Department of Engineering
Dean:Dr. Ármann Gylfason
MSc in Sustainable Energy Science - Iceland School of Energy
About majorMSc í orkuvísindum er nám hannað fyrir nemendur með ólíkan bakgrunn, t.d. viðskiptafræði, raunvísindi eða félagsvísindi sem hafa áhuga á að skilja samspil tækni, hagfræði og stefnumótunar á sviði endurnýjanlegrar orku.
Learning OutcomesView
Mandatory course on majorTeaching language
Optional course on majorPrerequisites for course
Sumar/Summer 2024
More infoEnergy Field SchoolCoreSE-801-ES1ECTS 6
More infoMSc ThesisCoreT-900-MEISECTS 30
More infoExchange StudiesElectiveX-699-EXCHECTS 30
Haustönn/Fall 2024
More infoSpecial Topics in Energy IElectiveSE-801-STEECTS 1
More infoEnergy TechnologyCoreSE-802-ET1ECTS 6
More infoEnergy GeologyElectiveSE-803-GE1ECTS 3
More infoEnergy EconomicsCoreSE-805-EC1ECTS 6
More infoSpecial Topics in Energy IIIElectiveSE-806-STEECTS 6
1. yearPrint
SemesterFall 2024
Level of course4. Second cycle, introductory
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
No lecturer found.
The Upflow Geothermal Innovation Course, rooted in the application of STEAM to solve global challenges, is specifically designed to foster innovation within the geothermal industry. This engaging problem-solving course encourages students to rethink the potential of geothermal energy as a key solution to urgent global issues. Participants will delve into critical topics through discussions and hands-on projects, from conceptualization to execution, focusing on: •What are the forward challenges for society that disruptive technology can address? •What are the issues in the energy transition away from fossil fuels? •What opportunities are there for geothermal solutions? •How can we look at things differently to find new spaces for innovation? By exploring these questions, the course aims to awaken innovative thinking and develop new pathways for implementing effective solutions. Through a mix of focused discussions and practical project work, students will examine the role of geothermal energy in navigating towards a sustainable future, uncovering its potential for innovation.
Learning outcome - Objectives
•Analyse societal challenges where geothermal technology provides environmental and energy solutions. •Evaluate the transition role of geothermal energy from fossil fuels to sustainable sources, identifying issues and opportunities. •Identify innovative geothermal energy applications beyond conventional heating, such as biotech and mineral extraction. •Develop and implement strategies for geothermal projects with sustainability and community engagement considerations. •Use data tools for framing and analysing geothermal problems, enhancing analytical skills within the geothermal sector. •Integrate geothermal energy solutions into broader energy systems, proposing sustainable models. •Design efficient heat extraction methods for geothermal systems, moving beyond traditional techniques. •Conduct co-location mapping to determine community benefits of geothermal projects. •Present geothermal project plans, articulating feasibility, strategy, and impact. •Assess the broad impacts of geothermal projects on health, economic development, education, and employment opportunities.
Course assessment
Grading for this course is based on attendance, participation, and final presentation. Evaluation will adhere to Reykjavik University´s standard grading policies.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
Lectures; Project Work; Presentations
Language of instructionEnglish
More infoGeothermal Conceptual ModelingElectiveSE-814-GCMECTS 3
More infoEnergy Markets and RegulationsElectiveSE-850-EMRECTS 3
More infoManaging Research and Development - Methods and ModelsElectiveT-814-PRODECTS 8
More infoNumerical fluid flow and heat transferElectiveT-864-NUFFECTS 8
More infoHigh Voltage EngineeringElectiveT-866-HIVOECTS 8
More infoSmart-Grid and Sustainable Power SystemsElectiveT-867-GRIDECTS 8
More infoMSc ThesisCoreT-900-MEISECTS 30
More infoMSc thesis IICoreT-901-MEI2ECTS 30
More infoExchange StudiesElectiveX-699-EXCHECTS 30
Vorönn/Spring 2025
More infoProject Management and Strategic PlanningElectiveT-803-VERKECTS 8
More infoCreating a Complete Business Plan for a Technical Idea - Entrepreneurship and the Innovation ProcessElectiveT-814-INNOECTS 8
More infoFinite Element Analysis in EngineeringElectiveT-844-FEMMECTS 8
More infoWind PowerElectiveT-863-WINDECTS 8
More infoPower System OperationElectiveT-867-POSYECTS 8
More infoStability and Control in Electric Power SystemsElectiveT-867-STABECTS 8
More infoMSc ThesisCoreT-900-MEISECTS 30
More infoMSc thesis IICoreT-901-MEI2ECTS 30