Department of Engineering
Dean:Dr. Ármann Gylfason
MSc in Sustainable Energy Science - Iceland School of Energy
About majorMSc í orkuvísindum er nám hannað fyrir nemendur með ólíkan bakgrunn, t.d. viðskiptafræði, raunvísindi eða félagsvísindi sem hafa áhuga á að skilja samspil tækni, hagfræði og stefnumótunar á sviði endurnýjanlegrar orku.
Learning OutcomesView
Mandatory course on majorTeaching language
Optional course on majorPrerequisites for course
Sumar/Summer 2024
More infoEnergy Field SchoolCoreSE-801-ES1ECTS 6
More infoMSc ThesisCoreT-900-MEISECTS 30
More infoExchange StudiesElectiveX-699-EXCHECTS 30
Haustönn/Fall 2024
More infoSpecial Topics in Energy IElectiveSE-801-STEECTS 1
More infoEnergy TechnologyCoreSE-802-ET1ECTS 6
More infoEnergy GeologyElectiveSE-803-GE1ECTS 3
More infoEnergy EconomicsCoreSE-805-EC1ECTS 6
More infoSpecial Topics in Energy IIIElectiveSE-806-STEECTS 6
More infoGeothermal Conceptual ModelingElectiveSE-814-GCMECTS 3
More infoEnergy Markets and RegulationsElectiveSE-850-EMRECTS 3
More infoManaging Research and Development - Methods and ModelsElectiveT-814-PRODECTS 8
More infoNumerical fluid flow and heat transferElectiveT-864-NUFFECTS 8
More infoHigh Voltage EngineeringElectiveT-866-HIVOECTS 8
More infoSmart-Grid and Sustainable Power SystemsElectiveT-867-GRIDECTS 8
1. yearPrint
SemesterFall 2024
Level of course5. Second cycle, intermediate
Type of courseElective
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites.
ScheduleTaught for 12 weeks.
Mohamed F. M. Abdelfattah
  • Introduction to electric power systems
  • Energy resources and power plants
  • Introduction to Smart-Grids
  • Smart-Grids control and automation
  • Information and communications technologies (ICT) applications for Smart-Grids
  • Renewable energy and emerging technologies
  • Stability analysis for Smart-Grids
  • Power electronics and high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission in Smart-Grids
  • Case studies, experiences, test cases or a projects in Smart-Grids
Learning outcome - Objectives
After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to:
  • Know the basic components of the electric power systems and understand how electrical energy is generated, transmitted, distributes and consumed, and gain some idea about the energy resources and power plants.
  • Be familiar with the concept of fundamentals of Smart-Grids, and learn the fundamentals of the network protection and control, and understand the value of reliability and automation in distribution networks.
  • Understand the role of information and communications technologies (ICT) solutions on Smart-Grids, including selected topics such as wide area measurement systems (WAMS) and applications (PMU), Internet protocol (IP) and Internet-based applications, global positioning system (GPS) applications, multi-agent systems (MAS), geographic information system (GIS) applications, automatic meter reading (AMR), wireless and radio communication, power line carrier communication, optical fiber communication, Information and cyber security, and computational tools for Smart-Grids.
  • Gain some knowledge about Smart-Grids topics related to renewable energy and emerging technologies such as the role of Smart-Grids in integrating renewables, the impact of integrating fluctuating energy sources such as wind, energy storage systems, microgrids, electric vehicles in Smart-Grids, active distribution network, demand response and management, and smart cities, smart buildings, and smart homes.
  • Students might discuss other Smart-Grids topics such as stability analysis for Smart-Grids, power electronics and high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission in Smart-Grids.
  • They could also study case studies, experiences, test cases or projects in Smart-Grids.
  • Students’ individual skills and group work experience are expected to be improved by using individual assignments, presentations and group discussions.
Course assessment

Reading material
No reading material found.
Teaching and learning activities

Language of instructionEnglish
More infoMSc ThesisCoreT-900-MEISECTS 30
More infoMSc thesis IICoreT-901-MEI2ECTS 30
More infoExchange StudiesElectiveX-699-EXCHECTS 30
Vorönn/Spring 2025
More infoProject Management and Strategic PlanningElectiveT-803-VERKECTS 8
More infoCreating a Complete Business Plan for a Technical Idea - Entrepreneurship and the Innovation ProcessElectiveT-814-INNOECTS 8
More infoFinite Element Analysis in EngineeringElectiveT-844-FEMMECTS 8
More infoWind PowerElectiveT-863-WINDECTS 8
More infoPower System OperationElectiveT-867-POSYECTS 8
More infoStability and Control in Electric Power SystemsElectiveT-867-STABECTS 8
More infoMSc ThesisCoreT-900-MEISECTS 30
More infoMSc thesis IICoreT-901-MEI2ECTS 30