
Sigurður Tómas Magnússon, Part-Time Lecturer

School:School of Social Sciences / Department of Law 
Location:Menntavegur 1, 3rd floor Mars 


  • Supreme Court Attorney, 14 Jan. 2009
  • District Court Attorney, 21 June 1988
  • Cand. Juris from the University of Iceland, Faculty of Law, spring 1985


  • From 25 marz 2010 Professor of the Practice at Reykjavik University , School of Law.
  • From 1 November 2004: Senior Scientist at Reykjavik University, School of Law.
  • 2005-2008 State Procecutor ad hoc in the "Baugur Case"
  • 1 June 1996 – 1 November 2005: Appointed judge at the Reykjavik District Court (took up the position on 1 October 1996).
  • 1 January 1995 – 30 September 1996: Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs, Head of Administration for the Division of Police and Judicial Affairs.
  • 1 January 1994 – 31 December 1994: Acting District Court Judge at the Reykjavik District Court.
  • 1 June 1992 – 31 December 1993: Reykjavik District Court, office manager.
  • 1 January – 31 May 1992: Legal assistant to judges of the Supreme Court of Iceland.
  • 1 September – 31 December 1991: Legal assistant to the President of the City Court of Reykjavik.
  • 1 September 1990 – 31 August 1991: Acting judge of the Reykjavik City Court.
  • 17 October 1988 – 31 August 1990: Legal assistant to judges of the Supreme Court of Iceland.
  • 16 September 1986 – 15 October 1998: Legal assistant to Mr Sigurmar K. Albertsson, Supreme Court attorney.
  • 1 June 1985 – 15 September 1986: Legal assistant to the President of the City Court of Reykjavik

RU teaching record

2024-3L-840-WHCCWhite Collar Crimes
2024-3L-302-EMRFCivil Procedure
2023-3L-302-EMRFCivil Procedure
2022-3L-840-WHCCWhite Collar Crimes

Teaching outside RU

• Reykjavik University, Centre for Continuing Education: Commercial law at pre-licensing courses for securities brokers 1990-1992 and again 2001-2005.
• Reykjavik University, Centre for Continuing Education: Pre-licensing courses for property and ship brokers 1989-1991 and again in the fall of 2005 (contractual law and legal procedure).
• Iceland Technical College and later the Technical University of Iceland: part time teacher from 1986-2005.
• University of Iceland, Faculty of Law 1993-1996: part-time teacher of civil law (teaching up to 50% of the course content).
• University of Iceland, Faculty of Law 1991-1992: part-time teacher of law of obligation, property law and mortgage law.


December 2004: Reglur um yfirtökuskyldu í íslenskum rétti (Rules on Takeover Obligations in Icelandic Law). Opinion commissioned by the executive commission for privatisation of state property from the Institute for Financial Services Law at Reykjavik University (completed together with Professor Johannes Sigurdsson 

1998-2002: Research into the determination of criminal punishment for manslaughter, robbery and bodily harm 1951-2000 (together with Ms Hildigunnur Ólafsdóttir, criminologist).

Fall 1997: A survey of the determination of punishment for violation against Articles 218 and 244 of the General Penal Code no. 19/1940 based on Supreme Court judgements during the periods 1950-1959 and 1994-1995 (together with Ms Ingveldur Einarsdottir, District Court judge).

Subject field

  • Civil Procedure
  • Criminal Procedure
  • Financial Crimes

Business relations

  • Supreme Court Attorney from januar 14th 2009
  • Legal advicer to the Special Prosecutor of the bank collapse


• 15 May 1998 – 15 May 2005: Chairman of the Judicial Council.
• Fall 2004-present: Academic Affairs Council for Reykjavik University’s School of Law.
• 2002-present: Workgroup on the development of research on criminal law and criminology.
• 1998-2003: Chairman of a committee appointed by the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs to supervise research into the determination of punishment for bodily assaults and other offences.
• Nominated ad hoc to serve on a committee on the basis of Article 27 of the Government Employees Act no. 70/1996 (on two separate occasions).
• 1991-2000: Gender Equality Complaints Committee. Alternate 1991-1994, chairman 1997-2000.
• Gender Equality Council 1997-2000.
• 1996-1997: Chairman of a consultative and supervisory committee for the abolition of the State Criminal Investigation Police and the appointment of its officers to positions at the Office of the National Commissioner, the Reykjavik Commissioner of Police and other public authorities.
• 1996-1997: Committee preparing the entry into effect of the Police Act no. 90/1996 and the Code of Criminal Procedure no. 84/1996. 
• 1995-1997: Chairman of a committee to review a parliamentary bill on police officers and to draft a bill to amend the Code of Criminal Procedure.
• 1 January 1995 – 30 September 1996: Chairman of the school board of the State Police Academy.
• 1996-1997: Committee proposing rules concerning the connection of security systems to the police.
• 1995-1996: Chairman of a committee to improve the collection of fines (see Committee Report, Folder 1, Document 5).
• 1995-1996: Chairman of a committee to review the ranking and wage bracketing of police officers.


• Aðgangur að dómstólum á sviði einkamála (Access to Courts in Civil Law Cases). Article in the Icelandic Law Journal (Tímarit lögfræðinga) no. 2, 2005, pp. 133-182. 

• Málskostnaðarákvarðanir dómstóla (Court Decisions of Litigation Costs). Journal of the Icelandic Bar Association (Lögmannablaðið) no. 3, 2005.

• Opinber málsmeðferð og hlutverk fjölmiðla (Public Proceedings and the Role of the Media). Article in the Journalist magazine (Blaðamaðurinn), no. 2005, pp. 21-26.

• Book: Ákvörðun refsingar - Rannsókn á refsiákvörðunum vegna manndrápa, rána og líkamsmeiðinga 1951-2000 (Determination of Punishment – research into punishment for manslaughter, robbery and bodily harm 1951-2000). Orator Publishing, 2003. Main author of all material except for Chapter 4, which was written by Ms Hildigunnur Ólafsdóttir, criminologist.  

• Dómarar framtíðarinnar (Judges of the Future). Article in the Journal of the Icelandic Bar Association (Lögmannablaðið) no. 1, 2000, pp. 9-11.

• Stjórnsýsla íslenskra dómstóla (Public Administration of Icelandic Courts). Article in an anniversary publication to honour Mr Thor Vilhjalmsson upon his 70th birthday. Reykjavik 2000, pp. 523-556.

• Á rökstólum um sjálfstæðar stjórnsýslunefndir (Debates on Independent Regulatory Committees). Article in the journal of Icelandic law students (Úlfljótur), no. 4, 2000, pp. 575-9.

• Hæstaréttardómar 16. desember 1988 og 14. febrúar 1989 um afslátt á grundvelli 1. mgr. 42. gr. laga nr. 39/1922 (Supreme Court Judgements of 16 December 1988 and 14 February 1989 concerning mitigation on the basis of Article 41, paragraph 1, of Act no. 39/1922). Article in the Icelandic Law Journal (Tímarit lögfræðinga) no. 1, 1989, pp. 57-67.

• 1995-2002: The Íslex and Oddi Court Reports in computer readable format. Drafted and edited the computer readable publication of Supreme Court Reports which first came out on CD-ROM at the end of 1995. 

Other websites

Hæstiréttur Íslands

Réttarríkið-Dómasafn Hæstaréttar
Mannréttindadómstóll Evrópu-Dómasafn