft legislation
- Comments on a bill to amend Article 206 of the General Penal Code, No. 19/1940 (covering prostitution), 16. April 2004.


Supervision of BA dissertation
- Margrét Ósk Gunnarsdóttir: Framlög til framfærslu umfram einfalt meðlag samkvæmt barnalögunum [‘Contribution to support in excess of ordinary child maintenance under the Children’s Act’] (spring semester 2006).


Supervision of MA theses
Guðrún Svava Baldursdóttir: Sáttamiðlun í sakamálum. Lausn til framtíðar? [‘Mediation in criminal cases. A long-term solution?’] (December 2009).
- Margrét Ragnarsdóttir: Afbrot barna og ungmenna 15-21 árs. Hvaða úrræði refsivörslukerfisins eru vænleg til árangurs? [‘Offences by minors aged 15-21. What remedies in the criminal justice system are likely to produce results?’] (spring semester 2009)
- Jónína Guðmundsdóttir: Gerendur kynferðisbrota gegn börnum. Fanglesi eða meðferð? [‘Perpetrators of sexual offences against children. Prison or treatment?’] (spring semester 2009)
- Ólöf Marín Úlfarsdóttir: Ættleiðingar á Íslandi, lög og lagaframkvæmd. [‘Adoption in Iceland: law and its application.’] (2008)
- Margrét S. Hjálmarsdóttir: Lagaleg álitaefni í tengslum við framkvæmd tæknifrjóvgunar á Íslandi. [‘Legal questions regarding artificial insemination in Iceland.’] (2008)
- Katrín Thorsteinsson: Kærur á hendur lögrelgumönnum. Er breytinga þörf? [‘Charges against the police. A need for change?] (spring semester 2008)
- Ása Bergsdóttir Sandholt: Meðferð afbrotamanna sem haldnir eru geðrænum annmörkum. [‘Treatment of offenders who suffer from psychiatric problems.’] (spring semester 2008)
- Svanhildur Þorbjörnsdóttir: Sönnun í kynferðisbrotamálum gegn börnum. [‘Proof in cases of sexual offences against children.’] (spring semester 2008)
- Dagmar Ösp Vésteinsdóttir: Samfélagsþjónusta. Viðurlagategund eða fullnustuúrræði? [‘Community service. A type of punishment or a method of executing judgements?] (spring semester 2007)
- Thelma Cl. Þórðardóttir: Staða framsalsmála á Íslandi. [‘Extradition: the current situation in Iceland.] (spring semester 2007)
- Gunnhildur Erla Kristjánsdóttir: Afbrot barna. Rannsókn og meðferð mála, viðurlög og meðferðarúrræði. Er úrbóta þörf? [‘Offences by minors. Investigation, procedure, punishments and remedies.’] (2007)


Interviews in the media
- DV [newspaper], 23 November 2009, under the title Börnin segja frekar frá [‘Children are more likely to tell’].
- Interview on the television channel ÍNN, 10 June 2009.
- Morgunblaðið [newspaper], p. 2, 2 May 2009.
- Icelandic National Radio, Channel 1, 30 April 2009 and interview in commentary after the news.
- Interview in evening news bulletin, Icelandic National Television, 30 April 2009.
- 17 February 2009 (Bloggari sviptir barn kynferðisafbrotamanns nafnleynd – ‘Blogger deprives sexual offender’s child of anonymity’).
- Morning programme, Icelandic National Radio, Channel 1, 16 February 2009 (on sexual offences against children).
- Lunchtime news bulletin on Icelandic National Radio, Channel 1, same date (repeat of excerpt from the morning programme).
- [internet news service],16 February 2009 (Barnið svipt vernd með nafngreiningu - ‘Child deprived of protection as a result of being named’).
- Fréttablaðið [newspaper], 6 October 2008, p. 6 (Barnaníðingar fá væga dóma að mati dómara - ‘In judge’s opinion, paedophiles receive mild sentences’).
- Fréttablaðið [newspaper],19 February 2007, front page (Kynferðisbrotadómar þyngjast – ‘Sentences for sexual offences getting heavier’) and p. 12 (Dómar yfir kynferðisbrotamönnum hafa þyngst undanfarin ár – ‘Sentences for sexual offences have become heavier in recent years’).
- Fréttablaðið [newspaper],12 February 2007, front page (Refsingar þyngjast – ‘Heavier punishments’) and p. 8 (Refsingar fyrir kynferðisbrot hafa þyngst undanfarið – ‘Punishments for sexual offences have become heavier recently’).

RU teaching record

2024-3L-785-FACHFamily and Children´s Law
2024-3L-876-ORGCOrganised Crime
2024-1L-505-FJERFamily and Inheritance Law
2023-3L-505-FJERFamily and Inheritance Law
2023-3L-876-ORGCOrganised Crime
2022-3L-785-FACHFamily and Children´s Law
2022-3L-505-FJERFamily and Inheritance Law
2022-3L-815-VIOLGender Based Violence