
Þóra Hallgrímsdóttir, Principal Lecturer

School:School of Social Sciences / Department of Law 
Phone:5996415   Mobile: 8637222 


2000  University of Iceland, law faculty, cand jur.
1999  University of Oslo, law faculty, exchange student
1993  Framhaldsskólinn á Húsavík, secondary grammar school, diploma 


2011-            Reykjavík University, senior scientist

2007-2011  Sjóvá-Almennar tryggingar, insurance company, general counsel

2006-2007 Sjóvá-Almennar tryggingar, insurance company, director of claims

2005-2006 Sjóvá-Almennar tryggingar, insurance company, lawyer

2000-2005 Tryggingamiðstöðin hf., insurance company, claims lawyer

RU teaching record

2025-1L-831-INLAInsurance Law
2024-3L-835-BOTRLaw on Compensation
2024-3L-115-FJM1Private Law I - Contracts and general laws of obligation
2024-3L-305-FJA3Private Law III - Torts
2024-3L-106-ÚRÁLSeeking solutions to legal problems
2023-3L-115-FJM1Private Law I - Contracts and general laws of obligation
2023-3L-305-FJA3Private Law III - Torts
2023-3L-106-ÚRÁLSeeking solutions to legal problems
2023-2L-611-BACRBA Thesis
2023-1L-831-INLAInsurance Law
2022-3L-115-FJM1Private Law I - Contracts and general laws of obligation
2022-3L-305-FJA3Private Law III - Torts
2022-3L-106-ÚRÁLSeeking solutions to legal problems
2022-1L-407-FJA5Private Law V - Project Based Course
2022-1L-899-ML15ML Thesis

Teaching outside RU

2007  University of Iceland, supervision of BA-thesis

Subject field

Tort law, insurance law and contract law. 

Business relations

2013 - 2018    Arion bank, board member (alternate board member 2011-2013)

2008-  2019    The Icelandic Rehabilitation Fund VIRK, board member appointed                                by the Confereration of Icelandic Employers (Samtök Atvinnulífsins)


2017-    Reimbursement Committee for the filming industry, chairman appointed by                    the Goverment.

2013-    Insurance Complaints Committee, chairman appointed by the Goverment. 

2013-    Board member for the Icelandic Law Association. Vice-chairman from 2015.                 CEO of the Icelandic Law Journal (2013-2018)

2013-2020    The Dispute resolution committee for seamen and vessel owners, chairman                appointed by the Goverment.