Department of Engineering
Dean:Dr. Ármann Gylfason
MSc in Sustainable Energy Science - Iceland School of Energy
About majorMSc í orkuvísindum er nám hannað fyrir nemendur með ólíkan bakgrunn, t.d. viðskiptafræði, raunvísindi eða félagsvísindi sem hafa áhuga á að skilja samspil tækni, hagfræði og stefnumótunar á sviði endurnýjanlegrar orku.
Learning OutcomesView
Mandatory course on majorTeaching language
Optional course on majorPrerequisites for course
Sumar/Summer 2024
More infoEnergy Field SchoolCoreSE-801-ES1ECTS 6
More infoMSc ThesisCoreT-900-MEISECTS 30
More infoExchange StudiesElectiveX-699-EXCHECTS 30
Haustönn/Fall 2024
More infoSpecial Topics in Energy IElectiveSE-801-STEECTS 1
More infoEnergy TechnologyCoreSE-802-ET1ECTS 6
More infoEnergy GeologyElectiveSE-803-GE1ECTS 3
More infoEnergy EconomicsCoreSE-805-EC1ECTS 6
More infoSpecial Topics in Energy IIIElectiveSE-806-STEECTS 6
More infoGeothermal Conceptual ModelingElectiveSE-814-GCMECTS 3
More infoEnergy Markets and RegulationsElectiveSE-850-EMRECTS 3
More infoManaging Research and Development - Methods and ModelsElectiveT-814-PRODECTS 8
More infoNumerical fluid flow and heat transferElectiveT-864-NUFFECTS 8
More infoHigh Voltage EngineeringElectiveT-866-HIVOECTS 8
1. yearPrint
SemesterFall 2024
Level of course6. Second cycle, advanced
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleNo schedule found.
No lecturer found.
Content: • Electric field characteristics. Analytical estimation of electric fields.• Numerical computing of voltage distributions and electric fields using Finite-Difference codes. Numerical solving of Laplace Equation.• Numerical analysis of E-fields using CST EM Studio.• Generation of DC, AC and impulse high-voltages.• Measurement of DC, AC and impulse high-voltages.• Breakdown in gases, liquids, and solid dielectrics. Application of insulating materials in electrical components.  Design of insulators.• Overvoltage phenomenon.
Learning outcome - Objectives
Knowledge: By the end of the course the students will be able:
  • to understand basic concepts and phenomena relevant to dimensioning and evaluation of high voltage (HV) components with regard to electrical, electro-mechanical, and thermal stress of insulators and conductors,
  • to identify key component’s parameters and define critical quantities/figures of HV components,
  • to examine the influence of the identified component’s parameters on the critical quantities/figures,
  • to differentiate and subsequently prioritise the critical figures with regard to safe and reliable operation of a particular component/insulator, as well as
  • to reliably estimate values and uncertainties of relevant figures.
Skills: By the completion of the course the students should be able:
  • to identify electric field characteristics (as well other related quantities, e.g., temperature, pressure, current, etc.,) and material parameters appropriate for a particular HV problem,
  • to use analytical methods to estimate: HV components/insulation characteristics, potential relief in the electric stress due to proper component dimensioning/grading, possible value of electric field build up due to insulation defects,
  • to develop, modify and, use finite-difference numerical codes for computing and visualization of electric fields and voltage distributions,
  • to set up and use electric schematic evaluators for steady-state and transient thermal analyses and ampacity evaluation of HV cables,
  • to simulate electric stress using CST EM studio,
  • to make a state of the art review on a particular HV problem using available databases (e.g., ieeexplore), as well as to evaluate reliability of the available formulas and approaches for HV problems.
Competence: By the completion of the course, the students should have developed a basic vision of existing methods and tools relevant to design and analysis of HV components/insulators.   Completion of the course assignments requires the student (a) to elaborate the work plan for every assignment, (b) to list modelling approximations/assumptions, (c) to define the figures of interest, (d) to configure evaluation tools, (e) to interpret the evaluation results, (f) to present the completed assignment in the form of a report describing the problem formulation, description of methods, results, conclusion, and bibliography.
Course assessment
Projects (incl. project reports): 3 x 25% = 75%; Subject reviews (incl. ppt-presentations): 2 x 12.5% = 25%.
Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities
Lectures and practical (project) sessions.
Language of instructionEnglish
More infoSmart-Grid and Sustainable Power SystemsElectiveT-867-GRIDECTS 8
More infoMSc ThesisCoreT-900-MEISECTS 30
More infoMSc thesis IICoreT-901-MEI2ECTS 30
More infoExchange StudiesElectiveX-699-EXCHECTS 30
Vorönn/Spring 2025
More infoProject Management and Strategic PlanningElectiveT-803-VERKECTS 8
More infoCreating a Complete Business Plan for a Technical Idea - Entrepreneurship and the Innovation ProcessElectiveT-814-INNOECTS 8
More infoFinite Element Analysis in EngineeringElectiveT-844-FEMMECTS 8
More infoWind PowerElectiveT-863-WINDECTS 8
More infoPower System OperationElectiveT-867-POSYECTS 8
More infoStability and Control in Electric Power SystemsElectiveT-867-STABECTS 8
More infoMSc ThesisCoreT-900-MEISECTS 30
More infoMSc thesis IICoreT-901-MEI2ECTS 30