Main Publications
EES-réttur og landsréttur (EEA Law and national law). Reykjavík 2006, 452 pages)
Barnaréttur (Child Law). Reykjavik 1995, 450 pages. Part of the book is devoted to international obligations, in particular the European Convention on Human Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The book is i.a. used as a textbook for law students in Iceland.
Lögskýringar (Interpretation of Statutes). Reykjavik 1996, 192 pages.
Þjóðaréttur og íslenskur landsréttur (The Relationship between Icelandic National Law and International Law). Reykjavík 2003, 196 pages.
Application of Article 34 of the ESA/Court Agreement by the Icelandic Courts. Festschrift for Carl Baudenbacher (2007) p. 35-48
On the Interplay Between EC Law, EEA Law and the European Convention on
Human Rights. Liber Amicorum for Sven Norberg - A European of All
Seasons (2006), p. 87-99.
The EEA Agreement and Fundamental Rights. Liber Amicorum Luzius
Wildhaber. Droits de l´homme – Regards de Strasbourg. Engel Publisher 2007,
p. 25- 40.
Mannréttindasáttmáli Evrópu. Meginatriði, skýring og beiting (European Convention on Human Rights. Main principle, application and influence on Icelandic National law). Mannréttindasáttmáli Evrópu. Meginreglur, framkvæmd og áhrif á íslenskan rétt. Reykjavík 2005, p. 29-88.
Beiting Hæstaréttar Íslands á lögunum um Mannréttindasáttmála Evrópu (The Application of the Act implementing the European Convention on Human Rights by the Supreme Court of Iceland). Lögberg (the Law Institute of University of Iceland). Reykjavík 2003.
Stjórnarskrá Íslands og framsal ríkisvalds til alþjóðlegra stofnana (The Icelandic Constitution and the Transfer of State Powers to International Organisations). Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum IV. Reykjavík 2003.
Evrópuréttur og vernd grundvallarréttinda (EC-Law and the Protection of Fundamental Rights). Festschrift for Judge Gaukur Jörundsson. Reykjavik 1994.
EES-samningurinn og mannréttindasáttmáli Evrópu sem réttarheimildir i íslenskum landsrétti (EEA-Agreement and the European Convention on Human Rights as a Source of Law in Icelandic National Law). Úlf1jótur1 1:1997.
Constitution of Iceland. Central and Local Government. Iceland. The Republic. Reykjavik 1996.
General Principles and Recent Developments in Icelandic Family Law. The International Survey of Family Law 1995.
Þýðing dómafordæma dómstóls EB við framkvæmd og beitingu EES samningsins (The Relevance of the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities for the Application and Implementation of the EEA Agreement). Festschrift for Professor Gunnar G. Schram Reykjavík 2002.
Bein réttaráhrif og forgangsáhrif EES-samningsins (Direct Effect and Primacy of EEA-Law). Líndæla. Festschrift for professor Sigurð Líndal. Reykjavík 2001.
Ráðgefandi álit EFTA-dómstólsins (Advisory Opinion of the EFTA-Court). Tímarit lögfræðinga2 2:1995.
Tengsl EES-réttar og landsréttar (The Relation Between EEA-Law and National
Law). Úlfljótur 1:1995.
EØS-aftalen og retskilderne (in Danish) (The EEA-Agreement and the Sources of Law). Nordisk Administrativt Tidskrift3 3:1996.
Starfsemi EFTA-dómstólsins (The Case Law of the EFTA Court). Tímarit Lögfræðinga 4:1996 (co-author Dóra Gudmundsdóttir).
EFTA-domstolens rolle i implementering af EØS-aftalen (in Danish) (The Role of the EFTA Court in the Implementation of the EEA Agreement). Fiskeripolitikken i EU/E0S, Grundrettigheder i EU/E0S og Implementering af EU/E0S-retten i Medlemslanderne. Nordisk råd for forskning i Europeisk integrationsret (Editor: Bent Eisenreich). Copenhagen 1996.
Skranker for Lovgivningsmyndigheten (in Norwegian) (The Limits of Legislative Powers). Jussens Venner 1-2:1998.
Lagaákvæði á sviði sifjaréttar sem fela stjórnvaldi úrskurðarvald (Legal Provisions in the Field of Family Law providing for Administrative Rulings in the Field of Family Law). Festschrift for Gizur Bergsteinsson 18. apríl 1992. Reykjavik 1992.
