Viðskipta- og hagfræðideild
Deildarforseti:Dr. Jón Þór Sturluson
MSc í stjórnun nýsköpunar - 90 ECTS
Um námsleiðinaMeistaranám í stjórnun nýsköpunar leggur áherslu á nýsköpun og frumkvöðlastarfssemi. Nemendur öðlast hæfni til að að stýra nýsköpunarstarfimismunandi skipulagsheilda við þróun á nýjum ferlum, vörum og þjónustu, ásamt því að nemendur geti leitt frumkvöðlastarf á breiðum grunni, þar á meðal til að stofna ný fyrirtæki. Námið eflir þekkingu og næmni nemenda fyrir nýjum tækifærum, þjálfar skapandi og lausnamiðaða nálgun og miðar að því að nemendur geti gert slíkar lausnir að veruleika.    
FagréttindiMSc í stjórnun nýsköpunar
Skyldufag á brautKennslutungumál
Valfag á brautUndanfarar fyrir námskeið
Haustönn/Fall 2024
Nánari upplýsingarIntroduction to Management and Business ConceptsValnámskeiðV-700-IMBU0 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarCreative Approaches and Entrepreneurial MindsetsSkyldaV-702-CREM7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarInnovation and Entrepreneurship: A field of knowledge and practiceSkyldaV-703-INEN7,5 Einingar
1. árPrenta
ÖnnHaustönn/Fall 2024
Stig námskeiðsÓskilgreint
Tegund námskeiðsValnámskeið
UndanfararEngir undanfarar.
SkipulagEkkert skráð skipulag.
Hallur Þór Sigurðarson
Susanne Durst
The course has two main modules. One module emphasizes innovation and the other entrepreneurship. Both modules are developed on the backdrop of essential research in these fields knowledge.

The module on innovation focuses on the fundamentals of managing innovation at individual, team and firm level. Students will acquire knowledge about central concepts of innovation and develop skills and competences to be able to manage skilfully innovation in terms of organisational structures, competences, and processes. It focuses on the organisational activities of innovation, including how to organise them effectively and how to overcome the challenges of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and complex problem solving.

The module on entrepreneurship focuses on central concepts and processes of entrepreneurship. Students will gain knowledge-based insights into the ‘why’, ‘when’, ‘who’ and ‘how’ of entrepreneurship and adopt entrepreneurial skills and competencies. This includes viewing entrepreneurship in the context of economy, society and the individual.
Knowledge: Collection of facts, concepts, theories and techniques acquired by students. The student should:
- Understand essential concepts, tools and techniques for managing innovation processes.
- Understand essential concepts and processes of entrepreneurship at the level of economy, society and the individual.
- Be able to account for contextual sensitivity at different levels of innovation management.
- Be able to account for the drivers and catalysers of entrepreneurship.
Skills: The ability to apply knowledge to different tasks of innovation and entrepreneurship. The student should:
- Be able to critically asses the importance of innovation at the level of the organisation.
- Be able to critically asses the relevance and impact of entrepreneurship at an economic, social and individual level.
- Be able to identify contextual aspects of innovation management and at the same time how it differs from other organisational tasks and objectives.
- Be able to identify difference between entrepreneurship and other managerial and economic processes.

Competences: The ability to apply knowledge and skills in innovation and entrepreneurship. The student should:
- Be able to systematically evaluate organizational challenges for innovation.
- Be able to organize and lead an innovation process, including leading innovation (or R&D) teams.
- Be able to systematically evaluate entrepreneurial challenges and opportunities.
- Be able to organize and navigate in an entrepreneurial process.

Ekkert skráð lesefni.

Nánari upplýsingarFundamentals in Tourism and Hospitality ManagementValnámskeiðV-704-FTHM7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarFinancial Reporting and Accounting Standards IValnámskeiðV-705-FIR17,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarAuditing, Auditing Standards and Ethics in Accounting and AuditingValnámskeiðV-706-AUD17,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarStrategic ManagementSkyldaV-712-STJO7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarOrganizational PsychologyValnámskeiðV-715-ORPS7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarStaffing: from recruitment to terminationValnámskeiðV-730-STRT7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarLabour lawValnámskeiðV-731-LALA3,75 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarDigital and Information System ManagementValnámskeiðV-733-DIGI7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarChange management and leadershipValnámskeiðV-736-CMLE7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarInternational MarketingValnámskeiðV-736-INMA7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarFundamentals in Accounting and FinanceValnámskeiðV-737-FAFI7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarAdvanced and digital marketingValnámskeiðV-738-ADDM7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarBranding and Strategic MarketingValnámskeiðV-741-BRAN7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarStrategic HRM and MetricsValnámskeiðV-745-STRA7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarEnterprise ArchitecturesValnámskeiðV-746-ENAR7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarInternshipValnámskeiðV-748-INTE7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarApplied DerivativesValnámskeiðV-766-APDE7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarInternational FinanceValnámskeiðV-767-INTF7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarCorporate TaxationValnámskeiðV-772-TAX17,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarFixed Income AnalysisValnámskeiðV-818-FINC7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarPerformance ManagementValnámskeiðV-830-PEMA3,75 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarPortfolio ManagementValnámskeiðV-862-PORT7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarEquity AnalysisValnámskeiðV-863-EQUI7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarMaster´s Thesis - partial submissionValnámskeiðV-888-THHL15 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarResearch ProposalSkyldaV-898-REPR0 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarMaster´s ThesisSkyldaV-898-THES30 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarSkiptinámValnámskeiðX-699-EXCH30 Einingar
Vorönn/Spring 2025
Nánari upplýsingarConsumer BehaviorValnámskeiðV-712-COBE3,75 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarInnovation ManagementSkyldaV-713-INNM7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarBusiness EthicsSkyldaV-714-BETH3,75 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarEntrepreneurship and Innovation in ContextSkyldaV-715-ENIC3,75 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarBusiness Process ManagementValnámskeiðV-716-BPMA7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarEntrepreneurial FinanceSkyldaV-733-ENTR7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarBranding and Strategic MarketingValnámskeiðV-741-BRAN7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarInternshipValnámskeiðV-748-INTE7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarGerð reikningsskila og staðlar um reikningsskil IIValnámskeiðV-765-FIR27,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarBusiness Research Methodology ISkyldaV-765-REM13,75 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarApplied DerivativesValnámskeiðV-766-APDE7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarConsolidated Financial StatementsValnámskeiðV-767-SARE7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarGerð og staðfesting sjálfbærniupplýsingaValnámskeiðV-774-GESS7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarBusiness Intelligence and AnalyticsValnámskeiðV-784-REK57,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarTopics in Emerging TechnologiesValnámskeiðV-819-TEMT3,75 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarBusiness Research Methodology IISkyldaV-825-REM23,75 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarTourism MarketingValnámskeiðV-840-TOMA7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarTraining and DevelopmentValnámskeiðV-840-TRDE3,75 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarEquity AnalysisValnámskeiðV-863-EQUI7,5 Einingar
Nánari upplýsingarReikningshald, afleiður og aðrir fjármálagerningarValnámskeiðV-871-AFLE7,5 Einingar