• Aðgangur að dómstólum á sviði einkamála (Access to Courts in Civil Law Cases). Article in the Icelandic Law Journal (Tímarit lögfræðinga) no. 2, 2005, pp. 133-182.
• Málskostnaðarákvarðanir dómstóla (Court Decisions of Litigation Costs). Journal of the Icelandic Bar Association (Lögmannablaðið) no. 3, 2005.
• Opinber málsmeðferð og hlutverk fjölmiðla (Public Proceedings and the Role of the Media). Article in the Journalist magazine (Blaðamaðurinn), no. 2005, pp. 21-26.
• Book: Ákvörðun refsingar - Rannsókn á refsiákvörðunum vegna manndrápa, rána og líkamsmeiðinga 1951-2000 (Determination of Punishment – research into punishment for manslaughter, robbery and bodily harm 1951-2000). Orator Publishing, 2003. Main author of all material except for Chapter 4, which was written by Ms Hildigunnur Ólafsdóttir, criminologist.
• Dómarar framtíðarinnar (Judges of the Future). Article in the Journal of the Icelandic Bar Association (Lögmannablaðið) no. 1, 2000, pp. 9-11.
• Stjórnsýsla íslenskra dómstóla (Public Administration of Icelandic Courts). Article in an anniversary publication to honour Mr Thor Vilhjalmsson upon his 70th birthday. Reykjavik 2000, pp. 523-556.
• Á rökstólum um sjálfstæðar stjórnsýslunefndir (Debates on Independent Regulatory Committees). Article in the journal of Icelandic law students (Úlfljótur), no. 4, 2000, pp. 575-9.
• Hæstaréttardómar 16. desember 1988 og 14. febrúar 1989 um afslátt á grundvelli 1. mgr. 42. gr. laga nr. 39/1922 (Supreme Court Judgements of 16 December 1988 and 14 February 1989 concerning mitigation on the basis of Article 41, paragraph 1, of Act no. 39/1922). Article in the Icelandic Law Journal (Tímarit lögfræðinga) no. 1, 1989, pp. 57-67.
• 1995-2002: The Íslex and Oddi Court Reports in computer readable format. Drafted and edited the computer readable publication of Supreme Court Reports which first came out on CD-ROM at the end of 1995.