Réttaráhrif erlendra úrlausna á sviði sifjaréttar (The Legal Effect of Foreign Judicial Decisions in the Field of Family Law). Úlfljótur 2:1993.
Samanburðarlögfræði (Comparative Law). Tímarit lögfræðinga 4:1990.
Refsilöggjöf og sakamálaréttarfar (Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure in the Age of
Enlightenment). Upplýsingin á Íslandi (The Age of Enlightenment in Iceland) (Ed. Ingi Sigurðsson). Reykjavik 1990.
Áhrif upplýsingarinnar á íslenska refsilöggjöf (The Influence of the Enlightenment on Icelandic Criminal Law). Úlfljótur 1:1983.
Laganám Íslendinga frá 1736 til 1983 (Legal Education in Iceland 1736 - 1983).
Úlftjótur 3-4:1983.
Skandinavíska raunhyggjan í Svíþjóð (The Scandinavian Legal Realism in
Sweden). Tímarit lögfræðinga 3:1988.
Framfærsla barna (Child Maintenance). Tímarit lögfræðinga 3:1989.
Saga Dómarafélags Íslands (The History of the Icelandic Judge's Association).
Tímarit lögfræðinga 3:1991.
Lögfræði og sagnfræði (Law and History). Sagnir. Tímarit um söguleg efni. 14.
árg. 1993.
Senildmentas ock likande svaga gruppers rättställing (in Swedish) (The Legal Status of Senile Persons). Koreferant. Forhandlinger ved Det 34:e Nordiske Juristmötet i Stockholm 21 - 23 august 1996.
The list is not exhaustive.
- Álitsgerð um framsal ríkisvalds til alþjóðastofnana í tilefni af innleiðingu reglugerðar ráðsins (EB) nr. 1/2003. (Report on Transfer of Sovereign Powers to International Organisations in Relation to the Implementation of Regulation 1/2003 EC. (Reykjavík, 30 October 2004.).
- Greinargerð nefndar menntamálaráðherra um eignarhald á fjölmiðlum á Íslandi. (Report of the Committee of the Minister of Education on Media Ownership.) Co-authors: Guðmundur Heiðar Frímannsson, Karl Axelsson and Pétur Gunnarsson. (Printed in Parliamentary Proceddings 2004).
Reconciling Work and Family Life in Iceland. Report for EU and EEA network on
Equality Law (co-author Lilja Mósesdóttir). January 1998.
General Report of Legal Experts Group on Implementation of the Equality Directives. Monitoring Implementation and Application of Community Equality
Law (one of several contributors). 1997.
General Report on Implementation and Application of Legislation on Free Movement of Workers. Iceland 1997. Presented before the group of experts on free movement of workers for the European Commission. 1998.
Greinargerð um þvingunarráðstafanir á meðferðarheimilum ríkisins fyrir unglinga og eftirlitsskyldur barnaverndaryfirvalda (Report on Use of Force and Seclusion in Psychiatric Treatment of Youngsters). Written for the Ministry of Social Affairs. Reykjavik 1998, 113 pages (one of two authors).
- Editor of Úlfljótur 1982-1983 (Law Review published by the Law Students Association, Orator).
- Editor of Festschrift for Judge Thór Vilhjálmsson, Reykjavík 2000.
Other Activities
Ad hoc. Judge at the European Court of Human Rights in Case 39731/98 Pétur Thór Sigurdsson v Iceland.
Chairman of a Committee on Media Concentrations appointed by the Minister of Education and Cultural affairs from December 2003.
Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Institute of Human Rights, University of Iceland (1998-2004).
Organiser and a speaker on a seminar in Reykjavík in co-operation with The Icelandic Lawyer's Association on the occasion the 50th Anniversary of the ratification of the European Convention of Human Rights in Iceland (September 2003). Among the speakers were Mr. Björn Bjarnason Minister of Justice in Iceland, Mr. Luzius Wildhaber, president of the European Court of Human Rights and Mr. Thór Vilhjálmsson, former vice-president of the same Court.
Ad hoc. Judge EFTA Court, Luxembourg (1997-2001).
Ad hoc. Judge District Court of Reykjanes (1999).
Chairman of a Surveillance Committee for the building and operation of the Centralised Health
Sector Database provided for by Act No. 139/1998 (1999-2000).
Chairman of a committee established on the basis of the Name Act (Mannanafnalög) no. 45/1996 (1997-1999). The role of the committee is to give advice to the public administration in relation to matters concerning names and the execution of the relevant legal provisions, and to rule on disputes arising under the act.
