
Andri Fannar Bergþórsson, Associate Professor

School:School of Social Sciences / Department of Law 

RU teaching record

2024-3L-815-MMLTMethodology for writing a ML thesis
2024-3L-501-VERBSecurities Regulations
2024-1V-802-BULACorporate Law
2023-3L-815-MMLTMethodology for writing a ML thesis
2023-3L-501-VERBSecurities Regulations
2022-3L-501-VERBSecurities Regulations
2022-1L-705-CFMLCompany and Financial Market Law


 Books and book chapters

What is market manipulation? An analysis of the concept in a European and Nordic context. International Banking and Securities Law Research Perspectives series (Brill / Nijhoff Publishers 2018)


Peer-reviewed articles 

Co-author Aðalsteinn E. Jónasson: "Increased investor protection with the adoption of MiFID II: Suitability and Appropriateness Assessment". Tímarit lögfræðinga (in the upcoming issue 2021) 

"Use of inside information is an essential part of insider dealing". Úlfljótur (published 26 August 2020)

"The EEA and Nordic Company Law". 4 Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret (2019), p. 59-63.

"Tímamark upplýsingaskyldu þegar innherjaupplýsingar myndast í uppgjörsvinnu". Úlfljótur , (peer-reviewed - unpublished)

"Hvaða upplýsingar ber útgefanda að birta? Hugtakið innherjaupplýsingar í tengslum við upplýsingaskyldu útgefanda" Tímarit lögfræðinga 69 (2019),  p. 3-25.

"Adapting the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) to the EEA two-pillar structure - A workable solution?" European Company and Financial Law Review, 16 (2019), p. 557-591.

Icelandic company law in light of Nordic co-operation. Selskabsloven fylder 100 år (Djøf Forlag 2018)


"Hver er kjarni markaðsmisnotkunar?"Tímarit lögréttu 14 (2018), p. 238-295.



„Hvenær ber útgefanda fjármálagerninga að birta innherjaupplýsingar?“ Tímarit lögfræðinga 63 (2013), p. 241-279.



„Markaðsmisnotkun við opnun og lokun markaðar“ Tímarit lögfræðinga 62 (2012), p. 51-77.


„Markaðsmisnotkun í formi rangrar upplýsingagjafar“ Tímarit lögfræðinga (2009), p. 197-226.



2019- Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, Editorial board