Chairman of a committee appointed by the Minister of Social Affairs assigned to draft a bill on the protection of children. Now Act on the Protection of Children no. 80/2002 (Barnaverndarlög). (1998-2000).
Chairman of a committee appointed by the Minister of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs assigned to draft a bill for a new legislation on registration of religious associations. Now Act on Registration of Religious Associations nr. 108/1999 (Lög um skráð trúfélög). (1998-1999)
Chairman of a working group assigned to draft a bill for a new legislation adopting the provisions of the Rome Convention on the Choice of law for Contracts form 1980 in Iceland. Now Act no. 43/2000. (1998)
Member of a committee appointed by the Minister of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs assigned to draft a bill on persons and guardianship. Now Act no. 71/1997 (Lögræðislög). (1996-1997).
Member of the Criminal Law committee appointed by the Minister of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs. The committee has drafted several bills to change the Criminal Code, i.e. on computer crimes, environmental crimes etc. (1997 – 1999).
Member of the Ethical committee in the field of medical research from 1998-1999.
April 1998, appointed ad hoc to sit on the Appeal Board for Gender Equality.
From 1990 – 1994 assistance to the parliamentary Ombudsman in Iceland (at that time Mr. Gaukur Jörundsson, now a judge at the Europen Court of Human Rights) in individual cases.
Service Contract with EFTA Surveillance Authority to carry out a study on the state of implementation of Council Directive 94/33/EC and Council Directive 93/104/EC in Iceland. December 1998.
Member of a network of national experts in relation to the European Commission on freedom of movement of workers, 1998-1999.
Member of a Group of Experts on Equality Law, established in the framework of the Fourth Action Programme on Equal Opportunities for women and men, 1997-1999. In my role as a member of the group I reported, both in regular meetings of the group in Brussels and in writing, on the general status of Equality law in Iceland, especially in relation to the implementation of EEA legislation in that field.
Columnist for a daily newspaper (Morgunblaðið) on legal issues. Weekly columns 1988-1993. Since then numerous articles on different aspects of law (mainly Constitutional matters).
The list is not exhaustive
Legal Opinions
As an associate professor and professor of law I have written numerous legal opinions for the public and the private sector. Only those with human rights, constitutional and international law related elements are mentioned: Two legal opinions on the compatibility of the Schengen-Agreement to the Icelandic Constitution (one of three authors); Legal opinion on the Concept of Religious Association in light of the Constitutional provision on Freedom of Religion and law on Registration of Religious Associations (one of two authors); Legal opinion concerning the EEA State and ESA procedures in State Aid Cases; Legal opinion on State liability in relation to breach of obligations rising under the EEA; Legal opinion concerning the constitutionality of a certain restrictions of pension rights; Legal opinion concerning a draft bill for the establishment and operation of a centralized database containing health information (one of three authors); Legal opinion concerning whaling in Iceland in light of international law and possible trade sanctions; Legal opinion on the interpretation of the Broadcasting act and administrative regulations based on it; Legal opinion concerning the status of the isle of Kolbeinsey in light of the Convention on the Law of the Sea; Legal opinion on certain provisions of the Criminal Code; Legal opinion concerning the organization of the personnel of the administration of the Icelandic Parliament (Althingi) into a labour unions; Several opinions for the Parliamentary Assembly (Althingi) concerning legislation under preparation.
Approximately 60 lectures on legal matters in Iceland and abroad on subjects related to my fields of teaching and research. The most recent ones are all related to constitutional law, the status of international obligations in the field of human rights in the Icelandic national legal order, application of the European Convention on Human Rights by the Supreme Court of Iceland and transfer of state powers to international organisations.
Recent lectures:
- Why is Iceland not a member of the European Union. Iceleb Conference in Beirut, Lebanon, September 2005.
- The European Court of Human Rights and Icelandic national law. At the Jean Monnet Institution of European Affairs St. Joseph University in Beirut, Lebanon, September 2005.
- Natural resources. Perspectives from Iceland. Vienna May 2004 (The fourth Vienna Symposium on Globalization).
- Media Ownership. Vienna May 2005 (The fifth Vienna Symposium on Globalization).
- Minority Rights. For the Kosovo Committee for Rights and Interests of
Communities (CRIC). Study Visit to the Council of Europe 20 -21 December
- Minority Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights. Sabanci University in Istanbul December 2005.
- Health Data Between Science and Commerce – Experiences from Iceland. 16. May 2003 (The third Vienna Symposium on Globalization.